We went out for lunch at a lovely local restaurant early this afternoon, and on the way home noted some dark bluish clouds along the with gray ones in the area that looked like they might drop rain over our place. We really did have rain for several minutes near 4 this afternoon from this cloud group. Rain gauge today has tied yesterday’s record of .01″. Now the sun is out, and the walkway and driveway are almost dry. Spouse had gone out to the local hardware store and drove through the vigorous wall of water over Pecan Grove on… Read more »
35 years of joined@thehipparties republican’t betrayal and crony Vampyreism has led to armed illegal alien gangs taking over apartment complexes in U.S. cities. the Texas cornhole and the Kentucky swamp turtle have been cornholing America for years and decades. the country is reaping what the Vampyre parties have sown. they worship the blood money for Ukraine and open borders which is laundered back to them. 320000 children missing via open borders and the can’ts don’t bat an eye and even worse they continue to fund it. Watch how fast the phony preacher speaker Johnson caves on the CR coming up… Read more »
Elon Perry is an Israeli historian and military analyst. In this column he confirms what I have theorized is actually going on with the hostages from October 7th. I am in complete sympathy with all of the families protesting Bibi’s government, but he is doing the right thing. The Real Reason Hamas Can’t Free the Remaining Hostages Only around 20 of the Israeli hostages are being held by Hamas and a number of these are being kept in handcuffs as human shields around its leader, Yahya Sinwar, intelligence sources have told the JC. According to some reports, the terror chief has surrounded… Read more »
I have reached a point of absolute no mercy, take no prisoners…just kill every single Hamas member in Gaza and anywhere else you can find them. These evil people are the direct descendants of the Amalekites. While the Jews were still in Rephidim, the Amalekites, a mightily and fierce people, descendants of Esau, and well-trained in the art of warfare, suddenly attacked the people of Israel. It was an unprovoked and cowardly attack upon a tired and weary people, just liberated from slavery, on the way to their homeland.Moses put his disciple Joshua in charge of the troops who were to fight against the Amalekites.… Read more »
There are more than a few hills between Brenham and Bellville.
It was a bit annoying that the sensor will turn the high beams back on while going downhill, whereas a logical human brain would not…because it can see the lights of the oncoming traffic on the other side of the next hill.
Where is everybody? Well A&M didn’t pull it off but it sure was a good game. It would have been much better if they had beat Notre Dame, I have no use for ND. Alabama slaughtered Western Kentucky 63-0 but I guess that’s not saying a lot.
Mornin’ Gang
Handsome Son’s wife is coming to visit from her internship/job in Florida tomorrow. His birthday is on the 3rd, so we’re planning on taking both of them out for dinner one night.
And Hubby must’ve thanked me five times already for rescuing him from McAlester, OK – possibly the nicest town we’ve ever visited.
We get to do it again, hopefully within the week. Or so.
The A&M Notre Dame game is good. I’ve been switching back and forth between it and the Alabama/Western Kentucky game but since Alabama is doing a number on WKU it’s not much of a game.
Listening to the ‘Stros on the radio.
The guys said that the Astros pitching in August has held their opponents to a .182 batting average. Second best month in Major League history.
Earlier stats shared indicate we’ve been living off our pitching for some time now.
The bats need to start heating up if they’re going to go deep in the playoffs.
We’re home and settling in, except I can’t find my house keys. I’ve emptied all my bags and searched everything thoroughly, but nothing. They’re not in Handsome’s truck, either, so I must’ve dropped them at one of my gas station stops. So, making a duplicate set is on our to-do list. Now we’re a one vehicle family, until Hubby can get his purple bug running again. That’s gonna suck; we’re both used to our independence. I made a steak for dinner, one that I bought at the farm just down from the condo on League Line Road. Dishes are washed,… Read more »
Maybe some sea-faring cultures would find octopus as turkey stuffing to be delicious. Perhaps the turkey would be the odd part. Can’t imagine it being served on Thanskgiving at many homes around here.
One of the most popular booths at this year’s Minnesota State Fair bears a simple sign: “Never Walz.” The booth offers t-shirts and prizes for fairgoers – all emblazoned with the “Never Walz” logo. The line for the booth grows so long at times that it poses traffic problems for police officers patrolling the fairgrounds. Bryan Strawser, chairman of the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus, is not surprised by the booth’s popularity. He’s watched Gov. Tim Walz’s career since the vice-president candidate first served in Congress. Walz, Strawser told the Second Amendment Foundation, poses a clear and present danger to the Second Amendment rights… Read more »
If you thought the people of McLennan County cleaned up their courthouse after the infamous Twin Peaks biker gangs/LEO shootout and ensuing prosecutorial train wreck nine years ago, well…think again. As the old saying goes, the wheels of justice turn slowly. Likewise, so do the wheels of injustice, as a self-defense case out of Waco, Texas, recently proved.This week, the McLennan County District Attorney’s Office dismissed murder charges against two Houston men involved in the self-defense incident at a party near the Baylor University campus, finally determining it was a justifiable homicide. While that was good news to Calvin Nichols… Read more »
We have off and on sunshine today, with rain forecast to show up some time. Several dark clouds that rolled through the neighborhood have offered only 1 instance of a drop that registered on our weather gauge. That is sad.
Went out to get the mail, and the atmosphere was still pleasantly warm but not hot and not full of humidity. That must mean some help from Canada sending it our way. And tomorrow we roll over into September with hope of continued pleasant weather.
I am going to pick up a 1975 Yamaha XS400 with a new spare engine. It needs a little work, but it was free. We’ll get it running and make some change, maybe $3,000. It’s a project for my friend.
It’s that old entrepreneurial spirit of Houston, Texas ! It all came back to Texas. (The Center Square) – Over 40 people accused of running the largest pharmacy burglary stole approximately $12 million worth of controlled substances, according to an indictment.The bust is the largest in the history of the Drug Enforcement Administration, according to the Department of Justice.U.S. Attorney Jonathan D. Ross for the Eastern District of Arkansas said Thursday the group of 42 people worked together to burglarize over 200 pharmacies across 31 states. More than 11 of the affected pharmacies were located in Arkansas, according to Ross.Ross… Read more »
Son had a job in Midland, he came across a wrecked 2014 Kawasaki ZX10R bike with a good engine on it for $500. Good find for future or now, don’t know what he has in mind.
Concrete arrows, beacons, and infrastructure from a century ago are hiding all across the United States. Once the countries largest navigational system, it now hides in some of the most desolate regions of the country.
“It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.”
George Orwell in 1984
Watch any news report or video of pro-Hamas or BLM protests and they are overwhelmingly populated by young women.
We’re going through Dallas right now, and traffic was slowed down. We thought there was an accident, but no, just some pro Hamas folks on the overpass with a sign asking drivers to honk to show support. Hubby and I gave then the lazy wave, and we assumed the other drivers were as well, since we didn’t hear a single horn go off.
I accidentally clicked on this girl’s YouTube video and became a fan. I’m not a big podcast consumer because I don’t have the patience for people hemming, hawing, stuttering around and wasting my time with a lot of irrelevant chatter. Most of the podcasts I’ve seen could be half as long and desperately need a skilled producer/editor. Her name is Brett Cooper and she is 23 years old. Daily Wire produces her videos now and the first glance of her made me think she is Ben Shapiro’s little sister. Ms. Cooper has 4,310,000 subscribers. This video is excellent and worth… Read more »
I used my freeze dried coffee this morning. I found a travel cup with a metal liner and used my electric water heater to heat water in the cup. I added my fd coffee and it was delicious.
Tomorrow I’m planning to smoke a 3-bone rib roast. Throw some carrots and baby potatoes in the oven while I’m preheating it for the final sear on the roast and cook some popovers after.
My boyfriend’s back and you’re gonna be in trouble….
I forgot to hook y’all up with Malone’s Friday Funnies.
Off to get the WIP, there will prolly be some overlap.
We went out for lunch at a lovely local restaurant early this afternoon, and on the way home noted some dark bluish clouds along the with gray ones in the area that looked like they might drop rain over our place. We really did have rain for several minutes near 4 this afternoon from this cloud group. Rain gauge today has tied yesterday’s record of .01″. Now the sun is out, and the walkway and driveway are almost dry. Spouse had gone out to the local hardware store and drove through the vigorous wall of water over Pecan Grove on… Read more »
I think Germany’s too far gone.
Most of EU countries to follow.
35 years of joined@thehipparties republican’t betrayal and crony Vampyreism has led to armed illegal alien gangs taking over apartment complexes in U.S. cities. the Texas cornhole and the Kentucky swamp turtle have been cornholing America for years and decades. the country is reaping what the Vampyre parties have sown. they worship the blood money for Ukraine and open borders which is laundered back to them. 320000 children missing via open borders and the can’ts don’t bat an eye and even worse they continue to fund it. Watch how fast the phony preacher speaker Johnson caves on the CR coming up… Read more »
They spotted one copperhead in New Jersey and have issued a panicky statewide alert. I kid you not.
Elon Perry is an Israeli historian and military analyst. In this column he confirms what I have theorized is actually going on with the hostages from October 7th. I am in complete sympathy with all of the families protesting Bibi’s government, but he is doing the right thing. The Real Reason Hamas Can’t Free the Remaining Hostages Only around 20 of the Israeli hostages are being held by Hamas and a number of these are being kept in handcuffs as human shields around its leader, Yahya Sinwar, intelligence sources have told the JC. According to some reports, the terror chief has surrounded… Read more »
Mattress Mack is in the hospital for cognitive issues, he’s doing ads from his hospital bed lol.
I have reached a point of absolute no mercy, take no prisoners…just kill every single Hamas member in Gaza and anywhere else you can find them. These evil people are the direct descendants of the Amalekites. While the Jews were still in Rephidim, the Amalekites, a mightily and fierce people, descendants of Esau, and well-trained in the art of warfare, suddenly attacked the people of Israel. It was an unprovoked and cowardly attack upon a tired and weary people, just liberated from slavery, on the way to their homeland.Moses put his disciple Joshua in charge of the troops who were to fight against the Amalekites.… Read more »
Auto-dimming high beams, cont’.
There are more than a few hills between Brenham and Bellville.
It was a bit annoying that the sensor will turn the high beams back on while going downhill, whereas a logical human brain would not…because it can see the lights of the oncoming traffic on the other side of the next hill.
Posted without comment. 😀
Rosebud and Sarah hoping they might get a treat.
Where is everybody? Well A&M didn’t pull it off but it sure was a good game. It would have been much better if they had beat Notre Dame, I have no use for ND. Alabama slaughtered Western Kentucky 63-0 but I guess that’s not saying a lot.
Mornin’ Gang
A few days ago the singer, songwriter, player, historian, and “insane” collector Marty Stewart unloaded a couple of carloads of country music treasures at the Country Music Hall Of Fame.
Might as well play Hammie’s favorite version of one of his top ten tunes.
If only it had three more verses just to hear Susan sing more
To close the 2017 Austin Music Awards, the band Trishas chose a song written by the lead singer after she lost her beloved grandmother. Then they segue into a great classic to close the show.
Here’s to ya, DSR, aka Katfish.
Yes the A&M / Irish game was pretty amazing. Trench warfare, baby.
Ag D-line was gassed when it mattered late, trying to hold the tie.
Yet one more reason to vote for Trump, even if you don’t like him – because the UN doesn’t like him either.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Handsome Son’s wife is coming to visit from her internship/job in Florida tomorrow. His birthday is on the 3rd, so we’re planning on taking both of them out for dinner one night.
And Hubby must’ve thanked me five times already for rescuing him from McAlester, OK – possibly the nicest town we’ve ever visited.
We get to do it again, hopefully within the week. Or so.
The A&M Notre Dame game is good. I’ve been switching back and forth between it and the Alabama/Western Kentucky game but since Alabama is doing a number on WKU it’s not much of a game.
Oh my.
Sam Houston whipped Rice like a rented mule.
I didn’t know the Ags were going to be on free TV.
Beat the helloutta the Irish!
Note to pedestrians:
Walking on the Fog Line is not recommended.
Particularly in the dark.
I have so few night times miles on this van (out of 97k) that I’m just now discovering that the high beams dim automatically.
Listening to the ‘Stros on the radio.
The guys said that the Astros pitching in August has held their opponents to a .182 batting average. Second best month in Major League history.
Earlier stats shared indicate we’ve been living off our pitching for some time now.
The bats need to start heating up if they’re going to go deep in the playoffs.
Didn’t feel up to shopping this morning.
After church this evening I thought I would give it a shot, even though I really didn’t want to.
Just FYI, the evening crowd at HEB is a bit more…uh…interesting.
This is what one party communist rule does.
your neighborhood could be next.
should be huge news nationwide.
no pushback whatsoever.
the republicant’s like mr Haney, John cornhole, little Mikey Johnson say pass the ketchup, I’m on vacation.
This is what one party communist rule does.
the nation is next if the steal is successful again.
We’re home and settling in, except I can’t find my house keys. I’ve emptied all my bags and searched everything thoroughly, but nothing. They’re not in Handsome’s truck, either, so I must’ve dropped them at one of my gas station stops. So, making a duplicate set is on our to-do list. Now we’re a one vehicle family, until Hubby can get his purple bug running again. That’s gonna suck; we’re both used to our independence. I made a steak for dinner, one that I bought at the farm just down from the condo on League Line Road. Dishes are washed,… Read more »
I like this guy and would love to see a whole lot more like him running our government.
Man I’m starting to like super Dave’s favorite band.
I wonder if there’s an equivalent cabernet wine to Billy Beer?
Maybe some sea-faring cultures would find octopus as turkey stuffing to be delicious. Perhaps the turkey would be the odd part. Can’t imagine it being served on Thanskgiving at many homes around here.
One of the most popular booths at this year’s Minnesota State Fair bears a simple sign: “Never Walz.” The booth offers t-shirts and prizes for fairgoers – all emblazoned with the “Never Walz” logo. The line for the booth grows so long at times that it poses traffic problems for police officers patrolling the fairgrounds. Bryan Strawser, chairman of the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus, is not surprised by the booth’s popularity. He’s watched Gov. Tim Walz’s career since the vice-president candidate first served in Congress. Walz, Strawser told the Second Amendment Foundation, poses a clear and present danger to the Second Amendment rights… Read more »
If you thought the people of McLennan County cleaned up their courthouse after the infamous Twin Peaks biker gangs/LEO shootout and ensuing prosecutorial train wreck nine years ago, well…think again. As the old saying goes, the wheels of justice turn slowly. Likewise, so do the wheels of injustice, as a self-defense case out of Waco, Texas, recently proved.This week, the McLennan County District Attorney’s Office dismissed murder charges against two Houston men involved in the self-defense incident at a party near the Baylor University campus, finally determining it was a justifiable homicide. While that was good news to Calvin Nichols… Read more »
We have off and on sunshine today, with rain forecast to show up some time. Several dark clouds that rolled through the neighborhood have offered only 1 instance of a drop that registered on our weather gauge. That is sad.
Went out to get the mail, and the atmosphere was still pleasantly warm but not hot and not full of humidity. That must mean some help from Canada sending it our way. And tomorrow we roll over into September with hope of continued pleasant weather.
Almost home… About another hour
I am going to pick up a 1975 Yamaha XS400 with a new spare engine. It needs a little work, but it was free. We’ll get it running and make some change, maybe $3,000. It’s a project for my friend.
It’s that old entrepreneurial spirit of Houston, Texas ! It all came back to Texas. (The Center Square) – Over 40 people accused of running the largest pharmacy burglary stole approximately $12 million worth of controlled substances, according to an indictment.The bust is the largest in the history of the Drug Enforcement Administration, according to the Department of Justice.U.S. Attorney Jonathan D. Ross for the Eastern District of Arkansas said Thursday the group of 42 people worked together to burglarize over 200 pharmacies across 31 states. More than 11 of the affected pharmacies were located in Arkansas, according to Ross.Ross… Read more »
Son had a job in Midland, he came across a wrecked 2014 Kawasaki ZX10R bike with a good engine on it for $500. Good find for future or now, don’t know what he has in mind.
The history of early airmail. Danged interesting I tell you whut.
Watch any news report or video of pro-Hamas or BLM protests and they are overwhelmingly populated by young women.
We’re going through Dallas right now, and traffic was slowed down. We thought there was an accident, but no, just some pro Hamas folks on the overpass with a sign asking drivers to honk to show support. Hubby and I gave then the lazy wave, and we assumed the other drivers were as well, since we didn’t hear a single horn go off.
I accidentally clicked on this girl’s YouTube video and became a fan. I’m not a big podcast consumer because I don’t have the patience for people hemming, hawing, stuttering around and wasting my time with a lot of irrelevant chatter. Most of the podcasts I’ve seen could be half as long and desperately need a skilled producer/editor. Her name is Brett Cooper and she is 23 years old. Daily Wire produces her videos now and the first glance of her made me think she is Ben Shapiro’s little sister. Ms. Cooper has 4,310,000 subscribers. This video is excellent and worth… Read more »
This immersion coil is what I have to heat water on the road.
I used my freeze dried coffee this morning. I found a travel cup with a metal liner and used my electric water heater to heat water in the cup. I added my fd coffee and it was delicious.
I would be smoking something today if I had room for a smoker.
Tomorrow I’m planning to smoke a 3-bone rib roast. Throw some carrots and baby potatoes in the oven while I’m preheating it for the final sear on the roast and cook some popovers after.
Clever? From the crossword; Tribute maker? Ans; Mazda 😉