Monday Open Comments

DEI just won’t DIE.

Schools Are “Rebranding” DEI, But It’s the Same Ideological Pig





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April 15, 2024 9:27 pm

And not buying refurbished or generic cat converters is very good advice.

Last edited 5 months ago by Shannon
April 15, 2024 9:26 pm

Your car is ten years old. If it’s over 100K miles, it’s not worth much anyway. You are indeed quickly headed to zero – I agree. But I would never dissuade you from keeping it since y’all know the car well, and have already spent a lot of money surviving a cracked block. And Hubby can still do some work… Read more »

April 15, 2024 9:11 pm

Sounds like WB got picked.

April 15, 2024 9:01 pm

I recommend the Toyota Sienna Minivan, when you’re ready.
Do not buy the Chrysler.

April 15, 2024 6:59 pm

Iranian citizens are praising the Israeli army and calling on the Jewish State to assassinate key ruling figures such as the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khameini, as Iran girds for a potential Israeli retaliation following an unprecedented missile and drone attack.Residents of Iran are expressing those sentiments via social media posts and subversive street graffiti, with many asking Israel to bring down… Read more »

April 15, 2024 5:11 pm

Murder trial.

Dude got dead due to a deadly weapon: a motor vehicle. Defendant is involved in that bedeading.

All I know now. I’ll add details next week after trial is over.

April 15, 2024 12:53 pm

Are you kidding me? Ercot has declared a power emergency because temps will hit the 80s across the state. Damn we are toast when it hits the mid 90s

April 15, 2024 11:00 am

I woke up this morning to a new shooting pain in my right shoulder. When I reached up to feel the shoulder, it didn’t seem right as if a bone was out of place compared to my left shoulder. A cursory search reveals “Acromioclavicular Joint” or AC joint and I apparently separated it yesterday during our spring outdoor cleanup marathon.… Read more »

April 15, 2024 10:33 am

Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the US, historian and author has written a column, Michael Oren: How Did the War Begin ? With Iran’s Appeasers in Washington It’s a brief and yet concise timeline of events that led to Hamas savagery and Iran’s homicidal arrogance. Highly recommended. Others might cite Israel’s willingness to play by the mullahs’ rules, retaliating… Read more »

April 15, 2024 10:02 am

A point I haven’t seen anyone make. Saudi Arabia leaked they were getting ready to announce normalizing relations with Israel 2 or 3 days before Hamas started the massacre in Israel. The Saudis withdrew the offer or at least postponed it. It was reported on Thursday Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, was entering formal talks to normalize relations… Read more »

April 15, 2024 10:00 am

HEADLINE: HOLY CRAP: Joe Biden Approved Iran’s Assault on Israel ‘Within Certain Limits’
Biden is a backstabbing, evil, corrupt, scumbag on his best day. He is evil to his core and hell can not claim his soul fast enough for me. Netanyahu would be very wise to understand just how treacherous Biden is.

April 15, 2024 9:52 am

Biden’s goons are letting millions of creeps, punks, terrorist and thugs into America and giving them money and documents. They are coming from China, hostile Arab countries and destitute Latino nations. The one place near our shores where innocent people are suffering under an evil, corrupt Communist tyranny is Cuba. I have sympathy for any refugees from that hellhole, but… Read more »

April 15, 2024 9:38 am

We mailed a check to the local water company 8 days ago. They claim they have not received it. According to Google Maps, it’s a 44 minute walk or 14 minute ride on a bicycle to the water company office from our house. I’m convinced slow-walking the mail is part of a federal conspiracy to force the public to accept… Read more »

April 15, 2024 9:30 am

We got sworn in 30min ago. Nothing has happened since. This is fun.

April 15, 2024 8:54 am

BSue is coming along nicely. She is walking with a walker for the time being, using her pedal machine 4-6 times a day. We start our walking regimen after the visit with the doctor. She starts physical therapy with a therapist this week. We are sleeping on our recliner couch to keep her foot elevated while sleeping. I will be… Read more »

April 15, 2024 8:49 am

Anybody gotten tagged for Harris County jury duty lately? They went from that huge “assembly room” to this dump of a room with the most uncomfortable seats they could find. Now they have this new “jury assembly” building. What is noteworthy about this building is the new process for simply getting to the assembly rooms (there are four of them).… Read more »

Super Dave
April 15, 2024 8:25 am

Can you say brilliant? Check out this shooting bench. 😉

April 15, 2024 8:18 am

Victor Davis Hanson and a concise summary of ten blunders of the Biden Administration. If any R did such things, the Rs in the country would rise up and declare said person guilty of treason and demand his removal at a minimum. Biden and his controllers belong in GITMO for deliberate actions against the interest of America.

Super Dave
April 15, 2024 8:15 am

How about that? Ole Sarge has 5K+ subscribers on his “Bannerman’s Camp” site over yonder.
Oh and Mornin’ Gang

April 15, 2024 7:59 am

Mornin’ peeps. Nice to have the place back to ourselves after having company for the past week.

April 15, 2024 7:43 am

Amazing: John “Lumpy” Fetterman takes the strong pro-Israel side when it comes to Iran. He is a loose cannon on their side, but he might actually be in the process of being red-pilled as he continues to recover from his stroke.

April 15, 2024 6:48 am

Lying liars gotta lie. One can not make a Marxist change his ways; the only way to be rid of Marxist ideology is to drag said Marxists out of the classroom, off the campus, and away from a microphone.