Losing those security clearances makes those scumbags less employable in certain fields and companies.
Here’s hoping every one of them ends up on food stamps.
He also signed an order revoking security clearances of former intelligence officials who signed a letter warning that the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 election “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” as well as the clearance for his former national security adviser, John Bolton.
Cecile Richards, a women’s rights crusader who served as president of Planned Parenthood as the nation approached a critical inflection point over reproductive freedom, has died, her family said Monday in a statement. She was 67.
Part of me is glad this baby killer is gone, but my Christian principles hope that she found redemption before moving on.
Because Hell is…Hell. In her version, I guess she’d be forced to see the faces and hear the cries of every “product of pregnancy” that she dismembered and sold for profit. Among other things.
If you know the signs and have watched Elon Musk try to speak in public recently, you know he is on the autism spectrum. The high end of it, but nevertheless it’s there.
The Left and their stenographers and PR personnel, the legacy media, have had a hissy fit over Trump’s photo with half a dozen big tech billionaires – Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg et al. All of those guys opposed him, spent millions to defeat him and then he has them seated next to him like chumps. It is all about keeping your enemies closer and the powerful image of victory and alliance. Only the few get it.
I thought the presentation and appearance of all the people in the Capitol ceremonies today was exceptional. The men looked, mostly, tall and handsome and the women were extraordinarily beautiful and fashionable. It was a very dignified crowd of remarkable folks and the contrast from the Biden freak show was stark.
Melania looks so classy, I love her outfit. I find it despicable how she was treated by the mainstream women’s and fashion media, especially when they fawned over the tranny first lady and the meat puppet’s wife.
I hear that some designers are bragging today about outfitting certain folks.
Two Bibles. That says something: At noon, Vice President Vance will be sworn-in first, by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Vance’s hand will rest on a Bible his great-grandmother ‘Mamaw’ Bonnie gave him in 2003 when he left for Marines basic training. After that, Chief Justice John Roberts will swear in President Trump, and not merely on one Bible, but two—twice as many as other presidents!— a Bible his mother gave him in 1955 plus President Lincoln’s, from the 1861 Lincoln Inauguration, and used in Trump’s 2017 Inauguration.But this time, everything is different, like Trump’s glowering presidential portrait. For another thing, Trump’s Transition Team has… Read more »
Gotta say, the coverage on YouTube from the joint congressional committee on inaugural ceremonies has been really good. The two “anchors” have not inserted one iota of opinion.
We interrupt this exciting post inauguration coverage to bring you Vintage Outboard Porn. Twin Towers of Power on a Magnum Marine Cat. Check out the 1:1 racing direct drive, (not reverse Or neutral). Be still my beating heart. 😉
I did notice that when the President said the military will no longer be a laboratory for bizarre social experiments, he turned to Hegseth and pointed, for emphasis.
Interesting open comments subject. Nothing about the naugahyde of Trump? Nothing about how Trump is going to sign some 200 hundred executing odors? Nothing about the hysterical impotence of this day? Nothing about the significance this is taking place on MiLK day?
Pope picks some guy out of Austin to replace DiNardo…..Rev. Joe Vàsquez.
Sounds like sleet outside.
Tiny wet flakes that melt, over here.
Losing those security clearances makes those scumbags less employable in certain fields and companies.
Here’s hoping every one of them ends up on food stamps.
He also:
Withdrew us from WHO. Good news.
One of the EOs is to say forget the fish, send water to southern California.
That should earn him a few friends in the elite circles.
He also signed an order revoking security clearances of former intelligence officials who signed a letter warning that the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 election “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” as well as the clearance for his former national security adviser, John Bolton.
Hallelujah and Amen.
Brain cancer, just hours before the swearing in.
Part of me is glad this baby killer is gone, but my Christian principles hope that she found redemption before moving on.
Because Hell is…Hell. In her version, I guess she’d be forced to see the faces and hear the cries of every “product of pregnancy” that she dismembered and sold for profit. Among other things.
I thought Trump was going to all these gala balls tonight, but I think he’s still up there signing EOs.
Trump pardons / commutes 1500 J6 defendants.
Another note.
If you know the signs and have watched Elon Musk try to speak in public recently, you know he is on the autism spectrum. The high end of it, but nevertheless it’s there.
Just a comment.
The Left and their stenographers and PR personnel, the legacy media, have had a hissy fit over Trump’s photo with half a dozen big tech billionaires – Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg et al. All of those guys opposed him, spent millions to defeat him and then he has them seated next to him like chumps. It is all about keeping your enemies closer and the powerful image of victory and alliance. Only the few get it.
I thought the presentation and appearance of all the people in the Capitol ceremonies today was exceptional. The men looked, mostly, tall and handsome and the women were extraordinarily beautiful and fashionable. It was a very dignified crowd of remarkable folks and the contrast from the Biden freak show was stark.
The tiniest ice pellets lightly falling here west of the Brazos.
Jenny Granholm pushed $15 billion dollars to Michigan on her way out the door.
More winning: Trump notifies U.N. that the U.S. is withdrawing from the Paris climate treaty
Fr. Mike Schmitz just dropped a truth bomb: “Every sin is an attempt to be happy — apart from God.”
Never thought of it that way, but it’s true.
If you’re interested in freebies and deals, here’s a website fer ya’.
Finish them off.
It looks like Trump is purging the State Department.
IMHO, the State Department has been infested with commie-loving scumbags for at least 50 years.
This weekend my pastor had to preach on the “water into wine” wedding miracle, so I sent him this short essay by a martini-drinking New York priest.
In Catholic news, we at Annunciation are on tenterhooks with the news that as soon as Cardinal/Archbishop DiNardo submitted the mandatory resignation letter today, his 75th birthday, it was accepted by pachapapa.
The fact that we still have a Latin mass in this diocese prolly wisses of the heretic of the Vatican.
IIRC, his replacement is the guy who kicked the very honorable, holy Bishop Strickland to the curb.
This doesn’t bode well for our parish and our conservative pastor.
Ok Mother Nature we are making chili for the third time this winter, that’s the cap.
Melania looks so classy, I love her outfit. I find it despicable how she was treated by the mainstream women’s and fashion media, especially when they fawned over the tranny first lady and the meat puppet’s wife.
I hear that some designers are bragging today about outfitting certain folks.
My, how times have changed.
This isn’t Monday. It’s MAGADAY!
Two Bibles. That says something: At noon, Vice President Vance will be sworn-in first, by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Vance’s hand will rest on a Bible his great-grandmother ‘Mamaw’ Bonnie gave him in 2003 when he left for Marines basic training. After that, Chief Justice John Roberts will swear in President Trump, and not merely on one Bible, but two—twice as many as other presidents!— a Bible his mother gave him in 1955 plus President Lincoln’s, from the 1861 Lincoln Inauguration, and used in Trump’s 2017 Inauguration.But this time, everything is different, like Trump’s glowering presidential portrait. For another thing, Trump’s Transition Team has… Read more »
HEEEE’S BAAAAAACK ☙ Monday, January 20, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS
You can imagine the tone of today’s post.
I’m sure she’s upset, but I get this exposition of emotion is also staged. I mean, did the holders of all those cell phones say “Wait a minute while I get the shot lined up”?
I see headline that the El Paso border is shut down.
’bout damn time.
Gotta say, the coverage on YouTube from the joint congressional committee on inaugural ceremonies has been really good. The two “anchors” have not inserted one iota of opinion.
Congratulations America. May you be blessed.
And so begins Greg Abbott’s run for the Presidency.
We interrupt this exciting post inauguration coverage to bring you Vintage Outboard Porn. Twin Towers of Power on a Magnum Marine Cat. Check out the 1:1 racing direct drive, (not reverse Or neutral). Be still my beating heart. 😉
The kid in the cowboy hat….is he the one that shot the rioter in self-defense?
That helicopter looks enormous out there.
I did notice that when the President said the military will no longer be a laboratory for bizarre social experiments, he turned to Hegseth and pointed, for emphasis.
Let it be so.
Okay ya got what you wanted………… Trump.
Franklin looking like his old man.
The basturd’s last act is to blanket pardon his family.
That is your legacy, you SOB.
So begins Klobuchar’s run for the Presidency.
Okay, how many jet fighters are swooping around overhead?
Best dressed:
Ivanka Trump and J.D. Vance.
Simple piano rendition of great old hymns.
Oh joy. Drained the pipes last night the water is frozen at the inlet, Great start to the week.
Interesting open comments subject. Nothing about the naugahyde of Trump? Nothing about how Trump is going to sign some 200 hundred executing odors? Nothing about the hysterical impotence of this day? Nothing about the significance this is taking place on MiLK day?
Justice DEI with the weird necklace.
Barron needs to play basketball.
Watching Bill Clinton walk down that long hallway earlier, he’s clearly developed a bad back.
Where Algor? Big Mike?
Laura looking good.
Somebody must’ve locked up the Fire Marshall for a couple hours. 🙂 🙂
Gov. Noem looking fine in baby blue.