Tuesday Open Comments

Why the US has been in Niger.  Really.  According to Leo.

Fighting terrorism?  Nope.  Uranium? Yep.

…The full story would be too harsh for the American masses to process but I’m going to give it to you because I know my audience can handle it.

The CIA, in cooperation with other Western intelligence assets, created al-Qaeda and ISIS and the real reason it built a $100 billion base in Niger has nothing to do with eliminating Islamic terrorism. The real reason that base is there, and why the French have been there for even longer, is because Niger is rich in Uranium and has vast untapped oil reserves, gold-mining operations, coal mining and other resources that the West has been exploiting for decades. And when I say “exploiting,” I mean in the worst way.

Here’s the dirty little secret I found hiding in plain sight on the website World Atlas, among other places on the Internet:

“Niger’s mineral sector faces several challenges such as the employment of children in the mines and fluctuating prices of minerals in the international market. …estimated that more than 40% of children younger than 14 were working in mines. About 5% of the children were involved in hazardous activities….”

Gold mining causes lead poisoning in kids, and uranium mining is even worse.  And the US had a hand in it.  Despite all of its natural resources, desired by so many major nations, Niger is still considered one of the poorest countries in the world.  Now that Russia has offered Niger a better deal, we’re leaving the country and, like Afghanistan, leaving major assets behind for our enemies to find and reverse engineer or exploit for themselves.

While staying silent about the West’s history of stripping Niger of its resource wealth and focusing instead on the “terrorism” angle, The Hill reports that “the U.S. withdrawal plan from Niger is for most equipment to be airlifted from the country before September,… Military infrastructure and some items too large to transport will be left to the Nigerien military…  The coming withdrawal is another setback for the U.S. in the African Sahel region, which has experienced multiple coups in the past few years that have ultimately benefited Russia.”

And what is the end result for us?

…maybe the biggest part, of the post-World War II liberal rules based order has been about protecting the world’s resources for Western commercial interests. This has led to cheap electronics and other goods for America,… etc. As that world order gets upended and shifts to a more bipolar arrangement, I anticipate the American standard of living will further decline and eventually collapse. The dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency has also allowed the U.S. to run up an insane amount of debt, and that is getting ready to come to an end as well.






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Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 28, 2024 10:17 pm

Phlegmlan steals a win.

the curse of Texas is upon you
all the live long day
the curse of Texas is upon you
forever he will stay

the busted borders, you never will escape them
in a million nights and a million morns
the curse of Texas is upon you
til Gabriel blows his horn

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 28, 2024 9:47 pm

MAJORITY OF RESULTS HAVE COME INAn estimated 99% of votes have been counted, according to the Associated Press. No projected nominee has been called yet.

RDade Phelan Incumbent 12,813. 50.7%
RDavid Covey 12,447. 49.3

looks like the WEF installed totalitariancrat will steal it by 336 votes.
as usual.
keep counting until the tcrat wins.
Dud Phlegmlan is a tcrat.

I wonder if those 336 votes were in the canned ham’s trunk.

the slimy weasel is installed again for now.
it keeps the border open and the blood money flowing.

Last edited 9 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 28, 2024 8:31 pm
May 28, 2024 8:28 pm

Latest reports from Texas House District 21:

Phelan – 9,694 – 52.7%
Covey – 8,706 – 47.3%
67.27% of precincts reporting

May 28, 2024 8:16 pm

It does seem though there are a number of Republican incumbents getting their butts kicked by new opponents endorsed by the True Texas Project.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 28, 2024 7:40 pm

Republican primary runoff RESULTS ARE COMING INAn estimated 53.98% of votes have been counted, according to the Associated Press. No projected nominee has been called yet.
RDade Phelan Incumbent. 8,473 57.4%
RDavid Covey 6,294. 42.6

The primary looks rigged to me just like the entire apparatus is.
the dizzy dunce bush Crawford cowboy gang rides again.

I’m the decider.

Last edited 9 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 28, 2024 6:35 pm

The polls close soon and I want to know if Phelan is still a curse on Texas.

Here is the Texas Tribune statewide election result page.

May 28, 2024 5:22 pm

After the weather chilled out was able to go survey the damage, it was the across the street neighbor’s pine tree that fell, taking down the power line at the transformer – also took an a massive limb on my sycamore tree. San Bernard and fire department actually picked up the pine and debris in my yard, last time I had to do it. They didn’t get the sycamore limb as it’s still attached, way up there. I’ll have to call the pros for it, can’t climb a ladder that high anymore. Oh, and power restored within 2 and a… Read more »

May 28, 2024 4:06 pm

Just FYI
Those folks at the Houston Health Department Bureau of Vital Statistics run a pretty tight operation. I was in and out in about 40 minutes.
Going there the day after a holiday may have been an accidental good thing.
They do gig you for $4 parking in their garage.
You only need your current TDL and hopefully you know the name of the Houston hospital in which you were born.
If you were born outside COH, but in Harris County, there is a different County office for you.

May 28, 2024 3:28 pm

I took a day today to wait for the delivery of my tri-fuel generator and a consult from an electrician. The electrician showed up 5 minutes before the appointed time. The effing generator is still ‘out for delivery’ even though I had a 10am appointment. During all of this I had to rebuild the bed where a very large pine tree was removed last Tuesday.
PSA: Moving 5-700 lbs of loose, crushed, marble is a pain in the back, neck, arms, shoulders, and butt.


May 28, 2024 2:44 pm

Rain just started up again, and the sky has stopped clearing. Weather folk predict more rain is coming this afternoon and possibly into tonight, covering a large area.

May 28, 2024 2:21 pm

Finally we are in the middle of a cloudburst heralded by thunderclaps and a most vigorous wind pickup that had large trees waving their leaves hither and yon but not coming loose. Several dry old small branches have come off the trees and bounced briefly on the ground. Our resident deer have taken some cover under large trees in our back pasture. They knew this was coming and acted to head for the best places just minutes before everything broke loose. Fortunately we are on the tail end of the storm width, and things have settled down quickly once the… Read more »

May 28, 2024 1:52 pm

I think the weather people kinda blew today’s forecast.

May 28, 2024 1:13 pm

Pretty good storm coming through here, a big limb from my sycamore tree is down and next to it is the top of a pine tree but I can’t tell if it’s mine. Pulled the power line down from across the street.

May 28, 2024 12:42 pm

One thing this whole circus in Manhattan has exposed is the utter, complete corruption of the New York State judicial system. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. I thought the defamation case by the certifiable lunatic E. Jean Carroll was the height of absurdity, but no, New York has decided to double down on stupid.

May 28, 2024 12:15 pm

Michael Walsh: Hell-bent on committing political suicide, Britain’s Conservative Party, known as the Tories, has called a snap election for the Fourth of July, in all likelihood cementing its legacy of utter failure since Boris Johnson won them a smashing victory in 2019. What at the time appeared to be a realignment of traditional constituencies, many of them voting Tory for the first time in generations, may well turn out to be the last flicker of the Old Blighty flame as the party hands far-left Labour a governing mandate under Keir Starmer, the leader of the opposition. God save the King. This is not only… Read more »

May 28, 2024 12:15 pm

Interesting little journey today.
I’m at the Houston Health Department Bureau Of Vital Statistics near NRG Stadium.
To get a Long Form Certified Birth Certificate.
Long Form certificates need to be obtained from the City in which you were born. You can do it online but it takes a month at least.
So now I will have a long and a short form Certified Birth Certificate.

The drive here (1 hr 10 min) was a breeze utilizing Sam Houston and Westpark tollways, avoiding the West Loop entirely.

Last edited 9 months ago by Shannon
May 28, 2024 10:04 am

Losing the huge base and investment in Niger is another foreign policy disaster on the part of the Blinken/Biden sh*tshow. We really needed that base since China and Russia are working very hard to drive any American influence out of Africa.

The second reason is it a forward anti-terrorist facility that also places US forces next to Chad and Sudan strategically west of the Red Sea.

Also, there has been a lot of domestic political pressure on Congress to do something to help the Christians being enslaved, raped and slaughtered in Africa.

May 28, 2024 9:44 am

I am not trying to beat down Mr. Hohmann, but he makes the same common mistakes a lot of writers do and since he showed up here today, I offer a rebuttal to some, not all, of his statements.

Last edited 9 months ago by Texpat
May 28, 2024 9:42 am

I am glad Leo Hohmann brought this up so we can clear the air. If the USA imported $8.55 million for an entire year from Niger when they had total exports of $3.24 billion, where is this vast exploitation by America ? The real reason that base is there, and why the French have been there for even longer, is because Niger is rich in Uranium and has vast untapped oil reserves, gold-mining operations, coal mining and other resources that the West has been exploiting for decades. And when I say “exploiting,” I mean in the worst way. A. The… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by Texpat
May 28, 2024 9:03 am

From the Leo Hohman article in the header. The CIA, in cooperation with other Western intelligence assets, created al-Qaeda and ISIS… I’ve seen other writers, on the Right and the Left, toss out this throwaway line. It’s easier than actually understanding and explaining history. The US did not create al-Qaeda. After the 1979 USSR invasion of Afghanistan, America stepped in to aid and supply the local guerrilla fighters in their war to drive the Leonid Brezhnev’s Communist forces out of the country. It was a logical and legitimate thing to do during the Cold War. These fighters were called the… Read more »

May 28, 2024 8:57 am
May 28, 2024 7:20 am

Some Steve Inman classics.

Language warning

Last edited 9 months ago by Shannon
May 28, 2024 7:16 am

Yes, it will be interesting to see if the Karl Rove/George Bush wing of the party can save Speaker of the House Drunk Dade Phelan.

Super Dave
May 28, 2024 6:56 am

More required reading. Well it’s a cool 66 here after the thunder showers of last night. We did get .34″ of rain to go with the .56″ on Saturday so the grass is happy. I’ll be getting the big mower out later in the week.
Mornin’ Gang

Last edited 9 months ago by Super Dave
May 28, 2024 4:14 am

Here is the new chairman of the Texas GOP, elected this past Friday. Here is the Wikipedia bio on him.

May 28, 2024 3:59 am

Today is Runoff Election Day in Texas. The True Texas Project has their list here. The lame internet is full of left-of-center media voter guides.

Ballotpedia may be the only straight, unbiased site out there. It is difficult to find any conservative runoff election recommendations for Texas. The internet is full of mainstream media recommendation lists and of course you can always go to the Texas Tribune and vote the opposite of what they recommend. Even Texas Scorecard didn’t publish anything.

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