Fact check: Are insects better for you than meat?
True to form, science concludes ‘yes and no’
Well that settles that. I’ll take my steak medium rare thank you very much. What captured my attention was the methodology in which science has come to the non-conclusion.
To measure how healthy these bugs were compared to chicken, beef and pork, the researchers thought about it from a public health perspective. They used two different models to measure ‘healthiness’; one written by the world health food program to improve nutrition in refugee camps, one devised to regulate food advertisements aimed at children.
To be fair there are hundreds of studies of how healthy bugs are compared to meat. This is just one. Refugees and children? Why does science pick on the most defenseless of people that really have no choice in what they eat? Why not start with rich healthy meat eaters? Take away their meats and place them on bug diets and let’s see what the effects are on so called healthy people.
I always ask why? Why is there all this pressure to put the world on a bug diet? Is eating bugs
- Healthier
- Good for the planet
- Another way to control our behavior
and the answer is:
did you break out your best bottle of Boone’s Farm that’s been aging in your favorite socks drawer for the last couple of years?
the Jersey boss man deserves nothing but the best.:)
Got caught up in the attempt to save that poor dog thrown away like rubbish. What a remarkable love and caring made such a difference in that poor creature’s life. Hope that dear thing lived long enough to be adopted.
His daughter arrived 90 minutes later.
At a different terminal, of course.
Supper is served, Mock Oxtail Soup and dang if it didn’t turn out fine, also with the cornbread it made for a hearty meal.
Welcome home Texpat.
Family reunification commenced.
It has been snowing here for two days. Finally stopped. Not a lot of accumulation but some, 3 inches or so.
Hello everyone.
Well, at least with Squawk’s Speedo collection, he’ll be ready for the rain.
Oh goody Conroe is looking at the probability of 4.5 inches of rain.
Wife and i both just got our eyes examined for new glasses. Of course they said we both have cadillacs, so, whip out the ole Medicare card and let’s get her done. Thank you for your support.
I just got back home after doctor visit and errands today. Hubby dropped off the meds that he picked up yesterday (and failed to bring in for me).
The doctor gave me the biggest prescription pill bottle I’ve ever seen for my pain prescription. I guess she figgers it’ll take a while to get over this latest spinal faux pax.
When his Ground Speed drops to 130 kts I figure that’s good news. Or really bad news. 🙂
How come there isn’t a bar in the Baggage Claim area?
He’s crossed the Sabine into Texas airspace. GTT
40,000 feet
430 kts
over Alexandria, Loozianna
You ever make Oxtail soup? Me neither but I decided to give it a try using Bambi Neck bones, lots a meat on the neck. I put it in the Crock Pot about 6 AM and I just now took it out and separated the meat from the bones so now I’ll add the vegetables and cook slow. BTW; Lil’ Dawg loves to gnaw the bones.
I’m an hour early at IAH.
In my leisurely drive over here (on 99/45/Beltway 8), I have re-confirmed that too many drivers in this town are way too stupid to be driving as fast as they do.
@ the 20 second mark Mick asks the crowd if squawka Bruddah is there?
Woman on all-bug diet claims crickets taste like ‘fried chicken’
The last time I was in the Paramount Theater in Austin was with Katfish to see the band Foreigner.
47 Years Ago.
Left unsaid so far is the answer to the question, “Do bugs taste like chicken?”
Flight is late so I’m taste testing the Bloody Mary here in the airport bar. I paid $18. When I was in Portland in 2022 I had the best vodka tonic ever in a very cool looking airport bar for $7.
It saddens me to announce that my yearly SPEEDO REVIEW is / will be postponed for some time to come. In their exuberance to please Texpat other front pagers/admins have filled all available posting slots till Texpat returns. We apologize for the disappointment, but we are all big boys and girls, we will get by.
Mr. C. points out the obvious issue with the timing of the protests (which Trump has pointed is being professionally funded, given the immediate arrival of duplicated signs and brand new supplies): Corporate media are experts at ignoring a story. So this intense coverage suggested they really like this protest story for some reason. Behold, the new Summer of Protest! And it’s just getting started. Recall that, last election season, the summer protests really only got going by August. Remember the dramatic videos of the fiery, nighttime Kenosha, Wisconsin protest where Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself? Good times. That was August 25,… Read more »
Roundup for today’s C&C:
Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! April is now consigned to the history books, and we’re one month closer to getting past the election and hopefully returning to sanity. Here’s everything you need to know this morning, in the roundup: China cancels and investigates top covid doc; jab news trends toward truth; massive new jab study raises profound questions about cumulative risk; student protest news roundup; and Minnesota democrats are not above the law.
You people are obviously a bunch bourgeois capitalist oppressors, not even recognizing that today is the day set aside for the proletariat to rise up, unite, shed their chains, and take control of the means of production!
Yes, ‘‘tis May 1.
Fix your analog watches now.
Dang it just hit me, it’s May 1 man time is flying.
I’m not eating the damned bugs! Klaus Schwab and the rest of his ilk should make haste to meet their maker, satan, and leave the rest of us alone.
Texpat probably saw the Congress Avenue Bridge bats in the
60’s when he lived there. Once you’ve seen ‘em, you’ve seen ‘em. 🙂SO Texpat, when you’re’ in Austin are you going to check out the bats? Also If I were in Texas, I’d have to run down to Corpus and visit Copana Bay Press. I was there during the COVID and they were getting settled into their new offices. I bought a Republic of Texas Map and watched them print it on their huge printer. 😉
I just read a national news story about the fight at UCLA last night. The reporter only mentions anti-israel protesters and pro-Israel factions. The truth is over 200 Jews showed up in flash mob function and started tearing down the tent city. A call went out among Jewish social media users.
We had two Thursday posts again so I moved mine to Monday, May 6th.
I read and signed their petition. You might be a signer if you are so inclined. They have 397,460 signatories so far. #MeToo_Unless_UR_A_Jew On October 20th, following the Hamas terror attack on Israel, the ‘UN Women’ organization published a detailed report under the name “UN Women Rapid Assessment and Humanitarian Response in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” followed by an official UN Women statement on October 27th under the name “In-focus: The conflict in Gaza”.The organization repeatedly failed to address the current situation as it is and is actively and knowingly working to create a false and insidious narrative. and, #MeToo_Unless_Ur_A_Jew is a grassroots… Read more »
New arrival.
Somebody please call Harper and check on her.
A $265,000 Pontoon Boat?!?! Really?! Meet the Godfrey XP 2700 Twin.
Of course those 2, 400 HP Mercury’s will set you back about $40K each, but still. If I’m spending that kind of money the boat better top 100 MPH and that wouldn’t be easy now a days, no 30 footers in that price range, not even close but something smaller like an Allison would do it.
It’s Wednesday, Hump day.
Mornin’ Gang