Thursday’s Lies of History and Fools that Believe Them – Open Comments

This Soviet Stalinist 1930s Propaganda Painting of the Ukraine Is a Lie.  

This was the Holodomor, the Holocaust, the Shoah of the Soviet Communists. 

Millions of men, women and children were deliberately starved to death in Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

The women depicted in this wheat harvest painting were either starving to death or already dead by the time the paint dried on the canvas.

Holodomor, man-made famine that convulsed the Soviet republic of Ukraine from 1932 to 1933, peaking in the late spring of 1933. It was part of a broader Soviet famine (1931–34) that also caused mass starvation in the grain-growing regions of Soviet Russia and Kazakhstan. The Ukrainian famine, however, was made deadlier by a series of political decrees and decisions that were aimed mostly or only at Ukraine. In acknowledgement of its scale, the famine of 1932–33 is often called the Holodomor, a term derived from the Ukrainian words for hunger (holod) and extermination (mor).


The rebellions worried Stalin because they were unfolding in provinces which had, a decade earlier, fought against the Red Army during the Russian Civil War. He was also concerned by anger and resistance to the state agricultural policy within the Ukrainian Communist Party. “If we don’t make an effort now to improve the situation in Ukraine,” he wrote to his colleague Lazar Kaganovich in August 1932, “we may lose Ukraine.” That autumn the Soviet Politburo, the elite leadership of the Soviet Communist Party, took a series of decisions that widened and deepened the famine in the Ukrainian countryside. Farms, villages, and whole towns in Ukraine were placed on blacklists and prevented from receiving food. Peasants were forbidden to leave the Ukrainian republic in search of food. Despite growing starvation, food requisitions were increased and aid was not provided in sufficient quantities. The crisis reached its peak in the winter of 1932–33, when organized groups of police and communist apparatchiks ransacked the homes of peasants and took everything edible, from crops to personal food supplies to pets. Hunger and fear drove these actions, but they were reinforced by more than a decade of hateful and conspiratorial rhetoric emanating from the highest levels of the Kremlin.






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September 26, 2024 11:24 pm

Watching the news tonight about the vicious storm tearing up Florida and states north, the Florida newsman giving the info on the storm’s first serious damage on coming ashore was sown on Ch. 11 at 10. He was standing out in the storm and barely able to keep his balance. Stupid, stupid, stupid having reporters stand outside in terrible and… Read more »

September 26, 2024 10:23 pm

Mind your pets, two feral hogs in the yards at Woodway Dr along Post Oak Ct.

September 26, 2024 9:44 pm

The storm is pretty amazing. Related rain is now reaching Columbus, Ohio!

September 26, 2024 9:42 pm
September 26, 2024 7:29 pm

Pretty interesting coverage of the upcoming Smartmatic vs. NewsMax trial (barring a settlement).
Warning: Typical CNN slant.

September 26, 2024 6:26 pm

RFK talks about our ever-sickening society, and how our diet is involved.

Why I’m seeking to control my health through my diet instead of adding chemicals to my body to manage symptoms.

September 26, 2024 6:23 pm

Karen gets owned. Big time. I do love it when people get their just desserts.

September 26, 2024 6:20 pm

I hope this guy makes zillion bucks off of this homeless deterrent device.

Because I’m a capitalist and he built a better mousetrap.

Last edited 8 days ago by Tedtam
September 26, 2024 5:41 pm

Pray for Florida. That could be us again.

Texas help is on the way thanks to our Governor. Florida helped us quickly with our hurricane. This one is supposed to be a Cat 4 before it hits. Much worse than ours.

September 26, 2024 5:32 pm

Video from FLA already looking pretty nasty.

September 26, 2024 5:28 pm

My friend and colleague in our singing trio is 80 years old and had a mitral valve repaired in his heart while I was in Mexico.
It just amazing what they can do with catheters now instead of cracking open your chest.

Super Dave
September 26, 2024 5:27 pm

Spotted over yonder; Florida Storm PSA. 😀

September 26, 2024 4:22 pm

The Cackler is giving an address on how to deal with gun violence. I guess that polled better for her than they economy.

More lies and gun grabbing ‘n such. I had to turn the volume off.

September 26, 2024 3:58 pm

I find it more than just a tad hypocritical that the Ds love to accuse the Rs of being ‘fascists’, while they use the government to punish those who do not toe the preferred line, totally control 90% of the media, social media – not as much now that Musk owns X. The Ds use all the fascistic tactics against… Read more »

September 26, 2024 3:42 pm

Seen over yonder – genius homeless sign: “Give me money or I’m voting for Kamala Harris”.

Yeah, I might actually cough up a few bucks.

September 26, 2024 2:13 pm

I’m out of here!

September 26, 2024 1:57 pm

I had some chicken stock in my freezers, so I loaded two trays for Elsa with the stock, one for some cottage cheese, and the last one with sour cream. I haven’t done the cottage cheese nor the sour cream yet, but the videos show that they should freeze dry just fine. More stuff for my shelves. Because, as I… Read more »

September 26, 2024 1:54 pm

Bone, whenever I’ve gotten called for afternoon sessions, they always provided a phone number you could call after 10:00am to see if you still had to go. If you got waved off, you got credit for service.

September 26, 2024 1:53 pm

While I was at Wal-mart picking up some groceries (meat, bread for Hubby, cottage cheese, sour cream, et al), I managed to put three rosaries into the hands of 3 lovely women. The cashier managing my bank of self-checkouts kept saying she was tired when asked the casual ‘How ya’ doin’?’. When I offered her a rosary, I may have… Read more »

September 26, 2024 1:51 pm

The IDF conducted an air strike on a specific apartment in a building in Beirut to whack the Hezbollah commander responsible for drone strikes into Israel and coordinating with the houthis.

September 26, 2024 1:48 pm

Love me some grandbabies. I don’t get to see mine often enough. /sigh Just finished unloading my case of misfit eggs; most of these appear to be of decent size. Sometimes I get really weirdly shaped ones, or teeny ones, or some with shells so fragile that it takes a lot of concentration to not break them while transferring them… Read more »

September 26, 2024 1:40 pm

So far, 1 hour and one group has been called; I was not in that group. It is still possible that I may have dodged a bullet.

September 26, 2024 1:38 pm

China’s newest nuclear submarine sunk at the dock just prior to being finished. It is believed to have already been fueled.

September 26, 2024 1:23 pm

Bonecrusher, Sitting in a jury assembly room anywhere is miserable after the first 15 minutes or so of nothing happening. You have to bring something to read, or maybe several somethings to read. I was called for jury duty three times while I was still eligible to serve by age, and elected to serve on a jury on two occasions.… Read more »

September 26, 2024 12:58 pm

I’m in the jury assembly room sitting on a hard, plastic chair, trying not to nod off.
I can think of lots of things I would rather be doing.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
September 26, 2024 11:08 am

Eric Adams got crossways with the creature from the Kenyan lagoon admin III when he started complaining about all the illegal aliens being dumped in NY. he was on a plane to dc to talk about it when his office was raided by the Kenyan’s personal Gestapo the Gestapo bureau of Interrogation. not saying he’s not corrupt too but the… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
September 26, 2024 10:15 am

Off to the eggery!

September 26, 2024 10:15 am

Skipping a lot of news about the NYC Mayor, Ukraine, etc., Mr. C. discusses major changes to the US tax code via a new Trump presidency: During his first term, President Trump cut the corporate tax rate nearly in half, from 39% to 21%. Now he’s proposing, for products completely made in America, a tax rate of only 15%, comparable… Read more »

September 26, 2024 10:04 am

Today’s C&C roundup: Good morning, C&C family, it’s Thursday! Good news on the home front and a stormy roundup: Hurricane Helene picks up speed and predictions are off the charts; New York Mayor Eric Adams federally indicted for something secret; Varma exposé expands to encompass health reporters; Zelensky victory plan to start World War III might fizzle; and in dribs… Read more »

September 26, 2024 9:58 am

From my site: Cardinal McElroy can’t have too much real Catholicism, so he’s trying to crush those traditional home schoolers. Because the Bergolian religion can’t handle competition from Jesus. Second podcast of the day: Francis Freaks Out as Vatican Hemorrhages Money There are many, many Catholics withholding money from various collections, refusing to support the Pope’s favorite slush funds.… Read more »

Last edited 8 days ago by Tedtam
September 26, 2024 9:54 am

Finished stringing up a coupla rosaries this morning, about to head out to the eggery and grocery shopping. The mouth is almost all better; stitches to come out tomorrow, but those tenting screws are going to be a PITA for six months. I was wiping sweat off my face during my treadmill time yesterday, and I learned quickly to dab,… Read more »

September 26, 2024 9:29 am
Super Dave
September 26, 2024 8:18 am

I’ve been running I 10 from Houston to Mobile or Jacksonville for many years so I pretty much know where to buy my gas. SO! I have a question, gas in Louisiana is a few pennies cheaper than Texas except for the area around the Capitol, Baton Rouge where it can be tens cents or more higher than the rest… Read more »

September 26, 2024 7:53 am

Salcedo is discussing the huge radio purchase by Emperor Palpatine, being rushed through by this administration and skipping a “security review,” a process that would delay this acquisition until after the election. By skipping these steps, this purchase by foreigners can start the flooding of the airwaves with socialist propaganda. When you control the flow of information, you can control… Read more »

September 26, 2024 7:37 am

Two cows loose on Dogwood and Oak Hallow.

September 26, 2024 6:59 am

Astros Fans Give Alex Bregman Huge Standing Ovation in Possible Last Regular Season Home Game

September 26, 2024 5:37 am

Eric Adams Is Indicted in New YorkThe indictment makes Mr. Adams the first sitting New York City mayor to face criminal charges. The mayor vowed to fight the charges. This is a New York Times article; I wonder how much of it is true and who is the preferred candidate to run against Adams in the next mayoral election. I… Read more »

Super Dave
September 26, 2024 5:29 am

Dang, Bones slid in under the wire while my Hot Spot was trying to load up. 😉

Super Dave
September 26, 2024 5:27 am

Well I just say Jennifer Reyna doing her traffic report on Ch 11 so I’m good. 😀
Mornin’ Gang

Last edited 8 days ago by Super Dave
September 26, 2024 5:26 am

Let us never forget: the people currently running the government and I don’t mean VP Kneepads, would eagerly see this famine visited upon the red states in order to further cement their power and position. Birds of a feather.
Today at 12:30 I have to report for jury duty at 1201 Congress; I am not amused.