If you don’t believe this is a war for the souls of America’s children or that culture is upstream from politics, as Andrew Breitbart said, then you haven’t been paying attention. As they say…
New York Magazine’s latest cover story is an essay by critic Andrea Long Chu, who makes the moral case for the right of anybody, at any age, to change their sex.
The article is here for your edification in the dark arts of Leftist ideology and paganism.
Also, for further informative expertise, please check out this American influencer, Sarah Durham Wilson, leader of some cult which will, no doubt, come to some deadly, unsavory end.
She is like some 1960s hippie follower of Timothy Leary permanently damaged by too much LSD.
Sarah Durham Wilson and why all Zionist, lovers of Israel, are Rapists with a capital R.
Watters has a great breakdown of the Hur/documents hearing.
Shannon, I’m really glad you’re having a good time at the game. I had planned to go to some high school games a few years ago, and just never got around to it. Somehow I think the half time shows would make me a little nuts, since I much prefer straight military marching, and most schools do this fancy-dancy run amuck around the field drum and bugle corp crap. Flags. /facepalm/ We used to be able to wow the crowd with precise lines, sharp turns, wowza patterns, and incredible march music. My favorite music for marching was “Strategic Air Command”.… Read more »
Cold hotdog is the bomb!
2-0 Brahmas. Top of the 4th.
Couldn’t have picked a finer evening to be at a baseball game. Sun is setting. The lights are on. The field is beautiful. Cool, sometimes gusty, southeast breeze blowing in from centerfield.
Just this side of heaven. 🙂
Ten days ago, I stopped eating carbs, mostly breads, which are my big weakness. Oh, and potato chips. I don’t eat sugar either.
Nothing happened for a week except I started losing that wheat belly bloat.
Now after ten days, I’ve lost 4.5 pounds. All I need to do to get to my target weight is lose 12 more pounds.
The last high school baseball game Shannon and I attended was the State 3A Championship at Disch-Falk Field in Austin. It’s one of the most beautiful small stadiums in America sitting on a hill off I-35 looking west back over the main UT campus. It’s the home field of the legendary Longhorn baseball dynasties.
Shannon @ 5:23 PM
Who in the world is that ? You’ve never told me that story.
Go Brahmas! Beat the hell outta Sealy!!!
I am noticing this week that Billy Cat has FINALLY started taking his daytime naps in my back yard. I’ve been feeding him 2 or 3 times a day for about a year, but he is still afraid of me getting too close to him. Just this week I’ve noticed he’s napping in a grassy area between the base of a big oak tree and a 6′ high flowered shrub — name of which I have forgotten,.What makes this spot fantastic is that I can see him from the big back windows — see his grey and white fur —… Read more »
Texpat has been on fire ever since I said that I can’t find any interesting content anymore.
Rock on, brutha.
I’ll worry about being embarrassed tomorrow. I’m going to watch baseball.
I am soon headed out to take in a high school baseball game…for the first time in 30 years.
Y’all behave.
KTRH reporting that 3rd party Presidential candidate Kennedy has narrowed his choices for running mate. Aaron Rogers and Jesse Ventura are on the short list.
Both of whom hail from the outer edges of reality, just in case you didn’t know.
I had a meeting with my CPA office today. The gal I usually deal with was away on medical leave because she managed to break her leg at her 50th birthday party several weeks ago.
I didn’t mind because her backup is an old friend whose father was in my parents’ wedding. Six years ago, when I dropped off our taxes, she presented me with a photo of the wedding party which she came across after her dad passed.
If Marvin was still alive today he would look really rough.
Two days in a row I have missed lunch due to meetings and other obligations.
Since I don’t typically eat breakfast, when I miss lunch it becomes a 20 hour fast.
Still no sign of belly fat melting away. But I do get kinda dizzy.
I really enjoyed the Tucker/Cuomo conversation.
In today’s C&C, (ignoring the Ukraine/Pope/media kerfluffle), this little gem appears:
Yes, the agency designed to protect our secrets and “manage disinformation” (how 1984 of them!) was hacked.
Liberals are why we can’t have nice things.
Finished the gardening for today. My plan was to do ONE tub today. Nope, got on a roll and refurbed three big tubs and five smaller planter pots (like nursery plant pots). Planted more of my asparagus beans, cucumbers (salad and pickling), arugula, frisee lettuce, malabar spinach, red bell peppers. Hubby asked me how many tubs I was going to work, and I counted: about fourteen more that need to be refurbed and planted. Not counting the smaller pots. Did 95% of it from a sitting position. It helps. I really want to have more paprika pepper plants, tomatoes, and… Read more »
If Marvin Zindler was still alive today every media outlet and government entity would be shut down due to all the slime in the lice machine.
Or, like, you know, a nut.
On top of the lies about Israel starving Palestinians, there is also the fraud about dropped US aid packages killing Gaza residents. They claim parachutes failed.
These were not aid drops via parachute from US planes.
RonRand Paul is right about this one. Dumb move by Trump.The Michigan 2024 Republican US Senate Primary is not until August 6th.
Why is Trump endorsing a Deep State hack like Rogers who used his perch at CNN to criticize him ?
There are 13 people running, one of whom is Mike Rogers, a former congressman, who spent 2016 through 2020 as a CNN voice bashing President Trump because, for one, he insulted people in the media.
BTW Abortion is the number one issue in the coming election, Except for Biden. Israel may be his Waterloo. The Muzzies (© BC) are threatening to skip him on the ballot, and sadly so are many “chrislams”.
Well take your BP pills, grab a brandy and a fine cuban cigar, Here is Caroline Glicks front page with 3 videos to justify that anger.
The History of Man 😀 H/T El Gordo
The UN, New York Times and The Guardian are all spreading incredible lies about Israel. The 27 year old morons pretending to be writers and editors at other organizations repeat these lies without question. Mere days after Israel was falsely accused of killing more than 100 Palestinians in a “strike” on crowds waiting for humanitarian aid in Gaza City, media outlets are once again promoting a vicious and unsubstantiated allegation: Israel is perpetrating a “campaign of starvation” against Palestinians.According to a statement signed by a group of so-called “UN experts,” “Israel has been intentionally starving the Palestinian people in Gaza since 8 October” and… Read more »
Hubby is used to getting up around 4:30 to make himself breakfast. Let’s just say that when I approached him around 8:00 a.m. to ask if he wanted something to eat, he didn’t have to say a word. His face said it all.
They’ve been after our kids for decades. It’s just picked up speed lately.
There are no words to describe how much I despise these people. U.S. President Joe Biden is reportedly attempting to force the “collapse” of the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the middle of a war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza and a potential war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. and, One Israeli expert frequently consulted by American officials says, “I have been asked by a serious administration figure what it is that will force the Netanyahu coalition to collapse. They were interested in the mechanics, what can we demand which will collapse his coalition.”In the event the new… Read more »
Came across this video tribute to Tony Snow.
What a class act that man was. He was born a few weeks before Shannon so he would have been turning 69 this summer.
Seems life would go easier as an ugly man vs an ugly wimmin.
Andrea Long Chu
I guess I should have included a photo of this vile demon…so HERE HE IS.
Also, this man is only 31 years old.
The Law
The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!
If this is true, it is a serious fact, and moral duty requires me to call the attention of my fellow-citizens to it.
~Frédéric Bastiat France 1848
There is a profile at Breitbart of this craven, depraved author of the NY Mag cover article. I debated for a while about including even a link, but here it is. It has some raunchy, deviant quotes from Chu. The Pulitzer Prizes embraced the transgender agenda in a major way this year by awarding transgender “woman” Andrea Long Chu with the prize for criticism, recognizing “her” book reviews that have appeared in Vox Media-owned New York magazine and its site, Vulture.But since the awards were announced this month, Chu’s win has spawned a growing backlash among women who have expressed both bewilderment… Read more »
More total insanity from the left and required reading but I’m not surprised. I’ll be sure to take time, after coffee to RTWDT.
It’s a chilly 39 here but we’ll hit the low 70’s by noon and have a fine sunny day. We’re getting to that time when we need the heater in the morning and the A/C in the afternoon. Not sure what I’ll be up to today but it will be a good day to be outside.
Mornin’ Gang