Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler
“Hitler remained to the end a socialist”; the Führer “was totally irreligious and” wanted to hang the Pope in St Peter’s Square.”
The guys who run the No Pasaran website from France are celebrating their 20th year of writing great conservative content from the Continent. This is a large posting rich with plenty of referential links. The Huge Myth of Fascism being the vision, the raison d’et of the Right cannot be debunked enough because this pernicious lie persists in academia, politics and Western culture.
First though comes the eminent historian Paul Johnson’s book, Modern Times: A History of the World from the 1920s to the 1990s.
There is much to learn from Paul Johnson’s history of the 20th century, not least the appalling truth about the “Republican” camp during the Spanish Civil War; some unpalatable facts about FDR and his “vanity … compounded by an astonishing naivety”; and, most importantly, the many ways in which the autocrats of the left (Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc…) and of the right (Hitler, Mussolini, Pétain, etc…) inspired, complemented, and even conspired with, one another.
Much of what we have learned turns out to be myths. What explains the rise of rightist fascism, and how does it differ from leftist communism? According to Paul Johnson, there isn’t much difference at all, and the reason for its rise in Europe was the genuine shock, by the general population as well as by the Left itself, over the disastrous results of Lenin’s communist revolution in Russia, as much on an economic level as on a humane level. To counter the ruin and the atrocities of international socialism, the Left in Europe invented and turned to national socialism. (Vielen Dank für den Instalink, Kamarad Gail Heriot…)
Also fascinating is the thread that runs through the book, by which the expansion of the State in general and the appearance of “gangster statesmen” in particular took place in the wake of the disappearance of religion and moral absolutes in public life.
Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin
Perhaps the most interesting regarding Modern Times (A History of the World from the 1920s to the 1990s) is that efforts by the Left to link Hitler and the Fascists with the Right’s (and/or with the bourgeoisie’s) religion and capitalism are the complete opposite of the truth. Not only were the Nazis and il Duce die-hard (even Karl Marx-quoting) socialists (in Hitler’s case, a Leninist, according to Paul Johnson, and, in Mussolini’s, virtually a Marxist), but the Germans engaged in “attacks on Christianity” and der Führer — who was simply “a race-socialist as opposed to a class-socialist” — had plans for the Pope to “be hanged in full pontificals in St Peter’s Square.”
and this,
… Christianity was content with a solitary hate-figure to explain evil: Satan. But modern secular faiths needed human devils, and whole categories of them. The enemy, to be plausible, had to be an entire class or race
… The new anti-Semitism, in short, was part of the sinister drift away from the apportionment of individual responsibility towards the notion of collective guilt — the revival, in modern guise, of one of the most primitive and barbarous, even bestial, of instincts
… German anti-Semitism, in fact, was to a large extent a ‘back to the countryside’ movement … Unlike Marxism, which was essentially a quasi-religious movement, German anti-Semitism was a cultural and artistic phenomenon, a form of romanticism
… Paul de Lagarde preached a Germanistic religion stripped of Christianitybecause it had been Judaized by St Paul, ‘the Rabbi’
… Hitler was totally irreligious and had no interest in honour or ethics. He believed in biological determinism, just as Lenin believed in historical determinism. He thought race, not class, was the true revolutionary principle of the twentieth century, just as nationalism had been in the nineteenth. He had a similar background to Lenin.
this as well,
… It was Stalin who pointed the way to Hitler
… Under the influence of Stalin, the German CP made no real distinction between the Social Democrats (‘Social Fascists’) and Hitler. Their leader, Ernst Thälmann, told the Reichstag on 11 February 1930 that fascism was already in power in Germany, when the head of the government was a Social Democrat
… Blinded by their absurd political analysis, the Communists actually wanted a Hitler government, believing it would be a farcical affair, the prelude to their own seizure of power
… The events immediately preceding Hitler’s accession to power are curiously reminiscent of Lenin’s rise albeit the first used the law and the second demolished it — in that they both show how irresistible is clarity of aim combined with a huge, ruthless will to power
… It had taken Hitler less than five months to destroy German democracy completely, about the same time as Lenin. Not a soul stirred.
Read the whole thing. Follow the links.
I read Modern Times by Paul Johnson (originally published in 1985) almost 30 years ago. You should too. It’s a phenomenal book.
No surprise the criminal enterprise, joined@thehipparties sinate voted 79-18 for the 95 billion lets more Ukrainians killed bill and more Americans via open borders.
goodbye mr Haney.
you kabuki theatre days are over.
Nice knowing ya but no pull of the lever from me for you in November.
no more scare tactics from the groupofCons party.
they need to lose very bigly in 2024.
only voting for Trump and local races. No dc groupofCons.
Voyager 1 is still live and kicking. Amazing.
We can only hope this comes true:
Smart dog. Then walked away like nothing happened.
They know where you go, when you go, when you leave and how fast you drive – 24/7/365 forever. Connected vehicles now appear to be on the table as a new vector for government surveillance. On Saturday, President Joe Biden signed a bill that reauthorizes Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after the Senate passed it late on Friday (60-34). The bill saw overwhelming support from Democrat legislators and sufficient Republican backing to be pushed through. Any amendments floated that were intended to shield American citizens from getting scooped up in the net without the government first procuring a… Read more »
Wine recommendation. Great bang for the buck.
Agua de Piedras Malbec, Mendoza, Argentina. $13-15 everywhere.
Those deer probably like your little back yard. It’s protected, quiet, secluded, with 2 exits.
RE: Dexter Taylor’s arrest on gun charges. I want to point out something very suspicious here. Taylor, a 52-year-old New York native and a software engineer, discovered the world of gunsmithing years ago. He decided to take it up as a hobby and possibly turn it into a business later. However, when a joint ATF/NYPD task force discovered he was legally buying parts from various companies, they opened up an investigation that led to a SWAT raid and arrest. Taylor reportedly never fired any of the weapons. He was interested in building them and never gave or sold a weapon to… Read more »
Hilarious wildlife episode. Her Highness called me all hysterical over a doe calmly sunning herself outside our back door off the patio. HH went out there and yelled and threatened the deer who just ignored her. When I got home, HH said the doe got up and walked over to a small ornamental tree in the corner of the yard and started munching on it. For some reason, this upset the 4 or 5 crows who come to eat here and they all flew over and started dive-bombing and pecking the doe on her rear. They completely ran her off… Read more »
After the usual pithy observations and discussions on Ukraine, Biden’s enthusiasm gap, and the double tiered DOJ, the C&C ends with what must be one of Hammy’s cousins taking care of business. Barefoot. With duck tape.
I listen to Antony Stine every morning (Catholic podcast), and Kennedy Hall when I can. The brain power of those two, especially Hall, is impressive. I caught one of Hall’s discussions on evolution, and I may put it up as an OC for later in the week. I found his discussion of pantheism vs. atheism vs. deism vs. Catholicism/Christianity very interesting. I want to catch the rest of Hall’s series on this topic.
I watered my garden this morning. Yesterday I made some arched supports for my pole beans and such. Already the plants are curling themselves on the new structures. It’s amazing how fast the plants can grow. I saw one more tub where I need to repeat my efforts. I watered with my compost tea, too, and I need to put some bT, aka “mosquito dunks,” in the bucket. Even though it has a lid, the skeeters get in there and have lots of babies. I opened the lid and had to jump back from the cloud of hungry bloodsuckers. I… Read more »
I watched an interview on the gun hobbyist’s trial story. He and his lawyer spoke with…Chris Salcedo?…on Newsmax. When I heard his story and what the judge said, I was absolutely floored.
Re: the one juror who voted guilty against Kelly I’ve told my story before, but it’s worth repeating here. I sat in on a jury for a very aggravated burglary, dang near a murder. The only reason it wasn’t murder was because the victim managed to escape when her captor went hunting for his buddy who had his gun. Long story short, it was obvious – EXTREMELY obvious – to everyone on the jury that the perp was lying. His story contradicted the timeline; i.e. “I was playing dominoes with my girlfriend’s family on their porch” at the time he… Read more »
We were watching some older movie last night and the guy had a stack of travelers checks he used while visiting Europe. Hadn’t thought of those things in years, what a pain. SD probly never used them, he’d just pull a wad out of his pocket to buy the plane.
You will simply not believe this. If the GOP was intelligent, which they are not, they would make a Second Amendment poster boy out of this man, Dexter Taylor. This story is even more illustrative of the corrupt, unconstitutional train wreck that is the New York judicial system occurring alongside the current Trump circuses. A Brooklyn man has been convicted of 13 weapons charges after having been arrested and charged in 2022 for building his own firearms. Dexter Taylor’s ordeal could become a landmark Second Amendment case in light of the Bruen ruling handed down in the same year. plus, Taylor, a 52-year-old New York native… Read more »
Is there any man surprised to hear this important medical news ? Is there any man that didn’t know this already ? For The First Time, Scientists Showed Structural, Brain-Wide Changes During Menstruation The constant ebb and flow of hormones that guide the menstrual cycle don’t just affect reproductive anatomy. They also reshape the brain, and a study has given us insight into how this happens. and, “These results are the first to report simultaneous brain-wide changes in human white matter microstructure and cortical thickness coinciding with menstrual cycle-driven hormone rhythms,” the researchers wrote. “Strong brain-hormone interaction effects may not be… Read more »
From the Crossword;
nudnik /noo͝d′nĭk/
FWIW; I’ve seen it before but it’s been so long I had to back almost all the way into it.
This is the pamphlet showing up on college campuses to promote riotous occupations of school facilities and advocating violent revolution in America.
It was written by Rawan Eid, a notorious West Coast, pro-Hamas activist and rabble-rouser. A former student at USC, she also uses the aliases, Rawan Tayoon and Rawan Masri. Not only was she president of the chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, she was also very active with the Young Democratic Socialists of America.
Here is a profile from the great folks at Canary Mission.
Here is Rawan Eid’s photo.
Speaking of loaning money, when my brother and I were in our early 20s that turkey came to me one Friday night saying he had this hot date. Man he was whining that he needed “just” $20 to take her out. Well me being the benevolent brother that I am gave him the $20. It kind of took me by surprise because Mark was one of these guys that always had money in his wallet. I was broke but hey he was my brother. That sucker took out his wallet to stuff the $20 and danged if he did not… Read more »
Hallelujah !
The DNC has turned into the biggest clown show on earth after the Fatboy in North Korea. Hillary Clinton has had so much Botox injected into her face she looks highly bloated. Then she has pancaked the makeup on so she looks ill. Hillary Clinton reveals the Left’s deepest desires.
I would never cheat you out of the money I owe ya. I know I got it. You know I got it, I would just turn it into as long term 0% loan.
I’ll gladly pay you next Tuesday if you will loan me $20 today.
Good morning gang. I slept in today, because I took the day off for Passover. I got out of bed and was unpleasantly surprised that the chunk of crud behind my left eye decided to start moving around again. I’m trying to flush it out with Systane Ultra eye drops.
In other news, both dogs are thrilled that I am still home and expressed same by mauling me with hugs, licks and jumps. It is hard to stay bummed out about anything when your dog(s) are so excited just to see you.
I carry cash, but not as much as I used to have. When I first came up here, I was living in a high rise and tipping was expected if you wanted things to run smoothly. I quickly learned to carry $60-$70 in ones and fives along with the regular twenties. I used to have at least $250-$350 in my money clip.
When my daughter was old enough to drive, I taught her to always carry a folded hundred dollar bill tucked away in her wallet – just in case.
The ultimate Cognitive Dissonance or is it Darwinism at work ?
Excellent meme from End Wokeness on X.
I never have any cash on me.
Yes there are still good people around, last year I dropped my phone in the HEB parking lot, didn’t know it till I got home. Went back and someone had turned it in. Several weeks ago my son dropped his wallet at the racetrack and it got hand delivered to our pit, even cash was still in there. God Bless ’em.
Bones?…GJT? Need some help here. 😉
BTW; Shannon, glad you got your Billfold back but did it have any money in it, before/after and how much? I’m old school so I always have cash in my pocket, I couldn’t do it any other way even if I wanted to. I never actually know exactly how much money I have at any given time but usually I have close to $1K of Bail Money + walk around money. SO! I got out my Billfold and counted just to see. Bail Money (big bills) $1160, Stash ($5’s for hotel/motel tips & $1’s for the Ice machine) $34 and… Read more »
First? Oh well, gonna be a great day starting off a little cool at 43 but we’ll hit 70 by noon and top out in the high 70’s.
Mornin’ Gang