No rain tonight or tomorrow to help the new flowers just planted in several beds yesterday. So the sprinkler system will do its thing overnight. G’Night All.
As many ships that are sailing across the world from so many third world countries, many decades old, it is trully amazing there is any control at all of these vessel’s operating condition.
I wonder if super Dave had to shake test this great prank Scott Kelley pulled on the ISS. Your tax money at work. BTW his brother Mark arranged the delivery of the prank.
This is not a New York City story, it’s Long Island and they are Republican and conservative out there. I think all of their House reps are Republican now as well as local officials and they have been going after MS-13 hammer and tong – hard.
Long Island has busted them seriously and puts them in federal pens with serious sentences. I suspect this dude will be old and decrepit before he gets out, if ever. Hopefully, jailhouse justice will solve the problem anyway.
I can only imagine what is whispered about him – and us – behind his back.
Heck, probably right in front of him and out loud. It’s not like he’s gonna be able to process the comments anyway. I’m sure the big kids are just gonna do what they want and the U.S. will have no say in any big decisions. That, or the mentally competent will just stick their collective hand up his butt and make the meat puppet say what they want him to say.
A whirlwind brought us home from Wisconsin Saturday June 8. Unknown then but known now is we also brought Co-Vid with us and are working through kicking it out as fast as possible. We’re past the barely able to get out of bed stage for more than a few minutes and up to manage to slowly get around the house and start managing small meals. Likely we caught it at the airports on the return where we were waiting forever for flights. Nothing like a busy airport to haul along germs and spread them around the thousands of travelers coming… Read more »
Smoke and Mirrors…Bread and Circuses… Last Friday, the government published jobs data for May. The left-leaning media touted the report as good news, showing that the economy added 270,000 jobs. In fact, the data was terrible for ordinary Americans. It shows that fewer Americans were working in May than in April, and that those who were employed needed to work more jobs to make ends meet. These are substantive economic problems for Biden. this also, There are two different ways to view employment data. The first is to examine how many jobs people are working. The second is to look at how many people have jobs. Take,… Read more »
There’s gold in them thar hills ! Elon Musk moves Tesla Corporation to Texas and gets billions. Elon Musk said late on Wednesday that Tesla shareholders have re-approved a pay package worth billions that was already thrown out by a Delaware judge earlier this year in a vote that also approved moving Tesla to Texas.The two measures – Musk’s pay package from 2018 and moving the car company’s incorporation state – are due to formally take place at the company’s annual meeting set for 3:30 pm CT on Thursday. But Musk said in a tweet overnight that both measures had the support they… Read more »
From the C&C, after discussing recent developments/blustering regarding the escalation between us and Russia + China. I’m only a lawyer, not a military expert. Maybe you can explain this to me: Does it make sense to press for Taiwan independence, threaten China with Hellscapes, and jettison decades of successful strategic ambiguity, at a time when we are simultaneously flirting with nuclear war with Russia, sinking all our air defense batteries into the Ukrainian mud, while simultaneously fending off Iran and its proxies in the Middle East? I’m just asking. There must be a plan, surely, or at least part of… Read more »
Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! As the week creeps along, here’s your quick from-the-road roundup of essential news: new Cuban Missile Crisis infests the Caribbean as Russian flotilla heckles U.S. fleet; Biden official threatens Chinese with “project hellscape”; House holds Merrick Garland in contempt, but the AG smugly started knitting another sweater; biggest post-pandemic study yet finds worldwide government response a washout; Republicans shoot for the moon with federal anti-DEI bill; and the extreme weather wave washes over Florida.
The thumb is slightly better today, after icing it down all last night and wearing a finger splint on it. Trying not to use it is making life challenging, especially since I’m a touch typist and the right thumb gets used a lot.
Pachapapa releases a document that will destroy the papacy. Synodality is not how Jesus established His Church. Relegating our faith to “just another” is not how the Catholic Church operates. If we become a reflection of the secular world and not the spiritual world, why be Catholic? What PP is doing is similar to treason in the secular society. Several saints have posited that as soon as a Pope promotes heretical views – which pp has done multiple times – he automatically loses his position. Unfortunately, the “smoke of Satan” has entered the Church and we have weak bishops and… Read more »
NEW: In leaked text messages obtained by the Free Beacon, top Columbia administrators—including the dean of the college—mocked and dismissed concerns about anti-Semitism on campus and even used vomit emojis to refer to a Columbia rabbi’s op-ed. This is pretty shocking even to me. Someone in the audience during a panel discussion on antisemitism at Columbia University was sitting behind and taking photos of the dean’s text exchanges with other school officials. It is almost unbelievable these people are so arrogant and brazen. These people are the senior administrators of Columbia. It is disgusting the American taxpayer funds these a**holes… Read more »
In other news the Carolina Wren that hatched 5 little ones in the freezer room has successfully sent them all on their way. They flitted around inside the small room before taking flight and resting in the fig trees, then heading for the woods. All 5 were gone in the space of about 12 hours. Luckily, Damn Old Cat didn’t catch a single one. 😉
The news around here is about the teenager from Mountain Home Alabama getting attacked by a shark in Walton County Florida. If you don’t know the details her right hand was bitten off and her left leg was almost severed between her knee and hip and had to be amputated. The details were slow coming over a few days and my first thought was how could she have survived with her femoral artery severed but now we find out that a doctor, nurse and a paramedic were vacationing and were on the scene quickly or she would have likely died,… Read more »
Morning Gang… yawn… seems the longer I go to Physical Therapy the earlier the appointments…I guess one has to earn the right to wake up with the chickens and flap your wings…
Of course, Woke White House enforces ridiculous “equity” rules so half the EV charging stations have to be built in ghettos where no one can afford an electric car. On top of that, the hot new theft item is EV car charging cables for the copper ! “These requirements are screwing everything up,” said one senior Department of Transportation staffer who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “It’s all a mess.”President Joe Biden has reportedly expressed frustration with the pace at which his much-touted infrastructure projects are getting built. A “close ally” of the White House told CNN last December that Biden… Read more »
If only they could win elections like they win baseball games. team of Republican lawmakers won the Congressional Baseball Game on Wednesday night, securing their fourth win in a row, and earning their 46th total win since the game’s inception. The baseball game, which is played for charity, has become a staple in Washington, D.C., and sees Democratic lawmakers face off against Republicans from both chambers. Republicans hold the highest amount of wins since the matchup’s inception in 1909 with 46 wins as of Wednesday, compared to Democrats’ 22 wins. The game was cancelled in 2020, due to the COVID-19… Read more »
Now for your morning report on all the swell happenings over at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Try not to cry too much. So sad… Today, @splcenter – an organization with nearly a billion dollars in reserves, given an F rating by CharityWatch for “hoarding” donations – gutted its staff by a quarter. SPLC’s decision has a catastrophic impact on the organization’s work in support of immigrants seeking justice and its mission to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance human rights through support of educators. CEO and President Margaret Huang announced that the cuts would allow greater “focus” on racial… Read more »
No rain tonight or tomorrow to help the new flowers just planted in several beds yesterday. So the sprinkler system will do its thing overnight. G’Night All.
As many ships that are sailing across the world from so many third world countries, many decades old, it is trully amazing there is any control at all of these vessel’s operating condition.
While I was playing in Memphis Dr. Sal got pretty excited over a runaway 90,000 ton container ship in the Charleston Port.
Must have been a helluva ride. Yeehaw!
I wonder if super Dave had to shake test this great prank Scott Kelley pulled on the ISS. Your tax money at work. BTW his brother Mark arranged the delivery of the prank.
RE: Wagonburner’s MS-13 article
This is not a New York City story, it’s Long Island and they are Republican and conservative out there. I think all of their House reps are Republican now as well as local officials and they have been going after MS-13 hammer and tong – hard.
Long Island has busted them seriously and puts them in federal pens with serious sentences. I suspect this dude will be old and decrepit before he gets out, if ever. Hopefully, jailhouse justice will solve the problem anyway.
Cesar Humberto Lopez-Larios a/k/a “Grenas de Stoners” a/k/a “Oso de Stoners,” a top leader of La Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) got busted going through IAH a couple days ago. Dude’s apparently quite the little one-man crime wave.
They’re shipping him off to face charges in NYC, where his little enterprise has been causing a fair amount of chaos and mayhem.
He’ll likely wind up in a nice government apartment in Florence, CO in a couple years.
How freaking embarrassing is this?
Biden wanders away from G7.
I can only imagine what is whispered about him – and us – behind his back.
Heck, probably right in front of him and out loud. It’s not like he’s gonna be able to process the comments anyway. I’m sure the big kids are just gonna do what they want and the U.S. will have no say in any big decisions. That, or the mentally competent will just stick their collective hand up his butt and make the meat puppet say what they want him to say.
A whirlwind brought us home from Wisconsin Saturday June 8. Unknown then but known now is we also brought Co-Vid with us and are working through kicking it out as fast as possible. We’re past the barely able to get out of bed stage for more than a few minutes and up to manage to slowly get around the house and start managing small meals. Likely we caught it at the airports on the return where we were waiting forever for flights. Nothing like a busy airport to haul along germs and spread them around the thousands of travelers coming… Read more »
This judge was having a hard time controlling himself.
Entitled man sues for neighbor’s wifi password.
Smoke and Mirrors…Bread and Circuses… Last Friday, the government published jobs data for May. The left-leaning media touted the report as good news, showing that the economy added 270,000 jobs. In fact, the data was terrible for ordinary Americans. It shows that fewer Americans were working in May than in April, and that those who were employed needed to work more jobs to make ends meet. These are substantive economic problems for Biden. this also, There are two different ways to view employment data. The first is to examine how many jobs people are working. The second is to look at how many people have jobs. Take,… Read more »
There’s gold in them thar hills ! Elon Musk moves Tesla Corporation to Texas and gets billions. Elon Musk said late on Wednesday that Tesla shareholders have re-approved a pay package worth billions that was already thrown out by a Delaware judge earlier this year in a vote that also approved moving Tesla to Texas.The two measures – Musk’s pay package from 2018 and moving the car company’s incorporation state – are due to formally take place at the company’s annual meeting set for 3:30 pm CT on Thursday. But Musk said in a tweet overnight that both measures had the support they… Read more »
News you can use – watermelon picking.
From the C&C, after discussing recent developments/blustering regarding the escalation between us and Russia + China. I’m only a lawyer, not a military expert. Maybe you can explain this to me: Does it make sense to press for Taiwan independence, threaten China with Hellscapes, and jettison decades of successful strategic ambiguity, at a time when we are simultaneously flirting with nuclear war with Russia, sinking all our air defense batteries into the Ukrainian mud, while simultaneously fending off Iran and its proxies in the Middle East? I’m just asking. There must be a plan, surely, or at least part of… Read more »
Today’s C&C roundup:
Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! As the week creeps along, here’s your quick from-the-road roundup of essential news: new Cuban Missile Crisis infests the Caribbean as Russian flotilla heckles U.S. fleet; Biden official threatens Chinese with “project hellscape”; House holds Merrick Garland in contempt, but the AG smugly started knitting another sweater; biggest post-pandemic study yet finds worldwide government response a washout; Republicans shoot for the moon with federal anti-DEI bill; and the extreme weather wave washes over Florida.
The thumb is slightly better today, after icing it down all last night and wearing a finger splint on it. Trying not to use it is making life challenging, especially since I’m a touch typist and the right thumb gets used a lot.
But not today. 🙁
Pachapapa releases a document that will destroy the papacy. Synodality is not how Jesus established His Church. Relegating our faith to “just another” is not how the Catholic Church operates. If we become a reflection of the secular world and not the spiritual world, why be Catholic? What PP is doing is similar to treason in the secular society. Several saints have posited that as soon as a Pope promotes heretical views – which pp has done multiple times – he automatically loses his position. Unfortunately, the “smoke of Satan” has entered the Church and we have weak bishops and… Read more »
Yoko Ono visits the USS Enterprise. 😀
NEW: In leaked text messages obtained by the Free Beacon, top Columbia administrators—including the dean of the college—mocked and dismissed concerns about anti-Semitism on campus and even used vomit emojis to refer to a Columbia rabbi’s op-ed. This is pretty shocking even to me. Someone in the audience during a panel discussion on antisemitism at Columbia University was sitting behind and taking photos of the dean’s text exchanges with other school officials. It is almost unbelievable these people are so arrogant and brazen. These people are the senior administrators of Columbia. It is disgusting the American taxpayer funds these a**holes… Read more »
In other news the Carolina Wren that hatched 5 little ones in the freezer room has successfully sent them all on their way. They flitted around inside the small room before taking flight and resting in the fig trees, then heading for the woods. All 5 were gone in the space of about 12 hours. Luckily, Damn Old Cat didn’t catch a single one. 😉
The news around here is about the teenager from Mountain Home Alabama getting attacked by a shark in Walton County Florida. If you don’t know the details her right hand was bitten off and her left leg was almost severed between her knee and hip and had to be amputated. The details were slow coming over a few days and my first thought was how could she have survived with her femoral artery severed but now we find out that a doctor, nurse and a paramedic were vacationing and were on the scene quickly or she would have likely died,… Read more »
Morning Gang… yawn… seems the longer I go to Physical Therapy the earlier the appointments…I guess one has to earn the right to wake up with the chickens and flap your wings…
I’m getting a late start but I’m off and running. Oddly enough I woke up at 5:09 this morning, I almost never sleep that late.
Mornin’ Gang
Of course, Woke White House enforces ridiculous “equity” rules so half the EV charging stations have to be built in ghettos where no one can afford an electric car. On top of that, the hot new theft item is EV car charging cables for the copper ! “These requirements are screwing everything up,” said one senior Department of Transportation staffer who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “It’s all a mess.”President Joe Biden has reportedly expressed frustration with the pace at which his much-touted infrastructure projects are getting built. A “close ally” of the White House told CNN last December that Biden… Read more »
If only they could win elections like they win baseball games. team of Republican lawmakers won the Congressional Baseball Game on Wednesday night, securing their fourth win in a row, and earning their 46th total win since the game’s inception. The baseball game, which is played for charity, has become a staple in Washington, D.C., and sees Democratic lawmakers face off against Republicans from both chambers. Republicans hold the highest amount of wins since the matchup’s inception in 1909 with 46 wins as of Wednesday, compared to Democrats’ 22 wins. The game was cancelled in 2020, due to the COVID-19… Read more »
Now for your morning report on all the swell happenings over at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Try not to cry too much. So sad… Today, @splcenter – an organization with nearly a billion dollars in reserves, given an F rating by CharityWatch for “hoarding” donations – gutted its staff by a quarter. SPLC’s decision has a catastrophic impact on the organization’s work in support of immigrants seeking justice and its mission to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance human rights through support of educators. CEO and President Margaret Huang announced that the cuts would allow greater “focus” on racial… Read more »