Monday Lunar Eclipse Open Comments

There’s going to be a total lunar eclipse tonight that will be viewable everywhere in the US.

Earth’s shadow will totally engulf the Moon from 2:41 to 3:53 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, or 11:41 p.m. to 12:53 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, as shown in the timetable below. The partial phases of the eclipse will last for a little more than an hour beforehand and afterward.

Here’s a map showing where various degrees of totality will occur across the globe:





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December 21, 2010 8:00 am

#61 Tim

she just wants me dead

What?? You mean my great suggestion?

December 21, 2010 1:17 am

Harry Potter Actress Beaten, Called a Prostitute by Family for Seeing Non-Muslim

And in England it’s a hate crime to speak negatively against Muslims?

El Gordo
December 20, 2010 11:21 pm

Tim Blair reports from Australia the results of his research into the apparent Gore Effect afflicting Europe in spite of the apparent absence of Mr. Gore. Read about it here:

December 20, 2010 10:34 pm

Good night John Boy.

December 20, 2010 10:31 pm

Nobody does a Yoda immitation better than Pat Gray

I agree.

I thought mharper was my friend, now I know she just wants me dead to give her more room on Hammie’s couch.

December 20, 2010 10:22 pm


Think the lady translater wouldn’t even help with that suggestion.

Sure it would. It wuld say (in Master Yoda’s voice), “If Offer mharper’s suggestion to Mrs. Tim , dead meat you will be. Hmmmm, hmmmm, hmmmmm, yes?”

(Nobody does a Yoda immitation better than Pat Gray.)

December 20, 2010 10:17 pm

GJT #53;

Did you forget your’s?

I did actually. Thank goodness she did too. 🙂

December 20, 2010 9:59 pm

#56 Yes, I looked at it, Tim. It’s an interesting app. Some groups are well dispersed, others clumped in the big cities. I was surprised how large the bubbles were for some groups I did not realize had so many immigrants in the US, e.g. from the Phillipines. Some categories like “All of Africa” don’t seem very useful. I’d bet… Read more »

December 20, 2010 9:45 pm

A lady from church is producing a mini-play about John & Abigail Adams and Thomas Jefferson, and asked me to set up the audio and help with the few props. The first run-through was tonight. John was a no-show, so I offered to cold read his part. It was fun, and reminded me of my rip & read radio days.… Read more »

December 20, 2010 9:17 pm

Did y’all play with the interactive immigration map from my #4? WB had a post a while back on the tendancies of the different groups migrating to certain areas of the U.S. I noted the people from India and the Middle East tend to be in the same areas.

December 20, 2010 9:08 pm


Think the lady translater wouldn’t even help with that suggestion.

December 20, 2010 9:06 pm

#53 Tim

Here’s a great suggestion. Get divorced and then get remarried on a less hectic day.

But check whether this would mess up your taxes before you do it.

December 20, 2010 8:44 pm

Impossible to miss our anniversary, New Years Eve. Stupidest anniversary ever, everything is twice the price and booked months ahead.

I forgot my wife’s anniversary

Did you forget your’s? 😀

December 20, 2010 8:40 pm

DJ #51;


December 20, 2010 6:40 pm

LOL, Darren, my wife and I did the same thing on our FIRST anniversary! We were married on Dec 18th and were at a church Christmas Party on the same day or a day or two later (hey, the mind goes after so many years) and someone asked us what we did for our anniversary. We looked at each other… Read more »

December 20, 2010 5:59 pm

bob #44;

I don’t know, bob. 15 years ago if your ex-wife knew exactly what you were thinking would that have helped? 😉

December 20, 2010 5:48 pm

Texpat #42;

Too funny. I forgot my wife’s anniversary last year and the only thing that saved me is that she forgot it too. We both remembered it a couple of days after it passed. (She remembered it first.) 🙂

December 20, 2010 5:36 pm

#45 Bones,

Yeah, I asked for it with my #41…

December 20, 2010 5:35 pm


Very cute. I like the growling caveman translation voice.

December 20, 2010 4:58 pm


And here I thought “pinging” somebody had something to do with WW2 Sonar.

That’s what I thought when we used it in the Army.

December 20, 2010 3:43 pm

I am having a geekiness overload – SPMT YOURS or something.

December 20, 2010 3:41 pm

#42 Texpat, if that technology had been around 15 years ago, I might still be married.

December 20, 2010 3:34 pm

#41 I didn’t think you were. I just enjoy the ability to remember obscure acronyms from my former line of work, back when internet software was still maturing and hardware wasn’t a commodity. I used to have business cards that read, “Have Sniffer, will travel.” My favorite RFC is still #1149. In computer networking, IP over Avian Carriers (IPoAC) is… Read more »

December 20, 2010 3:16 pm

#40 Ok, I wasn’t trying to one-up you, Bob… 😀

December 20, 2010 3:06 pm

#36 M42, yes I’m familiar with the history of the PING command in the various IP stacks. It’s one of the original and most helpful datagrams described in the RFC for ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol.) In the protocol definition, it’s officially called an “ICMP Echo” hence the nickname and common filename for the executable code. Btw, attempts to define… Read more »

December 20, 2010 2:59 pm

#34 TT

Yep, we got the picture — homemade sweets EVERYWHERE. 🙂

December 20, 2010 2:56 pm

woops, the formatting got away from me. 😳

December 20, 2010 2:55 pm

#33 B42

#30 Hamous, I’m sorry to disappoint, but the TPD and corporatism are joined at the hip. ”

Hamous knew that — (and so did I) — that’s why he said “without overtly mentioning…”

December 20, 2010 2:53 pm

#32 B42 “Ping it to me (baby)” is just a new term for a helpful function. Ok, I made my usual mistake of not reading the original post carefully enough. So completely misunderstood what you were saying. Sorry for the noise. But ping NEW? Maybe you already knew this — the ping command dates back to Unix (that I know… Read more »

December 20, 2010 1:10 pm

I note a shift in definitions. Its either the gummint or the AP Stylebook has deemed that “high powered rifles” is more menacing than “assualt rifles.” I’ve seen it being used on other contexts recently as well. WASHINGTON – The federal agency that monitors gun sales wants weapons dealers near the Mexican border to start reporting multiple sales of high-powered… Read more »

December 20, 2010 1:09 pm

#28 Mharper A kiddo complaining there were too many pies and cookies in the house? Who’d have think it? Did I mention that the baked goods were covering every available flat surface, save the seating areas? I even put some of the containers on the floor. I really did lose it that year. Everyone at Dad’s for Christmas helped to… Read more »

December 20, 2010 1:09 pm

#30 Hamous, I’m sorry to disappoint, but the TPD and corporatism are joined at the hip. 😉

December 20, 2010 1:06 pm

#29 M42, I agree. IM has been a huge time saver and productivity enhancer. Especially since they got the drag and drop file transfer working (quite some time ago) and have made major improvements to the “instant conference call” feature that sets up a VoIP connection between all participants in a multi person chat window with the click of a… Read more »

December 20, 2010 12:45 pm

Good work, Bob. Wrap up a complex problem in one buzzword or slogan.

Hey, give him a break. He did it without overtly mentioning his big three litmus tests – the WoD, TPD, or teh gheyz.

December 20, 2010 12:44 pm

#21 B42

“Ping it to me.”

That’s what Instant Messenger is for, so you can see who is actively online. My company uses Microsoft Office Communicator (MOC) with a traffic-signal color code for contacts from LDAP directory — who is online, busy, away, etc. Could not operate w/o it.

December 20, 2010 12:40 pm

#20 TT

A kiddo complaining there were too many pies and cookies in the house? Who’d have think it?

December 20, 2010 12:40 pm

#24 Texpat, that’s nice. Very nice.

December 20, 2010 12:35 pm



Good work, Bob. Wrap up a complex problem in one buzzword or slogan.

December 20, 2010 12:31 pm

#13 TT

He’s really not that stupid.

Ideology can completely warp one’s perception of reality. Education does not prevent this.

December 20, 2010 12:27 pm

Dorian Electra is a pretty and very bright girl from Houston who just made a love song music video for Friedrich Hayek. Houston landscapes in the backgrounds.

I’m sure it will go viral now since Instapundit posted it today.

I’m sure Fred would approve.

December 20, 2010 12:08 pm

Like we really need yet another goofy conspiracy theory.

December 20, 2010 11:30 am

Heck with talking about the economy.. we need to talk about a real issue Fox news has this story about the shift in the electoral map due to the 2010 Census. November’s elections put Republicans in control of dozens of state legislatures and governorships, just as states prepare to redraw their congressional and legislative district maps. It’s often a brutally… Read more »

December 20, 2010 10:52 am

I learned a new term today: “Ping it to me.” At work, an instant messaging system is vital to communicating with distant coworkers. Rather than attempt a voice call only to have it roll to voice mail, it’s a common practice to “ping” the target with an instant message to see if/when they’re available for a call. The new term… Read more »

December 20, 2010 10:31 am

Ah, crap, found a typo. My brain was not in sync with my fingers. Lovely’s comment should be:

“Will you PLEASE tell Mommy to stop baking? She’s over cooking EVERYTHING!”

There, now it makes more sense. And it’s more accurate.

I need a nap already.

December 20, 2010 10:27 am

We have not even begun to decorate for Christmas. Just having a hard time getting into the spirit this year. I remember, when the kids were young, I couldn’t wait to start playing Christmas music, and I was excited about wrapping presents and stuff. I remember 1996, I went nuts baking. Pies and cookies were everywhere, covering every available counter… Read more »

December 20, 2010 10:12 am

Adee, Mr. Krugman does not have mares in his stables. His stables are full of RFUs.

You know, because rainbows do not contribute to global warming.

December 20, 2010 9:51 am

Good morning all. Clouds came in, 58 at 6, overcast but lighter now, breeze ~ 10 mph from the south pushes leaves back across the yard. Regrettably the eclipse might be obscured here tonight, but it’s worth checking out. The residents of the manse, biped and quadruped, are getting ready for Christmas. Mariposa is wearing her red collar; the mares… Read more »

December 20, 2010 9:44 am

More here.

Thanks to Drudge and Breitbart. I hope they don’t get shut down, else we may never know half the crap our “leaders” try to pull on us.