The Census – Where Citizens and Illegal Aliens Collide
Republicans have put forth a bill to ask on the next census the citizenship status of the respondents, and call that only citizens be counted towards the apportionment of representatives in the House. Currently every warm body is used to apportion representatives (and electors). Changing this raises some interesting issues:
The Electoral College distribution is determined by the number of congressional seats – so the number of US representatives a state has plus two senators equals its number of presidential electors. Since there are 435 seats in the US House and 100 in the Senate, that means there are 535 electors spread out across the 50 states, plus three in Washington, DC, for a total of 538. The states that either gained or lost representatives after the last census also gained or lost an equal number of electors.
…the states with the highest concentration of undocumented residents stand to lose the most. According to the Pew Research Center, the states with the most non-citizens – the biggest losers, in this situation – are California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois.
It’s important to note that the two red states on that list – Texas and Florida – are the two biggest contributors to Republican electors. Yes, the Democratic Party stands to lose more than a few representatives and presidential electors, but so does the GOP. Still, Democrats unanimously oppose this effort. The House passed the bill 206 to 202, split precisely along party lines.
The White House warned that this bill … “It would also violate the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, which requires that the number of seats in the House of Representatives ‘be apportioned among the several States according to their respective members, counting the whole number of persons in each State,’”…
Republicans make the point that if people aren’t legally allowed to vote (although that restriction has never stopped them from doing so), they shouldn’t expect representation; also, allowing illegal votes dilutes voters’ power among different areas.
For example, Illinois and Pennsylvania both have 17 seats in the House and 19 presidential electors – but there are considerably more non-citizens in Illinois than in Pennsylvania, giving actual voters in Illinois a stronger voice in national politics.
And this point is being made as well:
Introducing the bill in the House, Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-NC) said, “Incentivizing illegal immigration and exploiting our democracy to skew the number of congressional seats or electoral votes for the presidency is immoral and a sure path to the downfall of our nation. Only American citizens can vote, and only American citizens should be counted when determining federal representation.”
Of course, the left would fight this tooth and nail, and the meat puppet would surely nix it on arrival.
But the question remains: Should anyone living in the U.S. expect representation that they are not legally allowed to vote for? Should they have representation at all? Should simply breathing American air qualify them to vote? Is it humanitarian to disallow them a voice in the Chamber? And where does this lead if they do have the rights of representation, as if they were citizens? Why even become a citizen then? Does this devalue the privilege of citizenship and make new illegals more incentivized to ignore the rules?
Ohio is leading the way on voter integrity:
I’m gonna say something some would consider controversial.
Dallas is not all it’s cracked up to be.
Non citizens should be prohibited from:
Being counted for anything (other than targets for deportation)
Receiving any government aid
Having a driver’s license that does not highlighting non citizen status
All illegal aliens and their spawn should be deported forthwith.
The side of the glacier is about 60 feet.
True the Vote’s app allows citizens to help clean the voter rolls.
Okay, heading out now that I’m feeling more mobile. I guess it’s time to put the little cooler in the back of my car. It’s getting warm enough now that it will come in handy for the grocery shopping. I keep soft drink bottles full of ice in the freezer so I always have cold stuff to keep other stuff cold. The cooler is the perfect size for the back space in my hatchback.
Mr. C. closes his column by repeating the news story I posted after the big tornado event. A 9 year old boy squirms out of his family’s mangled truck, leaving both of his severely injured parents inside, to get help. Feisty little guy. He probably saved his parents’ lives. Nine-year-old Branson managed to squirm out of the mangled truck and didn’t waste a moment. Over the roar of the storm, he shouted “Mom, dad, please don’t die, I will be back!” He then raced more than a mile over difficult terrain in pitch darkness — keeping his bearings using lightning… Read more »
And Pfizer’s exhortations that the jabs were NOT gene changing therapy? According to the researchers, it turns out that Pfizer may have slightly under-reported the amounts of DNA contamination in its magic spike protein elixirs. Behold my shocked face: And by slightly under-reported, I mean by orders of magnitude. Their conclusion included the alarming determination that contaminant DNA enters patients’ cells. In the study authors’ own words: [insert study quote here]/snipSee, what you really don’t want in a vaccine is a cellular delivery system for random bacterial DNA. What could go wrong? One thing that could go wrong is cancer, or ‘oncogenesis’ in public health’s… Read more »
I saw this headline a day or two ago – blaming all of these new cancers on obesity. Liiiiiiike, obesity just recently began to be a problem? Gosh. A trend researchers first noted in 2021? What could have happened to working age adults in 2021? According to Fortune, they suddenly got fatter and started drinking more, that’s what. And more than any other cohort. (And, somebody tell San Fransisco know, sinceright now overpaid nurses dressed as waitresses are pouring free beers for bums. I bet they don’t tip well.)If drinking too much is somehow causing colorectal cancers in young adults, what… Read more »
Dipping into today’s C&C before heading out on errands (while the pain killers are working, getting out of bed this morning was….challenging):
Interlopers! Genocidal heathen!
Working on the mower.
Got the deck off and scraped out 25 lbs of hard mud from the underside.
Man, this is a lot harder to do than it used to be.
My heroes have always been cowboys. So I became one. I miss the days riding the range tending to the herd. Sure the work was hard rounding up the strays and chasing the wolves away, but I loved being a cowboy. Everyday there was a new adventure. I never knew what the day would bring. Sometimes I even had to fight off the rustlers and the occasional injuns. Finding new pasture land was always a chore and crossing the rivers with 100s of head of cattle always had its dangers. But at the end of the day when mom called… Read more »
I’ll be out until late this afternoon. Man the batteries ! Load the cannons and don’t a single jihadi over the walls !
Well someone in this world has some sense..
The other side of the coin
This is fascinating health news. The last time I reported on kidney transplants, I noted that DEI readjustments are now being made for calculations based on the medical records associated with patients who have kidney issues and may require organ transplants.Over 92,000 people are on the organ transplant list, waiting for a kidney. That represents 87% of the total number of patients who need new organs.Researchers recently genetically modified pig kidneys in hopes of making more organs available quickly for patients needing a transplant before a human donor is available. The technology essentially removes the pig DNA components likely to produce an… Read more »
Oops ! Burnett Plaza, the tallest building in Fort Worth, Texas, has been purchased via foreclosure auction for $12.3 million just three years after it was sold for more than $137.5 million, according to the Dallas Business Journal.The 40-story behemoth was bought back by Pinnacle Bank Texas in the auction held on the steps of the Tarrant County courthouse on Tuesday.Pinnacle had claimed in public filings that the tower’s former owner, Burnett Cherry Street LLC, an affiliate of New York-based Opal Holdings LLC, defaulted on a $13 million loan used to purchase the building in 2021.Constructed in 1983, the distinctive block-sized… Read more »
Oops my @ 8:28 is Awaiting for approval, (3 links) but thankfully Texpat is about. 😉
Great story from over yonder; I live in an 1870s farmhouse in California. While gardening one day last year, I espied a glint of gold! I had dug up a thick gold band! I rinsed it off and found that it was inscribed inside, Elinor Aberdeen 1870. I have lived in this house for 38 years and this was by far the most interesting thing I have ever found!I called my friend Sharlene Van Rooy, who is a historical detective buff, and together we spent hours of research finding all the previous owners of the house.Finally, we “struck gold”. We… Read more »
American colleges and universities were quite happy to collaborate with Hitler and Third Reich activities in the 1930s. In an interview, Norwood describes university leaders as indifferent to evidence of a barbaric regime rising abroad in part because of their own polices of anti-Semitism and exclusion back home. “They just didn’t care very deeply about Jews and anti-Semitism because they were themselves involved in maintaining quota barriers against Jewish students. There were very, very few Jews on the faculties of American universities throughout the entire inter-war period. And there are whole fields that were basically off-limits to Jews,” he says.Norwood’s… Read more »
It’s a relief to know black people weren’t dying of heart failure because of me and The Donald. Since Obama was first elected virtually all health problems of African-Americans have been attributed to bad, mean, racist white people. Now, two white, Jewish men have led the study to save black lives. Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Duke University showed that a genetic variant, present in 3-4% of self-identified Black individuals in the U.S., increases the risk for both heart failure and death and contributes to significant decreases in longevity at the population level. and, “We believe these data… Read more »
This is the most prestigious black university in America. It is run almost exclusively by black administrators. Somehow, this is the fault of Donald Trump and the White Patriarchy. They purposely didn’t teach the black administrators as children how to do simple statistical reasoning and analysis. As in how to estimate the potential size of a crowd at a student graduation. Then the violent parents were victims of extreme emotional distress from slavery that ended over 150 years ago. A graduation ceremony for nursing students at Howard University ended abruptly and in chaos after angry family members chanted “Let us… Read more »
I am not the only one to notice the overwhelmingly female cohort of emotionally and mentally ill campus protestors. Heather MacDonald has too. RTWDT. Hysterics for HamasWhy the apparent gender gap? One possible reason is that women constitute majorities of both student bodies and the metastasizing student-services bureaucracies that cater to them. Another is the sex skew in majors. The hard sciences and economics, whose students are less likely to take days or weeks out from their classes to party (correction: “stand against genocide”) in cool North Face tents, are still majority male. The humanities and soft social sciences, the… Read more »
I’m pretty sure those were my first lures as a boy.
Who remembers the Hula Popper’s & Jitterbug’s? I certainly do.
Fred Arbogast Catalog 1950
Well we got .70″ of rain since midnight to go with the 1.81″ yesterday for a total of 2.51″. Pretty dang good and we’ll take it. It’s cleared up now and I need to get out and saw up a few limbs that fell yesterday. The was a big pecan limb broken off and hanging down from the tree behind the Pole Barn that I couldn’t reach but it also fell so I can cut it up and get rid of it. Daughter made it back to midland by about 11 PM last night so she was glad to get… Read more »