The French Revolution began twelve years after the American Revolution.
America wanted to be independent and left alone to enjoy their liberty and managed to run the British back to their homeland.
The French went berserk and within 18 months they started murdering their own citizens. It was the onset of a seemingly never ending absurd drama of savage intrigue, bloodletting and general anarchy and chaos.
This is an article by a man using the pseudonym, Wolf Howling. It is heavily sourced and link-rich.
Christianity stands athwart neo-Marxists’ over-arching goal of creating an all-powerful government, free from any competing moral or ethical authority. Because America was founded on Biblical principles, neo-Marxists have to drive Christianity from the public square and uncouple America’s founding from its Judeo-Christian roots. The left’s latest effort has been to attack “Christian Nationalism.”
If you are a believing Christian or Jew, you are likely mystified about this newly made-up class of “Christian Nationalists.” According to Politico’s top reporter, Heidi Przybyla, it is a small subset of Christians—evil ones—who want to establish a theocracy. The defining characteristic of this subset of evil Christians is that they falsely believe that God Himself grants each person immutable rights to life, liberty, and property.
Przybyla was later aghast that anyone criticized her for this obscene and historically illiterate garbage.
Heidi is as pretty and articulate as she is ignorant and stupid.
Christianity was the unchallenged foundation of Western Civilization until the Enlightenment. Many of the Enlightenment’s greatest figures, particularly in the Anglo-American tradition, remained people of faith, such as the father of the Scientific Method, Francis Bacon (1651-1626), who “promot[ed] scientific experimentation as a way of glorifying God and fulfilling scripture.” Other Enlightenment figures, particularly in France, were radicals such as Denis Diderot; they embraced atheism and socialism, which proved to have dire consequences for humanity.
Ignorant Democrats will find the devotion to faith and religion of the Founders shocking, absolutely shocking, if they ever actually read American history.
Famously, in the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson invoked immutable, God-given rights to justify rebelling against a tyrant who violated those rights. Jefferson’s reasoning, and indeed, much of his verbiage, was lifted from John Locke. In the months before Jefferson penned the Declaration, Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that caused a sea change in the colonial embrace of revolution. He opened the pamphlet with religious arguments against the monarchy.
Ben Franklin, a man who was pivotal in the Christian evangelical movement’s rise in America, proposed in 1776 that the Great Seal of the United States should show Israelites escaping from Egypt as recounted in Exodus, with the motto “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God.” Jefferson liked that motto so much that he adopted it for his personal seal.
Looked like Katie was auditioning for the reboot Stepford wives movie.
this is who boehner Johnson and the Kentucky swamp turtle picked for the rebuttal?
the Hell?
what a joke.
Couldn’t make it to 10 minutes.
just another proof that the republicant’s don’t really wanna win when this is the best you got for a rebuttal of a horrendous wooden dummy speech.
mike Johnson wears his Christianity on his sleeve while his hands are in the collection plate behind the curtain.
that’s my take.
Katie Britt is an Army Brat (Fort Rucker) raised in Enterprise Alabama. She worked for Senator Richard Shelby for about 10 years before running for the Senate to take his seat when he retired.
Here we go again.
I’m so tired of being disappointed in the ability of the Republican Party to find someone who can respond.
I didn’t know they allowed the State of Alabama to have Senators.
Apparently one of them is delivering the official response…
Don’t forget speaker johnson just caved to this dummy guy and the NY Mayo stain on the CR. They should aptly name it a CCF because that’s what it is in reality a continuing cluster f_c_!
The SOTU Address summed up; May God have mercy on your soul.
Crap take #2
So, did anyone watch Trumps Live-blogging of the SOTU speech?
House republicant’s are worthless. the only way the border will be secured is if Trump gets elected and uses executive power to shut it. i knew speaker Mikey boehner johnson would never use the power of the purse to force the wooden dummy to the table. His plan all along has been to run out the clock just like the imbeciles before him. so from now until the election you can thank the worthless speaker and the rest of the can’ts for the 6 to 8 million that make it across the border before the election. no down ballot voting… Read more »
Pssst, Texpat.
What kind of speed did they inject him with?
Biden finally started talking about his Open Border
I really appreciate y’all staying up past your bedtime to watch the SOTU.
I only made it as far as a “British woman with a hamster.”
I have my limits.
Biden is late imagine that?
Not even Squawk can troll this one. It was a wheel-y sentimental trip.A British woman sent her beloved pet hamster to that spinning wheel in the sky by traveling more than 1,500 miles with his ashes on a tour of his favorite places.Lisa Murray-Lang, 47, carried Spud in a locket around her neck to visit the Louvre, Buckingham Palace, the Van Gogh Museum and countless other iconic European landmarks last year.Although the tiny rodent had never seen such sights during his lifetime, he knew a scaled-down version of them all too well.Spud ruled over a cardboard oasis filled with miniature replicas of… Read more »
Wonder how many drugs the wooden dummy will be pumped full of tonight.?.
High Wooden Dummy.
On the bright side, this is likely to be the shortest SOTU in recent history. Can’t keep the meat puppet up there for long. Maybe we should start a betting pool on the length of the event.
I’m going to be a church event, our quarterly speaker. Hearing about creation has got to be better than watching a meat puppet try valiantly to stay vertical, even with an afternoon nap and buckets of meds.
I need you folks to repeatedly hit that Like button for tomorrow’s OC. Make that Article Rating Balloon float off to nevernever land.
We just got back from Our Place for supper. I had the Big Bopper Burger with sweet tater fries and my wife got the double bacon cheese burger and fries so needles to say we brought some burger for Dawg, Oh and we had fried mushrooms for an appetizer. Good Stuff Maynard! 😉
I noticed on the TV schedule that Channel 4 CBS has the state of the union at 8 PM CST and Channel 18 ABC has the republican rebuttal in that time slot. Oh and Channel 4 bought out an old Televangelist station and they borrow the NBC feed from Channel 12 in Montgomery to air on that station so they also have the State of the union @ 8.
I’m outta here. I have to go find and cue up a SOTU movie.
And start supper.
Darn. You can’t troll anyone anymore.
My strong opinion is that both the Likes and the Article Rating Balloon need to die.
Until we have a thousand subscribers, anyway.
I’m glad my headline article post is back up to 5 now, after being reduced to a 4.5 earlier. ******************************************************* I go out and do some business and everything flies out of control. Biden and his Merry Band of Dipsh*ts have now decided to deploy tens of thousands of US sailors, Marines and Army engineering units to the far eastern Mediterranean in order to build a floating pier to supply “humanitarian aid” to residents of Gaza because the trucks coming through the Philadelphi Gate at Rafah just aren’t enough for Hamas to plunder. F***ing idiots are going to get our… Read more »
To follow up on Texpat’s recent report, Dr. Mercogliano report on the first murders of innocent mariners by the Houthis.
I just had to re-login.
I can understand new security measures.
But when I was asked to “Prove Your Humanity”
my first reaction was,
”Hey, mofo, I got your humanity hanging.”
Just heard congressman Andy Biggs say on Bannon’s show that Luntz McCarthy boehner Johnson got completely rolled by the Ny Mayo Stain and the wooden dummy in talks and believed everything they said. so he punted and gave up his leverage of the purse and securing the border. so on one hand he sends heartwarming tweets to the family of the college girl slain by an illegal alien in Georgia while on the other hand he actually had the power to stop things like that from happening again and he caved and cowered. I don’t call them republicant’s for nothing.… Read more »
Michael Berry’s very interesting comments on the How’s and Why’s we were able to primary 3 Court of Appeals incumbents this time.
It is only 7 minutes long.
I BEEN ROBBED Holy crap they stole the Brinks truck drivers pants.
Trump will be fact checking Joe’s speech in real time.

CFP said it’ll have the link.
I read where Mike Luntz McCarthy Ryan johnson said the bill contains some singles and doubles for the GoopeeCons but no homers.
thus this is where the can’ts live.
Extremely satisfied with occasional singles.
Does anyone know what was in the 460 billion CR that was passed by the speaker who said no more CRs? Was this his 3rd or 4th cr passed?
no demands for border security.
he’s a joke.
Mike McCarthy Luntz Ryan Johnson jr.
There is one way that I would watch.
If Dr. phil got to stand on the podium with a long-range paintball gun.
I mean, like, com’ on dude.
Even when he was 35, only a lunatic would want to listen to Joe for more than two minutes, much less an hour.
I am ready for the
gas lightSOTU speech.I done care who gives it, I don’t watch SOTU speeches.
It’s the largest gathering of scumbags in one room.
Mr. C. mentions testimony by a sheriff, who accuses DHS of facilitating prostitution across state lines. Here’s the clip:
And this:
The speech is shaping up as a blame game. Roll Call predicted Biden will complain about both Israel and Hamas, blaming both sides since they just can’t cooperate on a cease-fire to remove Gaza’s civilians out of range of Israel’s bombs. Biden will blame Republicans for the border, for Ukraine, and for inflation. Biden will blame Trump for destroying democracy. And Biden plans to blame toddlers for everything else that’s going wrong.
Yep, yep, annnnndddd…..yep.
Finally reading the C&C before getting on the treadmill, and Mr. C. starts off with “ Nikki won only Vermont and D.C. (which I’m starting to think stands for “Defective Citizens.”)
Had to agree, with a chuckle.
I can’t watch the state of the union. My BP meds don’t go up that high. If there were drinking involved I’d need a liver transplant at the very least.
The speech is nothing more than a list for Santa.
I made a bonehead run to the store, prompted by the fact that I was completely out of milk. With only ONE must-have, I figured I didn’t need a shopping list. T’was only after I got home and was putting away the items that needed to be in the fridge,that I noticed I wasn’t putting away any milk.
Well, I will survive and maybe try again tomorrow.
With a list!
O’Keefe goes to the judge’s gym.
I got my gardening in this morning and didn’t overheat myself. That’s good. I refurbed two big tubs and a few smaller ones, and got some more lettuce, beans and peppers planted. I put some asparagus seeds and paprika seeds into small starter pots. I really want to get some paprika peppers this year and make my own spice. Just because. My beans are taking off well, and I am eagerly awaiting my first pick. I wasn’t a big green bean fan until I got those asparagus beans. I’m putting some bush beans into some of the tubs to help… Read more »
If you want to make your own SOTU bingo cards, I have a few suggestions in addition to Squawk’s card suggestions: (1) Joe shakes hands with the air, (2) brain freeze moment (“Joe stares with mouth open?), (3) Joe mentions a convo with a dead person, (4) Amtrak memories, (5) “I’ll get in trouble,” (6) Beau Biden Memorial Moment, (7) fails to mention China or Iran, (8) blames Israel for Gaza problems, (8) “border is secure,” (9) blames the American citizens for problems, (10) use of the new “newcomer” euphemism for illegals.
Still looking. 😀
#1 issue this election………… ABORTION
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, is the first to announce his campaign to replace Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as the Senate’s Republican leader. The race for leadership will expose a weakness of Cornyn — his lack of support for Americans’ right to self-defense. “Every time gun control gains steam in Congress, Senator John Cornyn is right there working with Democrats on a ‘compromise,’” says Aidan Johnston with Gun Owners Of America. Unfortunately, Johnston is correct.Cornyn sponsored the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) and was responsible for negotiating the deal with Senate Democrats. “More than any other senator, Cornyn is responsible for shepherding the landmark legislation… Read more »
undermine democracy always = unbridled totalitariancrat power.
working on the steal 3.0.
Who will the usurping Kenyan’s wooden dummy blame first for all the country’s ills.
White Christian Nationalists
White Supremacist Christians
White Maga Nationalist Christians
every white person in the nation
or this fella?