Lone Star Times Holy Cow Bear
I found this little guy in my office, stashed on a bookshelf and obscured by my clothing iron. Someone with a better memory than mine will have to remind me the circumstances of how he came to be.
One of the tags identifies him as an Original Holy Bear. The other tag identifies him as “The Holy Cow Bear” and includes the following:
And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together…. – Isaiah 11:7
IT’S ABOUT BRINGING AMERICA DOWN, NOT RAISING UP THE PALESTINIANS: If anybody with a brain and a pulse remains who doesn’t know the “Pro-Palestinian” movement is actually all about being anti-America, they should check this out:“The people of Palestine have called for this movement to escalate its pressure. We are here to answer that call and help this movement ESCALATE. We want this movement to break out of the confines of universities, to spread throughout society, paralyzing the economy that is driving the genocide of the Palestinian people, and has made all of us complicit in decades of colonial war.”That… Read more »
The capacity of my hatred for the worldwide news media is expanding exponentially each day. It is a metaphysical phenomena.
It seems everyone is taking the night off. Y’all have a good evening and enjoy your down time! My back is bothering me and I may have to lay down again….
Magister (my Latin teacher) brought me home after Mass today, so that saved Hubby a trip. I went ahead and gardened, getting all sweaty just watering outside. I was going to treadmill, but the back is tightening up on me. I’ll see how I feel later. I laid down to rest the back, and the fact that I woke up around 2:30 last night and didn’t sleep well after hit me. So, now that I’m awake again…
Anyone know what might have been going on late last night in College Station? We were coning in from a race in Giddings on 290 about 1:30AM and as we came up to Hwy 6 southbound traffic merging in, cars were bumper to bumper for as far as you could see. Looks like there may have been a baseball game last night, but 1:30 in the morning?
If this Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling stands, the real manure will hit the Westinghouse. They stated in this opinion that the mRNA “vaccines” are not real vaccines. Got that ? If the courts say the Covid shots were not vaccines then I don’t see how any of the federal exemptions for liabilities can survive a serious legal challenge. It may also indicate massive fraud by Pfizer, Moderna, etc. Plaintiffs argue that what’s commonly known as the COVID-19 vaccine isn’t a vaccine at all (because it doesn’t prevent transmission), but is a therapeutic, so it cannot be mandated by… Read more »
Real snakes on the plane ! Real story. My next door neighbor is a retired captain, US Army and was the senior logistics officer in Kuwait for supply lines into Iraq and Afghanistan. He went to work as logistics exec for a privately owned commercial electrical contractor in NY before he took this recent job as logistics director at Newark’s Liberty International Airport. He was dragged into the middle of this absurd episode. Sometime this week, a plane inbound to Newark discovered a rattlesnake onboard. It was probably the quickest deboarding in years. Airline security personnel were told to not… Read more »
Just ordered this for Daughter, personalized BTW;
Legends of Texas by Frank Dobie
1959 was a very good year;
1959 Caddy-1959 Dodge-1959 Chevy impala-1959 Pontiac
Back home from the trip to Wisconsin to see spouse’s brother and wife. Travel however was not pleasant coming home however, with a 3-hour and then some delay at Green Bay to fetch another plane to take the place of the original plane that was taken out of service. No reason given of course. We finally get to O’Hare near Chicago and wait again, this time nearly 4 hours or so. The original wait there had been 2 hours to allow lots of time getting there from Green Bay. We got there with lots of time to spare. Well, that… Read more »
From the Sunday C&C… The study measured antibody responses and mortality in jabbed and unjabbed patients hospitalized with severe covid and acute respiratory failure at Ohio State University hospitals between May 2020 and November 2022.The researchers found that among covid patients, mortality was significantly higher in vaccinated patients (70%) compared to unvaccinated patients (37%), even after adjusting for comorbidities. Even more fascinating, they found the vaccinated patients had higher total IgG4 antibody levels, suggesting jabbed people develop an improper immune tolerance allowing spike protein to run wild.We’ve discussed the IgG4 problem before. These antibodies are a normal but unusual part of the… Read more »
Yamam is Israel’s counterterrorism unit. Commander Arnon Zamora was killed in the rescue of Noa Argamani in Gaza. Thankfully, he was the only casualty. Israel is commemorating him on the level of Yoni Netanyahu, Entebbe hero.
Noa Argamani, the Israeli hostage freed with three others in an audacious rescue operation by the Israel Border Police’s elite Yamam unit, was held captive in the family home of Gazan “civilians,” a report said on Sunday.Rami Abdul, the chairman of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, said that the organization’s initial evidence showed the Israeli special forces used a ladder to enter the home of Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal and his family.Several of the family members were killed during the operation, Abdul said, including 36-year-old Al Jazeera journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal. Al-Jamal was also identified as a staff writer for the U.S. outlet The Palestine… Read more »
Now this is weird and I’ve not seen it before. 1959 Microwave Oven “In 45 seconds, this electronic surface unit will cook eggs. One cup of water boils in two minutes!The microwave tube that sends out cooking waves is directly below the fiberglass disk that holds the food to be cooked. The panel of switches on the wall will command the perforated hood to drop down and cover the disk. Cooking action starts only after the hood fits securely into groove around the disk, stops when the hood rises. The hood automatically goes up when the timer on the surface… Read more »
I want to focus on these two quotes from the opinion rant by Richard Horton in The Lancet. We were meeting at a moment of catastrophe for Palestinians. The people of Gaza, most of whom have had nothing to do with Hamas or the Hamas-led terrorist attacks of Oct 7, 2023, are suffering a systematic attempt to destroy their lives and the health system that supports their lives. It is a human crisis—but also a crisis for humanity itself. Because why is this mass slaughter being permitted by the international community? This is a disgusting hypocritical lie. Period. Over 70%… Read more »
David Strom is an excellent writer at HotAir and this story is quite a doozy. The diagnosis of the Woke sickness is so deep in the medical world, some influential members have Stage Four Psychosis. How Far Have Medical Journals Fallen ? This Far… Richard Horton is editor in chief of the preeminent medical journal, The Lancet. Richard seems to be on the verge of an emotional meltdown. There is no other reason a ranting diatribe like this would be published in the magazine. The prospects for this failing system look bleak. Donald Trump again as US President? The far… Read more »
About Amazon, Google and FB monitoring everyone’s activities my wife and I often kid about what the Chinese monitors think about the two old crazy folks in Alabama and their shenanigans. 😉
You may not be interested by ole Sarge has a FB page called; “Bannerman’s Camp” Classic and Vintage Motor Camping Living History and he has his office fixed up like an old camping/hunting cabin.Here he is in his vintage outfit in his “Cabin”. BTW; he has about 1,100 members from all over the world.
My @ 8:03 AM I mentioned my Cabana and usually don’t use it when it’s just my wife and I, instead I put up my big patio umbrella but since my sister was coming I broke out the Cabana and used it every day. No need to have to de-sand both of them. Right now the Cabana and beach chairs are drying in the backyard after a thorough wash down with the hose. BTW; Those Cabana’s last 6-8 years and when they go south it’s only because the fine beach sand gums up the leg locking mechanisms. The metal frame… Read more »
SO! How did Amazon know that I used my 10′ X 10′ Cabana at the beach? I went looking for an ink cartridge and this 10′ X 20′ monstrosity popped up.
Says it weighs 70 Lbs but if they knew ho much I dislike carrying my 33 pounder down to the beach along with a beach chair and shovel they wouldn’t have bothered. 😉
Hen Mazzig in Tel Aviv has a detailed account of how the hostage rescue in Gaza went down. It’s fascinating and remarkable for the extensive planning and training that went into this operation. The fact they lost only warrior is simply a miracle.
I commented to Texpat about astronaut William Anders and the fact died flying his own plane and went out doing what he loved to do. And remember, he took the Earthrise picture that changed everyone’s view of our world.
Mornin’ Gang
The Longest Day is on.
Never gets old.
I did make it to Home Sweet Home.
Slowly disintegrating in my chair.
I used to read Jason Whitlock 20 years ago when he was a black columnist for the Kansas City daily. He was left-of-center politically, but there something about him I liked and trusted and he finally got saw the light some years ago. This is upfront, in your face, nasty racism and lesbian butch bullying on a national scale sponsored by and condoned by a national professional sports league. It is pure thuggery shoved at the American people. Jason Whitlock has reacted furiously to Caitlin Clark’s Team USA Olympics snub, blaming ‘BLM-LGBTQIA+Silent P Alphabet Mafia bigots’ in a string of angry social… Read more »
I just finished my treadmill time and I put on a video from Midwest Magic Cleaning on YT. This house was the home of a man who was injured, causing him to lose his job, which spiraled into a mental breakdown and alcoholism. His utilities were cut off. Based on the trash in the house, especially the number of beer boxes, the estimate was a minimum of 6000 beer cans in the home. The man had gotten to the point of using a 5 gallon bucket in his living room for a toilet, with just a ceiling tile laying on… Read more »
On the shuttle to my van. Yay.
The bones baking in the oven are filling the house with a wonderful smell.
Over the years, I have picked up several like new freezers for next to nothing from people. One guy gave me a never used chest freezer and I gave it to the synagogue.
I was thinking about American Apollo program astronaut William Anders who died in a plane crash off the San Juan Islands of Washington state. He was 90 years old flying his own plane and went out doing what he loved to do. Her Highness thinks I’m wrong and he shouldn’t have been flying alone or flying at all, for that matter. Sometimes women don’t understand men.
I had talked to Hubby some time back about splitting a cow with some people. It would’ve required another freezer. Somehow, it just never happened.
The newest ridiculous insult to the American people from the Biden administration is the EPA’s announcement of a new regulation requiring all cars in the near future to meet a 65 mpg minimum mileage standard. Anything at 55 mpg or above rules out any internal combustion gasoline engine cars and will force people to buy EVs…theoretically. First of all, this will be buried in litigation for years, Trump can rescind it and Americans do not want it regardless of party affiliation.
This is real life in Memphis. Do you wonder why I was a little worried ?
I’m just glad Jerry Springer has escaped Memphis alive.
In this case, I actually agree with Joe “The Dip$#!t” Biden.
This is pretty cool. I think Squawk should have one to pin on his Speedo. Thomas Massie wears a real-time National Debt Clock on his lapel.
Yummy the steer is now in frozen storage at Bonecrusher Estate. 560 lbs of meat took 2 chest freezers, 1 small and 1 medium, plus my outside freezer. 172 lbs of ground meat, lots of rib eyes, t-bones, chuck roasts, and short ribs. I am going to eat some tonight. Right now I am baking bones before I boil them for stock. My inner carnivore is quite happy now.
Sitting in the very pleasant Memphis airport waiting on my ride back home.
Citizens doing the work of the government, putting together a local militia group to protect their neighborhood. The fact that they’re black may put a bit of pause in pushback against them. It’ll be hard to climb over that pile of victim points. When the armed volunteers are not on the streets, the group monitors video feeds from a dozen drones hovering over the neighborhood, and 75 home surveillance cameras in the neighborhood.“The Democratic machine in Hartford is either unwilling or unable, incapable of doing it, and people are paying their tax dollars, and they’re not really getting any kind of service,”… Read more »
Mr. C. then brings up a legal decision from the Ninth Circuit, the gist of it being that the jabs weren’t real vaccines, and thus didn’t fall under the protection of laws regarding vaccine health laws and mandates. This reasoning is a legal earthquake. For years, we anti-mandate lawyers have argued that the covid mandates were unconstitutional. But the government lawyers have always argued “there is no Constitutional right not to take a vaccine.”Now, a federal appellate judge — one step below the Supreme Court — just cut through the confusion like a hot needle through butter, agreeing with our… Read more »
More from Mr. C’s speech: In early 2021, I published my most widely read post, which immediately went viral, got me canceled, and got C&C purged from every single publishing platform on the same day. It was a letter to the Church, addressed to pastors. I advised spiritual shepherds to stop falsely telling their flocks that the vaccines stopped transmission, and most of all, to stop preaching that taking the jabs was a moral imperative.I explained the World had been possessed by a demonic Spirit of Fear, manifested in a substitute religion of Science with its own rituals, sacraments, and high priests. (Biblical rabbit… Read more »
Right out of the gate, Mr. Childers makes an important observation: I have no transcript from yesterday’s talk at the NACL Conference, but I wrote this up from my notes.Why was I asked to come here and talk about “covid”? Isn’t the pandemic over? Can’t we move on already? Unfortunately, the pandemic is not over. The pandemic is the explanation for every major problem. The pandemic knocked the world off its axis, and it is still spinning wonky.Here’s the problem. Covid launched the three most important Biblically-based values historically constraining government into outer space: truth, transparency, and trust. In absentia, these fundamental… Read more »
Today’s C&C roundup:
Good morning, C&C, it’s Saturday! Your vacation roundup includes: notes from my NACL talk yesterday; another fantastic appellate decision from the Ninth Circuit; and the latest dust-up in the Trump Trial by an internet troll who may or may not have inside intel.
I just don’t get it. I understand women announcers for women’s sports. In this age to push men out it is only natural, But why do the announcer women sound more like men than some men announcers do? Guttural speech sounds along with type “A” aggressiveness. Some of these women look more like men than some men do. The more things change the more things stay the same……sorta
Well, she didn’t cowtow to the media. “We’ve done our research.” Wow, that must’ve left a mark.
Major lithium discovery in fracking wastewater leaves the left facing EV ‘irony’
Finished the harvesting for the morning. Turns out I’m cultivating a bunch of ants, too.
I remember the bears. Good times.
Waiting for Hubby outside of the grocery store. Until he fixes my car, he’s gonna hafta make time to tote me around