Thank Goodness, It’s Brunette Friday Open Comments

Penélope Cruz





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July 13, 2024 6:07 pm
Super Dave
July 12, 2024 8:59 pm
July 12, 2024 6:53 pm

Alec Baldwin breaks down in tears as his Rust shooting case is sensationally DISMISSED
The POS skates on murdering an innocent woman. Must be nice.

July 12, 2024 5:15 pm

Mr. Childers’ description of the “Big Boy Press Conference” was, as usual, snarky delightfulness: [Re the UK Daily Mail Headline and picture] The headline “Faces of Despair” was a bold choice, a nod to the 1978 mondo cult horror film Faces of Death. I remember being at a party once when someone slipped that hideous movie into the VCR. It took… Read more »

July 12, 2024 5:12 pm

I think with all the excitement of holding Little Prince, I totally forgot about the C&C today! Good morning, C&C, it’s Friday! Already. Next week begins the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at which President Trump is expected to finally announce his vice-presidential pick. So prepare for a big news week. This morning’s essential news roundup includes: Biden big-boy… Read more »

July 12, 2024 5:00 pm

Tedtam, one option you might consider is a truck/van mounted AC Inverter that converts 12 volts to 120 volts. You keep it recharged running the vehicle and can use it for auxiliary power. I don’t know how close your driveway is to the house, but it is one way provide power in an outage. They can range from 800 watts… Read more »

July 12, 2024 3:17 pm


July 12, 2024 3:05 pm

Just got back from the parents house in Spring Branch to meet with a cleaning company, still no power there. Coming back, i looked ip the CenterPoint map and it shows the whole area green. Now we are like, did we notice any homes/stores with power? No lol. Sister has the meter on her phone, o will have her keep… Read more »

July 12, 2024 2:27 pm

I just got a call from Hubby – our little backup generator is dead. He’s now on the hunt for another one, good luck on that. On a positive note, it looks like there’s been progress getting power in our neighborhood. The entire street south of us looks like it’s powered up, according to the Centerpoint map. Maybe the generator… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
July 12, 2024 1:53 pm

Ben Shapiro is an ineffective speaker. He speaks way too fast and monotonous as if he’s consumed too many Jolt colas.

he sounds just like Sparkie of Big John and Sparkie.

Last edited 2 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
July 12, 2024 1:44 pm

The government of the most powerful nation on earth is paralyzed by the blind hatred feud between these two women. Now, political insiders have told that Democratic advisors are struggling to push past the powerful role that Jill Biden‘s loathing of Harris, 59, is playing in Joe‘s resistance to pass the mantle to his VP as pressure ratchets up for him to step… Read more »

July 12, 2024 1:38 pm

Go full screen with his clip and watch conservative Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (back row, grey suit) refuse to applaud with the obligatory diplomatic golf clap. Biden made these people stand on that stage for 1 hour and 45 minutes before he showed up. Meloni was furious and I don’t blame her.

July 12, 2024 1:28 pm


Kyle Smith


Truly amazing to realize there’s going to be a GOP ad this fall that does nothing but quote Dem Congressmen, Senators and George Clooney on the unfitness of their presidential candidate.

Super Dave
July 12, 2024 12:36 pm

President Biden knows more about foreign policy than any other President ever. ~ Jonathan Kott ~
BAWHAHAHAHA!!! Choke,….Snort,…..Chortle,….
AND that stupid Bastard said it with a straight face in utmost sincerity. You can’t make this stuff up. 😀

July 12, 2024 12:33 pm

Almost anyone who has graduated from college in the last 50 years has repeatedly heard the statement, “More people have been killed in the name of God than in the name of anything else.” And most of them believe it. and yet, But there are few other examples of large-scale killings by Christians as Christians (as opposed to people who… Read more »

July 12, 2024 12:20 pm

Magnolia is open! All restaurants full, don’t know how or if they got fresh food already.

July 12, 2024 12:10 pm

World’s largest pilot union calls to eliminate terms ‘cockpit,’ ‘manpower,’ other ‘masculine generalizations’ for ‘equity’

BTW here is the AIR LINE PILOTS ASSOCIATION, INT’L official inclusion guide.

July 12, 2024 11:45 am

Hubby said parts of our neighborhood have power – the far end. I checked the Centerpoint restoration map, and all I can do is hope that green stuff hits our house in the next day or so. Our neighborhood has historically been one of the last to get restored, probably because of all the trees we have.

July 12, 2024 11:44 am

Just took a 15 decade rosary walk around my daughter’s neighborhood, most of it barefoot. It was nice to stroll around a neighborhood where I don’t have to fear stray or loose dogs coming after me. I’d forgotten how nice it is to ambulate through the grass without footwear. Good for the body and the spirit. The concrete didn’t start… Read more »

July 12, 2024 10:36 am

So, a bunch of East Coast privileged Yankee media hacks go to New Mexico and treat a courthouse like a Bronx subway station. These people are disgusting. The judge in leftist actor Alec Baldwin’s manslaughter trial scolded messy media over their courtroom filth on Thursday. “Have manners on picking up after ourselves,” the judge said.Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer began Thursday’s session of… Read more »

July 12, 2024 10:21 am

I wonder how well the Biden FEMA cancellation will go over in those minority neighborhoods that are without power and have heavy trash to be removed?

Biden just saluted them all with only one finger.

July 12, 2024 10:21 am

State law allows officers of the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency (TWRA)—or any other state or federal wildlife agency—to “go upon any property, outside of buildings, posted or otherwise,” in order to “enforce all laws relating to wildlife.” As Reason first reported in 2022, TWRA agents interpreted this directive to trespass onto private lands at will; in at least two cases, agents then coordinated with… Read more »

July 12, 2024 9:41 am

GJT knows all about the campaign to brand Lincoln as gay. He, his son and I have a history going way back on the subject.

July 12, 2024 9:38 am

If you wonder why so many websites right of center are constantly asking you to subscribe and putting half their content behind paywalls, look no further than the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA). These hearings were the reason Ben Shapiro and others were testifying in DC this week. These pompous, arrogant, malignant tyrants have done huge damage to free speech… Read more »

Super Dave
July 12, 2024 9:29 am

Donny Osmond just popped up on TV, who knew he was still alive let alone still performing. But I guess that makes his 47 fans (excluding family) happy. 😀

Super Dave
July 12, 2024 9:22 am

Well that ‘Splains it! I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t comment on Texpat’s Gay Lincoln but when I scrolled up it said; “You have to be logged in to make a comment”. SO I logged in, first time in a while. FWIW; It doesn’t bother me to have to log in and it surprises me how long I can… Read more »

July 12, 2024 8:25 am

BTW – before I peruse the C&C column, when my headache woke me up this morning, I was in a REM cycle and remembered part of my dream. Still do, it was pretty intense… I was in a big room, with lots of fellow townspeople, and there was some discussion about a community problem (can’t remember the topic), when some… Read more »

July 12, 2024 8:19 am

I know y’all have been missing the roundup from the C&C, so here it is, now that I have power, wi-fe, and air conditioning (yay me!): Good morning, C&Cers, it’s Thursday! I am blogging this morning from an undisclosed location in Nashville, where I am attending a semi-secret political event. So I’m an hour behind Eastern Standard Time and also… Read more »

July 12, 2024 8:15 am

It feels weird, drinking morning coffee without my beads…but I did give a rosary away to the babysitter yesterday.

July 12, 2024 8:14 am

The book is a hoax and a fraud: a historical hoax, because the inaccurate parts are all shaded toward a predetermined conclusion, and a literary fraud, because significant portions of the accurate parts are plagiarized–from me, as it happens. The Gay Mafia lobby refuses to let go of their fantasy about Abraham Lincoln’s sexuality. They are obsessed with the idea… Read more »

July 12, 2024 8:12 am

I woke up at 6:30 with a splitting headache, possibly brought on by the massive change in humidity from yesterday to today. I heard Lovely Daughter and Aggie Beau getting up for work, so I eventually got out of bed to hold Little Prince while they finished their morning prep and headed out for the day. They made sure I… Read more »

July 12, 2024 8:12 am

Every guys ex-girlfriend

Super Dave
July 12, 2024 7:13 am
Super Dave
July 12, 2024 6:56 am

My @ 6:51 I guess it goes without saying that millions of dollars will flow into the Alabama race. FWIW: I saw a report on national news that mentioned the race and how the Democrats were in panic mode.

Super Dave
July 12, 2024 6:51 am

In other news here in Alabama we redrew our Congressional map so that we might better elect a person of “Color”. Not sure why it’s not racist to try to make sure a district is a certain “Color” but that aside, now the Washington establishment is concerned that the fiasco that is Biden may lead to a democrat loss in… Read more »

Super Dave
July 12, 2024 6:42 am

Does Alabama really have the best roads in America? OK call me skeptical, but we do have pretty good roads. 😉 ALABAMA (WDHN)—A new study found that Alabama has the highest-quality roads in America, followed closely by Indiana and Wyoming.According to a study that analyzed data from the U.S. Department of Transportation and published by the personal injury firm Suzuki… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Super Dave
July 12, 2024 6:10 am

I ate too late last night and did not sleep well, very dry mouth all night, and stomach does not want food this morning. A cup of coffee and I’m off to work. I’ll eat an early lunch when I start to get hungry. A Porter House steak is yummy (and actually was Yummy) but anything heavy like that after… Read more »

July 12, 2024 5:59 am

Annnnd, of course he cans too.

Super Dave
July 12, 2024 5:06 am

Thank goodness is right. I don’t recognize Penelope but she’ll do. Well it’s been a long week and I’m not sure what’s on tap for today but as soon as I finish this cup of coffee and maybe one more I’ll hit the ground running. It turns out the fig crop is better than expected and with a weeks worth… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Super Dave