I’m supposing this should settle the egg yolk color questions: Are the deeper color yolks more nutritious?
Spoiler: Not necessarily, but pastured hens are more likely to have darker orange yolks that taste better.
While poultry researchers note that an orange yolk isn’t necessarily better than a yellow one, the shade can indicate how the hen might have been raised. ..
There are a lot of factors that can influence the egg yolk color a hen produces, and most of it comes down to diet…These are the biggest factors, according to experts:
- The composition of the hen’s feed: The amount of yellow-orange carotenoids [plant pigments], like lutein from alfalfa meal and zeaxanthin from marigold flower extract, “significantly affects yolk color,” says Che.
- The amount of corn in the feed: Corn can influence how yellow a yolk is, says Blatchford. “Hens that make grocery store eggs are usually fed a corn-based diet,” he says. “That’s why most of our grocery store eggs are a yellow color, but not really bright.”
- Xanthophyll content: Xanthophyll is a yellow compound that influences egg yolk color, says Hillary Ayers, family and consumer sciences agent with University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension Orange County. “Xanthophyll is found throughout the world, but is commonly found in leaves and grain,” she says. “Not all plant material is equal when it comes to containing xanthophyll — some have higher concentrations and different types.” The type of xanthophyll-containing plants a chicken eats can influence the color of the yolks, she says.
- Access to a fresh pasture: “Hens with access to fresh grass and pasture tend to produce eggs with more vibrant yolk colors,” says Che. That’s because these hens generally have a more varied diet with sources of protein from bugs and carotenoids and xanthophyll from plants.
Here’s what the shade of your egg yolk might mean:
- Pale yellow: This color suggests the hen had a diet heavy in wheat, barley, or white cornmeal, says Houchins.
- Bright yellow: A bright yellow or yellow-orange yolk usually suggests that the hen ate a lot of corn and/or alfalfa meal, per Houchins.
- Orange: A few factors can explain an orange yolk. “This color can be achieved by adding marigold petals or red pepper to the chicken feed,” says Houchins, noting that artificial color additives are not allowed in the U.S. “A deeper orange color may also reflect a diet that includes foraging, where hens can access different plants and insects whose pigments can impact color,” she adds.
Yolk color doesn’t necessarily indicate that the egg is more nutritious. “The nutritional content of eggs — including fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K — depends more on the hen’s diet, health, breed, age, and environment than on yolk color,” says Che. “Pasture-raised hens often produce eggs with higher levels of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins due to their diverse diet, not the intensity of yolk color.”
That said, yolk color can indicate how much carotenoids are in the egg, … linked with good eye health, along with a lowered risk of cancer, diabetes, and bodily inflammation. “Most egg yolks in the U.S. are bright yellow or yellow-orange due to the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, that typically come from the corn in the hens’ diet,” says Houchins. Generally, deeper orange egg yolks suggest a higher concentration of carotenoids. “Beyond carotenoids, though, yolk color does not indicate a more or less nutritious egg,” she says.
Ayers agrees. “No matter the color of the yolk, the nutritional value is the same. “[Eggs are a] nutrient-dense food that contains high amounts of vitamin A, D, E, K, as well as other essential nutrients,” she says.
The answer is likely yes. The varied bug- and plant-rich diet of pasture-raised hens tends to result in a richer and more flavorful egg yolk. With that said, you can’t know from looking at an egg yolk that a hen was pasture-raised.
“The best tasting eggs come from happy hens that get to forage free-range on grass, bugs, and vegetable scraps,” says F&W senior food editor Breana Killeen, who raises egg-laying hens at Killeen Crossroads Farm in Shelburne, Vermont. “Chicken feed can create yolks with an orange color, but the flavor doesn’t compare to yolks from chickens that are actually foraging.”
Your best bet for flavorful eggs? Buy ones labeled pasture-raised, directly from a farmers market or farmer if you can.
A Twitter Files all-star and former head of an Aspen Institute panel on content suppression is moved up the ranks at National Public Radio
Little better breakdown via Michael Berry.
I think I’m going to have to buy another air fryer/oven. the other night, it tried to turn itself on – the panel said broil, which I rarely use – and I couldn’t turn it off. It turned itself off after a minute or two. Tonight, it turned the light on while cooking and again, I couldn’t turn it off. The panel wasn’t responsive.
I really don’t like it when my appliances have a mind of their own.
The reason for all these votes for Dade Phelan’s protege. The story being sold to these rural TX House reps is if you vote for “school choice” and you live in a county with one school district, your tax base will be eviscerated by all the more affluent white families who will organize private Christian schools. All you will have left is poor black and Mexican kids and while you can still collect school property taxes, the rebates from the State of Texas for pupil daily attendance are going to take a huge hit because your schools’ population will dramatically… Read more »
You know, Stan Kitzman’s father was the late Judge Oliver Kitzman in the Waller, Austin and Fayette count areas. I got to sit and talk with him one night in a Mexican restaurant in Hempstead when he told the storied history of his family. It’s just too bad his son is dumbass.
This was posted by Berry. As Texpat said, it’s ayes for Burrows. Of course Kitzman went agin us.
This is the best I can do so far. The list is Yeas and Nays. It is not divided by party,
Salcedo is gonna be on a tear on his show in the morning.
There are 88 Republicans and 62 Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives in 2025. The new requirement is 76 votes for Speaker. Even though 52 Republicans voted for conservative Cook, 36 of them voted for the sleazebag Burrows. Did anyone believe the 49 Democrats were not going to sabotage this deal ? It’s a clown show. The rules have to be changed to reflect a majority consensus of the majority party. The minority doesn’t get to participate, just like in the US House.
If anyone comes up with the list of the 36 Republicans, please post or link to it.
The Tribune is hiding it behind a paywall. And other sites are honoring it, for now.
What hell could very well could be like.
Same old __ __ __ __.
Burrows won the speaker’s race after two rounds of voting, edging out Cook by a vote of 85-55. His winning coalition was made up of 49 Democrats and 36 Republicans, drawing instant backlash from hardline members and activists who vowed revenge in next year’s primaries.
Republicant’s are still always willing to be second best.
perfect lodgers, perfect go along to get alongers.
their track record of the last 35 years speaks for itself.
they gotta a lot to work to do.
we did our job.
they disappointed again even with tons of calls to their offices.
We picked off a lot of them in the last Primary but it just wasn’t enough.
There are too many rural Republicans that will go to their graves fighting against School Choice.
I predict that some kind of expansion of School Choice will be passed and signed but it will be a cold oatmeal version.
Dr Phil 2:49
No, there just aren’t enough elected, hard core Conservatives in Austin or Washington, and probably never will be.
So, you can take your bat and ball and go home…or keep fighting the good fight.
Is Trump already being co-opted by the blood money sucking, warmongering Vampyres of the senate?
a future count Trunpula?
I didn’t vote for that murderous bloody war to continue and he promised to end it.
No surprises there.
even when the Texas republicant’s win, we lose.
when the going gets tough the republicant’s always let you down.
All we can do is pray that he isn’t a Phelan clone.
Burrows has won.
First Runoff vote results:
Burrows – 85
Cook – 55
Present, not voting – 9
First Runoff vote commencing..
Results of first vote –
Burrows – 71
Cook – 56
Rodriguez (Dem) – 20 something?
Not looking good for the real Conservatives, folks.
According to the new rules, a runoff will be held between the top two if no one achieves 76 votes….
The first vote on the three Speaker nominees is now taking place. Stand by for results.
76 votes required for a win.
Stand by for results.
(I’m watching live coverage of House. Some media outlets may have unofficial results before I have the official vote totals)
On the WLR front: The UK Telegraph ran an astonishing article yesterday headlined, “People harmed by Covid jab to tell of ‘devastating results.’ On the one hand, I told them we would eventually see headlines like this about their “safe and effective” genetic treatments for a common cold. On the other hand, here we are. If my fellow couch critters were brave enough to actually view the C&C from the other day, you’d understand how devastating these “rare side effects” were. The pictures were horrifying. Unsurprisingly similar to our own PREP Act’s horrible program, in Great Britain 17,500 people have applied for official vaccine… Read more »
And this California madness has been mentioned here before. It’s all about priorities, remember! In short, Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Ca.) is forcing legislators to return to Sacramento for a special legislative session to pass a bunch of laws protecting illegal immigrants from being deported after January 20th, part of Newsom’s plan for “Trump-proofing California,” which was a terrible choice of words since it evokes the related notion of “fire-proofing” which is exactly what Newsom hasn’t made California. But DeSantis is once again leading: Meanwhile, all the way East across I-10, the Sunshine State’s Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fl.) is also preparing… Read more »
Laken Riley act: There are two main parts of this “cruel and misguided” bill that terrify Michelle. The first part is mandatory ICE detention for any illegal alien arrested for burglary, theft, larceny, or shoplifting. Maybe you, like me, thought things already worked that way. But no. So there’s been a tsunami of illegal alien shoplifting gangs, petty theft teams, and burglary squads — but local jurisdictions keep letting them go.The thought that sanctuary states might have to stop letting crooks go was what scared Michelle Goldberg the most…. Perhaps because the libs are probably getting kickbacks and donations from the cartels… Read more »
There should be an immediate recall triggered when any republican’t backstabs their constituents and votes for a totalitariancrat for house speaker like Lacey underalls hull.
I can’t get my office suite to open files, so I’m waiting for the download to fix whatever problem is out there…so, going to my happy place to cheer me up a bit: CANDY CRIMES ☙ Tuesday, January 14, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS Good morning, C&C, it’s Tuesday! We are now INSIDE a week, with only six days remaining till the Inauguration. I and my beautiful wife Michelle (not to be confused with the subject of the first part of today’s post) will leave for chilly Washington D.C. on Sunday morning and plan to attend Monday morning’s swearing-in. I am… Read more »
Three were nominated for Speaker – Cook, Burrows, and some Democrat from Tarrant County.
Oh good grief. They’re going to let these weasels nominate everybody and their brother-in-law on this first ballot – a ridiculous waste of time.
I’ll check back later.
At this time, formal nominations for Texas House Speaker have commenced on the floor of the House. I’ll let you know if it is more than two – Cook and Burrows.
yo squawka Bruddah.
Senator Tammy Duckworth was really, seriously disgusting in the hearing today. Jackie Rosen of Nevada was just a nasty b*tch. All these Democrat committee members are performing for their base supporters back home and it is so obvious and undignified. The Dem women senators are worse than the men.
I hope he is able to stand behind this. Pete has a monumental bureaucracy that will push back very hard.
Benny Johnson’s Hegseth Quote of the Day
Everything Jeff Bezos touches is not gold.
In 2021, WaPo web traffic was 22.5 million. In 2024, it was 3 million. Loss in 2024 over $100 million.
Sorry, but I am still laughing…
Navy Seals and Green Berets sitting in support at the Hegseth hearings.
Hegseth hearing live on YT.
I had a phone consult this morning with our new self-directed IRA company. Our old company was bought out by a company that can’t find its rear end with both hands, a flashlight, and a map. Heritage IRA is a start-up being run by a guy I trust from the first company. He’s limiting the number of accounts they care for because he wants to provide the personal touch to his clients. Before I formally opened our accounts with him, I had questions about rolling into different accounts, conversions, death issues, etc. Derreck spent as much time as I needed… Read more »
I’m hoping things are not this bad in the USA. This British survey looks pretty bad for the future of their country. Fail Britannia ! Researchers for the brand surveyed 2,000 grown-ups, including Zoomers, real-world newbies ranging in age from 18 to 27, as well as millennials, guys and gals ages 28 to 44; Gen Xers, folks 45 to 60; and baby boomers, silver foxes over age 60, to determine each demographic’s level of self-sufficiency. The investigators found that nearly 25% of Gen Zers had no idea how to change a lightbulb in a ceiling lamp, with many claiming that climbing… Read more »
It’s a good thing. Way to go, Schlichter ! Of course, the cultural Marxists will not go quietly, which we saw this week when Texas A&M decided it wanted to send some of its PhD candidates to a conference. But only those students who checked off certain boxes were eligible to go.Here is a tweet from Chris Rufo with the receipts of the DEI stunt A&M was trying to pull. and, A very good question. Is Texas going to put up with this crap? Well, Schlichter didn’t have to wait too long before the Texas governor responded. And whoa Nellie, what a… Read more »
tim kaine, the pink tie wearing sinater who looks like a drunk wc fields, is a stark raving lunatic.
hope someone digs up some dirt on his arse quickly.
he’s pure trash.
bet he loves slick Willy and had no qualms about his sexual escapades.
that’s what the perpetual liars call it when Trump protested the legitimately stolen 2020 election.
But when the satanic totalitariancrats do it it’s ok.
they’re saving democracy, dontcha know?
The lost art of letter classic writing. 😀
Disclaimer; One naughty word.
First Resolution before the Texas House includes a couple of Rule changes to Speaker vote…
The DEI b!tc#3z at A&M just got B-slapped by Governor Big Wheels.
Sen gillibrand, a ny totalitariancrat, is a raving lunatic Karen harpie.
is there any other kind of totalitariancrat these days?
imo the entire senate is comprised of raving lunatics and blood money sucking Vampyres who’ve plundered the country like modern day Genghis Khans.
and they sit in judgement of someone?
the hell?
First Senator Jack Reed is a particularly evil lying SOB and second, do the Democrats really think that having screaming lunatics physically removed from the Senate hearings is a good look? That last one, fat (300 Lb) black gal was carried horizontally out by 3 strong Capitol Policemen. SIGH
Babalu on the hard core communist history of LA Mayor Karen Bass. An article in Tablet Magazine cited an October 1975 edition of the communist newspaper Daily World, which described Karen Bass as the “leader of the Venceremos Brigade in Southern California.” Additionally, a doctoral dissertation documented that Bass, initially as a brigadista and later as a brigade organizer, visited Cuba every six months during that period.According to testimony presented to the Senate by three police explosives experts, some members of the Venceremos Brigade reportedly received explosives training during their stays in Cuba, as reported by The New York Times.Karen Bass, who participated in… Read more »
While we are speaking of British Labour Party members…
There are 50 of them.
Here is a list of Labour Party officials who have been convicted of child molestation or child pornography or both. Nobody believes this is a complete list. No wonder the British government remained silent about the Islamic rape gangs across the UK.
As Glenn Reynolds said, it is suspicious Tory Party members have said little or nothing about this massive scandal.