Turkey Track Ranch, North Of Amarillo in Hutchinson County
Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless You All. Be grateful for all the the tough, brave men and women who made this the greatest state in United States of America.
The Turkey Track Ranch was first established by R. McNulty from Colorado soon after 1878, making it one of the first five ranches in the Texas Panhandle. His brand was called the Turkey Track or Rafter I, In 1881, he sold the ranch to C.W. Word in 1881. In 1883, Mr. Word sold the Turkey Track Ranch located in Hansford and Hutchinson Counties to the English syndicate Hansford Land & Cattle run by J.M. Coburn of Scotland. Hansford also purchased Thomas S. Bugbee’s Quarter Circle T’s located near Adobe Walls for $350,000, as well as William E. Anderson’s Scissors Ranch near Adobe Walls. By 1890, Hansford Land & Cattle owned 85,000 acres and leased 350,000 and had an average head count of 30,000 head.
Only the you know who can afford 70 dollar turkeys.
Daniela Andrade Live. I’m gonna stop posting after this one.
Rachel can’t find her way home.
What in the world is a $70 turkey?
Much less a $55 one.
RE: Tedtam’s 3:30 PM comment
For the first time in my life, my turkey did not turn out well. I let Her Highness convince me to buy an off brand turkey for $55 instead of the Butterball for $70. What a mistake and I don’t care about those fools who bring up a 12 year old incident about Butterball just to try and hurt their sales. I’ll never buy anything but a Butterball turkey again.
Laurah Louisa has broken a few hearts already, I’m sure. Love the voice.
Textam Mister Shannon On Turkey A whole Smoked Turkey is an entirely different challenge for the carver. Not to mention the fact that I’ve always found them to be prohibitively lacking when it comes to ROI (return on your investment). The remaining moisture content in the meat is radically reduced. What does remain tastes like weakly smoked ham from New Hampshire or some similarly northern clime. And since you asked, fried turkey is also highly overrated. I think the exciting drama of the frying process overwhelms the fact of less than spectacular results. Yep, I am a traditionalist. For Pete’s… Read more »
I see that the Meat Puppet & Co. have been handed another immigration loss.
Texas can put up all the razor wire it wants, and the feds can’t touch it.
An executive decision has been made tonight: I’m never doing another turkey. Screw tradition, it ain’t worth it.
I tried to debone the smoked turkey, but unlike a traditionally oven roasted bird, this one didn’t just fall apart. The joints were fully intact and stubborn. I deboned what I could, and the rest is being made into stock.
I have a big crock pot and I’m not afraid to use it.
Meanwhile, Ms. Adee is comfortably settled in her favorite chair or couch, with early signs of a grin, as her beloved Packers hold a seemingly commanding lead over the Florida Fish.
It’s a rare Thursday Night Musical Brunette Comment.
We had a fine Thanksgiving, my sister, BIL and wife showed up for Thanksgiving. Sister brought homemade pecan and pumpkin pies and pear salad. SIL brought her dressing and I fixed the rest of the meal. Everyone left with leftovers so we’ll not be eating turkey until Christmas but the pies are gone. I think there’s only a couple of slices left.
Life is Good and yes we’re truly blessed.
Johnny Cash.
They do it better than we do.
An actual West Virginia man gives a head nod to John Denver.
The Joe Rogan interview with Oliver Anthony just months ago.
Well, I managed to make carnivore mashed potatoes and gravy for the first time. It involves toasting gelatin until golden brown, melting in a stick of butter, then adding 32 oz of egg whites and some other stuff, and then cooking the heck out of it until all liquid is gone. If that’s done properly, it won’t taste eggy and will result in a potato flavor, but it takes about a half hour to get it to that point. It should end up being dry and crumbly egg whites. Those are then mixed in a blender with some cream and… Read more »
What? No comments on the Christmas decorations and snow?
Alright, friends. Your favorite Thanksgiving DJ is headed off to his next gig.
But I just have to play my favorite song of all time.
And my favorite performance of it.
Have a great weekend.
My 5:37 pm
If you hung around for the entire video, the second song features the guy who taught Texpat how to dance.
No lie. I’ve watched him for years.
There is no way this kid is even 15 yet. . .. .
Tedtams 3:30 PM.
This crap infuriates me. All this happened 12 years ago and their competitors drag it out every damned year. It’s defamation. I bet you can’t hiccup around Butterball facilities without it being recorded. For the first time in my life I bought a private label bird instead of Butterball and it is horrible. Never again.
I remember it was a hot summer.
But it was pretty comfortable upstairs at my grandmother’s house in Bellville.
I’m not sure of my age (8?), but that particular day I discovered in a closet my aunt’s collection of 78rpm platters. And a record player.
My life changed when I played this song for the first time.
For some folks, Elvis was their first. For me, it was Little Richard.
Tedtam 3:30pm
”In a nation where the average reading comprehension level hovers around that of a sixth grader,”
That sounds more than a bit optimistic to me. Sorry, not sorry.
My “girlfriend” has been away in Onalaska for the better part of the last 9 days helping with her oldest daughter’s rehab from cervical spine surgery last week. Cooking, laundering, watching over a 9 year old grandson – not to mention the patient herself.
She’s looking forward to sleeping in her own bed tomorrow night.
I sent her this extraordinary cover of this old Bill Withers song.
The secret sex lives of turkeys.
Watch what you eat.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and may the weather hold off rain. Spouse and I had our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday and brought home the leftovers for today to avoid going out today for dinner with everybody and kinfolk also there and all the tables filled all day. Such arrangements seem to end up as a zoo before the day is done…. The staff agreed that things can end up as a zoo more often than not no matter how carefully the plans are made. Fall finally sems to have arrived at last. Very windy this morning and a gazillion more leaves… Read more »
I took some time to do some reading. I have gotten out of the habit, but recently picked up a Tom Clancy book and one by “Nurse Hadley” Vlahas. She’s a delightful young hospice nurse that I’ve been following over yonder. Her story is a bit of an inspiration, and I encourage everyone to find her. Her book, “The In-Between,” shares things that she’s learned from her life experiences and her care for the dying. Her desire is to create a “Hadley House,” a home where the dying and their caregivers can come during their last days. The caregivers will… Read more »
Nice and chilly out. A bit breezy.
It’s summer in Australia where it belongs.
I woke up this morning and started making breakfast since Handsome Son and his wife were due at ten before they headed out to her folks. She flies back to Florida this evening; I believe she’s been in town a few days and I’m sure they spent as much time as possible together. It’s been a long time apart. Just a few more months and she’s scheduled to come home for good, and I’m sure they’re both ready for that. I made the quiche and sweet potatoes for breakfast, trying to keep some kind of Thanksgiving theme going but not… Read more »
nowadays he probably stands on the streets of Hoboken posing as a street preacher while sneaking looks at Monica Belluci look alikes as they pass by.
Bet he still owns that checkerboard shirt:p:)
Turned off Christmas stuff till there are more people for me to annoy.
Watching some guy name Shaboozie doing the halftime show. Black guy. Dang he sounds more country than the flat belly white guys that call themselves country. Not bad at.all.
Alberta checks in! Happy Thanksgiving.
I thought getting stuck trying to get logged back in was annoying… I suppose that a Santa with a big red nose is nothing to get my knickers in a twist over… Wishing all ya’ll a blessed Thanksgiving Day and a peaceful holiday season leading up to Christmas Day… but I am not at all sure Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky would approve of Hip Hop Nutcracker
I’m certain that Bo Diddley never imagined such a cover…
Oh boy an annoying Santa
Trump does in one day what 40 years of Rinoholic Vampyreism couldn’t.
Kentucky swamp turtles and Texas cornholes lament.
the dizzy Crawford cowboy dunce was unavailable for comment.
but ‘I’m the decider.’
sorry fella. You ain’t the boss,
Trump is.
happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Happy thanksgiving to all y’all, may you have a blessed day.
11F here today and most of the weekend. Monday a Chinook blows in so next week will be 30’s and 40’s. Bring it on. We have about half a foot on snow on the ground and it is still lightly falling.
I am thankful for this blog and all you folks. I am not around much as I don’t have much to say except, getting old sucks.
Bonecrusher: I chuckled at your video and sent it to a couple of folks.
Headed down to the river to log a well. So…
The wheels of justice turn very slowly.
From Paul Sperry:
I read all of O. Henry’s stories when I was a boy. Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen by O. Henry THERE IS ONE DAY THAT IS OURS. THERE IS ONE day when all Americans go back to the old home and eat a big dinner.Bless the day. The President gives it to us every year.Sometimes he talks about the people who had the first Thanksgiving.They were the Puritans. They were some people who landed on our Atlantic shore. We don’t really remember much about them.But those people ate a large bird called turkey on the first Thanks- giving Day. So we have turkey for… Read more »
I saw the Nutcracker once. Actually enjoyed the ballet.
But this, BUT THIS is heresy.
My 6 year old grandson told his mother the other day he wants to grow up and be a paleontologist and he pronounced it correctly. I’m sure I never heard of one before I was at least 12.
Josh Turner and friends do a mighty fine cover of an old Fleetwood Mac tune.
Poor little Peter…now the DC press corps has to go back to work instead of sleeping through virtually non-existent press conferences. The White House press corps is already “exhausted” at the outset of the second Trump administration.“Anybody who went through it the last time remembers how nonstop it was. It ends up kind of becoming all-consuming and taking over your life. It wears you down,” New York Times White House correspondent Peter Baker told Vanity Fair Wednesday, adding that “you have to expect that covering a big story is, by definition, taxing because it’s important.”Reporters commented on how President-elect Donald Trump was… Read more »
Turkey is carved, side dishes made, wine is packed along with all kinds of stuff we expect the daughter to have forgotten to buy. These Yankees eat their holiday meals after sundown. It’s weird and I’ve never gotten over it. I grew up with everybody having eaten before the UT vs A&M game came on. After a snack, we’d watch the Army-Navy game.
Speaking of Chronically Biased, way back in January 2007 Mimi Schwartz did a long hit piece in Texas Monthly about then-newly-elected Sen. Dan Patrick. I found it interesting if only because it covers an important part of our political history and has some good inside-baseball stuff.
I got lucky with the paywall. You might try accessing it directly instead of using the link above.
Looks a bit chilly and wet up there, Texpat.
If horror movies were shot in the South.
After 13 years on this site, I ran out of ideas for Thanksgiving Day and decided to do something different with a little Texas history.