Friday Adorables Open Comments

Cutest little train wreck of a performance ever.

The girls had their first dance recital. I use the term “dance” rather loosely, as you will see. Here are their routines and their approximate positions, for part of the time, anyway:

L’il Darlin’s Tap Number: 14:28, she is the 2nd from the right
L’il Darlin’s Ballet Number: 36:18, starts out 2nd on the left, in front of another girl. I was so proud of her solo run back to her starting place as the instructor was trying to get them to exit. Noona’s talk about putting her stuff away kicked in!

Sunshine’s Ballet number: 31:19 4th from right. After “flying” she is 3rd from right.
Sunshine’s Tap Number: 23:36, she is 2nd from right (also the shortest in the class). She takes the “scenic” route around the stage.

Click on the link to access the video:
Super Heroes and Sidekicks Dance Recital

Here’s a close-up of L’il Darlin’ and Sunshine from a recent trip to a museum. (They were showing me “big” at the time.) It might help you pick ’em out of the line-up. They had hair switches as part of their costumes, so don’t the hair dos throw you.




