It’s Not Your Parents’ Democrat Party Anymore
Democrats don’t need or want us. Their faith is in technology, not God. All to destroy our society, our culture, and our spiritual life. In effect, it will destroy our country and Western civilization if we allow it to
Our government leaders, as well as their ghostly but hidden agents of purposeful mismanagement—an entire education system supported by a corrupt government, globalists, foreign governments, and corporate trash—are being run by far-left radicals in a major political party committed to the extinction of our great country.
Many Democrats have their roots in the street and deep inside the bureaucracy. Some gained notoriety during the Vietnam War; others were active in the civil rights movement; and others bombed police stations. However, some individuals remain anonymous. Obama served as president for eight years, yet I challenge any average voter to say he or she knows who he is. Obama was an Alinsky community organizer. His background, college years, grades, and papers are all a mystery. They don’t disclose such information if it is detrimental to him. So, they routinely ask us to cast our votes for individuals we don’t know. Our founders papers are available for all to see. They had nothing to conceal.
Hillary Clinton was a Saul Alinsky follower, but disagreed with Alinsky on a key point. Alinsky felt change should come from the outside, while Hillary believed it needed to come from inside the system—a sort of weaponization of government.
Democrats have bought into the globalist agenda
Alinsky, the Satan admirer, offered her a job. She turned it down. Hillary instead became a staff attorney on the House Judiciary Committee’s Impeachment Inquiry in 1973–74. Her idea of justice was to deny President Nixon legal counsel. After the inquiry, Hillary was fired. Her boss, Jerry Zeifman, would not even give Hillary a letter of recommendation. When asked as to why he fired her, Zeifman said: “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee, and the rules of confidentiality.” (
These Democrats have bought into the globalist agenda, have decided it is inevitable, and are now demanding a place at the table being set. It is inevitable because they have contributed to our dismantling, spending what we do not have, preventing growth we badly need, and arranging the chairs so only they can find a seat, governing with only their reward in mind. They wait for the total chaos they know is coming, so they can introduce their final solution when they feel the people are sufficiently desperate.
The antisemitic demonstrators in our Ivy League colleges—the bogus “best America has to offer”—are not Republicans. Heck, they are not even adults. Allowing an 18-year-old to vote, unless they are in the military, is empowering children to make decisions without any personal stake in the outcome.
It is safe to say that these students are Democrats. From kindergarten, they are the children of the DNC, a product of a planned, organized system of propaganda developed decades ago by Marxist operatives in a patient but determined process of creating generations of socialists to destroy our freedom and introduce a new serfdom. Call it the Great Reset, the New World Order, or whatever. It’s real and has the support of the new generation coming of age. Not because it is better than what made us great—it isn’t by a long shot—but because they were taught it is more just, a concept they agree with on face value. And face value is all they have. Their capacity to learn is hampered by a poor knowledge base. Their grade school gave them a very deficient background in civics and history, so they have very little to build on. Many blue cities produce students who routinely get A’s but can’t read.
As a result, many of today’s students are angry, disenchanted, and want change, but they have no idea what form change should take. They think capitalism doesn’t work because they were told that as long as they can remember. They believe socialism can work if it is democratic socialism, but they can’t define it.
And so much more.
CFP had a clip of someone at Harvard blasting the national anthem over the Hamas encampment.
I hope that recording was on a loop.
Bay Area VW Club is having their annual car show at El Jardin Park on May 18th. If you’re going to be in the area, it should be fun. Beach is adjacent. If they do as they’ve done in the past, there should be either a Twinkie eating contest and/or one for tacos, or some such. They’ve had Hot Wheels races for the kids in the past, too, with rewards for winners. For the grown-ups there are just a bunch of cars, music, and food. Location is 500 El Jardin Dr. Seabrook, TX 77586. Update: the Twinkie eating contest is… Read more »
Judge Cannon sets aside Trumps document case
With many assists from the cult of open borders joined@thehipparties.
as the phony preacher speaker said “we’re the greatest country in the world and it’s time we start acting like it.”
i guess this is his idea of acting like it.
House miracle water, prayer cloths, pickles and pretzels only 99 cents a dozen and then vote groupofCons in Nov and all your dreams will come true.
no one is above the so said Nan ma barkedly many times concerning Trump.
starring Nansi spemlosi as ma Barkedley
and Mikey mcCaller as Little Joe gekko.
in this continuing episode ma barkedly and little joe gekko plunder and pillage the ponderosa punditry on torrential tortoise shelled tips from hedge fund hog sloppers and coinbit cattle rustlers.
I didn’t sleep well last night. At all.
I thought I was going to lay down for 20 minutes….
Bonecrusher 7:30 am, Seems Intergalactic has been putting up with lots of forever building and adding onto things that greatly inconvenience the lowly travelers coming to and going from Houston. Calling it a Zoo no longer adequately describes the situation: it is way beyond description for most travelers and likely so for aviation folk as well. Spouse’s brother and wife from Wisconsin visited us in March on their way home after a lovely time in Arizona and New Mexico. They took a taxi to our house, but on the way back spouse insisted on taking them to Intergalactic. Spouse said… Read more »
The CCP, drug cartel owned fake congress has no backbone since they are the leaders of the invasion and destruction of their own country.
endless foreign wars, endless open borders and being sellouts is all they know.
the sans-a-belt slacks phony republicant’s are the worst.
the voters voted them in in good faith for decades and all the compromised losers have done is not one thing for the voters or the country.
Strongly worded letters and act tough sound bites are their obligatory contributions to the joined@thehipparties kabuki theatre.
Notice the women in the WW2 picture. As I was searching for an appropriate “NOW” picture I noticed many pictures where the women are prominent.

The more things change the more things stay the same, Columbia University then and now.

The US Congress got a
backbone and is pushing back hard against the evil bastards in The Hague.
I tried to get Hubby registered for a car show this weekend. The Dubsplash folks are using FB as their registration processor, and dang if I couldn’t get it to take Hubby’s registration. I started the whole process over, still no luck. Found a “contact us” page – which didn’t work either.
As a former programmer, I am wissed off and highly disappointed. At least Hubby is taking it all in stride. He’ll just have to show up at the gate with a wad of cash and here’s hoping that he can find a hotel room for the night.
Good morning Hamsters.
I just read through the C&C, and in the comments I found this: What Happened to their Babies? In Pfizer’s baby and toddler study, there was a subgroup of 344 babies. Only 3 babies (less than 1%) made it to the end of the study. Pfizer’s mRNA injections are not safe for babies. They’re lethal. Pfizer’s FDA submitted data documented that the some of the babies and toddlers experienced fevers of greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, seizures (with eye rolling), convulsions, and seizures lasting more than 5 minutes and multiple seizures a day -sometimes a dozen or more, brain damage… Read more »
Spotted over yonder; People today who think Walmart is too big to fall don’t remember just how big Sears was.Here’s an example. In the 1920s, Sears sold radios by mail, but there were large parts of America that didn’t have any radio stations within range, so, Sears got into the radio station business and, in 1924, started WLS 890am Chicago. A radio station powerful enough to fill the Midwest.Then, they sold every household in the Midwest and most of the rest of the country a radio. The kicker was that once they bought a radio, they tuned in to Sears… Read more »
That evil m-effer, Art Ritus has decided to visit my right thumb. The thumb that I used so much to do therapy and treat pain for so many people.
It could be a whole lot more worser; not a complaint- merely a report.
Good morning couch dwellers. Houston Intergalactic Airport is a screaming flustercluck, and not the good kind.
Mornin’ Gang