Eugene Kontorovich is a rock star in the international legal world. He was born in Ukraine, brought to the USA at three years old in 1978 before the fall of the Iron Curtain. He married, has four children and lives now primarily in the West Bank of Israel.
Kontorovich directs the international law department at the Kohelet Policy Forum, an Israeli conservative think tank. He has been a law professor at Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University since 2018.
Kontorovich has spent an enormous amount of time consulting and writing for state legislatures presenting legislation to penalize corporations and organizations promoting BDS efforts against Israel.
The following is his essay on the situation of Israel as it is in the moment.
These are the goals of your country under Joseph Biden. Listen and read closely. Anything else you hear is a lie.
Hamas’ grisly terror raid on Oct. 7 has proved to be the single most stunningly successful act in gaining support for the Palestinian cause—not among Israeli or American voters, of course, but among top Democratic policymakers, and their counterparts across the Western world. One might think that a campaign of unrepentant killing, torture, rape, and hostage-taking would be disqualifying for a national independence movement. But in Washington, Hamas’ ongoing crimes have resulted in much of the weight of the U.S. government being brought to bear on advancing the cause of Palestinian statehood, and its correlate, the punishment and demonization of the Jewish state.
This past February, however, the administration let it all hang out. Without bothering to present any legal analysis, Secretary of State Blinken declared that Jewish communities in those areas that had been ethnically cleansed by Jordan after 1948 were illegal (“inconsistent with international law”), going further than even the Obama administration, which had used the lesser epithet “illegitimate.”
Last month, the administration indicated it might require that Israeli-made products from Judea and Samaria no longer be labeled as “Made in Israel.”
The green light from the White House has in turn given new life to efforts by the country’s thriving networks of billionaire-backed progressive NGOs to isolate and stigmatize the Jewish state. Two years ago, the so-called Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement—a campaign by activists from a network of state-sponsored anti-Israel NGOs—was pronounced dead.
and this,
It bears noting here that the attraction of Western progressives to medieval violence is quite specific. The ISIS or al-Qaida variety, for instance, did not lead to calls among progressive elites to champion their political agendas or recognize their pseudo-states. Rather, this enthusiasm is reserved for specific perpetrators: Iran and the Palestinians.
this as well,
The flip side of this equation is even more obscene. Washington rewards Iranian and Palestinian terrorism under the moniker of “de-escalation.” That is to say, Iran and the Palestinians get to have their cake and eat it too: Their barbarism advances their agenda, and any attempted retaliation against them is condemned and constrained.
Which leads us to the heart of the matter, namely what Iran, Hezbollah, and Palestinian terror groups all have in common with each other and not with ISIS. By itself, the specific identity of the perpetrators of gruesome violence does not account for Western advocacy on their behalf. That is explained only by the specific identity of the victims: Jews. This is the common thread that ties together support for Palestinian barbarism abroad and for antisemitic mobs at home.
Read The Whole Damn Thing.
Joining in late, catching up for today that was busy with other things.
Squawk – I am *** NOT *** showing those to Hubby!
This is what happens after Super Dave and Tedtam’s hubby collaborate and receive accolades.
This is what happens when Tedtam’s hubby and Super Dave collaborate.
Creative ads, and creative ad failures.
Robert Malone’s picture parade, like the WIP.
Yanno’ I don’t think I checked in today, sorry about that. We had an old fashioned Fish Fry, just got through eating and dang it was good. Bass N Bream, fries, hush puppies and coleslaw. Sister came over and helped me with the cooking, she’d batter them up and I’d fry them in my 80K BTU cooker. Sister also brought over her world famous coleslaw.
Nothing like catching fish in your pond on Wednesday and frying um up on Sunday. Yup Life is Good. 😉
This week’s WIP.
I tried typing my name.
A website with some wonderful historical pictures.
Last night, we watched The Catcher Was a Spy, a movie based on the true story of Morris “Moe” Berg, a brilliant scholar, Jewish guy and catcher for the Boston Red Sox. He ended up working for Bill Donovan at the OSS, the predecessor of the CIA in WWII. He was assigned to assassinate Werner Heisenberg, father of the Nazi Atomic Bomb project, in Zurich. Highly recommended. Excellent acting, beautiful set direction and superb script.
You have to hand it to Donald Trump. He is unafraid to go where he might get booed or into the depths of the blackest, most Latino county in America , the Bronx to hold a rally. He is fearless in asking these people for their vote. Even Reagan wasn’t this gutsy. “For the first time ever, a former president addressed the Libertarian Party. It was a rowdy crowd but we’re grateful for Pres. Trump’s time, and excited to make history,” said Libertarian national committee chair Angela McArdle after the speech in a statement. plus this, But perhaps the best… Read more »
Regarding acer computers. I have one that I’ve been using for several years. I have no problems, so far and use it daily mostly for internet or watching movies. I recently bought an Asus workbook and will back up everything. TW’s computer recently died and she strongly suggested I get a new one. Just my two cents.
Goose, meet gander.
How much you wanna bet he was jabbed? Offensive lineman Billy Price, a 2018 first-round pick of the Cincinnati Bengals who played five NFL seasons, announced his retirement Saturday due to the risks caused by a blood clot.“In the blink of an eye, everything can be taken away,” Price wrote in an Instagram post. “On April 24th I had emergency pulmonary embolism surgery to remove a saddle clot that was entering both of my lungs. As a healthy 29 year old, an unprovoked pulmonary embolism with no further medical explanation is terrifying. I am truly thankful to be alive today. Unfortunately,… Read more »
The solution to the problem, Bukele style.
I’m enjoying the Stargate channel on Pluto. It’s been quite a while since I watched the melodramatic bad guys take on the smart alecky Jack O’Neill – with two L’s. I have the whole series on DVD, and I watched it once with the director’s commentary. I didn’t realize how much ad libbing of the wise cracks was completely a result of Richard Dean Anderson’s wry sense of humor. Makes me like him even more.
Got back from church. The pain meds for the jaw have made comfortable enough to leave the crutches at home. Silver linings where I can find them.
Garden tour today netted another mess of beans and few cherry ‘maters. Toss in a few banana peppers and water the whole mess and sweat from the heat to call it good for today. My cucumbers are already suffering, so I guess my next task is to create some kind of shade for them.
From Sweden: Our knowledge regarding the long-term health effects of tattoos is currently poor, and there is not a lot of research within this area. Now a research group at Lund University has investigated the association between tattoos and lymphoma.The new study, published in eClinicalMedicine, suggests that tattoos could be a risk factor for cancer in the lymphatic system, or lymphoma. However, the researchers underline the need for more research on the topic. and, “After taking into account other relevant factors, such as smoking and age, we found that the risk of developing lymphoma was 21% higher among those who were tattooed.… Read more »
You know your neighbor is going to try and kill you, but you don’t call the police because you’re afraid of making him mad. Instead of murdering you this week, maybe he’ll do it next week or next month. The Biden clown show is trying to stop the rest of the world from sanctioning Iran over their nuclear weapons development. Yes, for once the Euros are seriously worried about Iranian world annihilation. The United States is frustrating European efforts to introduce a resolution against the Iranian regime at the International Atomic Energy Agency, Reuters reported on Friday.A senior European diplomat told… Read more »
No matter what DO NOT BUY ONE OF THOSE ALL IN ONE COMPUTERS. When they break they are hard as hell to fix and they break often from heat.
Re: Astra Bridge
I can’t see where this could be worth the cost, you’re going to have the rubber necking aspect and no matter how smooth the transition, traffic is going to slow and bottleneck. Just yesterday coming back from Wichita Falls outside of Ft. Worth we had a fifteen minute delay just because someone was changing a tire on the shoulder.
Texpat Acer is a “budget computer”. It is okay but I would not own one. If I was going to buy a windows box today it would be a Dell….. one of the three on this page. under Which desktop is right for you?
. Dells budget computer the Inspiron is moderately better than the acer.
Video compilation of idiots who should never have been allowed to own a boat.
I have never used or owned an Acer desktop computer. Anyone here with knowledge and opinion ?
I really need to replace Her Highness’ desktop here before the motherboard completely craps out. She’s working on an eleven year old HP unit I bought her and have regretted it ever since. What a piece of junk.
She mainly does her tutoring work on this computer so it’s for lots of word processing and email.
Another video about Tedtam’s 9:08pm.
Starting out with a sick dog at 6 AM is no way to start a Sunday. From one end of the house to the other.
Rain this morning. Crap
So simple it’s brilliant: the Astra Bridge – fix roads without closing them.
WTH is this kind of web site for?
I liken it to that rage retreat that women paid thousands of dollars to attend, where they yelled at the air and beat the ground with sticks.
The lesser of two evils may still be evil, but it’s my choice if I choose to join the effort try to reduce the speed of the swirling. Just in case…
My son-in-law texted this to me and I was sure it was from the Babylon Bee. He said no – it’s for real. A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza’s coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project, after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including one critically.The Times of Isreal’s military correspondent Emanuel Fabian has reported that “An American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a… Read more »
Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address just right of the flag in the town cemetary. The flag stands over the grave of the only woman killed during the Gettysburg battle. There is not and never will be a memorial in the space where Lincoln gave his speech.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
Rock on, texanadian!
I bet ya did not know § 116. Memorial Day (a) DESIGNATION.—The last Monday in May is Memorial Day. 112 STAT. 1258 PUBLIC LAW 105–225—AUG. 12, 1998 (b) PROCLAMATION.—The President is requested to issue each year a proclamation— (1) calling on the people of the United States to observe Memorial Day by praying, according to their individual religious faith, for permanent peace; (2) designating a period of time on Memorial Day during which the people may unite in prayer for a permanent peace; (3) calling on the people of the United States to unite in prayer at that time; and… Read more »
Got the garden tilled and some plants in. Thunder and light rain now. Got ribs on the smoker, yep, life is good.
Really nice in pretty much every measure.
Watch this great video honoring Butch O’Hare, WWII hero.
BTW; We’re heading up to The Half Shell Oyster Bar in Troy in a bit. I’ve not eaten all day and I’m Hongry. 😉
Oh and I finally got a “Round Tuit” and installed a 14′ gate down at the big pond. Sister just happened by and helped me with the hold and measuring. She really enjoyed doing that, it took her back to her farm N ranch days. I had the gate finished by about noon and then started on the dang barbed wire. I had to redo a lot of it. This morning I was going to finish the fence on the right side of the gate but about 5 AM I decided I needed to switch the gate to the other… Read more »
Tedtam at 12:44 PM
The maddening and infuriating thing about an impending recession, or any recession for that matter, is the fact it is Americans across the board who suffer and yet had nothing to do with creating this economic disaster.
Americans vote for political representatives they believe will be responsible stewards of the national well-being. That is what they are told over and over again. They force reps to retire, vote new ones in and yet nothing changes.
We just got a nice shower. It’s been sunny and hot all day with stifling humidity but about 2 PM right after I got back from working at the pond the clouds rolled and we had a 25 minute summer storm with lightening and thunder boomer. We got almost a half inch,.41″ to be exact.Wife and I sat on the front porch and enjoyed the rain. Lil’ Dawg had to be with us so my wife got her Do-nut bed and she went to slee3p after the thunder died down.
Life is Good.
The ATF needs to be disbanded -NOW!
Re: Texpat’s 10:48
That whole article is worth the read.
Here’s the weather forecast for Bellvillian uncklos and all points east to the GOM.
Found this in the C&C comments:
Don’t be like Biden. Be like Geert!
I saw the headline about this guy’s death a few days ago, and wondered if the “Supersize Me” guy had been jabbed. He was only in his 50’s, after all. Despite devoting dozens of column inches to his truncated life, all the Times had to say about the fast-food survivor’s death was this: Spurlock “died on Thursday in New York City. He was 53. His brother Craig Spurlock said the cause was complications of cancer.”Aha — cancer! He survived his infamous MacDonald’s experiment, but Morgan couldn’t survive the jabs. He should’ve lived to make a film called “Superjab Me!”: He… Read more »
Then there’s the “stay calm be happy” after the consternation over AI becoming our machine overlords by learning to think for themselves. Once that happens, will they need humans? Neo! Calling Neo! Where are you? Of course, it’s not even that simple. Later down the article, LeCun, who leads 500 developers at Meta’s Fundamental AI Research lab, admitted they are working on “other AI models” that can think for themselves, but — trying to be reassuring — he opined it would probably take at least ten years to reach ‘general intelligence.’ Oh. LeCun’s claims aside, the jury is still out on whether chatbots could… Read more »
I’ve seen this episode before (these “Dirty Jobs” shows are all reruns, after all). This episode has Mike on a date palm farm. They have to cut the male pods from the male trees, harvest the pollen, and then pollinate the female flowers.
So. Many. Innuendos. He’s having too much fun on this episode.