Spotted over yonder; Greetings from Guernsey in the Channel Islands. This is my Grandmother’s lightbulb. We believe she had electricity installed in her house just before the First World War, and this bulb was in her kitchen from the 1910’s until she moved into a care home in 1977. I was 15 at the time and removed the bulb when her house was being cleared. As a small child I was always fascinated with the orange glow that the bulb gave. I believe it is an ‘Ediswan’ brand, and wondered what the ‘10’ stands for stamped on the glass at… Read more »
There seems to be a great voting turnout already in early voting nearly all over the nation. One could guess that this represents how angry citizens are over the disastrous results the Democrats have thrust upon them in the last 4 years.
The crown-jewel question “Are your better off now than you were four years ago?” leads the millions of “No” answers that reply, some of which are “Hell NO” with or without swear words attached. Voting shows the massive result of the replies.
Gonna be of great interest to see Tuesday’s results.
According to a campaign source, Kamala Harris is expressing regret about not doing the Joe Rogan podcast. She worries that not going on makes her look weak as both Trump and Vance have been interviewed, but her advisors have pushed back saying the risks are too high so close to the election.
At one point the idea of sending Tim Walz to do the interview in lieu of Kamala was floated, but the idea was killed by campaign advisors who thought he might come across as too weird.
Even on the Right, there has been this theme pollsters have been accurate in 2024 and have corrected their miscalculations from 2020. They have to be right. Right ? The once Prince of Polls, Nate Silver, thinks differently. “Pollsters were ‘herding’ their numbers, or using past results to affect current ones, to keep Vice President Harris and former President Trump to within a point or two of each other each time” reports the New York Post.“I kind of trust pollsters less,” Silver said on his podcast, name-checking Emerson College. “They all, every time a pollster [says] ‘Oh, every state is just… Read more »
Unless Hamas throws in the towel soon and releases the remaining hostages, the IDF will not stop until it kills every last one of their leadership. That’s what happens when you start wars and then expect everyone else to protect you from the consequences. At some point, the Gazans will start executing these terrorists and put an end to the war — and let’s hope that’s soon.
The ATT guys came out to restore internet to my house. Fortunately the damaged pvc conduit was appropriately repaired and they were able to push the new fiberoptic cable through the pipe. It turns out that they had a scrap just the right size. Just under 900 MBS down and 950 up.
Hugh Hewitt quits The Washington Post after storming off newspaper’s live show
“I will not come back, Jonathan, how’s that? I’m done,” Hewitt fired back as he stood up from his chair and removed his earpiece. “This is the most unfair election ad I have ever been a part of.”
School choice is a controversial subject in the Texas legislature each session. This story from Kentucky helps explain the resistance in conservative, rural regions to school choice. LOUISVILLE, KY—More Grace Christian Academy is located inside a small, run-down church in the West End, the poorest neighborhood in the biggest city in Kentucky. In 2021, at the height of Covid school closures, Cecil Blye opened the school, named after the nearby church where he serves as pastor. There are about a dozen kids, almost all black, from first through twelfth grade. By the time most of them started at the school, Blye… Read more »
Did NASA name the S-band transmitters after Super Dave ? Voyager 1 left the earth 47 years ago and has traveled 24 billion kilometers. It’s still talking to its creators. “While the S-band uses less power, Voyager 1 had not used it to communicate with Earth since 1981. It uses a different frequency than the X-band transmitters signal is significantly fainter. The flight team was not certain the S-band could be detected at Earth due to the spacecraft’s distance, but engineers with the Deep Space Network were able to find it.”The team has confirmed that the S-band transmitter is working… Read more »
In August, the second largest teachers union chapter in the country—there are more than 35,000 members of United Teachers Los Angeles—met at the Bonaventure Hotel in L.A. to discuss, among other things, how to turn their K-12 students against Israel. In front of a PowerPoint that read, “How to be a teacher & an organizer. . . and NOT get fired,” history teacher Ron Gochez elaborated on stealth methods for indoctrinating students.But how to transport busloads of kids to an anti-Israel rally, during the school day, without arousing suspicion? “A lot of us that have been to those [protest] actions have brought our students. Now… Read more »
When one side has to vote the election too big to rig and the other side doesn’t and does all the cheating with impunity and all the voting ‘errors’ go in their favor it means at least 50% to 60% of the country not will believe the results. if Trump ‘loses’ there’s no way I will believe the results. it also means you no longer have a country because election integrity is completely corrupt and neither side of the aisle politicians in dc care and most kangaroos dressed as penguins don’t give a sh!t. praying for a miracle but expecting… Read more »
I saw the red-headed college girl on Fox this morning claiming without any evidence to back it up that Trump would ban birth control. It made me want to scream. These Democrats are worse than criminals.
There was a report yesterday about a Republican door-knocker canvasser in an unnamed swing state who said they had to dial back some of their speech about the Harris/Walz intentions about transgenderism and minors being taken from their parents because independents refused to believe it. They thought the canvassers were being outlandish.
Coat-tails? Alabama has been redistricted here in the southern part of the state but we got to keep our District #1 Rep, Barry Moore even though we’re now part of a portion Mobile. The new District #2 running from Montgomery through Selma and down to the northern (black) part of Mobile, is almost 50/50, 45/55 I guess and we’re hoping that Republican Caroleene Dobson can ride Trumps coat-tails and defeat Democrat Shomari Figures.
FWIW; Dobson is new to politics and Figures comes from a long time corrupt political family
The Wayback Machine has been paralyzed and now there is no publicly accessible archive on the internet. We now have at least three weeks in which nothing has been saved. Now when the mainstream media edit their past articles or editorials there is no way to retrieve the originals to prove they are lying. Navigating this thicket of censorship and quasi-censorship has become part of the business model of alternative media. Those are just the headline cases. Beneath the headlines, there are technical events taking place that are fundamentally affecting the ability of any historian even to look back and tell… Read more »
It just keeps getting better; Elon Musk’s mother says she felt ‘relief’ after bailing on ‘malicious and dishonest’ Democratic Party “When I became a U.S. citizen, of course, I was Democratic because they give you that option and because they’re the good kind people who care about America,” Maye told the hosts, explaining that she would watch CNN, MSNBC and read the New York Times, which depicted Republicans as terrible. “But then, they’d also say Elon is terrible, and I was thinking, why are they lying about Elon?“They really just cut into my mind that they just didn’t know what… Read more »
The annual UN resolution disapproving of the Cuba embargo came up. And the entire world, or nearly all of it, took a firm stand in favor of mandatory trade with a brutal Communist tyranny.
The UN General Assembly voted 187 – 2 in favor of its pro-Communist resolution urging the “necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba,”
The 2 were America and Israel. (Moldova, for some reason, abstained.)
OK folks this is what we’re dealing with; On Fox they were talking to people in a restaurant in Watkins Georgia where most patrons were Trump supporters but they asked a 20 something female who she was voting for and she said she was voting for Kamala ONLY because she had a medical condition that required her to be on birth control and if Trump was elected he was going to take away her birth control!?!?! ISYN!!! This pathetic moron shouldn’t even be allowed to vote! ~SPITS~
After falling down a rabbit hole I found an interesting note about Mark Twain’s impression of author Bret Harte;
“Harte is a liar, a thief, a swindler, a snob, a sot, a sponge, a coward, a Jeremy Diddler, he is brim full of treachery… To send this nasty creature to puke upon the American name in a foreign land is too much”.
OK, now tell us what you really think. 😀
BTW; This was in a letter to William Dean Powell about appointing Harte to the position of United States Consul in the town of Krefeld, Germany.
Someone said that Trump’s Rogan interview was equal to about $100 million in free advertising and this was predicated on Rogan’s 14 million viewership. But last I heard the interview has been view over 40 million times.
I have to say, watching all the Lamesteam Media folks heads explode with all of Trump’s shenanigans is very entertaining. He Punks them without even trying AND he is owning the news cycle since the middle of last week. The fact that the left’s latest attempt to smear Trump with the floating garbage story was turned back on them via Biden is icing on the cake. 😀
Wish me luck,
First date in three or four decades.
At church.
Spotted over yonder; Greetings from Guernsey in the Channel Islands. This is my Grandmother’s lightbulb. We believe she had electricity installed in her house just before the First World War, and this bulb was in her kitchen from the 1910’s until she moved into a care home in 1977. I was 15 at the time and removed the bulb when her house was being cleared. As a small child I was always fascinated with the orange glow that the bulb gave. I believe it is an ‘Ediswan’ brand, and wondered what the ‘10’ stands for stamped on the glass at… Read more »
There seems to be a great voting turnout already in early voting nearly all over the nation. One could guess that this represents how angry citizens are over the disastrous results the Democrats have thrust upon them in the last 4 years.
The crown-jewel question “Are your better off now than you were four years ago?” leads the millions of “No” answers that reply, some of which are “Hell NO” with or without swear words attached. Voting shows the massive result of the replies.
Gonna be of great interest to see Tuesday’s results.
Ummm, how weird is too weird?
Even on the Right, there has been this theme pollsters have been accurate in 2024 and have corrected their miscalculations from 2020. They have to be right. Right ? The once Prince of Polls, Nate Silver, thinks differently. “Pollsters were ‘herding’ their numbers, or using past results to affect current ones, to keep Vice President Harris and former President Trump to within a point or two of each other each time” reports the New York Post.“I kind of trust pollsters less,” Silver said on his podcast, name-checking Emerson College. “They all, every time a pollster [says] ‘Oh, every state is just… Read more »
This guy is so good on the acoustic guitar that he impressed Tommy Emmanuel. The Entertainer.
So says Ed Morrisey…
I’ve been waiting for a while now, Ed.
The ATT guys came out to restore internet to my house. Fortunately the damaged pvc conduit was appropriately repaired and they were able to push the new fiberoptic cable through the pipe. It turns out that they had a scrap just the right size. Just under 900 MBS down and 950 up.
Hugh Hewitt quits The Washington Post after storming off newspaper’s live show
It takes a lifetime + lots of G-D given talent to be able to play like this; Tommy Emmanuel speaking then showing how to play Blue Moon on the acoustic guitar.
Skip to 3:18 to just get the whole thing without extraneous commentary.
I have a question for the gang.
There are several – seemingly reputable – discount cell service providers.
I don’t actually believe that they have unlimited equal access to the towers across the country – particularly in rural areas.
What’s the deal?
Did you get my recent gmail?
School choice is a controversial subject in the Texas legislature each session. This story from Kentucky helps explain the resistance in conservative, rural regions to school choice. LOUISVILLE, KY—More Grace Christian Academy is located inside a small, run-down church in the West End, the poorest neighborhood in the biggest city in Kentucky. In 2021, at the height of Covid school closures, Cecil Blye opened the school, named after the nearby church where he serves as pastor. There are about a dozen kids, almost all black, from first through twelfth grade. By the time most of them started at the school, Blye… Read more »
Did NASA name the S-band transmitters after Super Dave ? Voyager 1 left the earth 47 years ago and has traveled 24 billion kilometers. It’s still talking to its creators. “While the S-band uses less power, Voyager 1 had not used it to communicate with Earth since 1981. It uses a different frequency than the X-band transmitters signal is significantly fainter. The flight team was not certain the S-band could be detected at Earth due to the spacecraft’s distance, but engineers with the Deep Space Network were able to find it.”The team has confirmed that the S-band transmitter is working… Read more »
12K jobs added in October but they expected 113K!? A slight deficit there but my question is who came up with the 113K number?
Did you know that your call may be recorded for quality assurance? Not their quality…….. yours.
In August, the second largest teachers union chapter in the country—there are more than 35,000 members of United Teachers Los Angeles—met at the Bonaventure Hotel in L.A. to discuss, among other things, how to turn their K-12 students against Israel. In front of a PowerPoint that read, “How to be a teacher & an organizer. . . and NOT get fired,” history teacher Ron Gochez elaborated on stealth methods for indoctrinating students.But how to transport busloads of kids to an anti-Israel rally, during the school day, without arousing suspicion? “A lot of us that have been to those [protest] actions have brought our students. Now… Read more »
Some kangaroo dressed in a penguin suit in Pennsylvania ruled that ballots that aren’t dated still need to be counted.
try not dating a family will when it’s written and have no record of when it was written and see how that works out in court when the time comes.
When one side has to vote the election too big to rig and the other side doesn’t and does all the cheating with impunity and all the voting ‘errors’ go in their favor it means at least 50% to 60% of the country not will believe the results. if Trump ‘loses’ there’s no way I will believe the results. it also means you no longer have a country because election integrity is completely corrupt and neither side of the aisle politicians in dc care and most kangaroos dressed as penguins don’t give a sh!t. praying for a miracle but expecting… Read more »
These Fall grass burrs are purple and downright evil.
On my way to Denton.
I saw the red-headed college girl on Fox this morning claiming without any evidence to back it up that Trump would ban birth control. It made me want to scream. These Democrats are worse than criminals.
There was a report yesterday about a Republican door-knocker canvasser in an unnamed swing state who said they had to dial back some of their speech about the Harris/Walz intentions about transgenderism and minors being taken from their parents because independents refused to believe it. They thought the canvassers were being outlandish.
Mike Rowe had a conversation with Victor Davis Hanson.
Coat-tails? Alabama has been redistricted here in the southern part of the state but we got to keep our District #1 Rep, Barry Moore even though we’re now part of a portion Mobile. The new District #2 running from Montgomery through Selma and down to the northern (black) part of Mobile, is almost 50/50, 45/55 I guess and we’re hoping that Republican Caroleene Dobson can ride Trumps coat-tails and defeat Democrat Shomari Figures.
FWIW; Dobson is new to politics and Figures comes from a long time corrupt political family
The Wayback Machine has been paralyzed and now there is no publicly accessible archive on the internet. We now have at least three weeks in which nothing has been saved. Now when the mainstream media edit their past articles or editorials there is no way to retrieve the originals to prove they are lying. Navigating this thicket of censorship and quasi-censorship has become part of the business model of alternative media. Those are just the headline cases. Beneath the headlines, there are technical events taking place that are fundamentally affecting the ability of any historian even to look back and tell… Read more »
It just keeps getting better; Elon Musk’s mother says she felt ‘relief’ after bailing on ‘malicious and dishonest’ Democratic Party “When I became a U.S. citizen, of course, I was Democratic because they give you that option and because they’re the good kind people who care about America,” Maye told the hosts, explaining that she would watch CNN, MSNBC and read the New York Times, which depicted Republicans as terrible. “But then, they’d also say Elon is terrible, and I was thinking, why are they lying about Elon?“They really just cut into my mind that they just didn’t know what… Read more »
Never seen one of these attachments for a guitar before. Talented player to boot.
It’s not hard to tell who your friends are.
OK folks this is what we’re dealing with; On Fox they were talking to people in a restaurant in Watkins Georgia where most patrons were Trump supporters but they asked a 20 something female who she was voting for and she said she was voting for Kamala ONLY because she had a medical condition that required her to be on birth control and if Trump was elected he was going to take away her birth control!?!?! ISYN!!! This pathetic moron shouldn’t even be allowed to vote! ~SPITS~
After falling down a rabbit hole I found an interesting note about Mark Twain’s impression of author Bret Harte;
OK, now tell us what you really think. 😀
BTW; This was in a letter to William Dean Powell about appointing Harte to the position of United States Consul in the town of Krefeld, Germany.
PSA!!! Whatever you do, DON’T click on Bones’ @ 6:55 AM,….Not enough eye bleach anywhere……
I’ll just leave this right here. 😀
Another option for Brunette Friday.
>>>>>>>>>>> scrams >>>>>>>>>>
Erev shabbat shalom, y’all.
Someone said that Trump’s Rogan interview was equal to about $100 million in free advertising and this was predicated on Rogan’s 14 million viewership. But last I heard the interview has been view over 40 million times.
I have to say, watching all the Lamesteam Media folks heads explode with all of Trump’s shenanigans is very entertaining. He Punks them without even trying AND he is owning the news cycle since the middle of last week. The fact that the left’s latest attempt to smear Trump with the floating garbage story was turned back on them via Biden is icing on the cake. 😀
Oh yes, I approve! I see her on Fox News a lot, she is attractive and smart.
It’s Friday!
Mornin’ Gang