Christmas Poem

Eternity stood suspended
Upon one point in time.
All creation stilled itself
With bated breath held fine.

The wind was still, the stars shone clear,
And flowing brooks were calm,
While the virgin brought forth for all
Divine nature’s balm.

A babe it was she bore for us,
The future of all man,
She kissed his head and stroked his hair,
And touched his little hand.

A cry he gave and Mary looked
With calm and loving eyes.
While Joseph watched with kindly wonder
As Mary calmed his cries.

Mary leaned back upon the straw
While Joseph watched the babe.
Both would ponder and marvel at
The turn their lives had made.

They were entrusted with such a gift
As no one ever would,
Eternity rested within Mary’s arms
And Joseph close by stood.

And as the baby slept so sound
In mother’s arms with love,
All creation came unbound
And stars twinkled high above.


And a very Merry Christmas to all my family and friends – near, ‘net, and far away!





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December 27, 2010 7:07 am

hunnerd! Darren, the sub was a Christmas present from my boy, I gotta make it work! Besides, any future expenditures in the HT will be upgrading center and fronts. My system is a patch together with each part being the best I can afford at the time which in the past 3 yrs has been zero. 😀 Yes I love… Read more »

December 27, 2010 6:49 am

Darren, see next post.

December 27, 2010 3:43 am

GJT #88 (con’t); If you’re willing to plop down about a few hundred dólares americanos I’d go ahead an get a new sub. ONLINE ONLY DEALERS: LFM-1 – Highly rated and a highly reputable online-only dealer. If you’re patient you’d probably run across a sale reducing the price by half. PB10-NSD – Pricier but you can’t go wrong with SVS… Read more »

December 27, 2010 3:22 am

GJT #88; If you like the 1015TX but want to save some dough, check out Pioneer’s step-down model, the VSX-915. You’ll save $175 on the list price and still get the excellent MCACC autosetup, but the 915 lacks its big brother’s THX certification and component-video upconversion. LINK Apparently Pioneer’s autosetup software was highly rated but the only set up I… Read more »

December 27, 2010 2:57 am

bob #87;

Thanks but I’m not into dog food. 😉

El Gordo
December 27, 2010 1:24 am

Neal Boortz has a story about a soldier’s reunion with his family that will make even the strongest man among us wilt a little.

December 26, 2010 11:10 pm

It will be a cold one tonight. Already 28 and dropping on the north bank of the Brazos at Richmond. Good thing we left the sheets on the patio plants from last night and the poinsettias from the covered patio in the garage. Outdoor water is still shut off. Around 7 this morning it was 27, but we expect tonight… Read more »

December 26, 2010 10:53 pm


Enjoyed your review of True Grit. I look forward to seeing it with my family. My son really wanted to see it over the holidays but it didn’t work out. Will make it a point to catch it ASAP though.

December 26, 2010 10:28 pm

#91 Well, I can’t honestly say that last night’s was the best or most authentic gumbo I’ve ever had, but then I’m from Louisiana and have pretty high standards in that regard. Under whatever standards that might be applied, it was tasty and I enjoyed it. I was definitely hungry as a result of applying the scientific method to my… Read more »

December 26, 2010 9:59 pm

Enough about sick cats! I want to say how much I enjoyed hearing about all the Hamsters’ Christmas meals and family events. It added a lot to my own enjoyment of the holiday, and reaffirms that the USA is the absolute best place to live on earth. I’d also say that Texas is the best state to reside in, but… Read more »

December 26, 2010 9:55 pm

Sarge – Just saw True Grit. Your review is pretty dead-on. In defense of the original, it was shot in the same style as all the other westerns of its time, just like those in the mid-70’s were all like the Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns. The more recent westerns tend to be rougher in the sense of style of dress,… Read more »

December 26, 2010 9:49 pm

#86 TT Ok, thanks for the explanation. My frontal lobes may not work as well as they once did. I’m smiling with joy myself because it looks like this little cat will pull through, when I thought this morning that we would probably not be coming back home with her. It was a shock to hear that her blood chemistry… Read more »

December 26, 2010 9:26 pm


The AVR is a Pioneer VSX-1015TX, the sub my son just gave me is a Pioneer SW-8.

I don’t have many options as far as placement, gotta go back in and play with the settings. I turned down the master some but I want to see how it does with regular viewing.

December 26, 2010 9:22 pm

Darren, may the care you show for your floppy eared friend be returned to you threefold.

December 26, 2010 9:16 pm

#84 Tedtam

As usual, I don’t get it! In the last panel, the human wears a SARS mask and the cat’s expression changes, but I don’t understand what that means.

December 26, 2010 9:03 pm

RE my #81;

By “no health risk” I meant fatal or long-term.

December 26, 2010 9:00 pm

mharper #76; Our black lab apparently has a case of hematoma. The good news is that no matter what there’s no health risk but the bad news is that leaving it alone the blood will reintegrate with the body’s blood system but could notably wrinkle up her ear and she has such beautiful ears. We have no money for pet… Read more »

December 26, 2010 8:55 pm

GJT #74;

Have you adjusted the master volume on the subwoofer? Also, what’s the model of the Pioneer you’re using? I’d like to know the software the unit uses for calibration.

December 26, 2010 8:18 pm

Man, it’s tough to stick your hand down into a filter basket

Having a pool in the woods you never know what you’re going to be greeted with, generally a bull frog happy as heck to be freed.

December 26, 2010 8:13 pm

Thanks, Bob. We just gave her a light meal & her evening meds. Her appetite has picked up already. GCVS is the best place on the planet to treat a sick animal.

December 26, 2010 7:25 pm

M42, good luck with your kitty. She’s lucky to have folks like you to care for her.

December 26, 2010 6:35 pm

I was awake most of the night with a po’ sick kitty that has been to her vet 3 times in the last 2 weeks for respriratory congestion. She stopped eating this weekend. She got quiet several times late last night/wee hours this morning, causing me to think she might have died in her sleep. We took her to Gulf… Read more »

December 26, 2010 6:27 pm

And if the boy don’t come out and make me turn it down, I’ll play it again. 😛

December 26, 2010 6:26 pm

The subwoofer is a woofin’ by george, a little too much actually. I ran it thru the Pioneer automated calibration but I’ll have to go in and tweak later. Right now enjoying the booming voice of Joaquin Phoenix portraying Johnny Cash in Walk The Line.

December 26, 2010 5:56 pm

It’s hard to believe that there are just 5 more days left in 2010. Time flies when you’re tossing clocks.

December 26, 2010 5:52 pm

#68 TT

the third “M” in 3M

A little birdie confided in me what the 3rd M is. But then I was sworn to secrecy.

December 26, 2010 5:49 pm

Super Dave #37;

Daughter-in-Law loved the taters, of course She likes almost anything that I like.

Sounds like your son married well. 😉

December 26, 2010 5:49 pm

Sarge, good review. You must have watched the John Wayne version recently to be able to compare so precisely. I haven’t seen it in decades and only remember bits of it. If I decide to go see the new one, I will not rent and watch the old one either before or after — I’ll just let the new one… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
December 26, 2010 5:45 pm

Sarge, The subject of the Duke’s movies came up at our family Christmas party. There was always violence in the Duke’s movies, but when he shot or hit someone; it was because they evil and deserved a comeuppance. Sadly, movies today have lost that direction and violence and car crashes are done for the shock factor to the audience. I… Read more »

December 26, 2010 5:43 pm

Tedtam #53;

Are you saying “3M” means “moron” or that mharper’s loggin info for my site should be “moron”? 😉

December 26, 2010 5:42 pm


Thanks or trying to post there. truth is the “blogspot” site confuses me too. The only reason I’m able to post on my sister’s site is because I log onto my own site and it automatically carries that loggin to their site.

I’m glad you enjoyed it. We have a lot of fun creating those cards.

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
December 26, 2010 5:39 pm

64 Sarge, I have not seen the newest version of True Grit and had not planned on doing so until I read your review. I enjoyed the first and your comments about Glen Campbell’s part were dead on target. I have often felt that he dragged the movie down with his stilted lines. The Duke’s last movies were some of… Read more »

December 26, 2010 4:45 pm

True Grit: Fans of the original John Wayne movie will only be disappointed by the fact that he never had the chance to appear in the more superior of the two movies. There is nothing wrong with Jeff Bridges’ portrayal of Rooster Cogburn, but it is more subdued than the more lusty and playful character that The Duke created, and… Read more »

December 26, 2010 11:22 am

Here’s an athlete that is a true role model for a change. You couldn’t help but be struck by the painful contrast between the two boys: The robust athlete cradling the pale, helpless child; the young man preparing to go out into the world carrying someone who never will. It’s a comparison lost on nobody, least of all Rudy himself.… Read more »

December 26, 2010 11:01 am

Ms. Adee, it did it to me this morning also, but my post went up anyway.

December 26, 2010 10:58 am

Sigh, my post was swallowed up by the “You must be logged in to comment” command.
Bad Word Press, bad Word Press. Stand in the corner.

December 26, 2010 10:54 am

Crank up the SUV’s, the chillrens are freezing!

December 26, 2010 9:21 am

Youngest son got me an 8″ subwoofer to complete my 6 yr old unfinished poor-boy home theater. I ‘ve needing to do some tweaking to it anyway so I’ll be spending the afternoon setting it all up and tuning. Like a little boy on Christmas day I’ll be!

December 26, 2010 9:13 am

Post Merry Christmas to all! We had a wonderful Christmas, Sweetie’s family here Christmas Eve night, our little family here all day yesterday for Christmas and dinner. Tried my hand at frying a turkey, did one several years ago that was not done enough. I wince at piercing any sizzling hot piece of meat, but I had to know if… Read more »

December 26, 2010 7:27 am

G’Morning all

Best story of 2010

Oldest son was in charge of dinner. He fixed a whole beef loin, pork loin and leg of lamb with mint sauce. mmmm…mmmmm…….mmmm
I got a USMC NCO sword.

Don’t get any better than that.

Hope everyone else had a great a day as me.

December 26, 2010 7:23 am

El Gordo,

I am surprised you didn’t claim the logical First this morning…

I saw a link somewhere yesterday to “Top 10 Stories of 2010” but I didn’t follow up on it.

El Gordo
December 26, 2010 5:35 am

Well, now that Santa has left the building, I suppose we can all wait with baited breath for someone to tell us what the greatest stories of 2010 were or what the greatest stories of 2011 will be. Can’t wait.
/snark off/

December 25, 2010 10:27 pm

If you haven’t toured Darren’s family art gallery at the link in #36, I recommend it.

Darren, I tried to post there with my WordPress user name, but it doesn’t seem to consider me logged in and thus does not save the comment. Maybe you didn’t want us to be able to comment…

December 25, 2010 10:12 pm

The 3M has to be obscene because otherwise there’d be no reason to suppress it. I can only think of one obscene word that starts with M but don’t see any way to connect that to 3M.