Over almost two decades, John Ioannidis has been the strongest voice of reason among all scientists anywhere and everywhere. He is not the most popular man campus because he exposed hundreds, if not thousands, of “scientific papers to false and their processes and results impossible to reproduce.
The scientific literature is filled with information that is misleading, exaggerated, or flat-out wrong. Is there any- thing we can do to improve the credibility of medical research?
Our media is constantly churning out conflicting and misleading stories about medicine and health issues. This obviously creates confusion in the general public and in the professional medical community. But it’s not just the general media that exaggerates and misinforms. The scientific literature is filled with false and exaggerated claims. Is there anything we can do to improve the credibility of medical research studies? What should we believe when it comes to medical science?
It’s not that there’s a dearth of information or studies. There are more than 20 million papers in the medical scientific literature published to date, and two million more added every year. There are also more than 10 million research- ers working in the medical research field. But scientific literature is filled with findings that don’t always stand the test of time or are flawed from the begin- ning. A majority of the studies are minor and show problems in their design, the way they were conducted, the way they were reported, and the way they are interpreted. It’s critical to scrutinize all aspects of the research process in order to more accurately understand the credibility of each piece of medical evidence. Only by doing that, will we have a real chance to decrease cost, improve efficiency, enhance health, and save lives.
Here is another excellent video from John Ioannidis titled, Why Most Clinical Research Is Not Useful.
The most downloaded scientific paper from all the open source platforms since 2005 is by John Ioannidis and has 3,106,389 views and 75,249 saves:
Went over to my son’s this morning and got my tractor alternator off and torn apart no problem, definitely locked up bearing. Went to the local NAPA and yeah, they can get me two new bearings in a couple hours but they want $37 each. I mean, i could order a complete alternator for $69 so WTH? These are tiny little bearings. Ordered on Amazon, set of two for six bucks. I would love to support local and, presumably USA, but geez man, thats ridiculous.
Burnt Dawgs fer supper and dang they were good. I gave Dawg a half of one, she loves them too.
My NASA Sis has been in a big texting confab with one of my brothers. Seems she’s finding black widows on her property, with egg sacs. She has Sjorgens Syndrome and is also fighting a sinus infection, so she feels weak and it hurts for her to bend over. Plus, as she says, “She’s chicken”. She’s already fallen once trying to kill one spider sac. If I were able to bend over and move I’d offer to drive to her place and help her, but I think we’d both end up in the pool. But the texts are funny. She’s… Read more »
Well since my wife’s hens are at max production with the warmer weather, I decided to make some Candied Jalapeno Deviled Eggs. It’s been awhile since I’ve made them, not sure why. 😉
Nice to wake up this morning and see that we had two tenths of rain in the gauge overnight, delivered without thunder. It only left some small puddles on the driveway that are now gone. Grass looks bit greener today.
After watching the video, my diagnosis is confirmed: trigger finger. The symptoms match perfectly. It’s worse first thing in the morning. (Most things are, when discussing aches and pains.) There are mornings where I wonder if (1) I’ll ever be able to close that left middle finger safely again, or (2) will I be able to pull that sucker straight. I usually avoid closing that finger to the point where it “sticks”. The right index finger is a much less severe case. Much of the time I don’t even notice it. That’s a good thing. But first thing in the… Read more »
Never heard of Trigger Finger, but I knew about Dupuytren’s.
Dupuytren’s versus Trigger Finger.
Republic First Bancorp of Pennsylvania is the first bank failure of 2024. Half of the deposits were uninsured, too many ‘unrealized bond losses’ on their balance sheet. Republic First had the same issues as the others that failed last year.
The great Britt Gillette gives an excellent appraisal of the problems plaguing the banking system. suggests their may well be at least 7 more banks closing “soon”.
Oh BTW Hello kitty is celebrating 50th birthday November 1.
Want to know if Biden has ever issued a National Security Memorandum for Ukraine. What are they doing ? Who is responsible for missiles supplied by the US landing in Russian civilian territories ? WHO IS MONITORING THE UKRAINIAN ARMY ? Tell me when the US State Dept has ever issued instructions to Zelensky about how to fight the war ? How many Democrats in Congress and DC have gone on the record micromanaging the war in Gaza ??? WASHINGTON — Some senior US officials have advised Secretary of State Antony Blinken that they do not find “credible or reliable” Israel’s… Read more »
BY Hamza Howidy in Gaza: Message From a Gazan to Campus Protesters: You’re Hurting the Palestinian Cause Protests are spreading across the United States at college campuses, where university students are gathering in the name of Palestinian rights and occupying campus spaces with tents. Sadly, not everyone who purports to support Palestinians is truly interested in safeguarding our rights.It pains me to say this as a Palestinian from Gaza. As my home is destroyed and too many killed, I never thought I would find myself criticizing those speaking up. And yet, I cannot be silent about what I am seeing.… Read more »
NYT has a bunch whiny, entitled brats they are profiling from the student riots. Yawn…I’ll pass. It’s been said before many times as Ed Driscoll notes with this.
New border patrol agents.
I’m watching some of the J6 video clips via the link from CFP, and I just saw something truly amazing.
In one video, the legislators are being herded “to safety,” and of course they are all wearing masks. I kid you not, one guy not only had a mask but a PLASTIC BAG OVER HIS HEAD.
I’m guessing he was a leftie.
From the C&C comments:
Sometimes the comments are as amusing as the column prose.
Skipping a lot of the C&C, I find Mr. C’s discussion of the Trump trial both amusing and insightful: The Hill ran an encouraging, hilariously-written Jonathan Turley op-ed on Friday, headlined “On Alvin Bragg and the art of not taking the law too seriously.” Of course I loved it, since Turley agrees with us. The trial is a joke about a farce.Following last week’s testimony, Turley explained, Donald Trump’s trial is increasingly looking like a mad, Rube Goldberg-style prosecution machine being run by a pack of midwit lawyers who don’t take the law too seriously./snipSmart people like Jonathan Turley are starting to… Read more »
Don’t miss this link for the most downloaded scientific paper since the founding of the Public Library Of Science (PLOS). It has been viewed over 3,000,000 times and downloaded over 75,000 times. Why Most Published Research Findings Are False Dr. John Ioannidis and his team at Stanford compiled a long list of peer-reviewed scientific papers published in America some years back. The project inspired other scientists to similar projects like Retraction Watch. If someone publishes the results of experiments and declares certain conclusions, the standard is the results have to be repeatedly reproducible. In something like 80% of these papers,… Read more »
And it looks like I’ve developed a second trigger finger: my right hand index finger. It’s not as strong a trigger as the one on my left hand, thank goodness. Pretty soon I’ll only be able to point at myself. 😉
Texpat, I think I’ve told this story here before, but your bird story reminded me of one of my most memorable childhood moments: I was across the street with our neighbor, Julie, currying her pony, when she looked up into the distance and asked “What’s that?” I followed her gaze and saw a large spot in the sky, way off. We curried and watched as that dot grew larger and closer. We stopped currying when we realized what it was – a flock of thousands of birds. Smaller birds, maybe sparrows. We stood there, mouths agape, as the birds passed… Read more »
Last night while Shannon was sleeping 759,100 birds flew in migration over Austin County, Texas.
Peak Migration had 231,600 birds in flight headed NNE at 24 mph and altitude of 1,700 feet.
There were over a million birds flying over Austin County on Saturday night.
Extremely cool new website on bird migration over the United States. Birdcast.info from the best ornithologists in the world at Cornell University.
Enter your town here for data.
Today’s C&C looks interesting, as always. Particularly troubling is more sunlight on the lies about the jab info. That particular item has always bothered me. When “they” lied about the numbers, folks who might otherwise have made wise decisions, didn’t. Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! This week, we’ll pass through another month of 2024, creeping that much closer to the year’s big event. Today’s roundup gets you up to speed on everything you need to know: Trump and DeSantis meet and the media is off to the races; troubling admission by AstraZeneca shines a light on the repugnant edifice of… Read more »
I made two rosaries yesterday, so I’m skipping my make-rosary time this morning. I have stuff piling up on my desk. I told Hubby I must’ve had some intense dreams last night – “You know how it is when you wake up and even though you can’t remember the dream, it’s still ‘with you’?” He knew what I was talking about.
I had an old Toyota pickup back in the 90’s. It would eat guaranteed (free) NAPA alternators about once a year. 🙂
But they were pretty easy to install.
My son has my tractor doing a little more dirt work around his new shop. Yesterday morning he called saying it shredded the fan belt, I was busy so couldn’t help, but we found O’Reilly’s had a belt. I told him to check alternator and water pump to make sure they didn’t lock up, he said they seemed fine so he replaced it which required removing the drive shaft at the front of the motor. He put it all back together and sure enough he got about fifteen feet and alternator locks up and shreds the new belt 😀 My… Read more »
In the market for a 3/4 ton truck. I despise vehicle shopping. So far just in the online perusing mode right now, dang they high priced with high mileage.
Two donkeys loose on Greenbriar.
It was nice to wake up this morning and see no sign of last nite’s storm aside from everything being wet… There was a lightening strike not long after we turned in but since we live in the forest, that’s not unusual…
re O/C: The primary problem here is the wholesale rejection of basic Judeo/Christian morality and absolute truth coupled with the love of money/fame/power. At this point, most of government and those suckling as the teat of same are worshippers of the Whore of Babylon.
Cheerful Monday to you all.
A man after my own heart; Captain John Lappo, USAF, flew a Strategic Air Command Boeing RB-47E Stratojet UNDER the Mackinac Bridge in 1959! At its highest point under the main span, the bridge is 115 feet above the water. The RB-47 itself is 28 feet high and was flying at about 75 feet, leaving only 12 feet above Lappo’s aircraft!When asked why he did it, Lappo said, “It’s just a sense of adventure that some men have and some don’t.”Lappo was court-martialed for the stunt and permanently removed from flying status, though he remained in the Air Force, served… Read more »
Well I have once again missed the Flora-Bama Mullet Toss for 2024……Bummer 😉
It’s been dry here with little chance for rain through this week. The Weather Guessers were showing the map this morning and that big front sitting on the Mississippi between Louisiana and Mississippi will peter out by the time it gets here. They’re showing 30% & 40% for Tuesday but I don’t believe it for a minute, this ain’t my first rodeo. We need a 80%-90% chance to insure we’ll get any rain.
Time for a make you smile moment, out of Huntsville Alabama; Moms Welcome Babies Named Johnny Cash and June Carter at Same Alabama Hospital on Same Day “We want them to keep in touch. It’s too big of a coincidence not to,” June’s mother Sophie Clark said of the two newborns.Both members of one of country music’s most famous couples were accidentally honored on the same day in an Alabama hospital!Moms Sophie Clark and Nicole Davis each gave birth on April 10 at Huntsville Hospital for Women & Children in Huntsville, and coincidentally named their respective babies after June Carter and… Read more »
If we had heavy storms, i slept thru them. I’ll have to go check my analog rain gauge in a bit.
My @ 5:24 AM, I know all the men in the pictures and why they’re in the line-up but what exactly did LeBron James do, other than get in the bed with China?
These men have destroyed,…….
Monday again and I have a busy week but we’re have more fine weather, we just need a little rain.
Mornin’ Gang