I think this says it all..
We supposedly have "full employment" and a record number of jobs, but 1 in 8 families won't be able to make minimum payments on things like credit cards in the next three months.
If it's this bad right now, what happens when a recession hits and people get laid off. https://t.co/i4jEuz5NuP
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) April 8, 2024
Still raining here but it’s just about over. We managed 2.49″ as of right now with the last half inch coming in about 3 hours, slow and steady a good rain. It was breezy before the rain but when it started the wind just died and hasn’t been back. Odd!
Good to hear that Bsue is home recovering. I hope the rehab goes good, from what I understand if you do it right it’s not too but but if not it takes forever to get back on your feet.
Does the Squawkster have good running shoes? Because he’ll be running for two for a while. Here’s hoping that BSue has a swift, complete, and relatively painless recovery.
Praying for smooth recovery BSue!
Welcome home, sweet BSue.
Great for her to be back home and learning how to best navigate throughout the house. Lots of rest time is needed at first in between moving around times with the walker. It takes a while to learn how to best command the walker, slowly while doing that.
The physical therapist will be a really big help at this stage.
As for you, Squawk, you will be busy helping her while she regains her strength. It comes slowly at first, so not to be discouraged. 🙂
The lovely BSue is home with me. She has officially joined MHarper and Ms Adee in the bionic knee(s) club. She is doing as well as can be expected. Thas all the news I got.
When you read this at Post Millennial, there is no other conclusion than to throw out every goddamned member of Congress and try, for once, to get decent people in that rathole. Former President Donald Trump has urged for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to be killed, coming as legislation to reauthorize the controversial act that allows for the warrantless spying on Americans is moving to the House floor for a final vote this week, including a carve-out in the bill for members of Congress.“Kill FISA, it was illegally used against me and many others. They spied on my campaign,” Trump wrote. and, Rep. Thomas… Read more »
Shejack is claiming that Republicans are “lusting after stupid” because of course! she merely misspoke on her incoherent scientific explanation. That she really meant to say “sun” instead of “moon”.
Still ridiculously, guffaw-inducing, wrong. And there’s more than just the viral clip. Her stupidity was paraded for about five whole minutes. You’ve gotta see Matt Walsh dissect her statements, hope this link works:
OMG strikes again:
BREAKING, INSIDE THE FEDERAL RESERVE: Hidden Camera captures Principal Economist @federalreserve
talking about Jerome Powell’s legacy as “somebody who held the line against like, Trump.” The influential agency responsible for maintaining a stable monetary system appears to not just be establishing interest rates, but to be setting policies for desired social outcomes.
I’m watching Michael Knowles, and he’s reporting Bukele (El Salvador) is offering 5,000 free passports, 0% taxes and tariffs on moving business assets into the country – to businessmen, scientists, doctors, artists, and philosophers. The kind of people that will positively impact their society, but in such a small number that they can afford to allow them in for free and help them set up shop. In numbers that won’t dilute their culture.
Smart. Smart, smart, smart. Focus on the national interest and advance the common good of the host country. Unlike our open gate policy.
I was following this local Houston story with some confusion because the reporting was so poorly presented. Finally, the New York Post picked it up and explained the situation. It’s crazy! A local thug gets shot and killed by a bystander who witnesses him robbing a gas station customer at the gas pump. But it turns out to be a Fake Robbery! What is a fake robbery, you ask? Well, the U.S. Government has a special visa program for illegal immigrants who are victims of certain crimes and who also suffer mental stress from the crime. So, these so-called victims… Read more »
Since the entire U.S. government and propagandist media operate much like a criminal enterprise I suggest a name change.
The HoF.
The internal Democrap memo on abortion initiatives in the upcoming election cycle. h/t CFP
I find the term “reproductive rights” to be totally cringeworthy. There’s no “reproduction” involved, since the reproductive process is interrupted.
It’s ‘murder rights’.
The unpowdered shell pieces are getting spread on top of the garden soil as a deterrent to slugs and other soft-bodied bugs.
I’ve been on and off the crutch patrol these last few weeks, and this morning had me using the walker. After about 10-15 minutes, though, things get better. I’m still on the NSAIDS, and that’s probably helping. I needed to exercise, so onto the treadmill while I felt pretty good, got in 1 3/4 miles before I decided to stop before I hurt myself. That was about 30 minutes, which was my goal this morning. So, hearing Bonecrusher’s voice in my head, I’m at the computer with a cold pack strapped on my back. I did make a tour of… Read more »
Russia getting frisky, probably because with a meat puppet as president, there are no consequences. According to the C&C, Russia accuses Burisma of being behind terrorism and further strengthens its friendship and alliance with China. Also, the mRNA ghouls are now pushing a “personalized cancer vaccine”. Well, they got away with it once already…. Speaking of mRNA, new studies regarding the “excess mortality” and “unexpected (turbo) cancers” among the young are not the only worry. There’s also premature aging to worry about: I’m sure it was completely unrelated, but the New York Post also ran a cancer story yesterday, this… Read more »
Just getting to the blog, so forgive me if someone else already posted this:
The more I read about this Millei guy, the head of Argentina, the more I like him.
I tried to watch the Tucker interview but couldn’t finish it.
Boom and there it is. Only twenty though ??? An undercover video from Sound Investigations reveals former FBI employee and contracting CIA officer, Gavin O’Blennis claiming that there were at least 20 FBI agents in the J6 crowd. O’Blennis also revealed that the agency was behind the lawsuit brought by Sandy Hook families against Alex Jones. In the end, he said, the agency got what it wanted: to “take all his money.” The new report from Sound Investigations is with O’Blennis was recorded on March 15, 22, and 28. O’Blennis told the undercover journalist that he had been an employee with the FBI and that he is… Read more »
I agree with Stephen Green about Tucker Carlson’s lame interviewing skills. As impressive as some of his monologues have been, he falls flat on the interview scale. Here Carlson clumsily reveals his deep animus towards Jews and Israel, something I find strange given his upbringing in the Episcopal Church. But his interview on Tuesday with Reverend Munther Isaac was so much worse than merely glib or incurious.Carlson chose to interview Isaac to find out how the Jewish State of Israel treats Christians. Isaac is a priest who neither lives nor works in Israel and who uses the loaded phrase “Occupied… Read more »
NYC mayor Eric Adams and friends went berserk over this ad.
In the 20th century, the United States vied with the Soviet Union for space supremacy. Now, in the new century, America has a different rival — China — and a key battle is already brewing in the critical area of satellite navigation (satnav). Right now, the U.S. is falling behind.While GPS was once the undisputed king of satnav (and a key instrument of American soft power), it now has a growing list of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) competitors – from China’s BeiDou to the European Union’s Galileo, Russia’s GLONASS and even India’s regional system, NavIC. plus, While China and the EU… Read more »
I’m seeing reports of storm damage in y’all’s area Katy specifically, did anyone get wind damage?
I am now the liaison between my Catholic Daughter’s group and Father’s rosary apostolate center. I have my first meeting with them on Friday. I have no idea what’s going to be required of me, but it’s all for the Lord so it’s all good.
I’ve been writing about Samantha Power now for about 17 years. I wrote several biographical columns about her and her BFF, Robert Malley, recently fired as special envoy for Middle Eastern affairs. She is a despicable, duplicitous Jew and Israel hating creep. The Deep State and the International Coalition of War-Mongers love Power as she writes books about the horror of genocide while it swirls around her. She held the Ambassador to the UN position under Obama and now runs the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for Biden, treating it like her personal bank account to reward jihadis… Read more »
WASHINGTON — Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) stunned attendees at a high school solar eclipse event Monday by claiming the rock-solid moon is a “planet” that is “made up mostly of gases” — before adding she still wants to be “first in line” to learn how to live there. The former top Democrat on the House Science Committee’s space subcommittee badly botched elementary lunar facts while speaking during the gathering at Booker T. Washington High School in Houston. “You’ve heard the word ‘full moon.’ Sometimes you need to take the opportunity just to come out and see a full moon is that… Read more »
NFL Refs prep for next season by staring at the eclipse. ~Babylon Bee
Well that storm is headed this way should be here by about 3 PM. I do hope we get the 2″-3″ of rain predicted but it’ll be moving fast so we’ll see.
Mornin” Gang
Barry Texas photo belongs to S. Haas
Oh yeah Firsticus
BSue is all prepped for knee replacement. She looks funny up on the car lift