Just watched Finestkind on Paramount. Not a bad flick, supposed to be a true story but not really, based loosely on real people in a made up story. Tommy Lee Jones is very old now but he wasn’t bad. One of the producers is, guess who, Taylor Sheridan. Did not know that going in. Busy boy.
According to trading platform Autopilot, Nancy Pelosi’s stock tracker took the financial world by storm in 2024, delivering a jaw-dropping 54% gain and outshining nearly every hedge fund. Remarkably, it even beat the Inverse Cramer Stock Tracker, designed to do the opposite of Jim Cramer’s stock picks, which itself posted an impressive 43% gain in 2024. While the result seems almost mythical, it shows the growing fascination with lawmakers’ trading disclosures and the investment strategies built around them. [Emphasis added]
I’m watching “Hang ’em High” with Clint Eastwood. Now I’m seeing Danno from the original Hawaii Five-O show, playing the part of a minister as men are about to be hanged.
I finally got a chance to read the C&C TT posted at 1:30. Heads need to roll. Lots of them. Hopefully the information will get out there and that will give much more power to the incoming administration to start taking out the garbage.
January 9, 2025 5:48 pm
Re: The performance of the wholly inappropriate John Lennon song at the funeral
I’m thinking that no matter the wishes of the deceased – or their family – a group of government goons takes over the process of funeralizing a president and they do as they please.
There isn’t Baptist on God’s green earth who would have “Imagine” played at their funeral.
(Nor many, many other denominations of Christians)
I am considering reordering the comments to oldest first instead of newest. I cannot change it with this theme, but as you see the comment block is at the top instead of the bottom. It seemed logical to keep the newest at top to reduce the amount of scrolling to make a comment. PENDING
BTW the reason for the truncated comments is because of people like $@#&% that would drop a War and Peace length comment in the midst of three or four people just chatting away. That urinated me off like crazy.
Sorry bout the dual post. I have adjusted comments to 80 100 words showing instead of 60 before they are truncated. So I had to test to see how it looked.
Dunno if y’all listened to Michael Berry this AM or not. Here is a 35 minute cut of the show of Berry giving Jimmah down the river. It is priceless. You can listen to the show or read the transcript. It is spot on.
I could not agree more on this particular comment.
I don’t want Jimmy Carter to be hailed as a
hero and sanctified, beatified, because I don’t think he’s a
Dunno if y’all listened to Michael Berry this AM or not. Here is a 35 minute cut of the show of Berry giving Jimmah down the river. It is priceless. You can listen to the show or read the transcript. It is spot on.
I could not agree more on this particular comment.
I don’t want Jimmy Carter to be hailed as a
hero and sanctified, beatified, because I don’t think he’s a
Rain started here about 3pm as predicted for our area, so a miserable day becomes more miserable. We’re down to 41 from 42 at 6am and will probably keep sliding down more as the day wears on. Rain stopped after about 15 minutes. It is not finished for the day. The wind is not as vigorous as it was this morning, but it hasn’t given up. We’ve been under a snow sky all day, just not cold enough to let the snowflakes come all the way to the ground before melting. Fortunately there are no ice crystals bouncing around to… Read more »
Carl Higbie on News Max is on a roll about rebuilding in California. You might be able to catch the monologue on YouTube later. I love when he gets all het up.
I have successfully completed 30 minutes on the treadmill, with less “hang on the bars” time than I thought I’d need. And I’m still vertical! I did hang upside down prior the walking.
We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
I felt like I could’ve gone longer, but I’m not pushing it. This is taking longer than I’d like, already.
Now to fix some food, check Elsa, get the mail, and prep for my Latin class in a few hours.
The Camp Fire of 2018 in Northern California burned over 150,000 acres, more than 18,000 structures and displaced more than 50,000 people. The average home in those small towns up there was valued at $500,000. The total damages ended up being $16.65 billion.
The 1,200 homes in the enclave of Pacific Palisades that had their policies cancelled by State Farm were worth at least $8 billion, by my estimation. State Farm had 70,800 other customers in the area before they cancelled their policies. The damages here could be $100 billion.
I experienced this: One last issue from the Report deserves mention before I make a few final comments. The Grand Jury was particularly distressed that the original trials were rendered useless when the placebo groups were offered vaccines, destroying any chance of tracking medium- or long-term adverse events.The manufacturers justified this convenient “unblinding” of the placebo groups by saying they just couldn’t bring themselves to withhold a “lifesaving treatment” from placebo trial members. “Interestingly,” the Jurors said, meaning infuriatingly, “both Pfizer’s and Modema’s representatives —independently of one another— became emotional as they described the risks faced by the placebo groups and the unblinding… Read more »
This is reprehensible on so. many. levels: The Grand Jury’s scope of work was limited in three significant ways. The first major limitation they faced was that, unbelievably, government officials ignored their subpoenas. “Most notably,” the Report explained, “a significant number of current or former federal officials refused to testify to us. Federal law prohibits us from compelling those officials to appear.”On the other hand, Pfizer and Moderna responded to the subpoenas to a certain extent and they sent representatives to testify. But the very same taxpayer-funded FDA officials who throughout the pandemic repeatedly demanded the public’s trust flatly refused… Read more »
Today’s C&C is focused on one topic, so I’ll just put the roundup and the link here. It’s Mr. C. using his legal expertise on this topic, and I don’t know that I could do it justice: Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! Today’s post is late because it was limited to one topic —Florida’s 143-page Grand Jury Report on the Covid Vaccines. I had to get through the whole thing and figure out how best to summarize it. It couldn’t wait because corporate media is preparing to spin the narrative for its own foul purposes unless we get there first.… Read more »
I started late today – I stayed up late doing prep for my rosary making class that I’ll be presenting on Saturday. I made two pinkish rosaries this morning, because I’m running low on that most requested color. Then there was laundry and then life….I decided about 1:00 to get something to eat. I used my new food processor to mix some stuff together for lunch. I am going to love that thing. It’s small enough to store in a cabinet and pull out easily when needed, easy to clean…it may become my new favorite appliance. Hubby had to go… Read more »
The DEI lesbians running Southern California may have triggered an apocalyptic nightmare there, but this woman, CEO Denise Hardin, canceled 72,000 State Farm policies in Southern California in April of 2024 and almost certainly saved the company from bankruptcy. Their stockholders, employees, vendors, agents and millions of other insured homeowners across America should be grateful.
Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood sang John Lennon’s song Imagine at Carter’s funeral in the National Cathedral. At a State Funeral for a President known for his religious affiliation and observance ?
The dumbest, most pointless rock song ever by Lennon and they sing it at a funeral. Really disgusting.
The people most freaked out in Southern California/LA County are the municipal treasurers, school CFOs, government financial executives and their staffs. They are going to get mobbed for money and there won’t be any.
Elizabeth Scalia has always been a sharp thinker. Where are Eric Clapton and Van Morrison ? Where are Sean Connery and Michael Caine ? Where are Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, Helena Boham Carter and Maggie Smith ? I’ve been wondering for a while why, in all of this, we have not heard from the pop stars who can usually be relied upon to comment-with-alacrity about the social or political outrages of the day — or at least the ones they know they can safely shout about and be called “brave.” I mean, where is Bono? I’m a fan, and he’s… Read more »
Could the California fires be another deep state-spooks Inc. production to push the climate change hoax?
bernie ‘food lines are a goot ting’ the burnout sanders is already out there blaming climate change.
saw D. Beattie of revolver news on Bannon’s show today. It appears the fib pipe bomber story is unraveling.
in a world where the government does nothing but lie, use and abuse it’s citizens and all the three letter agencies are corrupt to their core, anything is possible.
I wonder how many elementary, middle and high schools have been razed in these SoCal fires ? Home schooling anybody ? If teachers and administrators aren’t working, they aren’t getting paid and they aren’t paying taxes either.
Wrap your head around the vast amounts of tax money suddenly sucked out of the local, county and state of California coffers. These politicians are completely and totally unprepared and unqualified to handle a disaster like this. Besides the morass of bureaucratic red tape, there are other even worse problems. In order to rebuild any house, school, apartment building you have to get construction financing and then a permanent mortgage. No financial institution is going to loan money without insurance coverage in place. The insurance industry has abandoned most of the Southern California market so now no loans are made… Read more »
Tedtam mentioned “Ropa Vieja” yesterday and it brought back memories of Caudet’s Cuban Foods down in the Montrose area back in the 1970s. The family had a wholesale food distribution business. Attached to their warehouse was a diner where they served breakfast and lunch to Cuban immigrants and young Americans living in the neighborhood. They were always packed because you could get a nice, hot Cuban lunch for about $3. Ropa Vieja was often on the menu.
yes!! I watched it the other night.
A great film.
Highly recommended.
Just watched Finestkind on Paramount. Not a bad flick, supposed to be a true story but not really, based loosely on real people in a made up story. Tommy Lee Jones is very old now but he wasn’t bad. One of the producers is, guess who, Taylor Sheridan. Did not know that going in. Busy boy.
My favorite performance of this Lovelace classic.
Chipotle Pork Tenderloin with green beans and tiny potatoes.
Uh huh.
The Papist Horde win on field goal at the end of orange bowl
Sierra Ferrell is a big time singer/songwriter.
Real country music.
Been crushing on her for several years. Nose ring and all.
I hate sitting here in the midst of a two day SE Texas rain deluge without ice cream or apple pie.
Amy phony island hotdog
If Amy phony island hotdog we’re a car she’d be impeached under lemon laws.
I watched Hang ‘Em High a few weeks ago. First time in a long while.
It’s actually gotten better with age.
I’m watching “Hang ’em High” with Clint Eastwood. Now I’m seeing Danno from the original Hawaii Five-O show, playing the part of a minister as men are about to be hanged.
It just seems weird.
Any doubt Amy comey island crap filled hotdog and j Roberts are dirty as toilet bowl scum in Epstein’s former cell?
and many went to bat for Amy Barrett.
I smell crap behind a Crawford dunce Bush.
Roberts is his boy and the dunce dissed Trump at the funeral today.
I finally got a chance to read the C&C TT posted at 1:30. Heads need to roll. Lots of them. Hopefully the information will get out there and that will give much more power to the incoming administration to start taking out the garbage.
Re: The performance of the wholly inappropriate John Lennon song at the funeral
I’m thinking that no matter the wishes of the deceased – or their family – a group of government goons takes over the process of funeralizing a president and they do as they please.
There isn’t Baptist on God’s green earth who would have “Imagine” played at their funeral.
(Nor many, many other denominations of Christians)
I am considering reordering the comments to oldest first instead of newest. I cannot change it with this theme, but as you see the comment block is at the top instead of the bottom. It seemed logical to keep the newest at top to reduce the amount of scrolling to make a comment. PENDING
BTW the reason for the truncated comments is because of people like $@#&% that would drop a War and Peace length comment in the midst of three or four people just chatting away. That urinated me off like crazy.
Sorry bout the dual post. I have adjusted comments to
80100 words showing instead of 60 before they are truncated. So I had to test to see how it looked.Dunno if y’all listened to Michael Berry this AM or not. Here is a 35 minute cut of the show of Berry giving Jimmah down the river. It is priceless. You can listen to the show or read the transcript. It is spot on.
I could not agree more on this particular comment.
Dunno if y’all listened to Michael Berry this AM or not. Here is a 35 minute cut of the show of Berry giving Jimmah down the river. It is priceless. You can listen to the show or read the transcript. It is spot on.
I could not agree more on this particular comment.
Rain started here about 3pm as predicted for our area, so a miserable day becomes more miserable. We’re down to 41 from 42 at 6am and will probably keep sliding down more as the day wears on. Rain stopped after about 15 minutes. It is not finished for the day. The wind is not as vigorous as it was this morning, but it hasn’t given up. We’ve been under a snow sky all day, just not cold enough to let the snowflakes come all the way to the ground before melting. Fortunately there are no ice crystals bouncing around to… Read more »
Carl Higbie on News Max is on a roll about rebuilding in California. You might be able to catch the monologue on YouTube later. I love when he gets all het up.
The dizzy Crawford dunce and the wooden dummy napping at the funeral.
reminds me of this.
I have successfully completed 30 minutes on the treadmill, with less “hang on the bars” time than I thought I’d need. And I’m still vertical! I did hang upside down prior the walking.
We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
I felt like I could’ve gone longer, but I’m not pushing it. This is taking longer than I’d like, already.
Now to fix some food, check Elsa, get the mail, and prep for my Latin class in a few hours.
Anyone remember this 70s movie?
simliar but now it would be titled the widespread inferno.
what a tragedy of incompetence and mismanagement brought to you by totalitariancrat rule in California.
Link from CFP.
The promised deluge has begun in my neighborhood.
The Camp Fire of 2018 in Northern California burned over 150,000 acres, more than 18,000 structures and displaced more than 50,000 people. The average home in those small towns up there was valued at $500,000. The total damages ended up being $16.65 billion.
The 1,200 homes in the enclave of Pacific Palisades that had their policies cancelled by State Farm were worth at least $8 billion, by my estimation. State Farm had 70,800 other customers in the area before they cancelled their policies. The damages here could be $100 billion.
Just heard a clip of the dei hired mayor of LA saying…if you need help you can find it at URL.
what the triple Hell?
I experienced this: One last issue from the Report deserves mention before I make a few final comments. The Grand Jury was particularly distressed that the original trials were rendered useless when the placebo groups were offered vaccines, destroying any chance of tracking medium- or long-term adverse events.The manufacturers justified this convenient “unblinding” of the placebo groups by saying they just couldn’t bring themselves to withhold a “lifesaving treatment” from placebo trial members. “Interestingly,” the Jurors said, meaning infuriatingly, “both Pfizer’s and Modema’s representatives —independently of one another— became emotional as they described the risks faced by the placebo groups and the unblinding… Read more »
This is reprehensible on so. many. levels: The Grand Jury’s scope of work was limited in three significant ways. The first major limitation they faced was that, unbelievably, government officials ignored their subpoenas. “Most notably,” the Report explained, “a significant number of current or former federal officials refused to testify to us. Federal law prohibits us from compelling those officials to appear.”On the other hand, Pfizer and Moderna responded to the subpoenas to a certain extent and they sent representatives to testify. But the very same taxpayer-funded FDA officials who throughout the pandemic repeatedly demanded the public’s trust flatly refused… Read more »
Today’s C&C is not the usual snarky political dissection du jour, but – OH MY WORD – it’s a must read!
WARNING: There are some horrific images of what some jab victims experienced. If you have a squeamish stomach, I wouldn’t advise reading the column.
Today’s C&C is focused on one topic, so I’ll just put the roundup and the link here. It’s Mr. C. using his legal expertise on this topic, and I don’t know that I could do it justice: Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! Today’s post is late because it was limited to one topic —Florida’s 143-page Grand Jury Report on the Covid Vaccines. I had to get through the whole thing and figure out how best to summarize it. It couldn’t wait because corporate media is preparing to spin the narrative for its own foul purposes unless we get there first.… Read more »
I started late today – I stayed up late doing prep for my rosary making class that I’ll be presenting on Saturday. I made two pinkish rosaries this morning, because I’m running low on that most requested color. Then there was laundry and then life….I decided about 1:00 to get something to eat. I used my new food processor to mix some stuff together for lunch. I am going to love that thing. It’s small enough to store in a cabinet and pull out easily when needed, easy to clean…it may become my new favorite appliance. Hubby had to go… Read more »
The DEI lesbians running Southern California may have triggered an apocalyptic nightmare there, but this woman, CEO Denise Hardin, canceled 72,000 State Farm policies in Southern California in April of 2024 and almost certainly saved the company from bankruptcy. Their stockholders, employees, vendors, agents and millions of other insured homeowners across America should be grateful.
Barf Brooks.
he’s as phony as Chris Gaines.
They should’ve sung this one.
Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood sang John Lennon’s song Imagine at Carter’s funeral in the National Cathedral. At a State Funeral for a President known for his religious affiliation and observance ?
The dumbest, most pointless rock song ever by Lennon and they sing it at a funeral. Really disgusting.
LA county fire Chieftess sent mayor Bass a letter a month before the fire complaining about funding cuts.
My definition of TUNA.
Still not tired of winning and watching the miscreants pay.
We all need a little uplifting.
Great catch by C-SPAN. Go fullscreen and check out the look on Kamala’s face when she looks back to see Obama and Trump talking to one another.
A sign on PCH said this kind of dreamin’ need not apply.
The most popular song in Los Angeles right now.
Down the road in a cloud of smoke, to some land I ain’t bought, bought, bought…
The people most freaked out in Southern California/LA County are the municipal treasurers, school CFOs, government financial executives and their staffs. They are going to get mobbed for money and there won’t be any.
Elizabeth Scalia has always been a sharp thinker. Where are Eric Clapton and Van Morrison ? Where are Sean Connery and Michael Caine ? Where are Helen Mirren, Judi Dench, Helena Boham Carter and Maggie Smith ? I’ve been wondering for a while why, in all of this, we have not heard from the pop stars who can usually be relied upon to comment-with-alacrity about the social or political outrages of the day — or at least the ones they know they can safely shout about and be called “brave.” I mean, where is Bono? I’m a fan, and he’s… Read more »
Could the California fires be another deep state-spooks Inc. production to push the climate change hoax?
bernie ‘food lines are a goot ting’ the burnout sanders is already out there blaming climate change.
saw D. Beattie of revolver news on Bannon’s show today. It appears the fib pipe bomber story is unraveling.
in a world where the government does nothing but lie, use and abuse it’s citizens and all the three letter agencies are corrupt to their core, anything is possible.
I wonder how many elementary, middle and high schools have been razed in these SoCal fires ? Home schooling anybody ? If teachers and administrators aren’t working, they aren’t getting paid and they aren’t paying taxes either.
Wrap your head around the vast amounts of tax money suddenly sucked out of the local, county and state of California coffers. These politicians are completely and totally unprepared and unqualified to handle a disaster like this. Besides the morass of bureaucratic red tape, there are other even worse problems. In order to rebuild any house, school, apartment building you have to get construction financing and then a permanent mortgage. No financial institution is going to loan money without insurance coverage in place. The insurance industry has abandoned most of the Southern California market so now no loans are made… Read more »
Tedtam mentioned “Ropa Vieja” yesterday and it brought back memories of Caudet’s Cuban Foods down in the Montrose area back in the 1970s. The family had a wholesale food distribution business. Attached to their warehouse was a diner where they served breakfast and lunch to Cuban immigrants and young Americans living in the neighborhood. They were always packed because you could get a nice, hot Cuban lunch for about $3. Ropa Vieja was often on the menu.