After dinner, we returned to the room where I crashed and burned for a few hours. I am glad I reached McAlester when I did. I was about to have to find a place to pull over for a third catnap. I left the house tired, running on only a few hours’ sleep. At least I missed rush hours in Houston and Dallas while getting broken in on Handsome’s truck.
Made it to McAlester and the truck was towed to the mechanic’s shop. I didn’t feel comfortable pulling with the tow strap, in an unfamiliar location in an unfamiliar truck. Hubby called Destin, who arrived very promptly to take care of things. I got to meet the mechanic, DB, and his wife. Good folks. Then we went to eat, Hubby’s first decent meal all week. The waiter was also very nice. I didn’t know what they put in the water here, but this is quite possibly the nicest place I’ve ever been.
Well it was vehicle wash day here. I got out early to wash the Vette since my wife drove it up to Eufaula yesterday to see her brother and when I finished it I decided to wash the Tahoe. By then it was 11 AM so I figured I’d just wash the old GMC also. It was the only one that really needed washing, the other two just had a few bug splatters and the Tahoe mostly need to be vacuumed out.
Thus far today we have been graced with .03 inches of rain visiting us while all around us has been getting real rain that came down in sheets just before noon. I was even able to fetch the trash can from the road a few minutes after the trash truck emptied it. As then we were just starting to have some light rain so it was a fast walk (for me) back to the garage with it. Thus the small amount of rain at the time. Still waiting for more. Not holding breath.
You got a big problem as a Democrat when Snopes won’t lie to cover your derriere. Suddenly, Kamala’s working-class roots don’t look so working-class anymore.But it’s worse than that. It’s doubtful that Harris ever worked at McDonald’s at all.When the leftist “fact-checking” site Snopes looked into it, it couldn’t find a shred of evidence to support her boast.We reached out to Harris’ campaign, as well as McDonald’s headquarters, seeking such proof — which could include photos or videos of her working at the restaurant, employment records or physical items such as a uniform or name tag. We also looked for public interviews by friends… Read more »
The Left is unrelenting in its efforts to poison the minds of evangelical Americans. We need the support and votes of these people in order to keep this country from going over the cliff. The author mentions the Megan Basham article I posted here about how these leftist, Marxist projects to corrupt evangelicals is funded by leftwing NGOs and PACs. For those who haven’t heard of it, The After Party (TAP) is a small group curriculum and corresponding book that is being heavily promoted this election year to individuals, churches, and Christian institutions (such as colleges) to counter the “dangerous trend” of… Read more »
I just found this ad a few minutes ago from Michelle Shanahan. It mocks TDS, Big Pharma, Kamala, Democrats and Commie ideology. Shanahan has produced a couple documentaries in the past so she knows something about film. Great stuff…best ad I’ve seen in a while.
Rod Dreher quotes an old section from the young Marxist writer Freddie DeBoer’s website. DeBoer is interesting because he is one of extremely few leftists who call out the Left on their inconsistencies and hypocrisies. DeBoer wrote this 14 years ago. In 2010 I wrote of Michael Berube’s What’s Liberal About the Liberal Arts?, “the philosophy of non-coercion and intellectual pluralism that Berube describes and defends so well isn’t just an intellectual curiosity, but an actual ethos that he and other professors live by, and which defends conservative students.” I grew up believing that most professors lived by that ethos. I… Read more »
I’m often on NYPost and Daily Mail because you find stories and news there the MSM refuse to print. I slog through all the celebrity crap and try to ignore it, but this weird story caught my eye. Gun ‘n Roses guitarist’s stepdaughter commits suicide by hydrogen sulfide toxicity. How the hell does anyone kill themselves intentionally with hydrogen sulfide ? Is this some new fad among the mentally ill ?
I didn’t realize until recently Pelosi never helped Kamala in her California Attorney General race and endorsed her opponent. She has never liked her, Biden knew it and endorsed Kamala as he stood down from running again. He did it to infuriate Pelosi because he knew Pelosi was already working on forcing her out of the campaign too. It was the late Senator Diane Feinstein who was most instrumental in getting her elected to AG.
Here is the Dave Smith/Michelle Shanahan podcast interview described in my 11:19 linked article. It’s worth watching. I think her public statements will have more impact than anybody realizes.
When super Dave is not out there being the Arnold Schwarzenegger of chainsaw tree cutting, limb hauling and posing shirtless for a blog pic he likes to take a break, pop a top on a Billy Beer and listen to his favorite band.
Nicole Shanahan is an interesting woman (more on that in a minute). She also was, up until this year, a stalwart Democrat. However, the Democrat party’s decidedly anti-Democrat behavior, both in blocking RFK Jr’s campaign and in placing Kamala at the head of the ticket without her having won a single primary ever, soured her on her one-time party. Now that she’s had a taste of MAGA, she’s also realized that the media and the Democrat establishment have been lying all along. Since she’s got rich and powerful friends, let’s hope her epiphany spreads. and there are many young women in… Read more »
Mark Penn was a high profile, big deal Democrat back in the Clinton administration. Former Bill Clinton adviser Mark Penn said on Monday that Vice President Kamala Harris avoiding the media and only committing to one presidential debate is undemocratic. and this, “I don’t know what kind of interview people do in these last couple of days here that’s going to be meaningful and set up going into the Labor Day weekend,” Penn said. “I suppose everything gets pushed online, but look, I think it’s unacceptable for candidates to go this period. In my book, there should be three presidential… Read more »
Well I just watched the CNN Kamala Infomercial with her VP Buffoon moderated by Sea Biscuit. It was worse than pathetic and downright grueling.
But in the whole interview, neither Kamala nor the Buffoon answered a single question! They just filibustered and played their record using up time and if Sea Biscuit followed up on the answer they just lathered rinsed and repeated the same old line.
On Tuesday the Geneva County Sheriff Dept said that found a dead body in a vehicle at a residence and the Sheriff said “looks like a homicide”.
GEE YA” THINK?!?! Today we got an update that the guy’s lover beheaded him with a chain saw and removed “other” body parts.
Hitting the road early, seein’s how I wasn’t sleeping anyway. Made it to Willis before 6:30 and missed rush hour through Houston. That’s a good thing, because I’m driving my son’s truck, which is my much different than my Kia. I think I’m more comfortable with the new boundaries, but I’m still figuring out where some things are.
Nice video Shannon but they could’ve left out the two Jet Skis. Remember Jet Skis are to boating as mosquitos are to camping. 😉
71 here this morning but we’ll be warming up to the mid 90’s I think and all that rain that was just north of us yesterday didn’t make it down here, not a drop. It looked so promising ski deep blue to the north and lot’s of thunder boomers but it did really cool things off before dark.
Mornin’ Gang
This morning’s OC takes you near the location of headwaters of the precious Guadalupe. My brother and I were blessed as children and young adults to spend a lot of time at our Uncle’s ancestral home between Ingram and Hunt, TX.
I wasn’t able to include in the OC the following video:
the kammunist lied about working at McDonalds.
will the deep state produce a phony retro-application for her like they did for the Kenyan and his birthplace?
if she’ll lie about that she’ll lie about anything and does.
it’s what the communists and communist media do.
why does Dana, the bashless basher when it comes to her kammunist comrades, bash always look constipated?
she needs to discover some fiber that’ll put a little sookie in her dookie.
Man I’m starting to like super Dave’s favorite band.
I wonder if there’s an equivalent cabernet wine to Billy Beer?
After dinner, we returned to the room where I crashed and burned for a few hours. I am glad I reached McAlester when I did. I was about to have to find a place to pull over for a third catnap. I left the house tired, running on only a few hours’ sleep. At least I missed rush hours in Houston and Dallas while getting broken in on Handsome’s truck.
Made it to McAlester and the truck was towed to the mechanic’s shop. I didn’t feel comfortable pulling with the tow strap, in an unfamiliar location in an unfamiliar truck. Hubby called Destin, who arrived very promptly to take care of things. I got to meet the mechanic, DB, and his wife. Good folks. Then we went to eat, Hubby’s first decent meal all week. The waiter was also very nice. I didn’t know what they put in the water here, but this is quite possibly the nicest place I’ve ever been.
Talking dogs. No, really, I’ve had 2 dogs that were smart enough to do this.
Sweet Molly has a brand new guitar.
Well my post about my sister’s supper on the Appalachian Cook page now has 413, likes/loves/wows and 87 comments. 😉
Well it was vehicle wash day here. I got out early to wash the Vette since my wife drove it up to Eufaula yesterday to see her brother and when I finished it I decided to wash the Tahoe. By then it was 11 AM so I figured I’d just wash the old GMC also. It was the only one that really needed washing, the other two just had a few bug splatters and the Tahoe mostly need to be vacuumed out.
Good Afternoon Hamsters,
Thus far today we have been graced with .03 inches of rain visiting us while all around us has been getting real rain that came down in sheets just before noon. I was even able to fetch the trash can from the road a few minutes after the trash truck emptied it. As then we were just starting to have some light rain so it was a fast walk (for me) back to the garage with it. Thus the small amount of rain at the time. Still waiting for more. Not holding breath.
We may be doomed.
You got a big problem as a Democrat when Snopes won’t lie to cover your derriere. Suddenly, Kamala’s working-class roots don’t look so working-class anymore.But it’s worse than that. It’s doubtful that Harris ever worked at McDonald’s at all.When the leftist “fact-checking” site Snopes looked into it, it couldn’t find a shred of evidence to support her boast.We reached out to Harris’ campaign, as well as McDonald’s headquarters, seeking such proof — which could include photos or videos of her working at the restaurant, employment records or physical items such as a uniform or name tag. We also looked for public interviews by friends… Read more »
The Left is unrelenting in its efforts to poison the minds of evangelical Americans. We need the support and votes of these people in order to keep this country from going over the cliff. The author mentions the Megan Basham article I posted here about how these leftist, Marxist projects to corrupt evangelicals is funded by leftwing NGOs and PACs. For those who haven’t heard of it, The After Party (TAP) is a small group curriculum and corresponding book that is being heavily promoted this election year to individuals, churches, and Christian institutions (such as colleges) to counter the “dangerous trend” of… Read more »
I just found this ad a few minutes ago from Michelle Shanahan. It mocks TDS, Big Pharma, Kamala, Democrats and Commie ideology. Shanahan has produced a couple documentaries in the past so she knows something about film. Great stuff…best ad I’ve seen in a while.
Rod Dreher quotes an old section from the young Marxist writer Freddie DeBoer’s website. DeBoer is interesting because he is one of extremely few leftists who call out the Left on their inconsistencies and hypocrisies. DeBoer wrote this 14 years ago. In 2010 I wrote of Michael Berube’s What’s Liberal About the Liberal Arts?, “the philosophy of non-coercion and intellectual pluralism that Berube describes and defends so well isn’t just an intellectual curiosity, but an actual ethos that he and other professors live by, and which defends conservative students.” I grew up believing that most professors lived by that ethos. I… Read more »
I’m often on NYPost and Daily Mail because you find stories and news there the MSM refuse to print. I slog through all the celebrity crap and try to ignore it, but this weird story caught my eye. Gun ‘n Roses guitarist’s stepdaughter commits suicide by hydrogen sulfide toxicity. How the hell does anyone kill themselves intentionally with hydrogen sulfide ? Is this some new fad among the mentally ill ?
I didn’t realize until recently Pelosi never helped Kamala in her California Attorney General race and endorsed her opponent. She has never liked her, Biden knew it and endorsed Kamala as he stood down from running again. He did it to infuriate Pelosi because he knew Pelosi was already working on forcing her out of the campaign too. It was the late Senator Diane Feinstein who was most instrumental in getting her elected to AG.
The communist media says this when it comes to the communist ticket of the pud putzing putz and the Kenyan’s beard the kammunist.
Here is the Dave Smith/Michelle Shanahan podcast interview described in my 11:19 linked article. It’s worth watching. I think her public statements will have more impact than anybody realizes.
When super Dave is not out there being the Arnold Schwarzenegger of chainsaw tree cutting, limb hauling and posing shirtless for a blog pic he likes to take a break, pop a top on a Billy Beer and listen to his favorite band.
Nicole Shanahan is an interesting woman (more on that in a minute). She also was, up until this year, a stalwart Democrat. However, the Democrat party’s decidedly anti-Democrat behavior, both in blocking RFK Jr’s campaign and in placing Kamala at the head of the ticket without her having won a single primary ever, soured her on her one-time party. Now that she’s had a taste of MAGA, she’s also realized that the media and the Democrat establishment have been lying all along. Since she’s got rich and powerful friends, let’s hope her epiphany spreads. and there are many young women in… Read more »
Seen at a rest stop. They are related and travel a lot. They got two rosaries and we’re so happy to have them.
Mark Penn was a high profile, big deal Democrat back in the Clinton administration. Former Bill Clinton adviser Mark Penn said on Monday that Vice President Kamala Harris avoiding the media and only committing to one presidential debate is undemocratic. and this, “I don’t know what kind of interview people do in these last couple of days here that’s going to be meaningful and set up going into the Labor Day weekend,” Penn said. “I suppose everything gets pushed online, but look, I think it’s unacceptable for candidates to go this period. In my book, there should be three presidential… Read more »
The Bible says it I believe it.

7:44 dave
She looks like Matthew Broderick’s trusty steed.
A truism spotted over yonder.
H/T; The Federalist Papers.
My @ 7:44 AM, my apologies to Sea Biscuit and all other Thoroughbreds.
Well I just watched the CNN Kamala Infomercial with her VP Buffoon moderated by Sea Biscuit. It was worse than pathetic and downright grueling.
But in the whole interview, neither Kamala nor the Buffoon answered a single question! They just filibustered and played their record using up time and if Sea Biscuit followed up on the answer they just lathered rinsed and repeated the same old line.
I hurt myself watching this one.
On Tuesday the Geneva County Sheriff Dept said that found a dead body in a vehicle at a residence and the Sheriff said “looks like a homicide”.
GEE YA” THINK?!?! Today we got an update that the guy’s lover beheaded him with a chain saw and removed “other” body parts.
Woman charged with dismembering man with chainsaw in Geneva County, sources say
FWIW; I saw the photo of the gal and she is all of 4′ 10″ judging by the sacle with the picture.
Hitting the road early, seein’s how I wasn’t sleeping anyway. Made it to Willis before 6:30 and missed rush hour through Houston. That’s a good thing, because I’m driving my son’s truck, which is my much different than my Kia. I think I’m more comfortable with the new boundaries, but I’m still figuring out where some things are.
Nice video Shannon but they could’ve left out the two Jet Skis. Remember Jet Skis are to boating as mosquitos are to camping. 😉
71 here this morning but we’ll be warming up to the mid 90’s I think and all that rain that was just north of us yesterday didn’t make it down here, not a drop. It looked so promising ski deep blue to the north and lot’s of thunder boomers but it did really cool things off before dark.
Mornin’ Gang
The Sweetest Gift
Good morning.
This morning’s OC takes you near the location of headwaters of the precious Guadalupe. My brother and I were blessed as children and young adults to spend a lot of time at our Uncle’s ancestral home between Ingram and Hunt, TX.
I wasn’t able to include in the OC the following video: