Heads. Should. Roll. ™
Renowned Cardiologist: Covid Shots Caused 112,000% Spike in Brain Clots
One of the world’s leading cardiologists is raising the alarm over a major study that identified a bone-chilling spike in brain clots among the Covid-vaccinated.
American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough uncovered bombshell data showing that Covid mRNA shots have caused a staggering 112,000% increase in brain clots.
A newly-published study by a team of experts, led by McCullough, analyzed all reports of cerebral thromboembolism over the past 34 years.
The study by Doctors McCullough, Kirstin Cosgrove, James Thorp, and Claire Rogers examined data on reports of cerebral thromboembolism following Covid shots submitted to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
And we all know how accurate that VAERS system is. /sarc off
According to this data, there is an 1120 times increase in cerebral thromboembolism for Covid injections compared to flu shots per time.
This makes for a whopping 111,795% increase.
When compared with all other vaccines combined, Covid shots caused a 17,334% spike in cerebral thromboembolism per time.
“There is an alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis AEs [adverse events] after COVID-19 vaccines compared to that of the influenza vaccines and even when compared to that of all other vaccines,” the authors conclude.
“An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age.”
McCullough, a widely-published cardiologist, added on his personal Substack that the report “did not capture the level of permanent neurologic devastation and disability suffered by these patients.
“I can tell you that the rates must be very high given the extensive nature of the blood clots reported,” he explains.
“These data among others strongly support removing all COVID-19 vaccines and boosters from the market.
“No one should be put at risk for a serious stroke with any vaccine.”
A large body of evidence has linked Covid mRNA shots to several deadly diseases and sudden deaths.
Among it, VAERS reports 37,647 deaths, 216,757 hospitalizations, 21,741 heart attacks, and 28,445 myocarditis and pericarditis cases as of May 31, among other ailments.
CDC researchers have recognized a “high verification rate of reports of myocarditis to VAERS after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination.”
I fixed bacon wrapped backstraps for supper and dang they were good. I cooked them in my Dutch Oven and fixed rice, Charro beans, corn, gravy and Hawaiian rolls. Fine eating for sure.
What is the penalty for attempting to register to vote illegally? My suspicion is that it amounts to less than a slap on the wrist. If a minimum 10 year prison sentence is imposed followed by a revocation of citizenship/green card and immediate deportation following the prison sentence, then this sort of garbage would cease immediately.
This is the Help America Vote Verification System (HAVV) total for 2024 so far for all 50 states. It is how many people tried to register to vote with phony, stolen or dead people’s Social Security cards basically.
TOTAL 9,664,301
RE: Tedtam at 3:48 PM Excellent find, Tedtam. Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) system I looked up HAVV wondering what the SS administration was doing monitoring voter registrations. The Help America Vote Act of 2002, P.L. 107-252 (HAVA) requires states to verify the information of newly registered voters for federal elections. Each state must establish a computerized state-wide voter registration list and verify new voter information with the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA).States are required to verify the driver’s license number against the MVA’s database. Only in situations where no driver’s license exists may the state verify the last four digits of the… Read more »
This Data is from The Official Website of The US Social Security Administration, HAVV
This is the amount of people in each state that attempt to register to vote WITHOUT ID just in 2024
See the list here.
BREAKING: The California State Senate just voted overwhelmingly to pass AB 1840, which allows illegal aliens to apply for taxpayer funded down payments on homes up to $150,000.
An unbelievable betrayal of the citizens of their state.
Israeli, American and Thai hostages, but how many knew there were Arab hostages ? The Israeli Defense Forces released a dramatic video of the moment they rescued a father-of-11 from Hamas captivity on Tuesday morning — bringing the hostage back home after 326 days. The footage shows Qaid Farhan Alkadi, 52, shaking hands with IDF Brig. Gen. Itzik Cohen as his troops arrived to save the dad from a Hamas tunnel in southern Gaza. Alkadi, a member of Israel’s Bedouin Arab community, could be seen grinning from ear to ear as he held Cohen’s hand and thanked the brigadier general and his men for… Read more »
Libs of TikTok:
Dan Bongino is royally wissed, and he lets TPTB have it. Video here. Comparing his former agency to a television producer that now sells yesterday’s products for a fraction of the price today, Bongino said the Service “was given more money, and produced less.” Over the past 10 years, the agency’s budget has ballooned from $2.34 billion in 2014 to $3.62 billion in 2024, according to small government advocate Downsizing Government. “A 20-year-old criminal outsmarted them on a drone technology piece of device. You’re telling me that’s more with less? That’s disgusting,” Bongino seethed at lawmakers. “That’s less with more.” That… Read more »
Nobody knows this, but going to this place is near the top of Shannon’s bucket list.
RE: The OC headline article
I can’t put my finger on the article I linked and wrote about. Recently, South Korean researchers published their long term study of 4,550,000 South Koreans who received one of the mRNA shots for Covid. They found a 650% increase in cardiac problems and a 170% increase in cancer cases among this huge “vaccinated” cohort.
It’s like the Fourth of July out there.
Charlie Kirk Nails. It.
Okay, THAT one was wissing close. Glad I got the batteries loaded.
I got my water exercise time and shower done in time. We’re getting thunderboomers again, overhead now. Yesterday I drove to Wal-Mart to get some light sources when we lost power. I guess it’d be a good idea to put the batteries in the lanterns.
I’ve been hearing about this on the radio today: zuck backs off of his draconian and partisan behavior – “Russian collusion” and WLR discussion suppression. From Catturd: “I committed election fraud, treason, and got people killed by lying about COVID. Whoops. My bad.” That’s not going to cut it. This weasel should be in a jail cell. In a jail cell. Without a computer. How many people died because he lied? And the point also about the FBI pressuring zuck to do their bidding on the two topics above. Who in the FBLie ordered this? Who should go to jail… Read more »
Here’s a mom who has truly prepared her kid for kindergarten.
It’s not a total win, but it’s progress. Home improvement retailer Lowe’s has scrapped some of its diversity, equity and inclusion programs, becoming the latest US firm to modify such policies meant to boost racial and ethnic representation.Lowe’s will no longer participate in surveys for Human Rights Campaign, an advocacy group supporting transgender rights, and is also combining its various business resource groups that represent diverse employees into one umbrella organization, an internal memo obtained by Reuters on Monday showed.The company will not be sponsoring or participating in community events such as parades, festivals, or fairs and might also make additional changes to the policies… Read more »
Yeah, I don’t think Dairy when I think about Amarillo.
I think Aggie Beau told me that Wright has a bacon facility in Vernon, TX That’s northwest or so of Dallas. Not exactly big pork country.
From the great story linked by Shannon at 10:04 AM. I had no idea the Amarillo/Panhandle area has become the third largest milk producing region in the country. De Cardenas thinks about his father selling cheese from the back of a car, as he marvels at the new dairy processing plant in Amarillo. He says Cacique spent nearly $90 million to build a facility with “seven miles of stainless-steel tubing, and 1400 smart valves that open and close within half a second.” and this, “Every city we looked at had something that wasn’t right,” de Cardenas says. “And when we… Read more »
On Sunday I mentioned that we drove the Vette over to my sister’s house so check these two old fogies. 😀
I’m hanging out by the pool, drying off, and vultures are starting to circle. I’m hoping it’s something in the woods next to the pool….
Raining pretty good here at the office.
Well my picture of my wife and me eating supper with my sister has blown up the Appalachian Cooks FB Site, 153 likes, 17 loves, 16 wows and 40 comments in the last 4 hours. I even had to give out the recipe for Hot Water Cornbread 😉
RANT ON ?v=1617232399&w=750&h=422&vtcrop=y This is one of the most detestable human beings in the world. In 2020 he said on ABC13, “If you do not take the vaccine, in two weeks you will be dead.” When i saw him looking over the top of his glasses looking down on all who were watching him, it was then that I decided that i would not urinate in his anal orifice if his guts were on fire, So here I am in 2024 alive and I did not take the vaccine. I would like to have a 5 minute conversation with him… Read more »
With the increase of pandemic alerts from the likes of Quackster Peter Hotez, I think it impotent that we stay safe out there. If there is one person in this world I loathe more than the Fauci it is Petroff Hotez.
California company moves to Irving, Texas and spends $88 million on new dairy processing plant in Amarillo.
And who says AI doesn’t have a sense of humor? It seems “Lindy” was rickrolling clients: A.I. startup ‘Lindy’ makes customer-assistance chatbots, to cut down on labor costs by having the chatbots answer customer support questions. Lindy uses their own chatbot software with their own customers, of course. The customer-service chatbot got a little out of control last week: https://x.com/Altimor/status/1825659507617460439 The designers were baffled. They guessed that, since the AI was trained on lots of Internet data, it had internalized Rickrolling somehow, and when asked for a video tutorial it didn’t have, defaulted to a joke answer, because there were… Read more »
And Mr. C. had previously noted that God’s baseballs were getting larger. Of course, the lefties want to blame man and his industrial activities, aka “climate change,” for the change in the size of hail stones. But… So we weren’t wrong in noticing hail is growing these days, as Earth’s protective magnetic field continues to wane, and as all the extra moisture from the Hunga Tonga eruption returns to the ground. Bigger hail is a big deal; our houses, cars, and crops aren’t built to withstand being pelted by baseball-sized hailstones. Hopefully it abates. Why look for natural causes when… Read more »
On Ukraine: Russia has begun a massive missile attack on their enemy. Putin may be evil, but he ain’t stupid. We have been watching for a major Russian offensive following the DNC. Could this be it? Could the scale of these unprecedented strikes be pre-invasion signals, softening up the Ukrainians for the next phase of the Proxy War?Who knows….We expected a game-changing move in Ukraine in final last months of 2024 because now is simply the best time. The Groundhog-in-Chief is mostly AWOL, and our military is distracted in the Middle East. If Ms. Cackle laughs her way into the… Read more »
Today’s C&C roundup:
Good morning, C&C, it’s Tuesday! Get ready for a mind-blowing roundup: Russians prepare the Ukrainian ground for what may be the final offensive; more Act III news as another democrat presidential candidate endorses President Trump; new climate study ‘predicts’ bigger hail in our future; AI plays jokes on customers and its software designers; and big religion news as new study dates Shroud of Turin to Jesus’ time.
I was up late last night, working on my way overdue Latin homework. I plan on heading to the pool sometime this morning, before some forecasted thunderstorms hit the area. I didn’t exercise yesterday, so I should take advantage of the availability of the water while I can. Hubby’s talked to the mechanic, and we discussed our options. I brought up the idea of shipping the vehicles home, as hotel and eating out bills are piling up. At some point, we need to cut our losses and pay for someone to deliver them to Houston, where Hubby has all of… Read more »
RE: Carnivore diet This change is difficult. I really like broccoli and asparagus. I was watching Dr. Berry last night give his 15 things to avoid on this diet. He mentioned something that I’ve heard before but have had problems reconciling in my head: “Plant toxins”. Things like lignans, which are supposed to cause gut leakage and other bad things. They are in foods which otherwise might be helpful on keto, such as flax seed. That’s one example. From all the videos I’ve been watching, the desire for things like fruit and other carbs should fade as I become more… Read more »
Commercial real estate foreclosures are ramping up across the US as soaring interest rates and the slow return of workers to office spaces begin to take their toll. There were 625 commercial real estate foreclosures in March – up 6 percent on the month prior and 117 percent from the same time in 2023, according to latest figures from real estate data provider ATTOM. Some areas are facing a bigger crisis than others – with 187 properties facing a foreclosure filing in California last month, which was the highest of any state. Although this was an 8 percent dip from the previous month, it was a huge… Read more »
Fairleigh Dickinson University is about 15 minutes from me. I know about this place. It’s a thriving hive of leftists, assorted weirdos, social outcasts, sexual deviants and all-around strange creatures. There is no way I would trust any poll from these people. A new poll shows Vice President Kamala Harris widening her lead over former President Donald Trump among voters nationally with just over two months to go before Election Day.According to the Fairleigh Dickinson University poll, the Democratic presidential nominee receiving an edge thanks largely to growing support among non-white voters.The poll has Harris with 50 percent support to Trump’s 43 percent support. Another seven… Read more »
Last night Tedtam says; The mechanic taught him something new: Hubby didn’t know to put a layer of some kind of grease on a plate part of the module. The grease helps dissipate heat and keeps the module from overheating. Yes, that is heat conductive paste that you use on transistors and such. Back in the 80’s I knew several guys that had F0-150’s and every one of them had a power module in their glove box after being stranded numerous times. Ford certainly dropped the ball on the module but in fairness to them, most of the shade tree… Read more »
Shannon says;
Isn’t that what Keto is? Remember El Gordo lost over 50 lbs in a year on that diet.
And speaking of him, he is Snail Mailing me a bunch of old pictures that he has. I have no idea what they are, might be Rice, NASA, Texas History or even something about Galveston Bay that he loved so much.:wink:
Happy Tuesday Folks.
Oh and Mornin’ Gang
“Election integrity is essential to our democracy,” said Governor Abbott. “I have signed the strongest election laws in the nation to protect the right to vote and to crackdown on illegal voting. These reforms have led to the removal of over one million ineligible people from our voter rolls in the last three years, including noncitizens, deceased voters, and people who moved to another state. The Secretary of State and county voter registrars have an ongoing legal requirement to review the voter rolls, remove ineligible voters, and refer any potential illegal voting to the Attorney General’s Office and local authorities… Read more »
GJT, plus he typed all that on a little iPhone instead of a keyboard. Weird.
Alexander Vindman could rightly be charged with Sedition, Perjury, and perhaps Treason by way of his false testimony in congress concerning a phone call Trump made to the then leader of Ukraine.
Vindman is a scumbag whose counsel merits no consideration.
Who was up in here doing all that hollerin’ at midnight?
Good morning Hosers and Hosettes; it is Tuesday 27 Aug24 and the last Tuesday of August. Next week will be hangover Tuesday from all the partying on Labor Day.
Heh, heh. He said retard.
Good morning, Hamsters. I don’t have a clue what the Carnivore Diet is. But I’m not a total retard, so I have a pretty good idea. It has to be very close to the Virtually No Carb Diet that my brother recommended fifteen years ago and which we both have had some success with over the years. The Virtually No Carb Diet is pretty much all the meat and green vegetables you can consume. You also must stay at least 5280 feet away from anything WHITE – Nothing white – no potatoes, no rice, and, by God, NO BREAD. Absolutely… Read more »