Monday Open Comments

You know folks, there is a reason you should never, ever let your daughter date a political scientist.  Plumbers, truck drivers, auctioneers and oilfield trash are a much more intelligent choice of prospective son-in-laws.  This article by the outstanding polymath Robert F. Graboyes dissecting the trainwreck of “experts” is brilliant.  [Bold emphasis in the original]

In February, 154 political scientists ranked all 45 U.S. presidents in terms of “greatness,” yielding a dog’s lunch of clickbait. The results are discredited most clearly by the fact that respondents (“experts”) placed Woodrow Wilson near the sunlit peak of Mount Olympus (#15) and Warren Harding in the gloomy depths of Hades (#40). The survey provides journalists with a Viagra/fentanyl cocktail, as seen in the New York Times headline and subtitle:

“Poll Ranks Biden as 14th-Best President, With Trump Last: President Biden may owe his place in the top third to his predecessor: Mr. Biden’s signature accomplishment, according to the historians, was evicting Donald J. Trump from the Oval Office.”

One needn’t admire Trump nor despise Biden to recognize that placing the hapless, doddering Biden 31 rungs higher than Trump represents boosterism, not scholarship. More on Trump and Biden later, but any ranking that doesn’t place Woodrow Wilson at or near the bottom is best suited for birdcages.

it only gets worse and worse,

Trump is certainly and intentionally a polarizing character—a provocateur. But how does one justify 170 votes for Trump as “Most Polarizing,” versus only 33 votes for Abraham Lincoln? Inexplicably, Lincoln also received 60 votes for “Least Polarizing” president. Consider the record:

In 1860, Lincoln’s name did not appear on the ballots of 10 states, he received less than 40% of the popular vote, conspirators sought to assassinate him before his inauguration, and his election led 11 states to secede from the Union, triggering the bloodiest war in U.S. history. In 2017, a professor wrote that Lincoln was reviled:

“as an ass, blackguard, buffoon, butcher, Caesar impersonator, clown, despot, dictator, federal vandal, fool, royal ape, tactless boor, treason’s masterpiece, tyrant and usurper … a man of ‘weak, wishy-washy, namby-pamby efforts’ … [a president who made America] ‘the laughing stock of the whole world’ … a small-town rube lawyer who in a big city ‘could pass for no more than a facetious pettifogger.’ … [A Louisiana paper said the U.S was] “so shamed and debased before the world by the ridiculous, vulgar and pusillanimous antics of the coarse and cowardly demagogue whom a corrupt and crazy faction [Yankee Republicans] has elevated to the chair once filled by Washington, Jefferson and Jackson” [and that] Lincoln’s “silly speeches, his ill-timed jocularity, and his pusillanimous evasion of responsibility, and vulgar pettifoggery, have no parallel in history save for the crazy capers of Caligula, or in the effeminate buffoonery of Henry of Valois.”

and you thought today’s politics were nasty and ugly ?

In 1982, Biden threatened to cut off aid to Israel during its War in Lebanon—eliciting a legendary face-to-face response from Menachem Begin:

“Don’t threaten us with cutting off aid to give up our principles. I’m not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”

God bless Israel.

In the era bookended by Teddy Roosevelt and Joe Biden (1901-2024), precisely two presidents have made the case for limited government and lived by those principles as president: Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Reagan. Amity Shlaes made the case for the 30th president’s greatness in her magisterial biography, Coolidge. In a Forbes article, Shlaes offered a lyrical metaphor:

“A windsurfer looks as though he’s doing nothing at all, just riding the wind; however, the sport takes great strength. Even in a gust of wind the windsurfer must minimize his movement, holding still or pulling in. President Coolidge often looked as though he were doing nothing, and his peers, as well as later observers, mocked him for it. But in fact the Coolidge style of government, which included much refraining, took great strength and yielded superior results. Nowhere did the Great Windsurfer demonstrate such strength more than on the waters of economics.”







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August 19, 2024 8:35 pm
Last edited 6 months ago by Shannon
August 19, 2024 8:25 pm

She is absolutely correct on a completely secular level. The fact that it comports with the Judeo/Christian concept of basic ethics and ‘the correct way to be’ is a fundamental confirmation. Kind of like ‘2 witnesses to establish a matter.’

Last edited 6 months ago by Bonecrusher
August 19, 2024 8:13 pm

The little pit bull pup has failed her last 2 adoption attempts. She is now in the laundry room crying like someone is pulling out her nails. She is a rowdy little puppy, but it just so happens that I have the perfect nanny dog for that puppy. Sarah plays with her until the pup is worn out and then she is very cuddly. Once the puppy teeth are gone things will get better.

August 19, 2024 8:02 pm

25 hours later, the garlic pesto Salmon with asparagus is quite delectable.

August 19, 2024 7:47 pm

Victoria was a great, great comedienne.

August 19, 2024 7:19 pm

You have to be old enough to remember Donahue for it to be funny.

August 19, 2024 7:12 pm
August 19, 2024 6:56 pm
August 19, 2024 6:53 pm

Do 24 hour fasts count for something?
It just occurred to me that I haven’t eaten today.
Busy cleaning house for upcoming big weekend and house guests.

Last edited 6 months ago by Shannon
Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 19, 2024 6:18 pm

The communist convention is in full swing in order to rally the Bolshevik 2.0s into action. Their orders are to get the communist Kenyan installed by hook or by crook.

4 more years of extreme misery via the kameleon and the Putz ticket.

the Kenyan’s mission is the complete destruction of the USA.

this could just as well be the Putz speaking.

Last edited 6 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 19, 2024 1:41 pm

The C&C ends with the good news of one woman standing up against The Man. She was arrested for praying silently outside of an abortion clinic. The court has thrown out the state’s case, and she sued the police and won. After that, Isabel sued the Midlands Police Department for wrongful arrest. Last week, she won £13,000 (about $17,000) and an apology, for two wrongful arrests and false imprisonments, assault and battery relating to intrusive search (including carefully searching her hair, maybe for stray thoughts), and for breaching her human rights.Isabel’s was a terrific example of the tactics I suggested to… Read more »

August 19, 2024 1:38 pm

Science: scientists are predicting more aurora viewing as the lights extend further towards the equator. For whatever reason, corporate media is moving to normalize this year’s historic space weather and the repeating, once-in-a-lifetime southern aurorae. The Washington Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “Missed seeing the northern lights near you? The biggest storm may be yet to come.” We are, apparently, just getting started.Baffled scientists know we’re nearing a peak of solar activity called the solar maximum, but they won’t know for sure when, until the Sun starts quieting down again. The strongest storms come at the cyclical transition, which happens… Read more »

August 19, 2024 1:35 pm

Mr. C. then discusses the lamentable plight of this year’s Burning Man debacle… Last year rain caused the desert sand to become a form of thick, tarry, acidic mud, which destroyed vehicles and feet. Unprepared to be stuck in the desert beyond the burning, there were shortages of food, water, and hygiene, which led to people trying to walk across the desert on acid-burned feet. So, this year, the ticket sales are abysmal. The show starts in six days. The article described regular event goers “getting screwed,” scrambling to offload pricey unwanted tickets and finding only bargain basement buyers. The… Read more »

August 19, 2024 1:30 pm

Re the preparations at the DNC: So Democrats aren’t taking any chances. First, to protect themselves from their own voters, they’ve erected a wildly expensive ‘security zone’, multiple layers of fencing strategically deployed to frustrate any unapproved group activity and preclude parading. Don’t be silly, the security fencing is NOT a border wall, because reasons. Border walls don’t work, dummies. /snuffle snort/ The protestors are going to be encouraged to do all of their disparate protesting as one manageable group. Yeah, good luck with that. The pro-Hamas group and the alphabet brigade side by side will probably happen, which only highlights the… Read more »

August 19, 2024 12:59 pm

Mr. C. is offering a public service:  I’m offering a free service this week for those of you who would prefer to enjoy life without seeing, hearing, or knowing about the week’s DNC developments, like the latest Democrat ‘joy of abortion’ death-cult march, led by goose-stepping women dressed up as bloblike abortion pills, personalities reduced to nihilistic and ineffable expressions of self-loathing, cheerful grins masking volcanic rage against their Creator for the offense of their own created existence.[insult pic of DNC protestors]Sorry! I promise that’s the last one. If you prefer to avoid pondering those sorts of civilizational developments, Coffee… Read more »

August 19, 2024 12:54 pm

Today’s C&C update: Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! The Democrat’s critical inflection point —the 2024 Democrat National Convention— has come at last. Now they will have to nominate or get off the pot. Today’s good-news roundup of essential information includes: C&C will take it from here after the weekend’s abortion parade; Democrat border wall boundaries protestors under shadows of 1968 Convention; Burning Man fails to ignite and slides toward well-deserved ignominy; more happy, high-profile reports about the scenic by-products of record space weather without any comment on its effect on Earth weather; and signs of life erupted in Great Britain… Read more »

August 19, 2024 12:43 pm

Gearing up for another Elsa run. When transferring food back and forth during the new refrigerator installation, I found some stuff in the freezer than would be better stored as powder or FD: some cranberries and some pumpkin puree, for example. I’m also getting more coffee ready for processing as well. I may also do some avocado. I bought two bags of relatively cheap avocados at Aldi recently, and I think they are ripe. I’m not doing hard core, strict carnivore, so a few slices of avocado with tonight’s steak sounds good. Avocado is a fruit that freeze dries and… Read more »

August 19, 2024 12:18 pm

Leading the impeachment investigations,
“The House Oversight, Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees said they believe the evidence from their nine-month investigation establishes that Biden abused his office and violated his oaths under the Constitution, according to the 291-page report reviewed by Just the News
[ ]
The committee’s investigation found Hunter Biden and other family members received over $27 million from foreign sources. These funds were often obscured in “shell companies” to hide their true origins, the committee says. Some of the funds sent from China, for example, ended up directly in Joe Biden’s bank account.”

August 19, 2024 11:37 am

comment image
Curiosity may have killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 19, 2024 11:30 am

Trump is certainly and intentionally a polarizing character—a provocateur.

that’s what the communist dnc-media says about him too. They’ve successfully projected everything they are onto him by demonizing and vilifying him ever since he came down the escalator resulting in mass TDS psychosis.

they hamstrung him every second of his presidency with false accusations, lies and Russia Russia Russia. The joined@thehipVampyreparties worked against him every step of the way yet he’s still the best president of my lifetime and you better hope he wins and beats the steal in November or your country is through.

Last edited 6 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 19, 2024 11:02 am

We have had several giant web worms park themselves on parts of the house. Did not see any near the house last summer.

August 19, 2024 10:59 am

Texpat’s comments below at 9:57 and 10:08 are on the spot.

August 19, 2024 10:52 am

Good Monday Morning, Hamsters

Gonna be interesting to see what happens inside and outside of the Dem’s confab meeting place in Chicago.

For sure the city appreciates all the $$$ spent by the confab, and hopes that the place does not turn into warfare.

August 19, 2024 10:08 am

Stupid web worms are back. They disappeared after what I thought was the summer temps rising but I guess that’s not the case.

August 19, 2024 9:07 am

My wife decided she wanted to go to the ER yesterday to get her ribs checked out after her trip and fall last Tuesday when she was in Memphis. Yep, broken #6 rib. Of most concern that we hadn’t thought of was the pain caused just by breathing would result in not breathing deep enough which could lead to pneumonia so they gave her one of those breathing exercising devices and they want her to do nebulizer treatments. Then they gave her a little sumpthin sumpthin for the pain which helped a lot. Got to give it to her, she’s… Read more »

Super Dave
August 19, 2024 7:37 am

Kinda’ stupid but I found it humorous on this Monday morning; The young woman who submitted the tech support message below (about her relationship to her husband) presumably did it as a joke. Then she got a reply that was way too good to keep to herself. The tech support people’s love advice was hilarious and genius!The query:Dear Tech Support,Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slowdown in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Super Dave
August 19, 2024 7:17 am

It was 87F at 6:20 on 610 this morning. The sun was not yet up.

August 19, 2024 7:16 am

The last comment of the weekend thread posted by Tedtam showed a baby in the womb smiling at daddy’s voice. 32 weeks gestation. Some ghouls will claim that is not a human yet. This is the D party and we need to hang this ghoulish behavior around their collective necks like a rotting albatross.

Super Dave
August 19, 2024 7:08 am

Oh and we got .40″ of much needed rain about 8:30 last night. I knew if I watered the grass around the Pole Barn on Saturday that we might have a slight chance of rain.

Super Dave
August 19, 2024 7:06 am

Bidden #14 and Trump dead last? Makes sense to me considering the source/sources. I’ll make sure I book-mark this one but I’m still behind from the last two weeks. Texpat just keeps on loading us up with homework.
FWIW; I don’t know how Texpat comes up with so much great stuff but I appreciate it.
Mornin’ Gang

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