Monday Open Comments

Today is federal holiday, so the private sector will be working without banking and mail.

Meanwhile states and sanctuary cities blame their illegal alien overpopulation problem on Abbott, totally disregarding the many thousands more that being trafficked at the hands of the Biden administration.

In a similar vein, the reaction to the Wuhan Lung Rot distracts from the real disease problem accompanying those unvetted, unexamined, and unvaccinated individuals.


The truth is we don’t even need a guy like McGinn to tell us we are unprotected from infectious diseases migrating to America. Common sense alone would tell you our ability to screen at the border is poor. The number of illegals crossing is too many. The border is understaffed. Congress isn’t funding the border effectively. The screening we are doing is mostly by self-report. Much of the potential disease is likely asymptomatic at the time of crossing. Busloads and planeloads of people are appearing in cities all over America. It is no wonder there have been spikes in TB and Measles in major urban areas.


In addition, McGinn told UncoverDC that the screening and vaccination requirements are inconsistent. He also claims that “DHS has no protocols in place to randomly sample all a portion of all persons coming across the border for all the potential diseases that these persons might have. They are placed in a vector-rich environment with poor circulation and ten times too many people inside at many of these detention centers, with plastic drapes that trap viruses. These same people are being immediately put on buses and airplanes to further increase the spread of disease before being dropped off in most towns and major urban centers across our country. There is no effort to inform counties or cities what are the health challenges they are facing, and no requirement, like are required of Green Card applicants who are living in the same areas across the country as are the 10’s of millions coming into our country across our southern border. 

DHS isn’t even trying to protect its own employees, says McGinn:

“While neglecting their own employees and U.S. citizens’ health, OHS Acting CMO Wolfe takes great pride in receiving an award for vaccinating employees who were required to be vaccinated with a vaccine that in time will be shown to create a grossly unacceptable number of adverse reactions. DHS could have easily collected the health data instead of seeking awards. And, instead of health security, there is a neglect of voluntary record gathering across all DHS components. For example, DHS should attend to] the reporting of cases, monitoring impact and risk of exposure, effective oversight of its resources and training of DHS employees, conducting traceouts and follow adverse vaccine reactions (for COVID), monitor stress, implement sleep deprivation recommendations studied by our government to the tune of millions in taxpayer dollars, investigate disease clusters. The DHS should demonstrate the ability to do what most physicians are educated and experienced in managing: disaster medicine, epidemiology and infectious diseases. Most would likely agree the DHS Office of Health Security should rightly be labeled the Gold Medal Office of Health Insecurity.”
What diseases are we talking about? The Department of Health and Human Services identifies many of them. In 2020, their focus was on “Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, congenital syphilis, hepatitis A and B, and bacterial enteric diseases (e.g., listeriosis, non-typhoid Salmonellosis, vibriosis).” Measles outbreaks continue to widen, according to ABC7NY. The CDC states on the same website there is a need to “monitor, control, and prevent the occurrence and spread of about 120 health conditions.”
TB is airborne – just standing next to someone could transfer the germ.  I caught TB in the fourth grade from one of my Dad’s buddies.  Fortunately my immune system was strong enough to fight it off.
Immigrants who lawfully apply for a visa must undergo health screenings and show they are vaccinated, and refugees are screened for TB before entering the U.S. Not so for those wading across the Rio Grande. Nationwide, 6,009 of the 8,300 people with TB in 2022 were foreign-born, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Florida was slammed with a 21% increase in TB since 2020. Texas border counties have a TB rate triple the national average.
Yes, Joe – you did that.



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Super Dave
February 19, 2024 9:29 pm

Well we did the Richard Milhous Nixon Library and it was very interesting. My son didn’t really know anything about Nixon except that he was almost impeached and had something to do with Watergate but he learned a lot about Nixon and now thinks he was a pretty good President. I know he learned a lot because he explained it… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 19, 2024 9:19 pm

Well considering it is Tom doing a somewhat slow song I was thinking maybe………..

squawka Bruddah.

That was a popular one in the 90s.

never knew he was a Tom Jones fan:)

February 19, 2024 8:39 pm

Will a Harris County grand jury indict a man for shooting a thief who stole his BBQ grill right out of his backyard ? The robbery victim might get charged with homicide in New York or Philadelphia, but in Texas I am not so sure. Stealing somebody’s grill/pit is like stealing his horse.  If the shooter is black and the… Read more »

February 19, 2024 8:23 pm

And they wonder why people are leaving NYC in droves. Protect yourself and cargo and you end up in jail instead of the illegal alien perp. A Big Apple Amazon driver said he had to slam a naked and drunk migrant in the head with a snowball to keep the deranged asylum seeker from making off with his packages —… Read more »

February 19, 2024 7:38 pm

Tedtam, you’d be horrified at some of the things I saw at various Children’s Hospitals – I know I was… Some of us took turns touching the parts that weren’t injured, so that they could learn that all human touch is not filled with pain.

February 19, 2024 6:14 pm

Brother Phil

do you have any suggestions on dance moves for this?

Well considering it is Tom doing a somewhat slow song I was thinking maybe………..

February 19, 2024 6:13 pm

Tedtam – we put ours in the attic – and most of the time, it’s great! And we’re a LOT farther from the stations than ya’ll are. Ya’ll ought to get great reception (with this type antenna – but you’d have to ask Squawk what that is LOL – but it cost less than ya’ll pay for one month of… Read more »

February 19, 2024 5:28 pm

Tedtam Here is an article you would be interested in, I believe. VATICAN CITY — The Vatican has been trying for years to debunk the idea that its vaunted secret archives are all that secret: It has opened up the files of controversial World War II-era Pope Pius XII to scholars and changed the official name to remove the word “Secret” from… Read more »

February 19, 2024 5:09 pm

I just got a text from “Jim” informing me that early voting begins tomorrow.

I did not know that.

Are there any Libertarians on the ballot?

Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 19, 2024 3:51 pm

Brother Phil.  Just wanted to make sure you looked cool in all you do.  We do not need any faux pas in public.

hahaha squawka Bruddah.
do you have any suggestions on dance moves for this?

Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 19, 2024 3:46 pm

Brother Phil

Just wanted to make sure you looked cool in all you do.  We do not need any faux pas in public.

hahaha squawka Bruddah.

do you have any suggestions on dance moves for this?

Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 19, 2024 12:13 pm

Yes, Joe – you did that id say the Kenyan part III has conquered the west with lots of help from the Kentucky swamp turtle gang of reptiles and the kangarooed branch of militant penguins. the wooden dummy does nothing. he’s completely out of it. boy the creature from the Kenyan lagoon is one heckuva slick con artist. A grade… Read more »

February 19, 2024 12:04 pm

Not many details to share.  My lovely Mrs. and I both decided that we didn’t need to spend the money for a bunch of crap that we never watch.  The fiber connection was made on Thursday and on Friday they sent a different crew to bury it.  My TV is now a streaming device.  If I put an antenna on… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
February 19, 2024 11:46 am
February 19, 2024 11:17 am

25 Texpat

It’s amazing how lines of corruption so often trail all the way back to the southern law firms (from East Texas to Georgia) who got filthy rich off of the tobacco wars.

What a bunch of scumbags.

February 19, 2024 10:56 am

Good chilly morning, Hamsters. Was 31 when I got up to feed Purrscilla at 6 this morning, and windy.  Winter has reclaimed our area again. Yea for the truckers holding up entry to Noo Yawk City for a week.  No wonder folks from New York State are leaving that state and moving elsewhere to civilized states. The follow-ups on the… Read more »

February 19, 2024 10:53 am

Morning, gang. I’m enjoying my breakfast, but feeling sleepy. All 6 of the house cats have fallen asleep since they had their breakfast. I may do the same, as soon as I finish mine.


February 19, 2024 10:45 am

This is not a new story or unknown facts.  What is new is the fact it is a headline piece at Politico, the official stenographers of the DNC. It’s like when the capo dei capi gives someone the bacio della morte.  The veil of protection for Joe has been lifted. In 2017, a hospital operator set out to build a rural… Read more »

February 19, 2024 10:36 am

I was thinking Musk Starlink satellite set up.

Never mind.

February 19, 2024 10:33 am

Perhaps Earthlink is the wrong name, Wife did it and I got some details fuzzy.  It is a 1 gig fiberoptic line from the trunk line that runs under my back yard.  ATT did the install but we contracted with a different company.  Our phones are now TV remotes in addition to all the other stuff they can do.  The… Read more »

February 19, 2024 10:22 am

“Rigged our phones to be remotes”


February 19, 2024 10:20 am

Whoa. New EarthLink set up?

Do tell.

Details about the unboxing and set up. Did you put it in your back yard?

Send me some pics.

February 19, 2024 10:10 am

‘F*** Around and Find Out’: Pro-Trump Truckers Boycott NYC After Civil Fraud Verdict Some Trump-supporting truckers are refusing to transport loads to and from New York City after the former president was fined $355 million and had his ability to run businesses in the state suspended in Friday’s civil fraud verdict. There is some salty language in the text and… Read more »

February 19, 2024 10:05 am

I think it would be more effective if Governor Abbott would start sending busloads of illegals to Pelosi’s front door….twice a week.


February 19, 2024 10:03 am

Brother Phil

Just wanted to make sure you looked cool in all you do.  We do not need any faux pas in public.

February 19, 2024 9:17 am

Lemme drop this right here

Protestors Deliver 300 Pounds of Poop to Nancy Pelosi’s House

I think that I will decline to comment further. . . . .


Super Dave
February 19, 2024 9:00 am

Meanwhile in Elbonia;    That’s two.   😀

February 19, 2024 9:00 am

#12 SD

Yessir, 1000 cc and around 150-175 HP at 11,000RPM. Our motor runs great but probably has lost some but we run with most of them in the straights. We have a quick change rear so we can dial in proper gear at the different tracks.

February 19, 2024 8:51 am

Yesterday I cut the cable, no more xfinity.  Headcrusher got the TV wirelessly hooked up to the new EarthLink 1 gig fiber cable and rigged our phones to be remotes.  Now I can stream a whole bunch onto my TV. I started with some FoxNews clips this morning and it was OK, but when the Fox clips ran out it… Read more »

Super Dave
February 19, 2024 8:51 am

It’s almost 7 AM here and not a creature is stirring,…I can’t believe the girls aren’t up yet. On Friday when we were off to the Mouse Kingdom they were up right after me, about 5 AM. 😉

Super Dave
February 19, 2024 8:49 am

GJT so it’s actually outside the engine but is splined into the timing case cover so you have to remove the cover and replace the seal when putting it back together. Not a bad job but it could have been made where you didn’t have to drip oil anywhere. Oh and I guess the engine is about 1000 CC’s and… Read more »

February 19, 2024 8:34 am
February 19, 2024 8:25 am

#7 SD

You can see the starter body but the shaft end goes towards the front with a splined gear on it which meshes with the cam and crank gears. It is a tight fit.

Super Dave
February 19, 2024 7:50 am
February 19, 2024 7:49 am

Dang that’s a big ‘em!

Super Dave
February 19, 2024 7:48 am

#4 GJT, so you can’t even see the starter without taking the end cover off?! Crazy.

Super Dave
February 19, 2024 7:46 am

On this day in 2016 my sister got her a new tractor (new to her). I bet you can’t guess the brand? 😉

February 19, 2024 7:33 am

*Starter began to go out last couple of races last year, it was hit or miss. If in the pits I could tap on the starter to get it going but if on the track had to be push started.

February 19, 2024 7:27 am

Going to be nice weather all week so I’m going to borrow my tractor and trailer back from my son to get my trimming done around the property. He’s been using it to prep for his new building going up while I have been using his zero turn. Later this week we are going to get started getting the race… Read more »

February 19, 2024 7:06 am

Had a nice combined birthday dinner yesterday for the boys with all our little family at Schilleci’s New Orleans Kitchen in The Woodlands. A bit pricey but oh man it was good, I think it is right there with Pat’s of Henderson in Lake Charles good. Crawfish étouffée and bread pudding was to die for as they say.

Super Dave
February 19, 2024 6:59 am

GJT Ha! Working on the dishwasher as we speak. Naw just having my first cup of coffee, it’s about 5 AM here and I’ve only been up 15 minutes or so. 55 and rainy here in Moorpark but only a 50/50 chance today so we should be good to go to the Nixon Library.

Mornin’ Gang

February 19, 2024 6:54 am


I’m guessing SD has all the cabinet drawers throughout the house torn out by now to fix em right.