Thursday’s Goldman Moment Open Exchange


If I were as smart and could write as well as my intellectual hero, David P. Goldman, I would be a better and richer man.

Like the Nazis, Islamist terrorism weaponized horror to demoralize the West. Christianity has a soft underbelly: It struggles to reconcile belief in a God who so loved the world that He sacrificed Himself for its salvation with the suffering of innocents. That was the nub of Voltaire’s attack on theodicy after the Lisbon earthquake killed 12,000 in 1755, as well as Ivan Karamazov’s protest that “if the sufferings of children go to swell the sum of sufferings which was necessary to pay for truth, then I protest that the truth is not worth such a price.”

The post-Christian world, which eschews the mystery of Divine Providence in favor of a squeamish urge for earthly salvation, is all the more vulnerable to the theater of horror. The post-Christian West has become paralyzed by the fear that the world is beset by forces hostile to humankind, which J.R.R. Tolkien called “the black breath.”


The Muslim world said nothing when between 9,000 and 40,000 civilians died in the 2016-17 campaign against ISIS in Mosul. That involved Muslims (the Iraqi Army with American support) killing Muslims. But Gaza is not merely a slaughter but also a humiliation, the reduction of Hamas, and the displacement of most of the Gaza population. Muslims can accept Muslims killing Muslims, but they can’t abide Jews humiliating Muslims.

plus these depressing numbers,

Support for Israel among American Christians varies with religious commitment: Committed evangelicals and conservative Catholics were steadfast supporters of the Jewish state—until recently. “As of late 2021, only 33.6% of young Evangelicals under 30 support Israel, compared to 67.9% in 2018. At the same time, in 2021, 24.3% of young Evangelicals said they support the Palestinians, compared to only 5% three years before,” according to a recent book by Motti Inbari and Kirill Bumin cited by The Jerusalem Post.

and this one,

Religion and its carrier wave, traditional culture, offer mortal individuals the hope that some trace of their personhood will survive their physical demise. Whether one expects an eternal reward singing psalms in heaven, or hopes to live on in the hearts of one’s countrymen, the prospect of immortality is what makes mortality tolerable. Of all living creatures, only human beings are sentient of their mortality. “Death is a mocking fate which awaits us all, a trauma of human helplessness which disturbs our existential serenity. It is an absurdity which undoes all of man’s rational planning, his dreams and hopes,” wrote R. Joseph Soloveitchik about the parah adumah, the purification ritual for contamination from a human corpse.

much more to read beyond this,

Nietzsche’s “horrors of existence” haunt the post-Christian world, which has rejected the past and abandoned the future by refusing to have children. It can find purpose only in the concoction of identity in the present, and it does this with the obsessiveness of religious fanatics. That is what explains such anomalies as “Queers for Palestine,” a label that first appeared in a 5,000-person march in Berlin in 2019. At a Jan. 6 event near Wellesley College, “Transgender Palestinian poet and activist Yaffa … queer Palestinian-American performance artist Juliet Olivier, and queer Palestinian-American author and activist Hannah Moushabeck spoke about how indigenous peoples around the world were queer before colonists brought homophobia to their societies.”




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Dr phil Good-E=1984
April 11, 2024 6:26 pm

I quit watching Senator Kennedy’s questioning mayorkas when he said that senator lankford and the Kentucky Swamp Turtle both of whom negotiated the so called immigration bill were good men.

these jokers could’ve shut the border long ago and especially could’ve when Trump was president but they dod nothing.

more kabuki from the critters who like to put sooki in your dookie.

the HoF is a criminal enterprise masquerading as a government.

Last edited 11 months ago by Dr phil Good-E=1984
April 11, 2024 4:21 pm

This latest officer involved shooting – the MSM conveniently leaves out the fact that the perp shot 11 times at the cops – and fired first – before the police returned fire and killed him.

If the dude had just cooperated when pulled over, this would not have happened.

April 11, 2024 4:19 pm

Those dogs were just exhibiting unadulterated joy. Made me smile!

The engine light never went out on my car, so Hubby has more work to do….

April 11, 2024 3:34 pm

Very strange. Wagonburner’s 11:08 keeps getting moved to the top of the page.

April 11, 2024 3:31 pm

Picked up my taxes just now. And the first quarterly is due Monday.
That’s what you call a double-whammy to the checking account.

But since my income unexpectedly took a shot to the groin last year I’m getting a refund for the first time in years.

April 11, 2024 2:52 pm

New knee seems to be working pretty well – coming up on time for my next Exercycle session (regular PT doesn’t start til Monday) … but the nerve block is still on board… Thank You Jesus

Super Dave
April 11, 2024 2:49 pm

Police Slowly Escort White Hearse Containing O.J. Simpson. LOS ANGELES, CA — Mourners and curious onlookers alike gathered along the 405 freeway in Southern California to bear witness as Los Angeles Police vehicles slowly escorted a white Ford Bronco hearse containing O.J. Simpson.The procession, which traveled at a low speed with law enforcement working to prohibit any other vehicles from getting on the freeway, allowed onlookers to have one final chance to see Simpson being followed by police officers.“One last time, for old time’s sake,” said one witness who watched the white Bronco roll by followed by dozens of police… Read more »

April 11, 2024 2:48 pm
Last edited 11 months ago by Shannon
April 11, 2024 2:43 pm

Espanola, Ontario is not far from where TW grew up. She grew up on Manitoulin Island just south of Espanola.

April 11, 2024 2:21 pm

We met this morning with the accountant who is doing our taxes. All was done except incorporating a few small items we brought with us. We do the signatures tomorrow morning, and it is ready to submit to the Feds. The accountant emails it in. At last I can scrape up the piles of paper and find the top of the desk again. The best thing is to safely put the tax return copy away in a cabinet. Accountant says we shall receive a small refund on the taxes. Much better than having to write a check. We shall celebrate… Read more »

April 11, 2024 1:55 pm
Super Dave
April 11, 2024 1:02 pm

“Miss Moneypenny,” Dissatisfied with the yields of babysitting jobs, Lois Ruth Hooker set her sights on something more lucrative and landed her first job working as a waitress at Canada’s largest and most luxurious summer resort, Bigwin Inn, on Bigwin Island in Lake of Bays, Ontario. During World War II, she ran away from home, aged 15, to join the Canadian Women’s Army Corps, a unit formed to release men for combat duties. CWAC personnel were secretaries, vehicle drivers, and mechanics, who performed every conceivable noncombat duty. Maxwell quickly became part of the Army Show in Canada. Later, as part… Read more »

Super Dave
April 11, 2024 12:58 pm


Last edited 11 months ago by Super Dave
April 11, 2024 11:08 am

Maybe the Goldman family will get better results suing the estate.

April 11, 2024 10:13 am

Hubby has hopefully fixed my car, and I must drive it for a while to see if the engine light returns. Check in later.

April 11, 2024 10:04 am

I’m pretty sure it is illegal to have passengers in a towed trailer in Texas – which I think is smart. I’m having trouble finding the specific statute.

Some states do allow it.

Super Dave
April 11, 2024 9:03 am

BTW: Did you see the “Bigot” at a Chick Fil A in Hotlanta?
Somehow the black folks seemed to like him…..Huumm

Super Dave
April 11, 2024 9:00 am

Daughter sent me this since she’s a camper. Darwin Award Winner? New York pediatrician’s daughter says Airstream trailer had ‘safety oversight’ in fatal mishap: report. Monika Woroniecka was traveling north to see solar eclipse with her family when she was flung onto highway trying to close her trailer’s door. The daughter of a Long Island pediatrician who was fatally flung from an Airstream over the weekend said a “significant oversight” in the trailer’s design contributed to the tragic accident.Horrified motorists saw Dr. Monika Woroniecka, 58, cling for dear life to the door handle of the family’s trailer before she lost… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by Super Dave
Super Dave
April 11, 2024 8:55 am

Checking in a little late. It’s bright and sunny here after yesterday’s rain and we managed 2.8″ of rain total so we’re happy with that but most of the rain was in north Florida and SW Georgia.
Mornin’ Gang

April 11, 2024 8:47 am

I wonder when a real court case finally gets to argue about the real science behind the lie of man made climate change? IN the 70s it was global cooling, in the mid 80s it was the ManBearPig Al ‘crazed sex poodle’ Gore whining about global warming (which did not happen) and now since the 20 teens it has been ‘climate change’. Calling it ‘climate change’ was really them throwing in the towel because then every weather anomaly could be blamed on climate change.
Can someone name a period when there wasn’t climate change? Beuller, Beuller??

April 11, 2024 7:56 am

Good morning, Bonecrusher

April 11, 2024 7:43 am


April 11, 2024 6:33 am


spoke about how indigenous peoples around the world were queer before colonists brought homophobia to their societies.”

What a bunch of crapola. The same crapola that insists all the native Americans were at peace with nature and with each other prior to the white man invading the continent.

Good morning y’all

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