Y’all know I’m a fan of MercyMe. When I first heard this song, I thought it was a reflection of the lead singer’s triumph over his father’s abuse, being able to find not only forgiveness and love with his father, but also to become one of the world’s most incredible Christian singers. (See the movie “Imagine” to see what he had to overcome. Forgiving his father was one of the most difficult, yet most worthwhile things he achieved.)
I heard in an interview that the title was a dare: “You just SAY I WON’T…[do this, be able to do this, overcome…]. Then stand back and watch me do it.”
Then I saw the video. Oh. My. Word. Now I can’t hear the song without tearing up. It’s amazing that the last name is Miracle.
And the comments. Oh, good heavens, the comments. This band has helped so many people with their music.
I saw him straddle a dangerously deep ditch at full stretch. Had to reset several times.
I thought I was going to have a heart attack watching him.
I called him the Barishnikov of backhoe operators.
….and he was not a small man.
Here’s praying for relief for him.
My backhoe operator friend in Brenham…his knees held up pretty well, all things considered. He spent most of his career in the pre-joystick days. His shoulders were shot first.
Tedtam is his chair a recliner? If not, maybe he can use the ice chest to rest his leg on (and I am an advocate for alternating heat and cold – as long as elevate is in there as well)
We’re watching “Sue Thomas: FBI” on Tubi. The main character, Sue Thomas, is based on a real Sue Thomas who did, indeed, work for the FBI reading lips. It’s played by an actress named Deanna Bray. In the episode “Billy the Kid,” the character Sue meets a character named Deanna Bray while at a hospital. Yes, the character Deanna Bray in the show is played by the real life Sue Thomas. In their conversation, the [real Sue/character Deanna] says she’s always wanted to work for the FBI, but is an actress. The [real Deanna/Character Sue] replied that she always wanted… Read more »
Bones – I finally got Hubby to at least swap out heat/cold. I’m going to set him up with a small ice chest with bottles of ice to keep near his chair so he can switch the used cold pack for a cool one. He has all of his personal crap surrounding his chair right now, so finding/making space for the ice chest will be a challenge.
I have my clocks all reset. I used to really hate DST when I was working and/or driving to work. Now I don’t give a rip what time it is, regarding having to go anywhere.
TT, sorry to hear your hubby is in such pain, it sounds awful
Got two more tubs set up and planted. Hubby was passed out in his chair, heating pad on his knee and drugs in his system.
Hubby is finally using the walker; last night he was refusing it, I think just because he was hurting so much and ornery was the only response he could manage when I brought it out.
It looks like that if you want to insert a photo into a Comment, it must be accompanied by some text. Otherwise you get a Too Short warning.
Go to dashboard/comments find comment and delete there. Or humble yourself before me and kiss my signet ring and I will see. to it that the offending comment is deleted.
Good advice.
So how do I go back and delete a Comment. I have a bad link at 2:10.
France inscribes the right to abortion in its constitution as world marks International Women’s Day
While abortion is a deeply divisive issue in the United States, it’s legal in nearly all of Europe and overwhelmingly supported in France.
And Biden has declared ABORTION will propel them back to the White Person’s Domicile.
Patience is indeed a virtue. One can look at pretty wildflowers and enjoy them, even pick them and they will soon die. Or, o e could be patient and let the honeybees work and they could have honey. A bit more patience and a little work yields the far more desirable product: Honeyshine.
The page reloads every 60 seconds. Patience is a virtue and gets you reloaded comments.
Good Afternoon, Hamsters, A not exactly balmy 40 degrees showed up early this morning, downright cold. Winter is playing tag again. Made it to 64 sunny degrees with a light breeze warming up. We will be dining out for late lunch today at Olive Garden, our favorite place. It would seem that the Lame Streamers are in panic mode overdrive now that more “ordinary” citizens, you know the little guys, are speaking up and supporting Mr. Trump. And in their haste to prop up Mr. Biden any way they can, they stumble all over themselves and make the grievous mistake… Read more »
Morning, gang! I need to run some errands today, but not eager to get out in the cold air this morning…
11:58 dave
Innit that similar to a Luger action?
8:19 dave
Coulda been worse. They could be picking okra.
the dr’s prescription says take one then skip an hour.
Texpat recently mentioned the Lee Trevino commercial for Arthritis Pain Centers.
Nobody sounds more Texan than Lee Trevino.
Suppose they gave a war and nobody came.
suppose they said set your clocks forward and no one did.
I don’t.
but I do know it’s just another way for the totalitarian politicians to control the masses.
Re: Cotton blooms
I’ll never forget when I discovered the changing colors of cotton flowers.
You can’t see it from the road because the flowers are hidden by the leaves.
The bloom starts out pastel lemon-colored. Over time that bloom turns pink, and then to a full rose color.
At a certain stage you have all these different colored flowers.
This may not be of much interest for most of y’all but I think it is a neat idea for ladies and folks with weak hand strength that can’t rack a slide on a pistol. Girsan MC 14T Tip-Up™ Thanks to the Tip-Up™ design (no slide racking required) loading and firing the MC 14T is simple and quick, using very minimal moving parts to go from loading to firing. “With the Girsan MC 14T Tip-Up we wanted a handgun that was not only small and compact but also allowed people that may have issues with racking a slide the ability… Read more »
Remember Texas in 1913 was at its worst under attack from the boll weevil. Technology and a world demand for cotton products, however, could not offset the devastation of the boll weevil. Farmers first saw the ravaging effect of the weevil, which had spread northward from Mexico, near Corpus Christi during the 1890s. Within a few years, boll weevil damage affected crops throughout Texas and the Cotton Belt, the cotton-growing states of the Deep South. Farmers used calcium arsenate dust and other pesticides to reduce the damage from boll weevils and such pests as the pink bollworm. Some great history in this… Read more »
I am getting progressively accustomed to Comments appearing Newest First.
However it still isn’t automatic to keep my eyes open for View Replies. I wish that indicator was a different color.
8:19 Super Dave
That’s one sorry cotton crop.
Especially compared to the 1000 acres I love to watch each year in Brazos River bottom a couple miles from me.
I’ve refreshed this page half a dozen times this morning and Shannon’s 4:57 AM comment was not highlighted. I just refreshed again and it went blue.
Nebraska has some big ol’ corn-fed bruiser women out there.
Re: That young lady from Iowa University who broke Pistol Pete’s all-time collegiate scoring record
Iowa is facing powerhouse Nebraska for the Big Ten Championship on CBS right now. Might be fun to watch.
This is an architectural rendering of what the Taylor, Texas Samsung chip plant would look like. It appears Biden & Co have killed the deal and they will build it in South Korea.
Look at how many employees it would create.
Although I did link to The Hill piece mentioned, instead of the original article that you linked.
Well, no road trip. Hubby’s knee blew up big time last night and we ended up at the hospital. They have him some more powerful drugs, but hubby’s already talking about going back because they aren’t doing much. He doesn’t want to eat because he dreads getting out of his chair to use the bathroom. I tried to sleep on the couch in the living room, so I could be nearby if you needed me during the night. Finally around 5:00 or so this morning it looked like he was sleeping well enough that I could go back to my… Read more »
It is said this is now a refresh free site but sometimes it seems I do have to refresh.
Really? My entire comment is a blue hyperlink to an article.
This is the article Shannon mentioned last night without a link. No American MSM outlets are even carrying the story. Top microchip makers are postponing their expansion into the U.S. and setting up shop in Israel and Russia due to equity caveats that are required for them to receive grants from the U.S. government.The Biden administration promised earlier this year that they would be handing out $39 billion in grants to encourage semiconductor manufacturing in the U.S.Shortly after the announcement however, Intel announced they would be holding off on their Columbus factory, while Samsung also delayed their facility in Texas. Despite the billions in subsidies, two experts believe… Read more »
I am sure we can find absolution for your sin.
/Heh I had to do that too when I got my first MAC
Trump associates and campaign folks are livid over the Katie Britt response to the Biden SOTU.
Trump picked Vivek to deliver the response, but Mitch McConnell killed that and insisted on Britt, one of his favorites, according to this story. I’m not a fan of Laura Loomer, but this story seems to add up.
It was worse than disastrous according to Megyn Kelly and since I just saw it for the first time, I’m really stunned at how bad it is.
Who in the hell thought this was a good idea ?
Here is today’s White Privilege edition. Texas, 1913… Photographer’s Caption All these children five years, six years, seven years, nine years and two a little older, were picking cotton on H.M. Lane’s farm Bells, Tex. Only one adult, an aunt was picking. Father was plowing. Edith five years, (see preceding photo) picks all day. “Hughie,” six years old, girl, picks all day. Alton, seven year old boy picks fifty pounds a day. Ruth, nine years old, picks seventy-five pounds a day. Rob and Lee are about ten or eleven years old. The very young children like to pick, but before… Read more »
Well I woke up about 5 AM new time which was 4 AM old time so I decided to just get up and that would help me adjust to the new time. The atomic clock here in the office reset itself, not surprising but I was a little surprised that my weather station reset itself. But the stove and microwave are both stupid I had toe reset them.
Mornin’ Gang
Despite massive government subsidies available, Intel, Samsung, and others are backing out of planned chip factories in the USA due to DEI requirements.
I woke up in my chair at 1:45am. It was 59 degrees in my living room and my bare legs must have been turning blue. I was almost painfully uncomfortable.
For the first time, I was actually awake to move my two clocks forward at 2am. It was eerie and I’m pretty sure I felt the entire universe groan.
That Roy head video blew my mind.
What would happen if everyone decided not to set their clocks forward?
Michael Berry has talked about the Roy Head story over the years. IIRC he interviewed some of his peers and one of his kids.
Shannon @ 6:58 PM posting about Gene Watson reminded me of his old mentor, Roy Head.
Who here is old enough to remember Houston’s own Roy Head and the Traits ? I saw him in person.
This video of Roy’s white soul performance will blow even Dr Phil Good’s mind.
You really gotta watch this one.
Treat Her Right Now