Yesterday was pessimism, today is optimism. I have run out of ways to compliment Goldman so take that into account.
David P. Goldman’s open letter to President Trump:
Here are some ideas that may help in your efforts, followed by more specific proposals:
- Inflation is closer to 8% than the official “3%” after figuring in higher interest costs to consumers. Biden started this inflation by running record budget deficits, and the Federal Reserve made it worse by increasing the interest burden on consumers. You must educate the American public on this reality and get the right people in place to fix it.
- The federal budget deficit is 6.4% of GDP, “larger than any deficit in records going back to 1930 except the years around World War II, the 2008 financial crisis, and the pandemic,” according to the Tax Foundation. Federal interest costs have doubled and now cost as much as defense. Get people on the Fed board who understand your economic agenda.
- Our woke education system is a disaster and has betrayed working-class kids. We can’t fill skilled jobs in manufacturing because high school graduates lack basic math skills. In the short term, state community college systems and work-study apprenticeship programs can help. Create a federal-state initiative for public-private partnerships in manufacturing skills, and ask Governor Ron DeSantis to head it.
- Vice President-elect Vance offered a workable peace plan in September to end the Russo-Ukrainian War. Give him a big role in handling the Ukraine problem. Leftovers from the foreign policy establishment in your first administration did nothing but sandbag you. Don’t listen to them, and put a smart outsider in charge instead.
- The U.S. military-industrial complex is a hopeless morass of corruption and incompetence that can’t make enough artillery shells to supply Ukraine, let alone enough submarines. Bypass the Pentagon brass and the defense contractors and choose a secretary of defense who understands new defense technologies.
- Your proposal to put high tariffs on Chinese EV imports but allow Chinese companies to build plants in the U.S. is brilliant—and very much like Ronald Reagan’s response to Japanese auto imports in the 1980s.
The biggest obstacle to industrial revival is lack of skilled labor, thanks to the liberals who control U.S. education. Summon the CEOs of our biggest manufacturing companies, and they’ll tell you the same thing: less than a quarter of U.S. high school students are proficient in math. That puts high-end jobs in computer-controlled manufacturing out of their reach. We can fix the problem by enlisting state community college systems in partnership with corporations. Florida already has the ball rolling. Ask Governor DeSantis to head an emergency effort to train skilled workers.
We beat Russia in the Cold War by inventing the Digital Age, using NASA and the defense budget to drive breakthroughs in new technologies. We can innovate better than China. But federal support for R&D under Reagan was double its present level as a percent of GDP. That’s why it’s critical to shift the defense budget to support new technology. To take only one example: We can’t out-produce China in missiles. The best response to China’s huge force of anti-ship missiles is directed-energy weapons (for example, lasers). But the Pentagon R&D budget for these new weapons is less than $800 million a year, or the cost of ten fighter planes.
I faxed it for sen chuck ‘the fossil’ grassley since he always receives a return error code of i.d.i.o.t due to his 1966 magnafax telocopier never being plugged in.
he has the phone line taped to his red Swingline stapler and has yet to figure it out.
Dr phil Good, maybe Speaker Mike Johnson got your sternly written email.
I woke up in my chair at 6:20.
It was scary because I honestly didn’t know if it was this evening or tomorrow morning.
Looking through the window outside, I still wasn’t sure. I started panicking because I have an early appointment at the eye doctor.
I finally turned on the TV and recognized the evening local news anchors.
That must have been an “out cold” two hour nap.
When I visited Texpat a couple years ago, my last afternoon there was Halloween evening. The neighborhood where he is situated, he has no choice but to participate in giving out treats.
It was pretty fun, though. Dusk arrived and then we jumped in the car and headed to Newark Airport.
I was pretty apprehensive about driving through Houston on Halloween after midnight.
But I made it to Bellville unscathed.
May have to take Georgia back first.
the Kenyan went down to Georgia he was looking for a vote to steal with an assist from Splad rafflesburgler.
first we take Manhattan
vote for me
a Pennsylvania abc affiliate already aired the final results during an auto race this past Sunday.
when election turnout for only one side has to be too big to rig then you’ve most likely already lost.
Free and fair elections
the communists have already taken over.
convention of the states.
I’d have to say every judge and politician in Pennsylvania is as crooked as a witch’s nose.
Like I said 2024 is gonna be the biggest clusterphluck in so called election history.
how can you have a free and fair election when your selection is made for you?
…isn’t it ‘funny’ how these ‘glitches’ are never in Trump’s favor?
Beer stocked up – check
Halloween candy – check
Previously smoked brisket slices from the freezer – check
Tapping my fingers waiting for game time.
The just-delivered Fort Bend Herald, our local newspaper, leading headline is “43% of votes already cast. Early voting ends Friday, Nov. 1.”
That was right at 227,956 voters in the county so far. Fort Bend County voters may cast ballots at any of 32 polling locations and must present some form of identification. Our drivers licenses were acceptable.
This has to be the worst article teaser tag line ever:
“Astronomers Found Something Cold and Wet Near Uranus “
I just saw a news clip with the Cackler calling Trump “unstable”. I guess that’s the current focus group word; I know they’ve been using it for a week or two now.
I was telling Hubby this morning about projection, a psychological term that the Dems seem to personify every time they open their mouths. “That’s what they say about others because that’s what they see in themselves,” I told him.
It’s all they know, because that’s how they think.
We have not had any T or T’ers in several decades, but we got some chocolate candy just in case a small someone shows up chaperoned by family, if it isn’t raining. Reason is we live in a rural subdivision of multi-acre lots, houses not close together, no street lights, just house lights since ours is a county road that has a dead end at the river. Likely the local children will be at parties safe and sound as has been the case for several decades now out here. We have a bench on the front porch that currently holds… Read more »
I’m outside to handout candy. It’s 80 and breezy. I expected a big crowd but so far it’s slow.
Well I’m ready for Halloween. 😀
From Zerohedge.
Best caption ever.
Actual size! Really? Oh and $999.95 if memory serves. OH Wait! The ad says $1499! 😉
I mentioned yesterday we had a problem with our AT&T innernet and that the issue was the box out at the pole loose and hanging which was only patched up the last two times. Tech “Brandon” actually replaced the box and install was nice and clean.
AT&T just axed us for a review of the service call, we mentioned all this and praised Brandon. Ended it with “Way to go Brandon!” 😀
Rain has stopped for a bit and left 4.26″ thus far today. Hard to see any puddles except on concrete. On the grass in the front yard there are some small puddles following the front drain field’s path. Now everything looks a proper green again as the dust is gone.
Weather folks predict a diminishing amount of rain for the rest of today. And there is still a dark sky to the NW.
Oliver Anthony gives a short update on storm-ravaged North Carolina.
Charlie Kirk on Pennsylvania voting: Early vote has been disproportionately female. If men stay at home, Kamala is president. It’s that simple. If you want a vision of the future if you don’t vote, imagine Kamala’s voice cackling, forever. Men need to GO VOTE NOW. *** The cackling would remind men of their ex. I can imagine how some men are imagining what four years of that sound would be like. That alone should encourage them to vote. And speaking for my sex, I am ashamed that so many women are so vehemently for killing their own children. Hell will… Read more »
We sing a prayer for rain which we had scheduled to sing this Saturday night. But the rain has showed up already.
I told the guys that we’re getting pretty good. We just threaten to sing it and the rain comes.
Our prayer for rain is set to the music of this old country classic.
Numbers today weren’t the best, but I decided to take a waist measurement to get my waist-to-height ratio. I don’t take that measurement often.
I was surprised. Even though my weight hasn’t budged, I’ve lost a few inches in girth. I’ll take my wins where I can.
Shocker from the Wall Street Journal editorial board in front of the paywall. United Auto Workers will be paying close attention to this. An October surprise for the U.S. election may have arrived this week—in Germany. Word that Volkswagen could close three vehicle factories, cut 10,000 jobs and impose steep across-the-board pay reductions is a warning for Americans about the peril of Biden-Harris climate policy.The news was communicated to workers on Monday by the head of the company’s labor-relations council, and to describe it as a shock to Europe’s largest economy is an understatement. Volkswagen Group employs some 300,000 in Germany with… Read more »
My cousin lives in LA. He and his minions are all on about a Yankees fan that did what Yankee fans do. Okay I can handle that. BUT he made the mistake of saying Dodger fans never do stupid stuff like interfering in a game. My reply “you never saw this in Houston……. MIKE DROP“.
I have been reading about threats of violence shortly after the elections are over. A constant refrain I see is
“Time to stock up on ammo”.
I have no problem with that sentiment, I would suggest that you make sure you have the right caliber.
Getting wet stuff and a little light show here.
RE: Tedtam’s 8:42 AM comment and link What is going on in Puerto Rico ?!?! The Environmental Blog has a detailed report on the Puerto Rican garbage crisis. Right off the bat, I read a bullet point stating 3.2 million citizens of the island produce 3.7 million tons of garbage each year. That works out to 45 LBS. of garbage per every man, woman and child EACH WEEK or a husband, wife and 3 kids would generate 225 LBS. EACH WEEK. We produce half of that or less here with two active adults in the household with two or three… Read more »
Texpat @ 8:29
Twenty eight percent?? That’s double the black population in the US!
Mollie Hemingway will never be invited on CNN again. She has written a fiery, scathing indictment of Jake Tapper that has received much attention. She has come out and called him “a liar”, not an epithet normally used by journalists against one another. When Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper, Carl Bernstein and Evan Perez were leaked a story by the US intelligence community, knew it was a lie and ran like hell with it. A scrupulous, honest reporter may receive a leak, but would be obligated to find corroborating evidence or testimony to establish its veracity. Everyone of these people knew… Read more »
I see that Los Angeles is celebrating their World Series win by looting and setting buses on fire.
Liberals find weird ways to celebrate.
And surprisingly, Russia fights against the censorship of its citizens – by Google: Speaking of Russia, it’s not giving Google any treats, but it just treated the world to a sweet bit of hilarity. You can’t say Russians don’t have a sense of humor. As further evidence we are living in a badly programmed simulation, the UK Independent ran a not-joking story yesterday headlined, “Russia fines Google $2.5 decillion (that’s 2.5 trillion trillion trillion dollars).”Russia is, apparently, getting sick and tired of its citizens being censored by Google. It’s been nonstop since 2022, since Google’s pudgy Gen-Z “trust and safety” teams and… Read more »
Good Raining Morning Hamsters.
Finally, finally, finally we have rain here. Our little rain gauge is close to showing 4″ since around 6 this morning. We have a wonderful thunderstorm still in progress sending water down into the many cracks in the ground in the pastures. The yards around the house are still green thanks to the sprinkler system that is also keeping the slab the house sits on from cracking. The temp slid from 77 at 6 to 67 now.
Good Covid news: Boise’s NPR affiliate ran a liberal-horror-movie story yesterday headlined, “Southwest Idaho Health District Board pulls COVID vaccines from its clinics.” Now what are medical fetishists supposed to do? I’m sure they’ll find something. The Southwest Idaho Health District, covering about 30 public health clinics, voted 4-3 Tuesday to remove the covid shots from its facilities, following about 300 public comments supporting ditching the jabs, and after anti-vaccine presentations by several doctors who’ve survived multiple cancellation attempts, including fearless Idaho pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, and Zoom appearances from equally courageous Texas-based cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, and others. The jab is… Read more »
Next up, the Virginia purge of illegals. Mr. C. points out that the use of the word “purge” in the headline could be a reminder of the horror film of the same name. Hmmm.. I bet you could already tell it was good news from the petulant AP’s snarky and fatuous headline. The AP is also crazy enough to want to put illegal aliens back on the voting rolls. But yesterday, the Supreme Court granted an emergency appeal by Virginia’s Governor Glenn Youngkin (R). The decision broke 6-3, with the three liberal justices dissenting, who offered no rationale for supporting… Read more »
And next, in an amazing yet believable story: WSJ reporter Kyle Smith tweeted yesterday that a Republican doorknocker told him campaign outreach staff are being forced to lie about Democrat policies, by watering down the truth, making the Democrats’ initiatives sound less crazy, because independent voters simply refuse to believe what the Democrats are actually doing. In other words, it’s literally unbelievable: Because they are willingly ignorant. Which is one of my definitions of “stupid”. Like the lady I reported yesterday. She and her son recently moved into their Seattle (?) apartment, which had been vacant for three months prior to her move-in. She gets 15 or… Read more »
Predictably, Mr. C. starts out with the hijinks from yesterday: CLIP: President Trump, playing it straight, explained why he’s dressed to take out the Harris (5:05). Take out the Harris! /snuffle, snort!! It seems there really is a garbage problem in Puerto Rico: It all began innocently enough. Invisible political lightning struck at Trump’s rally this week at Madison Square Garden, when warmup comedian Tony Hinchcliffe joked about Puerto Rico’s well-known garbage problem. It’s a real thing, everybody knows it, they practically can’t stop talking about it, here’s a link to just the latest trashy article at yesterday’s Environmental Blog: Right after a… Read more »
Time for the C&C before I firmly attach my nose to some grindstone. I know it’s around here somewhere: Good morning, C&C, it’s Halloween! Time to trick-or-treat our way through the essential news. Sorting through your roundup today: political trash fight ensues after offhand joke explodes into massive landfill of faux outrage; reports that doorknockers being forced to undersell Democrat policies because they are too crazy to believe; Virginia wins key election integrity lawsuit in emergency Supreme Court appeal; Idaho health district becomes first in country to strip the jabs from public services; virtually the entire UN slams the U.S.… Read more »
This is a great piece by Joel Kotkin. He has gathered a lot of data helping to explain the political/demographic shifts in the USA and elsewhere. There is a lot of uncertainty about the future though, with artificial intelligence causing a real upheaval in job markets. No power on earth is more fearsome than a highly educated class that faces a constrained, even dismal, future. Such people have played a role in revolutionary upheavals in Europe, Russia, and Latin America—and could potentially do so here in the United States.The key to radical agitation lies in what one Marxist scholar described as “the… Read more »
Hubby’s car club has a kids event this evening. The Pasadena Police Department has a Halloween event each year, and the Bay Are VW Club will be there with their cars, handing out candy. Hubby said they are expecting at least a doubling in the expected number of kids due to the rain. The line for candy is inside a parking garage, and it’s a safe space for parents to bring their kids. I won’t be there, unfortunately, since I’ll have my own schedule for tonight: class or mass, and packing for my trip. But those kids would be fun.… Read more »
Skipping the rosary making this morning, maybe later. I have three Very Important Things that I have to get done today. I think there’s a vigil mass this evening for All Saint’s Day, which will make it unnecessary for me to drag my very tired not-a-morning-person butt out of bed for the 6:30 mass tomorrow. I may or may not have Latin class this evening, waiting to hear from magister. I ate a huge steak last night. I probably should have eaten half of it. Amazingly, as much as I’ve eaten the last few days (exceeding 2,000 calories a day,… Read more »
8:13 AM, Graveyard Dead! My work here is done. 😉
Making Marriage Work. 😀
Today’s installment of Stove/Range Porn; Avocado double oven model. Don’t know the manufacturer but it’s likely an OKeefe and Merritt.
FWIW; I do hope Trump pulls it off but in any case he has made the race very entertaining. Also Biden helping turn the Garbage fiasco from Trump’s problem to Kamala’s problem is classic. BTW; Watters thinks Biden did it on purpose since he was cast aside against his will. 😉
OK they finally said it out loud! I tuned into the Lunatic Show this morning and the snotty blonde was talking about the Joe Biden garbage fiasco and she said that the former President said such and such, so I though she was talking about Trump but listening further, she was talking about Biden! “The FORMER President” I backed it up several times to make sure I heard it right. Oh and all the stupid Talking Heads around the table didn’t even flinch.
Morning Dave and couch.