Thursday Open Comments

More anti-Semitism.  This turns my stomach.  And leaves me befuddled.  What have the Jews done to deserve the treatment that they get?  Isn’t it the cops job to protect the public, not to restrict the activities of the victims?  And shouldn’t the perpetrators be restrained, not the athletes?  The arguments/excuses of the officials rings awful hollow to these ears.


Belgium bans Jews from sporting events like it was World War II

All it took was a little bit of graffiti for Belgium’s third-largest city to side with hate.

A group of Israeli frisbee athletes was scheduled to play in an international competition in Ghent last week when a vandal spray-painted antisemitic graffiti near the field: “Boycott Israhell Now!”

Insanely, the town’s mayor and police force reacted by booting the Israeli team from the competition.

At most, it might be cause for Ghentish citizens to rally and show that the European rhetoric of social tolerance applies to Jews too.

But no: In breaking the “You’re out” news, the police chief allegedly told the team’s coach, “This is your war, not mine.”

More, the town told the coaches and team members they couldn’t even watch the games.


The town is embracing a tacit policy of judenrein that’s growing all too common across Europe.


Note, too, that the Europe-wide athletic association behind the tournament passively co-signed this ugliness, proving yet again that the sentiments that allowed Hitler and his cadres to succeed are still alive and well.



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August 15, 2024 11:11 pm

We shall need scorecards.

August 15, 2024 11:09 pm

As for the Dem convention, keep a pencil & pad handy to note particularly odd things like slugfests, hollering, and general disarray. Much of it behind closed doors, but some of the news folks will leak it.

August 15, 2024 8:22 pm

My comment at 6:42 PM

If you don’t think the Democratic Convention in Chicago isn’t going to be a nightmare, well then, maybe you ought to think again.

Super Dave
August 15, 2024 8:22 pm

Well we’re spooling down the beach trip, wife left about 5 PM and I’m heading out in the morning but what a fine week we had here. I mentioned that we never take a 2 week beach trip but after last week’s enjoyable but hectic week we thought a few days here would be relaxing and just what we needed. The weather couldn’t have been better, really good on Monday and fabulous Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Each day got a little better with the gulf today being perfectly flat not even a whitecap. But it was so calm that today… Read more »

August 15, 2024 6:42 pm

The mayor of NYC was giving a speech to a rally in the streets of Manhattan for Harris/Walz and the crowd got attacked by a Hamas Death Lovers mob and it turned into a full-blown riot. People were arrested and some went to the hospital.

August 15, 2024 6:28 pm

I try not to make fun of people’s appearances. But when a woman like Rosa DeLauro goes out of her way to look manly, coarse and exhibit herself as a mockery and rejection of beauty, it’s as if she resents the fact she wasn’t born a pretty girl so she will shock and offend everyone by mocking femininity and beauty. It’s as if she is saying: If I can’t have it then you will all have to see me everyday as a witch and a silly old woman who dies her hair purple at 81 years of age.

August 15, 2024 5:47 pm

The Left is insanely jealous of the American Right womanhood. Our ladies are simply far more intelligent and beautiful – inside and out. Let me offer an example.

Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut

Ana Paulina Luna of Florida

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 15, 2024 4:14 pm

300 million ss numbers compromised and all you get is a uh, so sorry, here’s how to freeze or lock your credit report.

Bye, suckers.

I got my theory on what they’re gonna do with them but that’s a topic for another day.

August 15, 2024 1:00 pm

Some days I run across things that make me really miss J-Nine… this was one of those days

Screenshot-2024-08-15-at-12.56.48 PM
August 15, 2024 12:39 pm

Some days I run across soooo many reminders of J-Nine it’s not even funny…

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 15, 2024 12:35 pm

The communist left digs up a 10 year old swimsuit video of Anna Paulina like it’s some kind of scandalous crime.

if there was a ballsack hanging out of the bathing suit they’d of loved and praised it.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 15, 2024 11:39 am

But transvestites painted blue, with ball sacks hanging out, while mocking the Last Supper during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics was just good clean fun.

all animals are equal but some are more equal than others.

i would say that in 2024 not just some but multitudes are more equal than others.

Last edited 6 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 15, 2024 10:12 am

Warning. This would be, and could be, a perfect false flag story to disrupt US/Israeli relations. According to Iranian sources–and hence we should be skeptical–a United States security delegation traveled to Tehran to assure the Iranian government that the US had no prior knowledge of the planned Israeli assassinations of Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah’s Fuad Shukr.A secret visit by a delegation to negotiate in person would by itself be surprising but not inherently traitorous to our relationship with one of our closest allies. The US has interests in preventing a general war in the Middle East, after all, and our… Read more »

August 15, 2024 10:03 am

You cannot believe this is really happening. EXCLUSIVE and BREAKING: During a Donald Trump visit to North Carolina yesterday, a woman Secret Service special agent abandoned her post to breastfeed with no permission/warning to the event site agent, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.Shortly before Trump’s motorcade arrival — I’m told five minutes beforehand — the site agent was getting ready for the arrival. (The site agent is the person in charge of the entire event’s security.)The site agent went to do one final sweep of the walking route and found the agent breast-feeding her child in a… Read more »

Super Dave
August 15, 2024 9:06 am

Oh I forgot to mention that I saw a nice Redfish (22″-25″?) on Tuesday about noon. He was about 15-20 feet from the shore heading west. Then this morning I saw another one about 5 feet form the breakers. I’ll add that on Monday I saw thousands of finger sized baitfish between the beach and the sandbar. And yesterday morning there were a bunch of Gulls and Pelicans feeding in that area just after daylight. It seems that this is the best week for fishing I’ve seen in a while.

Super Dave
August 15, 2024 9:00 am

Back from the pier and my wife walked along with me, first time in years. Oh and Bones, I saw several Seagulls catching shad in the Gulf but they don’t look nearly as impressive as a Bald Eagle. Of course they grab the fish in their beaks.

August 15, 2024 8:27 am

 The REAL energy transition is toward natural gas. A few weeks ago, the price of natural gas fell below $2 per MMBTU, the lowest price level for energy, after adjusting for inflation, in 20 years and probably ever in the history of mankind. Just a few years ago, the price in real dollars was four times higher.As an experiment, I went to the grocery store to find out what a 16-ounce bottle of Evian water now sells at. The price I saw was $2.69 and can go as high as $3. This means natural gas is now less expensive than… Read more »

August 15, 2024 8:21 am

From Legal Insurrection’s article at 8:08 AM:

I just want to give you a little bit of historical perspective. On this date. August 14th, according to the Real Clear Politics national polling average, and that’s important, it’s the national average, Kamala Harris is up 1.1%. Oh my God, the sky is falling. It’s over.

By comparison on this date in 2020, Joe Biden was up by 7.7% in the same Real Clear Politics average, and on this date in 2016, Hillary was up 6.8%.

Last edited 6 months ago by Texpat
August 15, 2024 8:13 am
August 15, 2024 8:08 am

One fact being mostly suppressed is the public and internal polls of Democratic voters do not reflect the “enthusiasm and joy” of the Corporate Media campaign to elect Harris/Walz. The numbers I saw this week for registered Democratic voters’ willingness to vote or go to the polls was pretty dismal. The point of the ridiculous and embarrassing fakery about Harris’ popularity and intelligence by the MSM is that some of it will rub off onto real voters. Democrats on the street are nowhere near as excited. The Kamala people are genuinely terrified at the genuine registered Republican voter eagerness to… Read more »

August 15, 2024 8:06 am

I have always wanted to see this with my own eyes in real life.

August 15, 2024 7:57 am

Last night, I see on the UK Daily Mail site a story about former Trump aides spilling their little hearts out about how dejected and irate Trump is over Kamala and how his whole campaign is in turmoil. The key phrase is “former Trump aides.” This piece is so phony and obviously planted by the Harris crowd. What former Trump aide with any common sense would start talking to MSNBC ? Really ? William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection:  A couple of weeks ago, I spoke to you about Operation Demoralize.It’s something we’ve been tracking at Legal Insurrection since 2011… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Texpat
August 15, 2024 7:38 am

Real white supremacy.

I once worked for a man who lived in Bristol, England, but was born and raised in Belgium. When he was a young man, Jack joined the Belgian military and qualified as an elite commando in the units assigned to maintain brutal, inhuman control over the Belgian Congo in the 1950s. As much as I liked the guy, I lost all respect for him after hearing some of his exploits in the Congo.

August 15, 2024 7:04 am

The Belgians have been murderous bastiges for well over a hundred years. If the European Jewery were really smart, they would get out of Europe now.

Super Dave
August 15, 2024 6:04 am

Hello, anybody home? It’s already 6 o’clock and with me posting, that’ll kill this dang thang for several hours. Oh well, let’s start the day with a beautiful old Cushman Eagle I spotted over yonder.
Mornin’ Gang

Last edited 6 months ago by Super Dave
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