Monday’s Fascist Green Open Comments

Recent history is seldom what you think it is; not in this modern age of deception and chicanery.

Rupert Darwall:

Climate change was political long before Al Gore first started talking about it. In the 1970s, the Swedish Social Democrats used global warming to get political support for building a string of nuclear power stations. It was the second phase of their war on coal, which began with the acid rain scare and the first big UN environment conference in Stockholm in 1969.

Acid rain swept all before it. America held out for as long as Ronald Reagan was in the White House, but capitulated under his successor. Like global warming, acid rain had the vocal support of the scientific establishment, but the consensus science collapsed just as Congress was passing acid rain cap-and-trade legislation. Rather than tell legislators and the nation the truth, the EPA attacked a lead scientist and suppressed the federal report showing that the scientific case for action on curbing power station emissions was baseless.

Ostensibly neutral in the Cold War, Sweden had a secret military alliance with Washington. A hero of the international Left, Sweden’s Olof Palme used environmentalism to maintain a precarious balance between East and West. Thus Stockholm was the conduit for the KGB-inspired nuclear winter scare. The bait was taken by Carl Sagan and leading scientists, who tried to undermine Ronald Reagan’s nuclear strategy and acted as propaganda tools to end the Cold War on Moscow’s terms.



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Super Dave
November 4, 2024 9:00 pm

Friday funnies, I love this one; Threat to Democracy

November 4, 2024 6:22 pm

Don’t think I saw this posted.

NBC Airs Trump Message After FCC Commissioner Flags ‘Equal Time’ Concerns Over Harris SNL Appearance
Michael Berry talked about this, SNL audience is like 5M, Trump’s ads on NASCAR and Sunday Night Football were many millions.

November 4, 2024 5:39 pm

…and his Friday Funnies, a few days late.

Did anyone post the WIP?

Last edited 4 months ago by Tedtam
November 4, 2024 5:32 pm

Dr. Malone’s Sunday Strip (funnies). Lotsa Peanut here. Cute memes.

It ends with a funny woke video, Halloween flavored.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tedtam
November 4, 2024 4:10 pm

I am *finally* getting hungry. Considering eating dinner. I did a mile on the treadmill before getting my shower.

Now I’m looking at this Beneficial Ownership form that I have to fill out for the gubmint. I had heard it was a simple name, company name, address, etc. Oooooooooooh, no it’s not. /whimper

Hubby better appreciate me. He wouldn’t do it. He doesn’t have the patience. He’d be paying out the nose for people to do it for him or to pay the fines and other ramifications on the back side.

November 4, 2024 4:08 pm

My social calendar and injury delayed my HEB visit pushed back to today.
Got a giggle from a woman in the store.
They had the music cranked up pretty high today. I’m trying to shop and have five other things on my mind. And I was quite unconsciously singing along, out loud.
I immediately stopped, said sorry. She said, no, by all means continue.

November 4, 2024 4:07 pm

Love Carl Higbie’s openings:

“You don’t vote because you ‘don’t do politics’? Well get ready, because politics is about to do you!”

“Be the person you’re waiting for.”

He is so good.

November 4, 2024 4:05 pm

Glad I didn’t have any appointments today. I never changed my watch nor the car clock.

November 4, 2024 2:59 pm

The fluoride thing reminded me of a panel discussion I saw that linked dental health with vitamin D. I actually forwarded the study to my current dentist as well as linked it here for discussion. Indigenous peoples eating their indigenous diets had excellent dental health, historically speaking. (According to the dentists referenced in the link above.) We are looking at generational nutritional deficiencies which are being passed down to our kids – deformed jaws, dental malformations, etc. They may not show up in our kids, but probably a few generations down. We were designed to be outdoors for many hours,… Read more »

November 4, 2024 12:34 pm

Voting for Trump? Yes

November 4, 2024 12:25 pm

I have my next dental mauling Wednesday – so much to do before I get laid out for a coupla days. Or more. This is one I’ve been dreading ever since we discussed the scope of the surgery.

But then, I really wasn’t aware of how bad the last one was going to be.

What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger, right?

November 4, 2024 12:05 pm

Next up: Fluoride or not? Fluoride supporters often reflexively claim, without evidence, that there are thousands of studies showing water fluoridation is safe. Thousands! But attorney Michael Connett, who prosecuted the recent successful anti-fluoride lawsuit in California, got the chance to depose all the major involved agencies, including all the usual 3-letter suspects. Guess what they all said? They weren’t aware of a single study showing neurological safety following fluoride exposure./snipFour years ago, a political candidate who even asked questions about fluoride would have crashed and burned faster than a billion-dollar F-35 fighter jet. Four years ago, the WaPo wouldn’t have even bothered treating this story… Read more »

November 4, 2024 12:01 pm

Remember the brouhaha about the “vote for the Cackler and lie to your husband, because the voting booth is the last place a woman has free choice” ads? The WaPo reports an ad found inside of women’s toilet stalls: “Vote for Harris no one will ever know.” Haha, “in a bathroom stall!” You can’t make this stuff up. The actual message: vote for Harris and flush your future down the toilet. So funny. Or, Kamala can be our dirty little secret. You get the idea; take it away in the comments.Anyway, the WaPo hallucinated, or maybe hoped for, a post-it note movement, secretly spreading… Read more »

November 4, 2024 11:54 am

Mr. C. has an update on the government overreach regarding Peanut the Squirrel. See yesterday’s C&C for details. Peanut Update: several alert readers in yesterday’s comments suggested that squirrels are not, in fact, rabies vectors, making the State of New York’s claims about confiscating and executing Peanut the Squirrel even dumber and more irrational that they first appeared.So, being somewhat time-pressed, I asked ChatGPT, and it promptly agreed that squirrel bites do not automatically require rabies treatment: So the theory that the wildlife “experts” used for abusing this poor family at gunpoint and taking – and then killing – his pet squirrel… Read more »

November 4, 2024 11:50 am

The C&C roundup:

We’re almost there! It’s Monday, the 4th of November, Election Day eve. With luck and providence, our national nightmare will soon be over. Trump wasn’t saved from eight assassin’s bullets and a close-to-fatal head wound for nothing. Today’s election eve roundup includes: C&C’s presidential endorsement; an update on Peanut the Squirrel makes his untimely seizure and execution even more atrocious; far-left corporate media outlet makes surprising Ukraine comparison; unintentionally hilarious bathroom humor from the Washington Post signals Democrat dismay; and crazy conspiracy fluoride platform signals sanity returning to a sickened nation.

November 4, 2024 11:49 am

Slowly getting into my routine today. Woke up with one of my headaches this morning; a bad one and I haven’t had one this bad in quite a while.

It’s subsiding finally. I took some Tylenol, drank my coffee, and relaxed with my rosary making/praying. Maybe I’ll feel good enough to exercise later. Off to see what Mr. C. has on tap for me today. I could use a good chuckle or two…

November 4, 2024 11:27 am

Yes, it is long, but a very good read. I am writing this open letter to the citizens of the United States of America, to document the lay of the land as I see it, as a U.S. Senate candidate in the state of Minnesota. I am the 1st nominee for U.S Senate born in the 1990s. I am honored to hold this historic title. Let it be remembered, when the U.S. Senate and much of our government had become hollowed, decayed and ossified by corruption… The Minnesota Republican voters chose me. Still with many of the flaws of my youth,… Read more »

November 4, 2024 10:42 am

Yesterday we were in HEB and saw an older lady wearing a mask. I give a pass to older people who might have some health concerns but my wife just shook her head and muttered. As we got closer the lady turned and I saw her proud Harris/Waltz shirt. I pointed it out to my mostly a-political wife. She just giggled. Heard her on the phone with a girlfriend last talking about it. My teachings have their moments. Love it. 😀

Super Dave
November 4, 2024 10:33 am

I got the Vette all cleaned and polished up so how am I looking? 😉

November 4, 2024 10:06 am
November 4, 2024 8:48 am

Big shout out to Discount Tire! My supervisor at work had to stay home because she had a flat and no spare. Discount Tire Mobile Service to the rescue. They will bring the appropriate new tire(s) along with a fully equipped truck to do the whole thing in her driveway. What a great service option by a great company.

November 4, 2024 8:13 am

In the 1970’s did open-wheeler Janet Guthrie generate the hate that Danica has?

Super Dave
November 4, 2024 7:51 am

We’re DOOMED!!!! Actually we’re hoping for some much needed rain out of that storm. 😉

November 4, 2024 7:18 am
Last edited 4 months ago by Shannon
November 4, 2024 6:58 am

If you want a measure of how insane this cycle has gotten, here’s Hugh Hewitt having absolutely enough of it and walking off the Washington Post’s program, after which he quit the paper entirely. Yes, everyone, even the mild-mannered Hugh Hewitt is unacceptable now for The Washington Post. And what made him unacceptable? He pointed out that this court ruling in Bucks County, Pennsylvaniawasn’t based on some bizarre conspiracy, but on the law which wasn’t properly followed. The audacity!
— Ben Domenech

November 4, 2024 6:56 am

I am becoming more convinced that politicians are genetically incapable of actually solving problems. We can’t even get the Texas legislature to kill the absurdity of Daylight Savings Time.
It is going to take revolutionary type people to correct the path our national govt is on. Musk and the government meat ax to the rescue.

Super Dave
November 4, 2024 5:05 am

It looks like we have another great O.C. piece and I’ve not had time to check it out but this stood out;

Rather than tell legislators and the nation the truth, the EPA attacked a lead scientist and suppressed the federal report showing that the scientific case for action on curbing power station emissions was baseless.

Just one more reason to abolish the unconstitutional EPA. I sure wish we could get it and other agencies abolished under the SCOTUS Chevron Deference but sadly I don’t see that happening.

It’s Monday again!
Mornin’ Gang

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