Thursday Open Comments

But try to understand, try to understand
Try try try to understand
He’s a magic man, mama
He’s a magic man

Maybe President Obama was saving the magic for a time when we really needed it.
We’ve been complaining for two years about the lack of music and passion in his big speeches. But if he’d moved the country when he was talking about health care or bailing out the auto industry, perhaps his words wouldn’t have been as powerful as they were when he was trying to lift the country up after the tragedy in Tucson.

While I’m sure the editorial board at the Old Gray Lady is excited that Barry got his mojo back, I don’t think that’s what was important. Collins continues:

For me, Obama’s best moment came when he warned that “what we can’t do is use this tragedy as one more occasion to turn on one another.” In his honor, I am not saying a word about Sarah Palin’s video.

Uh, paralipsis alert. You just did, you sanctimonious cow.





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Super Dave
Super Dave
January 14, 2011 8:41 am

Wake Up!!

January 14, 2011 8:24 am

Maybe it is the cold.

January 14, 2011 8:24 am


January 14, 2011 8:23 am

It is eight twenty-one. Do you know where your moderator or front pagers are?
Maybe I made em mad.

January 14, 2011 6:38 am


El Gordo
January 14, 2011 5:03 am

Well, EPA has taken over the air quality monitoring along the ship channel, and given Big O’s ongoing program to bring Texas to its knees economically, how long do you thing it will be until we see the same thing happening here that is happening in West Virginia? Shutting down a previously approved coal mining operation under the Clean Water… Read more »

January 14, 2011 1:49 am

Many thanks to all, for the good thoughts and prayers. Y’all are good folk and I’m glad to be here.

January 14, 2011 12:29 am

I hope that things will go well with your daughter. God speed.
Some of life’s greatest trials as well as happiness are realized within the family.

January 13, 2011 11:39 pm

Late to the party tonight. Prayers for your Mom, Bob, and for you.. May you both have peace through this difficult time.
I have seen both my parents through their final illnesses. Do all that can reasonably be done, and without guilt leave the rest to Providence.

January 13, 2011 11:38 pm

That VHS tape was floating around different law offices in the mid 90’s, at the beginning, the idiot walks in the room without the stocking on and then puts it on so he can’t be recognized….all on tape. LOL

January 13, 2011 11:15 pm

Is this how the propagandist press reported on Ochumma’s speech last night?
I bet all the usual suspect pundits were drooling all over themselves.

January 13, 2011 11:02 pm

#105 TT Good lord, that deposition must be what used to happen in an insane asylum before they were all shut down. I could not figure out why the son was wearing a stocking over his head. Do people normally conceal their identity when they give a deposition? And did they only figure out they were being taped and attack… Read more »

January 13, 2011 10:56 pm

#108 shake

Southern Tragedy
Southern Tragedy
January 13, 2011 10:48 pm

Ted: LOL! Big mouth wasn’t so tough after a lamp kicked her azz, was she?
Tim, you enter this place at your own risk. I’m getting 3 ready to go off to college. You’re a big boy. /pats head

January 13, 2011 10:48 pm

Darren old pal! It’s good to see you (and everyone else – even Sarge and Texpat although not sure the feeling is mutual!). I could use some kneemail from ya’ll also. My 23 year old daughter was spooked by her thyroid doctor today – her bloodwork results came back and her white blood cell count was on the low side.… Read more »

January 13, 2011 10:38 pm

#88 Texpat

I cannot imagine anything more difficult

I can. Chances are, either my husband or I will have to watch the other one fade out from some illness or condition. Odds say that I as the female will be the watching one.

January 13, 2011 10:28 pm

GJT #101;
That was pretty funny.

January 13, 2011 10:26 pm

OMG – did you see this video, ST? It was next to your Texas disposition. If there’s anyone who probably knows the law, it’s the stockinged dude sitting next to his mother. I wonder if they sued the lawyers after stocking head knocked the lamp over and hit his momma on the head. Of course, the assault at the end… Read more »

January 13, 2011 10:24 pm

ST, please don’t ever leave me alone with these people again! 😀

Southern Tragedy
Southern Tragedy
January 13, 2011 10:10 pm

Tim: I liked the part where that 70 sumthin Indian lady called to justify the Medicine Man’s actions. MB: The people who died were all white and a jew. What did having him at their service have anything to with anything/ paraphrasing, of course. Bingo! The dude kinda creeped me out. I left the room. That was a pretty weird… Read more »

Southern Tragedy
Southern Tragedy
January 13, 2011 10:06 pm

Bob, sorry to hear about your mom. (((HUGS))) Darren, no worries. I have the attention span of a fruit fly. 🙂 This is funny, I don’t keer who ya are. Just keep showing this video to all the yankees that are moving down here for a job. There’s a reason why we don’t tolerate crap around here. Deal with it.… Read more »

January 13, 2011 9:58 pm
January 13, 2011 9:41 pm

I like to tease but I do back off when told to so; so just give the word. (Not that it’ll gurantee a tease free life from my remarks).

January 13, 2011 9:39 pm


I don’t think another lesson on Purgatory would have stuck.

Well, since I intended the lesson to be directed at bob, that may be true. 🙂
Bob, you know I luvs ya, man.

January 13, 2011 9:38 pm

I did not see the Medicine Man last night at the pep rally, Michael Berry had me cryin on the way home talking about him. Fox News Channel’s Brit Hume commented on the prayer afterwards: Certainly the mood in that auditorium suggested the sense of mournfulness that you might have expected and sobriety you might have expected was not to… Read more »

January 13, 2011 9:37 pm

Perhaps you’d be less angry if you’d just tell us all if horses taste like chicken? Besides, I think the slaughter industry was making good use of a good resource.

Southern Tragedy
Southern Tragedy
January 13, 2011 9:32 pm

#68 Pyro: Why do you always post crap like that? You know that it makes me angry. /sharpens filet knives
When they figure out how to fix this problem, come back and talk to me.
As for commenting about Shakey, I’m with GTO. Can we say drama queen? LOL! BTW, Eye on the Sparrow was mama’s favorite song. /wipes tears

January 13, 2011 9:32 pm

#93 Darren We’ve already discussed Purgatory in our discussion of the communion of saints. Last night we started off with the article “Save the Best for Sunday” out of Envoy magazine, which discussed the importance – and obligation – of attending Mass on Sunday. That was a hard concept to get into their heads; I don’t think another lesson on… Read more »

January 13, 2011 9:28 pm


That’s just mean. 14-year-old girsl commit suicide with less provocation.

Maybe she can take a kitten or two with her. 😉

January 13, 2011 9:26 pm

bob in #29;

Perhaps a bit of counter-intelligence would be appropriate, or at least entertaining. For example, instead of just intercepting the correspondence, replace one of his notes to her with a drippy love note addressed to a different girl.

Tedtam, does this segway into lessons on Pergatory?
(btw, Bob, brilliant idea 🙂 )

January 13, 2011 9:22 pm

What’s up my man! Haven’t seen you in a looooooong while.

January 13, 2011 9:21 pm

Bob #77;
My heart goes out to you, man. You and your mother will be in my thoughts and prayers. God please you sir for the tender attention you’ve given to your mother.

January 13, 2011 9:11 pm

Thoughts and prayers are with you Bob.

January 13, 2011 9:05 pm

#77 – kneemail is UP

January 13, 2011 9:03 pm

#87 fa
Shannon and I have buried both of our parents – our father in 2000 and mother in 2006.
I cannot imagine anything more difficult unless it would be for one to have to bury their very own child.

fat albert
fat albert
January 13, 2011 8:26 pm

#77 Bob,
I’ve been through that process twice – once with my Mom and once with my Dad. Each time was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. My prayers are certainly with you, and your Mom.

January 13, 2011 6:14 pm

#70 – Good grief whatta buncha hosers!
It took em 25 years to decide Dire Straits needs the “Tipper Gore treatment” but they’re “proud” of THESE GUYS?

January 13, 2011 6:04 pm

The story behind Grenade Boy.

January 13, 2011 5:41 pm

Hmm, this pic does not resemble a real American child…

Wait until you meet him.

January 13, 2011 5:26 pm

mharper42 – Michael Williams would clean Howdy Doody’s clock, I think.

January 13, 2011 5:08 pm

#73 Hammy
Still, I will be glad to see the last of KBH. She seems a bit whiny since being rejected for Tex gov, like we let her down, when she really wanted to move back to Texas but still have a government job (/boo hoo hoo). Who are the good “R” candidates to replace her?

January 13, 2011 4:58 pm

#65 Bones

When I drink, I get a LOT MORE crude.

Yabbut I’m the one who started the crude thread.

January 13, 2011 4:56 pm

#72 Hammy
Hmm, this pic does not resemble a real American child…

January 13, 2011 4:50 pm

Hambone is a not-so-benevolent dictator. He will allow almost anything submitted as long as there is no profanity, no negative comments about The Esteemed HeadShaker, and no unflattering pictures of HeadShaker during his “explosive growth years”. Language is only offensive if it offends someone. The test is, if your comments would offend Hambone’s grandmother they will be deleted and you… Read more »

January 13, 2011 4:37 pm

#77 bob
Prayers for you & your family for what must be a really tough time.

January 13, 2011 4:19 pm

We’re up to chapter 6 in The Hobbit, where Bilbo finds the ring, meets Gollum, and they exchange riddles. Mom is not doing well. I’m not in denial of the realities of her conditions, but at the same time am not counting her out of the game yet. On my way back to the hospital this morning I picked up… Read more »

January 13, 2011 3:27 pm

HeadShaker represents himself in public to be a male. However, he is severely gender confused and has a wicked feminine side.
Spends a lot of time down off lower Westheimer hiding out from the IRS, constables looking to serve papers, attorneys and several loan sharks.

January 13, 2011 3:05 pm

My sentimental favorite:

January 13, 2011 3:03 pm

All this reminiscing reminded me of the page that got me hooked on “separated at birth” type pics:
A Photographic History of Michael Jackson’s Face With blithering, yet witty commentary

January 13, 2011 2:59 pm

#69 Great. Just great. Now we can look forward to two more years of seeing Howdy Doody’s mug all over the television.