Tuesday Open Comments

America Must, Can, And Should Renew Its Nuclear Energy Dominance

The loudly announced policy of the new Trump Administration is for the US to regain global “energy dominance.” Most of us would first think, “drill Baby, drill,” so that we can increase our exports of liquified natural gas (LNG). However, there is another energy source that the new administration should encourage, and that is nuclear power. But if the public thinks that means that American citizens working for American companies can now build a complete nuclear power plant either in the US or abroad, they should think again—we can’t. Will future reactor sales go to Russia or China instead?

… President Eisenhower offered to share the technology with any country that would forgo using it for nuclear weapons through his “Atoms for Peace” initiative. Many reactor designs were tried out across the globe, but most commercial reactors ended up being built on American light water-cooled designs (LWRs).

As a lack of sales caused many companies to pull out of the market or even go out of business,…

The hard reality is that we lost the ability to be a sole-source nuclear power plant provider long ago….

The other portion of the American duopoly that resulted from the sorting out was General Electric. GE in turn partnered with two Japanese firms, Hitachi and Toshiba, for new reactor designs, before forming an “alliance” with Hitachi to form General Electric Hitachi (GEH) in the US and Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy in Japan.

The market we are concerned with here are the large reactors, in the gigawatt+ (GW) range. While much has been made of “small modular reactors” (SMRs), the designs that really matter for national energy policy remain the large utility-scale reactors, which have three to five times the output of an SMR. While SMRs should eventually find a market niche and can offer certain safety and technical advantages, the economies of scale are so strong for large and yet larger reactors that the cheapest nuclear electrical generation choice will remain large reactors that we can’t build alone.

President Eisenhower wisely insisted on international controls to keep nuclear commercial applications (like electrical generation) clearly separated from nuclear weapons development….


So, what would future American nuclear energy dominance look like, and how would the Trump Administration encourage it? We must first recognize that the world has changed and that Eisenhower’s promise to share peaceful nuclear technology has succeeded, perhaps to our national commercial detriment. Having acknowledged that fact, how will there be any profit or security for American workers and industry in a new generation of nuclear development?

It is a clear given that “climate change” policy driver that has been behind so much of recent nuclear support amongst the political class will get dumped into the “ashbin of history” by this administration. In reality, it always looked more like a smoke screen. Ask yourself this: Has “climate change“ generated any more nuclear generation on the grid? While the R&D support has been welcome, SMRs and micro-reactors are potential niche products and not panaceas for our global electricity needs.

But how does one sell nuclear reactors today? Plenty of countries are in the market right now as potential buyers. They could choose Russian or Chinese offerings, or they could buy from America and its allies. Selection usually boils down to two factors: financing or proliferation controls—or both.

For example, Saudi Arabia can swing the price but is put off by American insistence that they forgo nuclear enrichment, reprocessing, and weapons as part of a 123 Agreement. So far, no 123 Agreement and no sale. Will American hegemony hold, or do smaller countries see a future where they must go it alone? Most countries resist having America attach strings to their activities by the Americans and, naturally, would prefer greater autonomy.

But the other key to sales is financing. Nukes are very big-ticket infrastructure items, and the cost of money (and availability) for the financial risk involved is critical. Remember all the “zero interest rate” offers for new cars? …That basic behavior applies to countries interested in nuclear reactors, too. It’s just business.

You just can’t sell a nuclear reactor today without liberal financial terms. Even a “well qualified customer” like the UAE got US government financing for its $20 billion Barakah plant….

The US and its allies that wish to promote commercial export sales of nuclear power plants must accept that achieving our policy goals of both a peaceful world and gainful nuclear employment for their citizens will require both maintaining the current non-proliferation regime and offering attractive financing options to their buyers. Some of allies may have been tempted to offer one without the other. Americans and the Trump Administration need to understand that we won’t be able to go it alone but must still lead friendly consortia and support reliable but cash-poor buyers with easy terms. If not American nuclear energy dominance, then expect to see Russian and Chinese reactors sprout across the globe and new nuclear weapons states to arise. Neither is in America’s interests.





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Super Dave
February 11, 2025 8:51 pm

If you know how to look it up you need to catch Gad Saad on Watter’s Show tonight. He ‘Splained the left’s mental problem to a Tee. 😉

February 11, 2025 8:21 pm

For the first time in my life, this is true.
Musk is a smart dude.
It makes it real important to be careful for what you wish/pray/desire.

Last edited 1 month ago by Bonecrusher
February 11, 2025 6:54 pm

I just got a call that could cut my ingredient cost by more than half, and specify the location where the honey was harvested. This will allow me to vintage my product similar to the way that fine French wine is. Volumes of honey are in the commercial quantities for full scale production. This is very exciting and could represent “the big deal” of my life. Prayers are most appreciated for a positive outcome for this potential venture.

February 11, 2025 4:30 pm

On The Five, some new token Dem on there warns about Trump going to raise your overdraft fees. Never mind the billions/trillion(?) found that’s wasted. Keep going fools.

Last edited 1 month ago by GJT
Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 11, 2025 2:56 pm

Another rogue kangaroo dressed in a penguin zoot suit issues another illegal ruling trying to usurp and prevent the duly elected president and administration from carrying out its promises and duties.

the rogue kangaroos have become a real life version of the 3 stooges episode Disorder in the Court.

on the flip side congress is proving once again what a useless bunch of
grifters and slob holding seat warmers they are by not impeaching the lawless kangaroos.

the only thing they do good is continuing CRs in order to keep the laundered blood money flowing into their pockets.

Last edited 1 month ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 11, 2025 2:40 pm
February 11, 2025 2:32 pm


Israeli cabinet backs Trump’s demand for Hamas to release all hostages by Saturday deadline
Trump warns Palestinian terrorist group that ‘all hell is going to break out’ soon if they don’t release hostages

Last edited 1 month ago by squawkbox
Super Dave
February 11, 2025 1:47 pm
February 11, 2025 1:26 pm

When you have 15 minutes to listen and watch this speech by JD Vance, I highly recommend it. It’s an international summit in Paris on AI technology. He kicks ass and takes names and tells everyone the USA is back being the alpha dog. I especially enjoyed his numerous jabs at the EU and their free speech restrictions on the internet. He had that woman who runs the EU squirming in her seat on the end of the dais.

February 11, 2025 12:49 pm

Others may have already seen this, but I just found this and I got a big laugh. Thank God for Libs of TikTok.

February 11, 2025 10:21 am

Asian carp removal in KY. This is how to properly spend tax dollars.

February 11, 2025 9:52 am

Since the State of Texas, in their imaginary wisdom, did away with the majority of the inspections and associated fees, it is getting harder and harder to find a place to do emissions testing. If a service provider loses money on every inspection, why would they continue to do them?
This issue is going to come to a head in the Texas Lege this year.

Super Dave
February 11, 2025 9:13 am

For some reason I recently thought about my grandmother’s old flashlight. I remembered it well because it had an odd convex lens to disperse the light outward to light up a room instead of a spotlight like most flashlights. It had a brass case with “Homart” in raised letters. I looked on-line and found several old Homart flashlights but they all had a spot lens. Then I found an old Everyready that looked a lot like it.
Oh and I’ve not seen that flashlight since about 1960 and yes, I have a pretty good memory. 😉

February 11, 2025 8:18 am


McGuff has a nice Jim Carola obituary.

His career in broadcasting began unexpectedly as a young dancer on Channel 13 KTRK’s “The Larry Kane Show.”

Last edited 1 month ago by Shannon
Super Dave
February 11, 2025 8:12 am

Can you say BRILLIANT?!

Hegseth says Fort Bragg is coming back, but with a twist.

Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth signed a memo renaming Fort Liberty in North Carolina to Fort Roland L. Bragg, a World War II hero.

I hope he figures out a way to change back Fort Rucker.

And NO, I’m not tired of winning. 😉

Last edited 1 month ago by Super Dave
February 11, 2025 8:07 am

This lawyer thinks that federal judges can be removed for bad behavior without needing the 2/3 majority in the Senate, only 50% +1 in each chamber. This 19:15 minute video is worth the watch.

Super Dave
February 11, 2025 7:46 am

Well it’s Tuesday the only day more inconsequential than Thursday. Onward through the fog.
Mornin’ Gang

February 11, 2025 7:20 am

How about this: Supersonic flight with no sonic boom reaching the ground. This is the claim of BOOM engineers; if true, it changes everything.

February 11, 2025 7:02 am

How ‘bout that Super Dave! Kilt it I did.

February 11, 2025 6:04 am

Stolen 😀

February 11, 2025 1:46 am

Best Fro In Show…..

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