There’s three things you can count on until November 2024 and beyond. 1) The so called debates are fake and will be rigged to heavily favor the shuffling wooden cadaver vis-a-vis 2 Goebbels media moderators and the dummy vs 1. Heck they may enlist Hollywood to substitute a body double in place of the shuffling wooden cadaver. 2) the steal is already on and well into production. 3) you’ll never catch a sternly worded letter faxing groupofCons republican’t politician ( think of the Texas Cornhole and the phony speaker preacher) singing, whistling or humming this song and if they did… Read more »
Hooray – my encounters with the Physical Terrorists this week are tomorrow morning (BEFORE the storm is suppose to get here) and Friday, after it should all be over but the shouting and/or clean-up
I just heard Carl Higbie make a point about the muted mics during the upcoming debate (if Biden doesn’t back out): **It’s not that we won’t be able to hear them with the microphones off, but they will be able to hear each other.** It won’t take much to knock Joe off his rocker. Right now the debate rules are standing for 90 minutes, with two breaks, and no huddling with advisors during breaks. I told Hubby that even if Joe is hyped up on drugs, it won’t take long for the effort to stand and be alert for more… Read more »
If Trump wins it will be all out war in the courts and the bureaucracy. It is going to be ugly and tough. Be prepared and don’t get discouraged. Michael Walsh, veteran commentator, author and journalist at the New York Post: Via its institutional mouthpiece, the New York Times, the American and international far Left has laid out its battle plan for the 2024 presidential election and beyond: “The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started.” Written by a hard-core trained cadre of ideological reporter-editorialists, including Trump frenemy Maggie Haberman, Charlie Savage, Reid J. Epstein, and Jonathan Swan, it is an… Read more »
Mr. Childers has great news about the injunction against Bidet’s order to overthrow Title IX protections for women in sports:] Judge Dougherty was ungentle in his conclusion, explicitly calling Biden’s new Title IX rules “an abuse of power,” and quoting ancient wisdom about tyranny. His simple, straightforward conclusion needed no editing: V. CONCLUSION This case demonstrates the abuse of power by executive federal agencies in the rulemaking process. The separation of powers and system of checks and balances exist in this country for a reason. When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same… Read more »
I told Hubby in one of our conversations today that we are wimps today. Our pioneering ancestors were clearing land and farming in this kind of weather, without air conditioning and with all of the mosquitoes and insects that accompany the subtropical climate.
The reason why recruitment levels are so low is because people are realizing that being in the US military isn’t about possibly fighting for your country, it’s about fighting for your government. They’re not the same.
Well, we ARE in a military recruitment crisis, so draft the ladies! Congratulations, ladies! You’ve broken through the military’s Kevlar ceiling, and you can now enjoy fighting Russians in Ukraine for America. Drafting women was inevitable; it only makes sense. Well, it makes sense in the same way that explaining the logistics of how Santa’s sleigh flies makes sense. Since nowadays the military recognizes gender by self-selected identity, we can’t afford men getting out of the draft by identifying as women.That would be absurd.It’s also practical. It’s about making the numbers. Representative Houlahan — herself an Air Force veteran — offered the plain logic,… Read more »
More from the C&C: A heart-rending clip making the rounds this weekend showed the halting testimony of a covid vaccine-injured pharmacist. Former pharmacist. He’s 100% disabled now. Mike Yoha testified last week before an Ohio house committee considering the fabulous Conscientious Right to Refuse Act, H.B. 319: Mr. Yoha represents the jagged tip of a bloody iceberg of pain, disability, and tears. I encourage all Ohio C&Cers to ceaselessly lobby their legislators to pass this critical bill, which would be a first in the Nation and an example for all right-thinking citizens in other states to follow. In short, H.B.… Read more »
Just like meeting the Queen of England, there are protocols. Things like not touching without being invited to do so, much less a needless intimate nose to nose encounter.
Of course, if it’d been me, I would’ve thrown up in pachapapa’s lap.
College Buddy’s aunt owns a Honda dealership in College Station. Hubby has it on his to-do list to contact her to see if we can get a deal on a new car. He also knows a guy who works for Enterprise Rental Cars, and he’s going to ask him about the viability of buying a used car from them: what kind of condition are they in, year model limitations, etc.
We’re back, $200 in groceries later. I had the foresight to ask Hubby to strap my little cooler to the back of his truck; it came in handy. We talked about the car issue on the way. “Even if we can get the car going again, do we want to keep driving it or get a new one?” he asked. I responded that the longer it takes to fix it, the more of a question that becomes. He agreed. Then we turned to me finding a low-mileage recent year model vs. brand new. He’s actually leaning towards brand new, because… Read more »
I have time to put up the C&C roundup for today: Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! Coffee & Covid is safely back in the satirical saddle, and we have a terrific roundup of the weekend’s essential news: Biden meanders all over the globe and controversial clips constitute a compelling advertisement for elderly care homes; critically important bodily autonomy bill winding through Ohio’s legislature; democrats turbo charge the draft and delete offensive sex-based stereotypes; and a fabulous Lousiana federal court decision puts brakes on Biden’s gender-bending school rules. *** I’m wondering if Texas, Lousiana, and Florida could secede and form our… Read more »
The car saga continues: We both thought it was the transmission. Not. Mechanic friend suggested low fuel pressure. Hubby bought a tool to test it, but it’s not showing any real problems. MAYBE under certain conditions, but even then it’s borderline. Hubby replace the fuel pump anyway. No change. Hubby came home very frustrated last night. He was happy that I’d washed all of his towels for him, had one of his favorite meals ready, and that Handsome was going to join us for dinner. While we were waiting for Handsome to arrive, he said he now thinks it might… Read more »
Just got in from gardening. Another whole mess of green beans, a good handful of them found on the 2nd and 3rd pass. Sneaky beans. Some of them have succeeded in avoiding being picked before hitting the “I’m just gonna let you go to seed for next year” phase. I’ve seen a lot of moths and butterflies lately, and my plants are showing it. My chard looks like Swiss cheese. I made my harvesting pass, my second “what did I miss pass,” and then a 3rd pass with the bT spray. I need to that every week now. Handsome Son… Read more »
When I was a boy in the 1950s, there were small March of Dimes cans with slots in the top to drop in dime contributions. They were in many, if not most, homes, schools, churches and retail establishments. Then along came Drs. Sabin and Salk with the miraculous new polio vaccines. I suspect most folks thought March of Dimes would go out of business. Think again. Yet here they are 64 years later… The US is facing an urgent maternal and infant health crisis—but together with our partners and supporters, we can end preventable maternal health risks and death, end… Read more »
When I posted a comment about the old 1983 video of Rodney Crowell and Emmylou Harris recording his hit Till I Gain Control Again, I forgot to include the link. Sitting quietly playing lead in this session was the famous, durable Albert Lee, the British guitarist who has played with almost everyone everywhere it seems. From the Everly Brothers to James Burton of Elvis fame to Deep Purple to Emmylou Harris’ Hot Band along with Ricky Skaggs and Crowell. What a resume for an 80 year old guy who really wanted to play country music since he was a boy.… Read more »
We should all read the article; those on the left really need to read it so that they might get a sense of what is happening and why. Behold the Monster You Created
I know this got a lot of play, but just incase anyone missed it… A black pastor told presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Saturday that former President Barack Obama and President Biden “never came to the hood” in Detroit.Trump held a roundtable discussion with several black community leaders in Michigan, according to the Detroit Free Press. Lorenzo Sewell, senior pastor of 180 Church, told Trump that Obama and Biden “never came” to the west side neighborhood where Trump attempted to court black voters.“President Trump, I’m so humbled that you would be here,” Sewell said, “President Obama never came… Read more »
Saying that Joe Biden has a “higher bar” to jump over than Trump is ludicrous. I think we all know that if Joe doesn’t $#!t his pants on air, is able to stay upright the whole time, and screams at us like he did for the State of The Union, the media will claim it was a stupendous success.
My sister came over yesterday afternoon but in the morning, her and her neighbor pickled 9 quarts of quail eggs! How many little eggs is that you axe? Well there are 4 dozen (48) per quart X 9 Qts = 432! They did have about 50 cull eggs that didn’t make it out of the Quail Egg Peeler because they weren’t cold enough. And NO Texpat I’m not buying one of those. I have enough trouble trying to peel a half dozen cackle balls, I didn’t think I want to try quail eggs. FWIW; There’s a lady in Enterprise that… Read more »
When I have to get up super early because “someone” has to take the car in for servicing, I tend to look at Pinterest for recipes/meal ideas… “someone else” in the family is less “constructive” with his time… 😉
The Lovely Mrs. Bonecrusher, Headcrusher, our 2 dogs, Meathead and Turbo, and I took T-Bones from Yummy over to Ma and Pa’s house for a lovely meal. I took 4 – 2″ thick steaks and we could only eat about 2 1/2 of them. I left one that was not cut there along with a couple of frozen chuck roasts and a couple of 1 lb chubs of burger meat. NO pictures, but believe me it was good.
I’m guessing the SCOTUS is about to hand down decisions that won’t be popular with the tolerant, inclusive crowd. Fences are going up.
Because, fences are actually a workable solution. For the right people. Only.
Lol, loving the Sternly Worded Fax line.
There’s three things you can count on until November 2024 and beyond. 1) The so called debates are fake and will be rigged to heavily favor the shuffling wooden cadaver vis-a-vis 2 Goebbels media moderators and the dummy vs 1. Heck they may enlist Hollywood to substitute a body double in place of the shuffling wooden cadaver. 2) the steal is already on and well into production. 3) you’ll never catch a sternly worded letter faxing groupofCons republican’t politician ( think of the Texas Cornhole and the phony speaker preacher) singing, whistling or humming this song and if they did… Read more »
Hooray – my encounters with the Physical Terrorists this week are tomorrow morning (BEFORE the storm is suppose to get here) and Friday, after it should all be over but the shouting and/or clean-up
I just heard Carl Higbie make a point about the muted mics during the upcoming debate (if Biden doesn’t back out): **It’s not that we won’t be able to hear them with the microphones off, but they will be able to hear each other.** It won’t take much to knock Joe off his rocker. Right now the debate rules are standing for 90 minutes, with two breaks, and no huddling with advisors during breaks. I told Hubby that even if Joe is hyped up on drugs, it won’t take long for the effort to stand and be alert for more… Read more »
Visegrad24, the European news site, reports the following on X:
If Trump wins it will be all out war in the courts and the bureaucracy. It is going to be ugly and tough. Be prepared and don’t get discouraged. Michael Walsh, veteran commentator, author and journalist at the New York Post: Via its institutional mouthpiece, the New York Times, the American and international far Left has laid out its battle plan for the 2024 presidential election and beyond: “The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started.” Written by a hard-core trained cadre of ideological reporter-editorialists, including Trump frenemy Maggie Haberman, Charlie Savage, Reid J. Epstein, and Jonathan Swan, it is an… Read more »
Mr. Childers has great news about the injunction against Bidet’s order to overthrow Title IX protections for women in sports:] Judge Dougherty was ungentle in his conclusion, explicitly calling Biden’s new Title IX rules “an abuse of power,” and quoting ancient wisdom about tyranny. His simple, straightforward conclusion needed no editing: V. CONCLUSION This case demonstrates the abuse of power by executive federal agencies in the rulemaking process. The separation of powers and system of checks and balances exist in this country for a reason. When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same… Read more »
RE: our swampy weather
I told Hubby in one of our conversations today that we are wimps today. Our pioneering ancestors were clearing land and farming in this kind of weather, without air conditioning and with all of the mosquitoes and insects that accompany the subtropical climate.
I would’ve never made it.
An interesting comment from the C&C:
True dat.
Well, we ARE in a military recruitment crisis, so draft the ladies! Congratulations, ladies! You’ve broken through the military’s Kevlar ceiling, and you can now enjoy fighting Russians in Ukraine for America. Drafting women was inevitable; it only makes sense. Well, it makes sense in the same way that explaining the logistics of how Santa’s sleigh flies makes sense. Since nowadays the military recognizes gender by self-selected identity, we can’t afford men getting out of the draft by identifying as women.That would be absurd.It’s also practical. It’s about making the numbers. Representative Houlahan — herself an Air Force veteran — offered the plain logic,… Read more »
More from the C&C: A heart-rending clip making the rounds this weekend showed the halting testimony of a covid vaccine-injured pharmacist. Former pharmacist. He’s 100% disabled now. Mike Yoha testified last week before an Ohio house committee considering the fabulous Conscientious Right to Refuse Act, H.B. 319: Mr. Yoha represents the jagged tip of a bloody iceberg of pain, disability, and tears. I encourage all Ohio C&Cers to ceaselessly lobby their legislators to pass this critical bill, which would be a first in the Nation and an example for all right-thinking citizens in other states to follow. In short, H.B.… Read more »
And here’s the video of Milei’s facial expression as the Meat Puppet went into a slo-mo head butt with pachapapa.
Just like meeting the Queen of England, there are protocols. Things like not touching without being invited to do so, much less a needless intimate nose to nose encounter.
Of course, if it’d been me, I would’ve thrown up in pachapapa’s lap.
And for those of you who need the weather report for Houston: Jungle.
Just…”Jungle” Simply thinking about walking outside again makes me break out into a hot sweat.
DC isn’t the only place that has a swamp like atmosphere.
College Buddy’s aunt owns a Honda dealership in College Station. Hubby has it on his to-do list to contact her to see if we can get a deal on a new car. He also knows a guy who works for Enterprise Rental Cars, and he’s going to ask him about the viability of buying a used car from them: what kind of condition are they in, year model limitations, etc.
We’re back, $200 in groceries later. I had the foresight to ask Hubby to strap my little cooler to the back of his truck; it came in handy. We talked about the car issue on the way. “Even if we can get the car going again, do we want to keep driving it or get a new one?” he asked. I responded that the longer it takes to fix it, the more of a question that becomes. He agreed. Then we turned to me finding a low-mileage recent year model vs. brand new. He’s actually leaning towards brand new, because… Read more »
I have time to put up the C&C roundup for today: Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! Coffee & Covid is safely back in the satirical saddle, and we have a terrific roundup of the weekend’s essential news: Biden meanders all over the globe and controversial clips constitute a compelling advertisement for elderly care homes; critically important bodily autonomy bill winding through Ohio’s legislature; democrats turbo charge the draft and delete offensive sex-based stereotypes; and a fabulous Lousiana federal court decision puts brakes on Biden’s gender-bending school rules. *** I’m wondering if Texas, Lousiana, and Florida could secede and form our… Read more »
The car saga continues: We both thought it was the transmission. Not. Mechanic friend suggested low fuel pressure. Hubby bought a tool to test it, but it’s not showing any real problems. MAYBE under certain conditions, but even then it’s borderline. Hubby replace the fuel pump anyway. No change. Hubby came home very frustrated last night. He was happy that I’d washed all of his towels for him, had one of his favorite meals ready, and that Handsome was going to join us for dinner. While we were waiting for Handsome to arrive, he said he now thinks it might… Read more »
Just got in from gardening. Another whole mess of green beans, a good handful of them found on the 2nd and 3rd pass. Sneaky beans. Some of them have succeeded in avoiding being picked before hitting the “I’m just gonna let you go to seed for next year” phase. I’ve seen a lot of moths and butterflies lately, and my plants are showing it. My chard looks like Swiss cheese. I made my harvesting pass, my second “what did I miss pass,” and then a 3rd pass with the bT spray. I need to that every week now. Handsome Son… Read more »
When I was a boy in the 1950s, there were small March of Dimes cans with slots in the top to drop in dime contributions. They were in many, if not most, homes, schools, churches and retail establishments. Then along came Drs. Sabin and Salk with the miraculous new polio vaccines. I suspect most folks thought March of Dimes would go out of business. Think again. Yet here they are 64 years later… The US is facing an urgent maternal and infant health crisis—but together with our partners and supporters, we can end preventable maternal health risks and death, end… Read more »
Not to be out done Super Dave has an upcycled Massey Ferguson tractor cowl coffee table.
GJT has a pretty sharp lookin coffee table in his man cave.
BTW; You need to check out Bones’ @ 8:02 AM, Behold the Monster You Created. Very good.
When I posted a comment about the old 1983 video of Rodney Crowell and Emmylou Harris recording his hit Till I Gain Control Again, I forgot to include the link. Sitting quietly playing lead in this session was the famous, durable Albert Lee, the British guitarist who has played with almost everyone everywhere it seems. From the Everly Brothers to James Burton of Elvis fame to Deep Purple to Emmylou Harris’ Hot Band along with Ricky Skaggs and Crowell. What a resume for an 80 year old guy who really wanted to play country music since he was a boy.… Read more »
King George holds court at Kyle Field
We should all read the article; those on the left really need to read it so that they might get a sense of what is happening and why.
Behold the Monster You Created
I know this got a lot of play, but just incase anyone missed it… A black pastor told presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Saturday that former President Barack Obama and President Biden “never came to the hood” in Detroit.Trump held a roundtable discussion with several black community leaders in Michigan, according to the Detroit Free Press. Lorenzo Sewell, senior pastor of 180 Church, told Trump that Obama and Biden “never came” to the west side neighborhood where Trump attempted to court black voters.“President Trump, I’m so humbled that you would be here,” Sewell said, “President Obama never came… Read more »
Spotted over yonder;
FWIW; There is no video just a Screen shot.
H/T Sarge
My @ 7:29 AM, Tedtam & bsue, you can purchase a cheaper version of a Quail Egg Peeler at Home Depot. You’re welcome…… 😀
My sister came over yesterday afternoon but in the morning, her and her neighbor pickled 9 quarts of quail eggs! How many little eggs is that you axe? Well there are 4 dozen (48) per quart X 9 Qts = 432! They did have about 50 cull eggs that didn’t make it out of the Quail Egg Peeler because they weren’t cold enough. And NO Texpat I’m not buying one of those. I have enough trouble trying to peel a half dozen cackle balls, I didn’t think I want to try quail eggs. FWIW; There’s a lady in Enterprise that… Read more »
Yesterday was the first time I noticed the “Banana Republic” flag in the heading, how long has it been up there?
Mornin’ Gang
No surprise the esteemed bonez is here but for me AND the lovely BSUE to beat SuperDave on a Monday tuh boot this may not bode well for the earth
When I have to get up super early because “someone” has to take the car in for servicing, I tend to look at Pinterest for recipes/meal ideas… “someone else” in the family is less “constructive” with his time… 😉
The Lovely Mrs. Bonecrusher, Headcrusher, our 2 dogs, Meathead and Turbo, and I took T-Bones from Yummy over to Ma and Pa’s house for a lovely meal. I took 4 – 2″ thick steaks and we could only eat about 2 1/2 of them. I left one that was not cut there along with a couple of frozen chuck roasts and a couple of 1 lb chubs of burger meat. NO pictures, but believe me it was good.
M O M M Y !!! Tommy is stuck again.