My Latin teacher, aka “Magister,” sent us this link. I can only imagine the logistics involved. I guess the livestock was the original MRE. Since there wasn’t any canning back then, they’d have to take live animals in order to have fresh food. Something I hadn’t thought about before.
Monday Open Comments
Rocky Racoon came up into the backyard to get some leftovers earlier and now I see the motion light on at the Tractor Shed so he must be heading down the Whispering Pines Trail. 😉
Found a video made for that VW Hwy 67 road trip through Texas. It’s about an hour long, I skipped through it and found the Texas Monthly reporter about 40 minutes in. It looks like everyone had a good time.
Got the steak done in the rain, pulled it off now sun is out. First world prollems.
Well, pulled a ribeye out of the freezer earlier, got the Weber hot and now it’s raining. We will persevere!
KHOU reporting that the new BUC-ees opened today in Luling (the original location).
75,000 sq.ft./ 120 pumps.
I thought that Abbe Lowell was supposed to be the best defense lawyer around. Apparently, he forgot the most important rule: never ask a question that you do not already know the answer.
Just caught a video of Karens doing what Karens do. I’m thinking about creating a flip book of statements that can be used when attacked by a Karen. Instead of engaging the madness, just flip through the book until you find a quote that fits. Some ideas: “Honey, you’re just not pretty enough to treat people like that.” (I actually got that from an internet story, but it’s possibly the best comeback I’ve ever seen for a Karen event.) “Do you have a real issue, or just an overwhelming desire to control people?” “Do you have a real issue, or… Read more »
Is fat Fani Willis going to be disbarred?
This just makes my blood boil. Yeah, take my daughter, put her through a health endangering, soul killing, morally reprehensible procedure in such a way that parents have no idea it’s happening. On top of that, if the girl comes home with a life changing health condition, the parents are then responsible for that care.
Heads. Should. Roll. ™
Tedtam. Do these bots just attack every url? Yup that is what they do. Remember that BOT attacks are human driven. The reasons are as varied as some people are anarchist, others egotistical and do for bragging rights, for others there is money in it. Then you got governmental hackers paid for by the like of Russia, China, NORKS and even the good ol USA. Their purpose is to attack free speech, cause confusion bring down infrastructure. Attack everything you are gonna hit a big fish in the net somewhere. Spammers get paid for their defacements and what keeps them… Read more »
Tedtam, in regards to Guys in beauty pageants. This was my reply to Texpat when he and i were talking about the obese Miss Alabama winner. In reply to Texpat. Texpat in all aspects of our country there is an evil at work that wants to transform this country to their image. Disney has taken many popular IP’s (Star Wars and Marvel for example) and posting the female form oh wait LGBTQ etc all over the stories and the properties. Once successful IP’s (Intellectual Properties) are financially suffering. Instead of course changes of their actions Disney DOUBLE TRIPLE DOWN on the… Read more »
Mike Rowe is putting out a documentary. Something to Stand For As promised, here’s a trailer for the movie I’ve been threatening to make. It’s called “Something to Stand For,” and it’s a series of loosely connected stories about a few extraordinary Americans, told in the style of the late, great Paul Harvey. It might make a lot of Americans who share my concern about the collapse of patriotism feel better about the country we call home, and the people who paid the ultimate price defending. It’ll be in theaters June 27th, through Independence Day. See you on the big… Read more »
I’m out to check on some subcontractors. I’ll be back later.
I’ve always said that kids should ingest their weight in dirt by the time they’re five years old to have a strong immune system:
h/t CFP
Buried in the comments regarding the Maryland beauty pageant: About fifteen years ago I was in a meeting with a group of engineers called by the project manager (a female). Somehow the topic of our wives came up (all stay at home moms by coincidence) and the project manager stated, “wait a minute, none of your wives work?” We each acknowledged it. “My husband never gave me a choice” she responded wistfully.We all made good incomes but none of us were comfortable. We had made sacrifices to live on one paycheck because we valued having our wives raise our kids… Read more »
Imshin with a dog rescue story in Gaza where dogs are frequently abused. This has a very happy ending thanks to a persistent IDF soldier.
Mr. C both laments and celebrates the fact that the media is slowly, slowly moving in a direction that allows actual discussion on the WLR scandal/s. Yet, despite the slowly-being-revealed evidence, there are many examples of the pushback from the “I’ll blindly follow the government off a cliff” folks. His eventual response to the lengthy discussion: If politics is downstream from culture, then to fix politics, we must first fix the culture. Even if fixing culture is vexingly difficult, the phenomenon is well known. In 1841, in his seminal book “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds,” Charles Mackay… Read more »
Caution: prepare for gag reflex! Maryland selects a man to be their entry to a national womens’ beauty pageant: This year’s pageant saw an intensely competitive field. Lots of lovely ladies tried out, each vying for the top scores in poise, beauty, and most of all, femininity. Last Thursday, out of all the beautiful women who competed, the Miss Maryland USA Pageant crowned the very best man as Miss Maryland.And having earned his crown, he vows to use his new title to help achieve world peace.Bailey Ann lives the way he imagines a woman would, and according to Bailey’s social media accounts, is also connected in several… Read more »
I mentioned last week i have several trees that have a bunch of spider type webbing all over them. A little search showed they are web worms. Simultaneously, we have been dealing with a ton of these caterpillar like things all over our porch, about an inch long, white. Guess what? Web worms lol. It appears there is a record infestation of them around the area this year.
Today’s C&C roundup: Good morning C&C, it’s Monday! Your roundup-from-the-road this morning includes: Maryland transforms the standard of feminine beauty; New York Times double op-ed shatters narratives, and it’s great progress, but was it legit or just a limited hangout?; and French President Macron suddenly and unexpectedly dissolves the government, hoping to assemble a better one — and it might be another terrific sign. Mr. C mentions that the purple haird, nose pierced censors at Facebook have taken him down twice recently, and he may be sent to FB jail for a while. Despite Mr. C.’s legal acumen, I don’t… Read more »
Squawk ? The mother of all hacks.
I finished this morning’s rosary. I didn’t think I was gonna like it much, but I found a combination that allowed me to use some big purple beads that have been hanging around looking for a home. Once I got it done, I realized I liked it better than I thought I would. I guess it all comes together when it’s for the benefit of the Lord. 😀 I texted a pic and a greeting to Lovely Daughter, who informed me that Little Prince has been running a fever. Adding LP, LD, and Aggie Beau to my prayers (more) today.… Read more »
Shannon #1
Super Dave #1.5 Now ya know
Shannon #! Thanks for the heads up
I am going to assume that everyone has heard about the extensive tunnel network on the Gaza/Egypt border. Some of those tunnels were big enough to drive a semi through. Now consider how much pressure Bidet put on Israel NOT to enter Rafah. The government of Egypt knew the tunnels were there as did the USA, and neither wanted the embarrassment of their existence to become public knowledge. I find it interesting that the LSM has chosen to let this particular issue fall down the memory hole. I would like to hear the explanation from both the govt of Egypt… Read more »
This is a post on X by an Israeli going by the name of Imshin. He follows and reposts social media postings by residents of Gaza. This group of four illustrates the part of Gaza where the hostages were held by the family of a wealthy doctor. Take a look at the vast offerings in a very modern supermarket and mall and consider all the media reports of Palestinians living in abject poverty with no food.
You really have to watch the videos Corey DeAngelis posted from the Texas Democratic Convention this past weekend. Ready made TV commercials for the Texas GOP. Wild !
The headline history video is great stuff, Tedtam.
In case anyone missed my rattlesnake story from yesterday. Real snakes on the plane ! True story. My next door neighbor is a retired captain, US Army and was the senior logistics officer in Kuwait for supply lines into Iraq and Afghanistan. He went to work as logistics exec for a privately owned commercial electrical contractor in NY before he took this recent job as logistics director at Newark’s Liberty International Airport. He was dragged into the middle of this absurd episode. Sometime this week, a plane inbound to Newark discovered a rattlesnake onboard. It was probably the quickest deboarding… Read more »
Regarding the last post last night about pro palestinian/anti-American: It seems to me that those 2 positions are consistently held by the same people: those on the left side of the spectrum. Interestingly enough, they are also anti Christian/observant Jew and fervent antigorebullwarmongering, anti-growth, pro BLM, antifa and are basically nothing but sand in the gears of humanity. They are parasites, termites to the structure of western civilization, and as detestable as turds in the punchbowl of life.
On ships it could be turtles since they could go for days without food or water.
Well, I’ll be mowing today and after 12 days it’s not nearly as bad as I’d have thought.8 days away puts a dent in the mowing schedule.
Mornin’ Gang
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