Wednesday Open Comments

I just checked the dashboard, and I see no Wednesday post.  So, Texpat, if we’re unseeing each other again, feel free to reschedule this one if you wish.

I found this Substack article from a commenter in the C&C about a week or so ago.  The commenter had talked to a pharmacist about the whole jab situation, and the pharmacist said we were in a democide event, and the pharmacist wished the public would be aware of what was happening to them.  Here are excerpts from the Substack “Unorthodoxy” by Franklin O’Kanu (there is an audio link at the Substack if you want to listen to the whole article):

Democide refers to “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” What’s interesting about the term is that it can cover a wide range of deaths, such as forced labor or extrajudicial summary killings, but it can also be mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect. Understanding the term in this light is where things get interesting.

“Governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect can include withholding aid during disasters, or failing to act in situations where the government has a duty to protect its citizens.” 

Franklin also points out that democide can also take other forms, such as financial.  So when Biden’s policies result in a poor economy or social structures that can lead to death, that can be classified as democide.

  1. We have a term, idea, or concept that most people have no idea exists (democide), and 
  2. This act isn’t black or white but can come in many forms and warrants further examination.

Even more rare than ‘democide’ is the term ‘menticide’. GPT4 also estimates that less than 0.1% of the population is familiar with it. Menticide refers to “the systematic effort to undermine and destroy a person’s or group’s mental or intellectual faculties, often through propaganda, manipulation or coercion.”

Gee, does that sound familiar??  It sounds like the Democrat modus operandi.

GPT4: Yes, menticide can be used in conjunction with democide. Menticide, or brainwashing, is a process that can alter or control the human mind using certain psychological techniques. It can reduce a person’s ability to think critically or independently, allowing for the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, as well as changing their attitudes, values, and beliefs. In the context of democide, a government could potentially use menticide to manipulate its population’s perception of reality, making them unaware of the atrocities being committed. This could be done through propaganda, censorship, misinformation, or other forms of psychological manipulation.


…Governments have become run by political assassins who no longer care for the citizenry but rather care only for political control, upholding the political class, and overall retaining their power, and if democide can be used to maintain power, what better way to do so than by using menticide?

The author acknowledges that climbing out of this pit of double-cides won’t be easy, but here are the steps he lays forth:

  1. Know your enemy – once I concluded that this world was not as it seemed, I decided to dive deeply into history, unlearn what I was told, and learn what is out there and how the world operates. … Once we know our enemy by tracing their steps, we’re that much closer to defeating them.
  2. Know yourself – in my book, I also discuss knowing ourselves, and we need to know our strengths and resources. Our education, or better yet, indoctrination system, has gone hard to ensure that the divine nature within us, with freedom, skills, and resources, never comes to light. These resources have been buried deep beneath years of social programming and propaganda… when we begin to awaken to the notion of the power we each have, we can start using our power to create the reality we want – one where we are no longer under the threat of democide. I’ve written the following articles to help such as: Critically Thinking Parts 1 through 3How to Use Your Brain, and many, many more.
  3. Know your focus – lastly, once we know who the enemy is and our strengths and resources, the next step is to use our powers and skills to create the life we want to live. This area is where I focus on the seven pillars of life. By focusing our resources on these seven pillars and doing this daily,…we begin to fashion reality for ourselves, what we want it to be.

This analysis is why democide and menticide exist. To cull the population and keep us under control. On a deeper note, this is actually a spiritual attack manifesting in physical, but that’s a deeper, more philosophical dive…

I’ve always held that the ills we face today are the result of spiritual attack.

Anyway, it’s good to be able to label that evil which we face.

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June 19, 2024 10:41 pm

One last downpour out here right now.

June 19, 2024 9:04 pm
This is Bill the Cat.

June 19, 2024 8:42 pm

Ah, yes. The evil sleeping wrist curl. I have considered wrist splints in the past, but haven’t done so. Yet.

Some online experts call it genetic. Some call it a precursor to carpal tunnel problems. I’m pretty certain that isn’t my problem.

Super Dave
June 19, 2024 8:40 pm

Do let us know when you here from mharper. Her last post over yonder was on March 21 she posted a picture of Bill the cat.

Super Dave
June 19, 2024 8:38 pm

Happy Anniversary Adee! 59 years what a milestone, the big 6 0 next year.

June 19, 2024 8:16 pm

Texas A&M vs Florida in the Men’s World Series right now. 4th Inning. 2-0 Aggies. Pretty cool play if you can get ESPN.

June 19, 2024 8:04 pm

Until I saw the guy in front of me throw it on the belt at the grocery check out, I’d never heard of fully cooked bacon.

I tried a package this week. It seemed to be reasonably priced. Three strips, 20 seconds in the microwave. Pretty nice. My nightly spinach caprese salad is vastly improved with those bacon crumbles.

I’d pretty much given up on bacon. I’m not a fan of frying it in a pan and just don’t want to use the big oven anymore.

June 19, 2024 7:01 pm

Sounds like French President Emmanuel Macron should send a sternly worded fax. :D: :D:

Last edited 8 months ago by GJT
June 19, 2024 6:53 pm

If anybody calls Harper, let us know. We worry about her.

June 19, 2024 6:34 pm

The West has lost its mind. You don’t have to read between the lines to know these were Muslim boys probably from Libya or Algeria. French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday denounced the “scourge of antisemitism” and called on schools to hold discussions on racism and hatred of Jews after three boys were charged with raping a 12-year-old Jewish girl in a Paris suburb. …denounced the “scourge of antisemitism” and called on schools to hold discussions on racism and hatred of Jews… Oh, yeah that will do the trick. Macron is a weak, gutless, stupid little man. The young girl told police… Read more »

June 19, 2024 5:57 pm

Why would 2 documents sent as attachments to gmail from an Apple computer to a Windows computer come out as pure gibberish when opened there ? I’ve sent docs to that computer before with no problem.

June 19, 2024 5:27 pm

Slow rain here most of the day, so far only a smidge over 2 inches. I suspect there are areas near us that have had more. Happy that the outdoor things got taken care of this morning.

We will postpone the anniversary dinner until tomorrow or whenever the rain stops.

June 19, 2024 5:17 pm

We’ve had a slow, soaking rain since 11am, but a heavy downpour since 3pm.

Last edited 8 months ago by Shannon
June 19, 2024 4:44 pm

This is a post from 12 years ago about Thomas Friedman when 40 years ago he was a foreign correspondent for NYT. He was in Lebanon during the civil war there instigated by Yassir Arafat and the Palestinians. I’ve taken the liberty of more than fair use doctrine here, but it’s just too great a story. All credit and props to Irregular Expression and their writers. Cockburn writes of a time in 1984 when his younger brother, Patrick, was in Beirut as the Middle East correspondent for the Financial Times. Friedman was doing the same job, for the New York… Read more »

June 19, 2024 4:02 pm

GJT, this is for your pothead acquaintances. Colorado’s legal marijuana business is at least one toke over the line as a massive decrease in sales has led to store closures and layoffs across the state.Politico recently reported that Denver’s 3D Cannabis dispensary, where Iraq War vet Sean Azzariti became the first person to legally buy recreational marijuana, has “temporarily closed.” But the boards on the doors and windows and the dismal state of the parking lot make the closure appear much closer to permanent. plus this,  But sales are shrinking and with them, revenues. I’d add that the tax revenues were… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by Texpat
June 19, 2024 3:53 pm

In Houston yesterday, the nurse from Texas Children’s I talk about in @ 12:07 PM today, Vanessa Sivadge, had FBI agents show up at her front door. Christopher Rufo of City Journal has the video she took. I can’t tell whether she and her husband allowed them to come in the house, but I would have handed them my attorney’s card and told them to leave. I’m really beginning to hate these people for the evil they represent.

June 19, 2024 3:20 pm

Thomas L. Friedman (white guy) can kiss my

Can’t say that
. He is an antisemite
, has been an antisemite
and he does not know what he is talking about.

American Leaders Should Stop Debasing Themselves on Israel

My patience is wearing very thin with these people.

June 19, 2024 3:16 pm

It feels like southeastern Texas out there. 98 Real Feel with 75% humidity. The brand new central AC system died where I was working and when it got to 86 inside I left.

June 19, 2024 2:01 pm

Fifty-nine years, wow. Congratulations!

June 19, 2024 1:43 pm

Today’s is our 59th wedding anniversary, and how the years fly by so fast. Dinner out to celebrate looks like we might to have to put it over a day or two when the sun comes out.

Not 5 seconds after the last word was typed the downpour started. Well so it goes.

June 19, 2024 12:25 pm

The $320 million temporary floating pier built by the US military off the coast of Gaza is being dismantled, an epic Biden Administration failure.Touted by US President Joe Biden during his 2024 State of the Union address as the means to “enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day,” the dock has functioned for a total of just 10 days since it began operations. Just think how much those groceries cost at $32 million dollars a day. and, Once the humanitarian aid was offloaded to special warehouses on the Gaza shore after its arrival on… Read more »

June 19, 2024 12:07 pm

It gets worse for Texas Children’s and the DOJ. Via Christopher Rufo… New whistleblower says Texas Children’s is illegally billing medicaid for transgender surgeries on minors. Haim now faces up to 10 years in prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines for trying to protect children from monstrous doctors who are destroying their lives for profit. But Haim has vowed not to be silent and to fight against the charges against him. Bravery like that, in the face of the full force of the federal government, deserves our admiration, of course. But it also inspires others to come forward.… Read more »

June 19, 2024 9:14 am

I haven’t seen any commentary from Mharper in a while . . . Is she ok?

June 19, 2024 9:09 am

I’ve almost finished my first cuppa – guess I should see what the rest of the world is doing… or not 😉

June 19, 2024 7:25 am

Her Highness was struck with terrific sciatica the day before Mother’s Day, May11th. As someone who has had chronic back problems for 42 years, I know something about sciatica and recovery. It is a slow process of recovery and the body eventually adjusting to the cause. I’ve been through enough ruptured discs to know. Her condition has not improved and gotten somewhat worse. She cannot bend over for any reason and barely walks. HH has a spinal MRI on Friday and I suspect she has some kind of problem that may only be solved by surgery. Wish me luck on… Read more »

Super Dave
June 19, 2024 7:21 am

Seeing Texpat’s @ 7:13 AM, this is in the news over here; MLB at Rickwood Field: Everything You Need To Know Rickwood Field is the oldest professional baseball park in the USA. It opened in 1910, two years before Fenway and four years before Wrigley. When Comiskey Park was demolished in 1991, Rickwood Field officially claimed the title of the oldest ballpark in the country.The stadium was built to house the Birmingham Barons of the Southern Association, but it was also the long-time home of the Birmingham Black Barons, who played in the Negro Leagues from the 1920s to the… Read more »

June 19, 2024 7:13 am

Willie Mays, the Say Hey Kid, was one of my boyhood heroes. I was an outfielder and so was Willie. He was a man among men and a native of Westfield, Alabama. The Catch was a baseball play made by New York Giants center fielder Willie Mays on September 29, 1954, during Game 1 of the 1954 World Series at the Polo Grounds in Upper Manhattan, New York City. In the eighth inning, with the score tied 2–2, Cleveland Indians batter Vic Wertz hit a deep fly ball to center field that had the runners on base poised to score. However, Mays made an over-the-shoulder catch while on the run to record the out, and his throw back to the infield prevented the runners from advancing. The Giants… Read more »

June 19, 2024 7:11 am

Finally getting a little bit of the rain that has been hooplahed.

Super Dave
June 19, 2024 7:10 am

I just saw this Clown on the local TV and is it just me, or does the Bidet cabinet remind you of the Stars Wars Bar scene?
If trump somehow manages to beat the steal at least his cabinet will all be qualified people, not chosen by gender, race, ethnicity, or LBGTQZULBR549 status. ~SIGH~

Super Dave
June 19, 2024 7:04 am

Busy, busy, busy….
Mornin’ Gang

June 19, 2024 6:57 am

re o/c topic: This has been the primary method(s) of the CIA from the beginning. I can’t help but think that the CIA has been evil all along and most likely the leadership actively worships satan.

June 19, 2024 1:02 am

R.I.P. Willie Mays, 93

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