White rural rage is the deadliest threat to democracy that democracy has ever been threatened by. Every day, rage-filled rural whiteys are lying in wait to destroy our way of life as we know it. Not good!
To help you recognize this terrifying new threat, here are 10 ghastly examples of white rural rage…
Protect yourself by memorizing these Twelve Clues to recognize raging rural Christian Nationalists. Your life could depend on it !
I’m sure the mumps breakout has nothing to do with the illegals entering without having THEIR vaccination records vetted. /spits
Yes, I’ve seen those but only on-line not where I could get my hands on one. Neat idea. Also I saw a set on a BMW once a long time ago.
Squack’s out there living on the edge.
I saw a link to Stephen Green at PJMedia about the voting fiasco for Kim Ogg. Green gets the story fairly accurate although I’m sure Shannon could write a much more informative piece. Green wrote about the danger of Soros DAs getting elected and then said his niece, Naomi Davis, was murdered by a multiple felony ex-boyfriend in Austin on January 2nd this year. The murderer was in jail in December on a illegal weapons possession charge with $100,000 bail. Naomi spent $17K on a lawyer who got his bail released to personal recognizance. She immediately broke up with him… Read more »
Hey, Squawk, look who liked my headline article.
Well, I’m going to have to reconsider my daily routine. I usually start out with coffee, Salcedo, and beads. Since I think I got some sunburn working in my garden this afternoon and had to keep stopping to avoid overheating, I may have to move gardening to the morning and beads to the afternoon. I can listen to Salcedo on Rumble over my phone while I’m getting dirty in the back yard. That didn’t sound right… I did, however, get all of my transplants into tubs and moved some seedlings to new homes. This involved refurbishing a few tubs, soooo… Read more »
You lie to your friends and I will lie to mine, but let us not lie to each other.
We here this crap every election.
Izzit me or does this blog theme look better on the phone than what we had?
Just lookin to see if I could post a picture from phone camera. Check off that bucket list item. Exciting life ehhh?
Also, remember that big blue boat they drug to Galveston way back when?
She’s all fixed up real purty and floating again.
Speaking of CFP…
Whatever became of the Drudge Report?
I guess they last pretty well on nice, smooth turf.
Those airless tires have been available for for telehandlers and other construction equipment for many years. They are very expensive, ride rough and do not last as long as you would think. Still, a comparable option with. foam filled and definitely better than air filled on debris covered construction sites.
Those Michelin mower tires are cool as hell. I bet they charge a fortune for them.
I was under the impression the guy who founded Citizen Free Press was younger, but he’s in his late 50s – probably 57 or 58. Here is a writeup on the guy whose pseudonym is Citizen Kane. There’s no mystery behind the success of the enigmatic Citizen Free Press conservative website. All it took was one obsessed news junkie toiling almost every waking hour for the past 1825 straight days curating right-wing content specially tailored to capture the MAGA zeitgeist. Today, a day after the site’s May 1 fifth anniversary, it’s clear that Citizen Free Press (CFP) has quietly emerged as a… Read more »
Super Dave
Have you seen these Michelin airless tires for John Deere mowers?
I just saw some in person.
Breaking… At least two people were killed and six wounded in a Houthi missile attack on a bulk carrier off the coast of Yemen on Wednesday, a US official said, marking the first civilian casualties in the rebel group’s campaign against commercial shipping in and around the Red Sea.A missile fired from Yemen caused “significant damage” to the Barbados-flagged, Liberian-owned vessel True Confidence in the Gulf of Aden, the official said.The ship’s “crew reports at least two fatalities and six injured crew members and have abandoned the ship”, the official added. Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed the attack in a statement on Wednesday night and named the True Confidence… Read more »
Good Grief.
The expert witness title is a joke. I’m very skeptical of all of them.
Okay, everybody, I want to know how many of you knew Frito-Lay Doritos brand had their own tranny spokescreature. Doritos has fired transgender activist Samantha Hudson, who appeared in one of the company’s promotional videos, following an outcry over Hudson’s previous sexualized tweets about children. plus, Hudson, 24, was born Iván González Ranedo in Spain. He is an avowed “anti-capitalist” and “Marxist” who has called for “the abolition of [and to] destroy and annihilate the traditional monogamous nuclear family.” Who is running these companies anymore and how incredibly stupid does one have to be to hire anything remotely like a… Read more »
Dang 2 ½ Gallons of Crossbow, $150 Bucks! One hundred and fifty smackaroos, one fifty big ones. BTW; 1 Qt to 25 gallons = 2% and that’ll kill woody plants so that jug will make 10, 25 gallon spray tanks full.
Batya Unger-Sargon is an Israeli-born American editor at Newsweek. I’ve kinda kept an eye on her for a few years. She’s intelligent, sharp and writes almost like a red-pilled lefty. She maintains she is a Democrat and I can’t tell if that is to help her career, but she doesn’t talk like one.
Kane at CFP posted this time-stamped segment from a Bill Maher Show.
Got a cringe story for you guys: Mr. C. reports that a visitor to the Venetian in Las Vegas went to sleep peacefully and woke up screaming. Seems a scorpion found its way to his genitals and decided to sting his testicles.
Yeah, I feel your reaction.
Has anyone established a drinking game for the SOTU? Or a bingo board? Suggestions: stumbling (physical), stumbling (verbal), “or whatever,” “you know what I mean,” misnaming a legislator, misnaming a foreign dignitary, declaring the border closed/safe/secure, brain freeze, denigrating the SCOTUS for its latest ruling….
I’m thinking bingo might be better, because if it’s a drinking game the players would be too drunk to catch all of the fails. But then, that might be better than enduring the entire SOTU.
The only thing good about Crenshaw is that Marcus Lutrell is my rep.
Morning, gang! Wow, I just barely beat the noontime whistle,trying to crawl out of bed and feed the cats!!
There was a mass said last night for my old parishioner friend, Dave. From what I heard his widow say, he went down for a nap and never woke up. He’d already had one stroke, so my guess is another stroke. Knowing those two, I’d lay 99% odds they were at least doubled jabbed. Tuesday night masses were a thing for the couple, so Father made last night’s mass for him. I dressed traditionally for the occasion – long skirt, long sleeves, chapel veil, rosary in hand and prayed before mass – and tried not to feel conspicuous amongst the… Read more »
Stopping in briefly between rosary time and gardening duties. In general, the primaries went well, so not crying over the races that didn’t go my way.
I have plants that need bigger dirt, so heading out to do that. Carefully. Very, very carefully. And more bean seeds. And I think I need to move/thin some tomato seedlings. That’s gonna require refurbing some tubs. Hmmm…more work than I thought today, but spring waits for no man. Especially in Texas, where it lasts maybe a week….
U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee wins Democratic primary
Sheila Jackson Lee defeated Amanda Edwards in the most competitive primary of her congressional career.
Watch Sheshe as she takes her place on the aisle to kiss Biden’s a## during the state of the onion speech.
An outstanding presentation on a crucial event in American History.
God bless them, every one.
I just got some inside information about Biden’s State of the Union Speech; he’s going to Pee on our legs and tell us it’s raining. That is all. 😉
March 6, 1836
Crenshaw won.
(And you wonder why I skip voting)
A big win for Sean Teare over Ogg. This does not bode well for Houston, Harris County
Nikkin Hailey just said that she hopes Donald Trump will appeal to her voters and win them over but she stopped short of endorsing him. If she were a true Republican and or conservative she would have thrown her support towards Trump, after all the alternative is Biden. One thing is for sure, her future with the Republican party is OVER! The Republican party is NOT going back to the McCain, Dole, Romney or Cheney party. She has burned her bridges by being a never Trumper and Trump hater.
Challenger David Covey has forced Speaker Dade Phelan into a runoff in May.
I bet it’s going to cost some money to run a runoff election.
Watching the Farm Show on Sunday, one of the guys that reports on politics mentioned that the Turtle would be replaced by one of the three John’s, Thune, Cornyn or Barrasso! Lord help us….. ~SPITS~
Nimroda Nikki Haley has finally seen the light.
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley will drop out of the 2024 presidential race Wednesday after losing every state but one — Vermont — in Super Tuesday’s primary contests, a source familiar with Haley’s plans confirmed to NBC News.
For crying out loud. Representative Chip Roy (TX-21) called on Texas A&M’s AgriLife 4-H Program Director to remove a Critical Race Theory (CRT) infused course from their 4-H lessons.Representative Roy wrote in the letter, “Not only is this lesson contradictory to the values that our country was founded on, but it is not advancing Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s valuable mission and goal. Teaching students to view themselves as either ‘privileged’ or ‘oppressed’ based on certain characteristics is not only counterproductive, but contrary to our founding values.”The congressman highlights that the student lesson called, “Power and Privilege – What Does it Get… Read more »
It remains to be seen if we have enough wins in the House to install a Conservative Speaker of the Texas House next year.
I was trying to cheat and “Like” my own headline article, but I get this big notice I need to login to WordPress. WTH ?
There’s no justice in this world !!!
Morning Gang – the fog is beginning to lift outside, and I have a fresh hot cup of hope on my end table – soon to be in my hand… Have a blessed day
Among the winners who are expected to pull the chamber to the right is Shelley Luther, a Dallas salon owner who was jailed in 2020 for defying Abbott’s COVID-19-era business shut down and called Abbott a “tyrant governor.”
These five headlines at the Texas Tribune say it all:
A bad night for GOP incumbents
Insurgent Republicans make major gains in Texas primaries
Criminal appeals court judges targeted by Ken Paxton head to defeat
Phelan headed to a runoff
Abbot, Paxton declare victory in attack on GOP defectors
This one is especially noteworthy.
Reggie Smith was a real henchman for Phelan and I’m so glad he’s gone.
Relax, everything is under control.
Some poor guy smuggles a few cases of AC refrigerant in the back of his pickup and now the Feds want to send him to prison.
Fentanyl is pouring across the border and a hundred thousand Americans die, but by God we can’t have any ozone kiilers around.
Texas state reps Ernest Bailes, Kronda Thimesch, Steve Allison, Reggie Smith and Hugh Shine all voted against school choice and some voted to impeach Paxton.
Every single one lost in their primary.
It looks like several incumbent state representatives who voted against Paxton and school choice went down to defeat.
Honeywell round thermostats reach the final checkout and packaging stage of the production line – 1955
I wonder how many Ka-Jillion of these were made? They were literally everywhere and with the mercury switch lasted forever. I caught an old Andy Griffith show (about 1965) where they went to Hollywood and the Bellhop shows Andy how to adjust the thermostat, guess what it looked like?
Oh and Nikki Hailey has finally pulled out of the race after winning Vermont’s 17 delegates. 😉