Thursday Open Comments

Here are ten ways in which the current open-border policy is insidiously impacting the United States:

1. Legal Immigration Conundrum

Legal immigration seems to be overshadowed as the bureaucratic red tape increases for law-abiding applicants. The Biden administration’s focus on amnesty for lawbreakers raises concerns about the future support for immigration, both legal and illegal.

2. Lawlessness and Erosion of Rule of Law

The apparent lawlessness at the border contributes to the overall breakdown of the rule of law in the country, manifesting in increased homelessness, crime rates, and a general disrespect for legal procedures.

3. Dependency on Entitlements

The pattern of illegal entry followed by applications for various subsidies raises questions about the type of residents the U.S. desires. The current system appears to discourage self-supporting immigrants in favor of those seeking immediate entitlements.

4. Cui Bono – Who Benefits?

The motivations behind the acceptance of illegal immigrants, especially by the Left and employers, raise questions about the broader economic and political implications. The massive outflow of remittances to Mexico and its potential impact on U.S. foreign policy come into focus.

5. Cartel Infiltration

The unchecked flow of individuals across the border includes cartel members transporting dangerous drugs. This poses a significant threat to public health and safety, contributing to the opioid crisis in the U.S.

6. Trashing Citizens’ Rights

Equating illegal aliens with American citizens in terms of opportunities and entitlements diminishes the value of citizenship. The discrepancy in treatment, such as lenient boarding standards for illegal aliens, raises concerns about the government’s priorities.

7. Financial Burden

With a growing national debt and budget deficits, the financial strain of welcoming millions of unaudited immigrants becomes a pressing issue. California’s model, with its budget deficit and social service overload, serves as a cautionary tale.

8. Ending Deterrence

The erosion of deterrence, both domestically and internationally, is a consequence of the perceived weakness in the U.S. response to various challenges. This includes the testing of the U.S. by foreign entities and the exploitation of the open border by opportunistic belligerents.

9. The DEI Narrative

The current immigration narrative seems to undermine the traditional melting pot concept, instead emphasizing divisions based on race and ethnicity. This approach may hinder assimilation and integration, fostering separatism.

Curse On America

The ironic aspect of immigrants fleeing countries where they are a majority to a nation allegedly defined by “white privilege” raises questions about the true motivations behind this mass migration. The disconnect between rhetoric and reality is highlighted.





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January 4, 2024 9:22 pm

This is a video of a small, aging crowd of protesters in front of Bill Ackman’s office building in NYC claiming racism caused the resignation of Claudine Gay at Harvard.  Al Sharpton is leading the chant and he’s losing his wind.

As Christopher Rufo says: I don’t think there is anybody there under 50.

January 4, 2024 8:53 pm

39 Darren

It works fine.  Very clever.

January 4, 2024 8:50 pm

I have a new baby granddaughter and Shannon’s grandson is getting fabulously married and one more extraordinarily sad thing happening in my life – all at the same time. It is the Cycle of Life… To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to… Read more »

January 4, 2024 8:46 pm

Ya’ll let me know if that image worked.

January 4, 2024 8:45 pm

comment image?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dd5e9f&_nc_ohc=QiWJT5TZlh0AX8smHfG&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCSrtdezMYK2DJtDKMcOvRjNQg7AxslbdBSr3I8xcHhmg&oe=659C795C

January 4, 2024 8:35 pm

Congratulations to Shannon!

January 4, 2024 8:34 pm

Congratulations to texpat and all his family.


Babies rule!!!

January 4, 2024 8:33 pm

Knee deep in grandson’s Holy Matrimonial this fine evening.

It’s a good thing.

Handkerchief is pretty much a soaked.


January 4, 2024 8:33 pm

Adee I’ve always been conscious of posture and stature.  My mother and grandmother were big on making young boys stand ramrod straight like our grandfather and great-grandfather. Actually, my mother and grandmother always had excellent posture because when you are 5′ and 5’2″ working in a man’s world, it’s important to project physical power. I notice around me so many… Read more »

January 4, 2024 8:10 pm

32 Texpat, At the moment, spouse is also greatly annoyed to say the least by the current situation but wants to hang in there and get everything fixed as it should be.  I have only sat in the front passenger seat on each occasion I’ve ridden in it so far, and it is very comfortable to sit in once adjusted… Read more »

January 4, 2024 7:00 pm

30 Adee

I am sorry you’re having so many problems with the EV SUV.  I’m sure it’s very frustrating with the exorbitant cost of trucks and cars these days.

I’m a hard case.  I will stay with my internal combustion engine driven vehicle until they come out with a flying car fueled by the tears of leftwingers.

January 4, 2024 6:18 pm

There are numerous reasons to not trust Donald Trump and virtually every other politician, for that matter. I’m not ready to condemn everybody who shows up on the infamous List. Epstein’s M/O was to surround himself constantly with famous and influential people to create the aura of his financial genius and elite celebrity status. People fell into categories for him… Read more »

January 4, 2024 5:28 pm

The saga of our new SUV with the electric engine limps along.  We got an advisory from General Motors that our 2024 model year Chevrolet Blazer EV “may have a condition in which the vehicle’s electric modules drain the 12V battery.”!!!   Kinda like a golfcart I suppose, when the battery is dead, you get out and push it ? Kinda… Read more »

January 4, 2024 5:11 pm

I am wondering if there is a source with clear definitions of the nature of the relationships the people had with Epstein on this famous list. Does someone who accepted a ride on his plane from NYC to Florida who was going there anyway get blacklisted like Bill Clinton who might have taken 50 rides to Epstein’s Predatory Pervert Island… Read more »

January 4, 2024 4:31 pm

26 Adee

You have no idea how relieved the mother is.

January 4, 2024 4:12 pm

The baby looks just like gramps.

* except on her it works

January 4, 2024 3:41 pm

#4 Texpat,

A lovely welcome to the beautiful baby girl.  I am sure the family is so happy to receive the new princess into the clan at last. 🙂

January 4, 2024 2:30 pm

13:49 granny

Reminded me of one of those on-scene reporters asking people in a crowd at one of those big protests on the mall in DC what their particular issues were that they were protesting.  One of them listened to part of the question, then interrupted the reporter, telling him that it was now time to chant.

Super Dave
January 4, 2024 1:41 pm

It is a beautimous day here in LA, 62, bright an sunny. I made the Enterprise Grocery run, Publix, Gaint Leper Colony and the bread store.  Off to the Pig here in Podunk to finish up. It sure is aggravating that not all the stores have what I want. Where’s HEB when you need them? 😉

January 4, 2024 12:52 pm

Phil Magness to be interviewed on FNC in a few minutes… on the Harvard stuff.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
January 4, 2024 11:48 am
Dr phil Good-E=1984
January 4, 2024 11:47 am

Additionally, all of the previous claims about Donald Trump being associated with that perverse industry and assembly are false {Citation Here}.

January 4, 2024 11:26 am


Epstein’s full list of names.  Includes Trump which brings me to my belief he cannot be trusted if he gets a second term.

HOWEVER Inclusion of the names does not indicate any wrongdoing related to Epstein or anyone else.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
January 4, 2024 11:04 am

Oh boy! another letter from the sans-a-belt slacks gang. They’re only about 35 years late on the immigration disaster but what the heck. it’s an election year so they gotta pretend they’re gonna do something. they have to go to the border to see what’s going on because they have no idea that the the Kenyan via his wooden dummy… Read more »

January 4, 2024 10:33 am

Cute baby! Glad that worked out OK, Texpat.

January 4, 2024 9:43 am

The baby looks just like gramps.

January 4, 2024 9:24 am

I have to hit the road.


January 4, 2024 9:15 am

I am reposting the nuclear deterrence op-ed from earlier.  Heinrichs reveals the kind of below-the-radar national defense blunders Biden is trying to make.  He has people out there trying to sell his cheap choices. The most dangerous global security development at the dawn of 2024 is China’s and Russia’s reliance on nuclear weapons to break the U.S.-led order. Russia is… Read more »

January 4, 2024 9:12 am

Ms. Heinrichs

Attractive √

Smart as a whip √

Gentile version of Caroline Glick √

Drop dead gorgeous?  Nah

If you describe someone as, for example, drop-dead gorgeous, you mean that they are so gorgeous that people cannot fail to notice them. (Failed)

5 picture test (marginal)

January 4, 2024 9:10 am

We’re now up to 24 bus loads of illegals catching mass transit in New Jersey for NYC.


January 4, 2024 9:06 am

The journal mentioned in the Heinrichs bio looks pretty interesting.  Anything Walter Russell Mead is involved in is worthwhile.

Providence: A Journal of Christianity and American Foreign Policy

It is published by the Institute for Religion and Democracy.

January 4, 2024 8:54 am

Staring through those lenses all these years has destroyed Squawk’s eyesight.  I hope Bsue does the driving.

Of course, his legendary culinary crimes call into question matters of taste…

January 4, 2024 8:28 am


W H U T?

That is not all.  Ms. Heinrichs is drop-dead gorgeous.

Drop-dead gorgeous?  Pffffffftttttttt.  Attractive maybe, gorgeous not and drop dead gorgeous nope no way huhuh.

Your objectify function is about a half bubble off plumb dude.

January 4, 2024 8:13 am

A few days ago, I was walking through the room and HH had the radio on WABC and some woman came on and started talking at length about national security and defense.  I had no idea who she was, but she was so articulate, persuasive and intelligent I decided she should be our next SecDef.   This morning Glenn Reynolds… Read more »

January 4, 2024 8:11 am

#4 TP:  She is just making it clear that the lights are too danged bright in here!



January 4, 2024 8:00 am

All right TexpaT!!!! Congratulations to the new Momma and family


or something like that.

Super Dave
January 4, 2024 7:39 am

Awwwright! Congratulations all around. Some very good news to start the day.

January 4, 2024 7:37 am

Congratulations !!

January 4, 2024 7:24 am

Hey, Everybody !