Wednesday’s Ignorance As a Weapon of Control

Our Children Cannot Read and Write and It Is a Criminal Monstrosity Perpetrated Upon the Children of America

Every lawsuit filed in the past has been against local school boards and officials.  Every case eventually is dismissed based upon standing and/or immunity issues.  This time it is different.  With the bright legal assistance of Justice Catalyst, these families have filed for damages against the top peddlers of crap curriculum in primary and secondary schools across America.  If you search the internet for this story, all the regular, suspicious characters like every teachers’ union and organization in the USA is worried about this litigation.

For decades, publishers have made millions selling faulty literacy products lacking proven, scientifically backed phonics instruction

In 2023, less than half of all MA third-graders met expectations for Commonwealth’s standardized language arts exam

Plaintiffs seek accountability, immediate injunctive relief and damages for harm caused by defective literacy products

MASSACHUSETTS — Three Massachusetts children and their parents filed a major class action lawsuit Wednesday challenging the deceptive and fraudulent marketing and sale of faulty literacy curricula that have undermined the future of students across the Commonwealth.

The lawsuit, filed in Massachusetts Superior Court by Justice Catalyst Law and Kaplan & Grady, seeks substantial relief for the generations of students and families across Massachusetts harmed by the defendant publishers and authors’ discredited literacy products and deceptive marketing. The suit also seeks a court order requiring defendants to warn schools and families of the defects in their literacy products and other relief to fully remedy the situation so school districts have quality literacy instruction materials.

The lawsuit represents the latest challenge to the controversial, discredited early-literacy products sold and marketed by such figures as Lucy Calkins, Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell under the banners of the Heinemann and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publishing companies. Since the mid-1990s, the defendants have made millions of dollars selling early-literacy products to thousands of school districts across the country, falsely marketing them as backed by and based in “research” and “data.” In recent years, Calkins, Fountas, Pinnell and their peers have faced a widespread backlash after a series of scientific studies and media reports revealed that their curricula have fundamentally failed to teach children to read.

Jordan Adams at Tom explains in detail how things became so screwed up and how to fix them at the local level.  This is essential learning.

First, curricula and instructional materials are a labyrinth. Reviewing this mountain of material, in short order — especially for the majority of school board members without education backgrounds and who serve in purely voluntary, non-compensated positions — is time-consuming at best, daunting at worst.

Second, many school board members, even conservative ones, aren’t interested in curriculum. Although a fatal disposition and a true dereliction of duty, it is unfortunately all too common among local board members, especially conservatives.

Third, district administrators and union leaders emotionally blackmail and berate any school board members who do try to take a stand for “not trusting” teachers, questioning the “experts,” “micromanaging,” and not “staying in their lane.”

For the states and boards that do take the time to review materials, the education blob throws up a new series of hurdles

For instance, the word “curriculum” means different things to different groups along the way. School boards (and states) may claim that they have vetted curricula, but this usually means they’ve only reviewed the student-facing text.

Following the successes of Libs of TikTok, Parents Defending Education, and some state laws in revealing what goes on in classrooms, however, most publishers and administrators are not so blatant as to put ideological content directly in the student-facing (and therefore parent-viewable) materials.

Instead, ideological content is found in the peripheries, in curricular guidance for teachers such as “teachers’ editions” or in a district’s customizable curriculum or learning management system (CMS or LMS), an online platform for teachers and sometimes students to access.

Every citizen ought to copy these articles and send them to their local school board members.






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January 8, 2025 9:33 pm

Wow. I think I went an entire day without checking CFP or any other political site except Hambone.

Is there life without 18 hours a day of politics?

Nah. Probably not.

January 8, 2025 9:14 pm

I have a friend who needs a wheelchair if you have one lying around unused.

January 8, 2025 9:06 pm

That little food processor looks pretty cool. Not that I have any use for it.

Super Dave
January 8, 2025 8:32 pm

The local Weather Guessers say Huntsville might get 5″ of snow on Friday morning, Birmingham just a trace, freezing rain down to Montgomery. Ugh!

January 8, 2025 7:29 pm

One of the items delivered from Amazon yesterday was this little food processor: I have had a food processor for years, but hated using it because it was so flippin’ loud. I don’t need it much for slicing things, so this one is actually more what I needed. I tried it for the first time tonight, grinding some cooked beef and bacon together for a skillet cheeseburger. That thing was FAST. Quite efficient. And not nearly as noisy as the old one. I like that it has a stainless steel bowl and a separate glass bowl. I can prep… Read more »

January 8, 2025 7:24 pm

Since the doctor’s office was real close to Sam’s, I decided to go in and check out the meat. I picked up a big pack of microfiber towels, for some reason. Hubby said he uses them, so he’ll take some to the shop. Then I skipped the whole inside of the store and shopped the outer ring of refrigerated foods. I dropped $350 today, 99% of it in meat products. I won’t have to shop for food again for weeks. I got it home and checked my concerns about the freezer: yep, not enough room. I pulled out some veggies… Read more »

January 8, 2025 7:17 pm

Okay, got two tasks down. I had my physical today. The PA who sees me knows I don’t do vaccines (especially the new ones), statins, or metformin. We talked about cholesterol and I told her I was more worried about my inflammation markers. The insurance doesn’t cover that, so I guess I’ll have to pay for my own tests for things that carnivores are worried about. She said that while I’m not happy with my blood sugar numbers, they aren’t high enough to merit too much concern. We both hope that when I can be active again and start working… Read more »

January 8, 2025 7:06 pm

Nephew says this thing has been hanging around Galveston the past few days. Versabar’s VB-10000, a 10,000 ton crane. I chose this pic for scale because I believe that is a pretty standard size oil platform is is hoisting. Oh yeah, sails under the US flag.

Last edited 2 months ago by GJT
January 8, 2025 6:21 pm

Okay, off to take care of bidness ‘n stuff. I should be popping back in later.

January 8, 2025 6:20 pm

Re the fires in California: I heard on the radio that these fires may well have been caused by the homeless folks. That makes sense. They have to cook food, burn trash (?), stay warm. But never fear! Diversity to the rescue! Luckily, LA’s fire chief Kristin Crowley has been lauded as both the first woman and the first lesbian fire chief in LA’s history. And she is on video saying her top priority for the fire department was even more diversity. Many people are looking closely for signs of DEI incompetence.Contrary to the federal government’s response to the hurricane disaster in Western North Carolina,… Read more »

January 8, 2025 6:18 pm

…and now YT is considering going the X route with “community notes”.

The libs are seething. Their control is being stripped from them one by one as their “moral paywalls” are being removed. That means they may get even more crazy as the resistance against them grows.

Pass the popcorn.

January 8, 2025 6:14 pm

Re Zuck’s (and boy, do I need to be careful typing that!) sudden reversal, stating that “fact checkers” weren’t really checking facts after all, and the anger from the conservatives may have really been deserved: The FCers are already fired. You know, like when Trump says it. Buh bye. Sayonara. Heading for the sunset. And they are concerned about their financial well being. Cry me a wissing river – they never worried about the lives they destroyed protecting their precious egos and idealogy. Buh bye, hated fact checkers! Check your financial implications, you buzzards.Try imagining the horror progressives must have felt,… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Tedtam
January 8, 2025 6:01 pm

I have finally reached a pause in my day and have found my perch. I have things to do, but first I must take myself to my usual space…. Good morning, C&C, it’s Wednesday! I awoke this morning to a world on fire (literally), with multiple breaking news stories that weren’t on my planned list. So several stories, including Florida’s vaccine grand jury report, got pushed. Never fear, we’ll cover them this week. But today’s roundup includes: Zuckerberg makes full censorship confession and explodes progressive minds with free speech commitment; guess who joined Meta’s board and why; LA county fires… Read more »

January 8, 2025 5:34 pm

Ain’t no bears in Austin County and we’re doing just fine without them, thank you.

January 8, 2025 3:23 pm

It looks like the SCOTUS is going to override the corrupt Juan Merchan and reverse the convictions.

Super Dave
January 8, 2025 3:15 pm

Guess the year? Oh and the car if you like. 😉

January 8, 2025 1:42 pm

Although pro-slavery, U.S. Senator Sam Houston repeatedly opposed the addition of slave states to the Union. And subsequently as Texas Governor, he opposed Secession, but an ad hoc Convention voted overwhelmingly to secede on March 2, 1861. The vote was 166-8. Houston refused to swear an oath of loyalty to the Confederacy and was removed from office on March 16, 1861. On March 31, 1861, Sam gave a speech in front of the Washington County courthouse in Brenham, TX, defending his actions. This Saturday, at the restored Simon Theater in Brenham, An Afternoon With Sam Houston, will present a reenactment… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
January 8, 2025 1:12 pm

Gotta get that dvr going.
it’s an Elvis movie marathon on tcm.

the next best thing would be if they ran a Godzilla marathon right after Elvis.

that would be almost as good as me topping off my beer drinking with another beer.

Last edited 2 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
January 8, 2025 12:03 pm

Elvi the Pelvi sings Yippee Yi Yo Yippee Yi Yay with Imogene Coca, Andy Griffith & Steve Allen. One has to wonder how he became so popular.

January 8, 2025 11:35 am

Lemme see Trump wants to chqange the name of the Gulf of Mexico Trump wants to (maybe forcibly) take over Panama Trump suggests maybe Canada should become a state Trump suggests taking over Greenland I understand why he refuses to make military action off the table, one never tips their hand or remove tools to achieve their plans. I am more concerned that this nut bag is suggesting these things. Will he do them? Probably not. But the fact that he has publicly said these things as trial balloons gives me pause as to whatever else he may be thinking… Read more »

January 8, 2025 11:10 am

I’m the doctor’s waiting room for the usual finger wagging. Still not taking statins or metformin.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
January 8, 2025 10:52 am

Here’s one just for squawka Bruddah.

January 8, 2025 10:44 am

Bookcase: A piece of furniture used in America to house bowling trophies and elvis collectibles.

Rick Bayan

January 8, 2025 10:43 am

The New York Times is read by the people who run the country; the Washington Post is read by the people who think they run the country; the National Enquirer is read by the people who think Elvis is alive and running the country…

Robert J. Woodhead

January 8, 2025 10:40 am

Elvis may have been the king of rock ‘n’ roll, but I am the queen. ‘Little Richard’

Last edited 2 months ago by squawkbox
January 8, 2025 10:23 am

Too Fun to Check: Did Sunny Hostin Rat Out Her Husband on The View?

Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Hostin is among nearly 200 defendants named in one of the largest RICO cases ever filed in New York.

Super Dave
January 8, 2025 10:13 am

My Boy just called and said that the only fire that could really have an affect on them was the one in Camarillo and it was small and now contained so it didn’t make the news. He does have issues with his managers in Pasadena because of the Eaton Fire. He said he drives by Pacific Palisades ever day and it’s a lost cause along with most of Malibu. He did mention that Pacific Palisades had no water because the reservoirs are dry and that the mayor of LA was a lunatic.

Super Dave
January 8, 2025 9:49 am

I’ve been fussing about the cold weather but I should be tankful for the very mild December we’ve had. Many days in the high 70’s and lows in the 50’s. I just got my gas bill and it was $83, lowest December bill I’ve had and about 30% less than last year. I think my highest gas bill ever was about $125 and that was a January.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
January 8, 2025 9:48 am

Happy birthday to King Creole.

brings a tear to your eye, don’t it?

Last edited 2 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
Super Dave
January 8, 2025 9:21 am

BTW; I spotted Elvis at the Stop-N-Rop over in Skipperville last week. He looks pretty good for 80. 😀

January 8, 2025 9:11 am

One of these days the Elvis is dead deniers will mathematically be wrong.

BTW, just to be clear, wife is not a denier.

January 8, 2025 9:09 am

Elvis was a great gospel singer.though. Bring tears to your eyes good.

Last edited 2 months ago by squawkbox
January 8, 2025 9:07 am

AND ELVIS AIN’T KING. There is only one king and we just celebrated his birth, and soon to celebrate his resurrection.
Y’all can flame away if you feel so. inclined.

January 8, 2025 9:06 am

Lol, serious headline and story.

January 8, 2025 9:03 am

Super Dave
I got a bunch more. I guess discretion is the better part of jocularity.

I am a past president of the I hate Elvis club.

Super Dave
January 8, 2025 8:56 am

I think Squawk is on a roll! 😀

January 8, 2025 8:54 am

Q: What was Elvis’s last great hit?

A: The bathroom floor!

January 8, 2025 8:53 am

Q: What’s stiff and excites women?

A: Elvis Presley!

January 8, 2025 8:52 am

Q: What would Elvis be doing if he was alive right now?

A: Clawing at the inside of his coffin!

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