Tuesday Open Comments

Hmmmmmm…..can we narrow down the presidential field a bit?  Not that she stands much of a chance of winning, but it would be instructional to make this point about her eligibility publicly and soon.  I refer to the last paragraph about the whittling away of the Constitution because of the failure to adhere to its rules of governance.  Within the original article is the issue of Kamala Harris – which, if the meat puppet were to be removed, would come up and all heck would break loose.  She should never have been allowed to be VP, if she’s not eligible to be President.  But if the rules are flagrantly ignored, does it matter?


The Constitution Absolutely Prohibits Nikki Haley

From Being President Or Vice President

The question of presidential eligibility under the Constitution has been a hot button one, especially in recent years with the controversial campaigns of John McCain, Barack Obama, Ted Cruz, and most recently, Kamala Harris. The controversy arises from the text of the Constitution itself. Article II, Section 1, stipulates that “No person except a natural born citizen or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.” The core issue centers on the meaning of the phrase “natural born citizen.” The Constitution explicitly lays out three requirements to run for president: (i) be at least 35 years old; (ii) have been a resident of the United States for at least 14 years; and (iii) be a natural-born citizen of the United States.

The question of natural born citizenship is crystal clear, though it often gets confused with the more controversial debate surrounding birthright citizenship. From the outset, it should be stressed that the two are entirely different constitutional issues. The question of natural-born citizenship as an eligibility requirement for president is well settled, whereas the issue of birthright citizenship is still up in the air.


Joseph Story, who enjoyed over a thirty-year reign as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, famously elaborated the principles of the republicanism of Alexander Hamilton and John Marshall well into the mid-nineteenth century. His Commentaries specifically distinguished between natural born and naturalized citizens, the latter of whom were ineligible to run for president, despite qualifying for the privileges of citizenship. This view is supported by the best legal commentary of the day, …Emmerich de Vattel’s Law of Nature and of Nations, a contemporaneous authority for the Founding Fathers on questions of citizenship. de Vattel’s work states that “[t]he natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.” The question of natural born citizenship is ergo fundamentally distinct from the ongoing issue of birthright citizenship, raised in the Fourteenth Amendment, which confers citizenship to “[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States.” The key word here is citizenship, not eligibility for the presidential office, which, as noted earlier, demands a much higher threshold for qualification.


It makes sense that the constitutional Framers did not license the presidency to anyone born on U.S. soil. The specific requirement of natural-born citizenship, which is absent for both members of Congress and the judiciary, was intended to raise the threshold for presidential officeholders in particular. In Nikki Haley’s case, it is well documented that neither one of her parents were citizens, natural born or naturalized, at the time of her birth in 1972. It has been previously reported that a South Carolina-based newspaper included a quote from the Office of Nikki Haley, stating that “her parents were not U.S. citizens at the time of her birth in 1972 and did not become citizens until 1978 and 2003.” Thus, although the parents may have been lawful residents at the time of her birth on South Carolina soil, which may or may not confer her with the privileges of citizenship, it is important to note that she does not qualify for the Constitution’s higher requirement of natural-born citizenship.


While numerous equivalences are made between “natural-born” citizens (or “subjects;” the terms are used interchangeably throughout, even though there is a relevant legal distinction) and citizens, the Court notably took pains to distinguish between the two categories, merely analogizing the two for the purposes of ultimately arguing in favor of birthright citizenship. Regardless of the ultimate legitimacy of the decision, which many constitutional scholars have contested over the intervening years, the important takeaway is that even in Wong Kim Ark, the supposed authority in favor of Haley’s eligibility to run for president, the Court never asserted that birthright citizenship would hereinafter absorb and eradicate the distinct category of “natural-born” citizenship.


The Framers had a robust understanding of natural right. They fiercely upheld the view that duties must be imposed on the body politic in general and certain outstanding statesmen in particular in order to meet the higher demands of elected office that would, in turn, perpetuate the original social contract for posterity. To the extent that model has broken down in modern times, it is because of flagrant violations lawmakers, like Nikki Haley and Kamala Harris, have committed in the subsequent centuries against the Constitution’s intended meaning over the years. This has gradually whittled the Framers’ once robust tapestry down to the bone, producing a crisis whereby persons, with no historical awareness nor reverence for the Constitution’s meaning or purpose, openly defy its conditions willy-nilly, out of personal vanity or even resentment. Nikki Haley’s flagrant defiance of the Constitution’s textual prerogative, if allowed to continue, will further erode what remnants of that original tapestry still survive, thrusting all that remains of the Framers’ now-enervated handiwork into inexorably aimless waters.



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January 2, 2024 10:23 pm

Thank you, Lord.

We have no Nextdoor App for my neighborhood.


January 2, 2024 10:16 pm

Actually it’s quite scary.

Squawk Tedtam and Texpat.

Left By them selves together.



January 2, 2024 10:02 pm

48 Squawk

I have never commented or contacted anyone on Nextdoor and the only reason I ever logged in was because of a couple of burglaries nearby and my neighbor across the street seeing a guy at 4 AM trying to open vehicle doors on our street.

The few times I ever looked at their feed, I began to have those shaky, loony bin feelings after reading what some these people start ranting about to complete strangers.

It makes you want break out the kit, start cleaning your guns and take inventory of your ammo.

January 2, 2024 9:50 pm

Nextdoor?  Here in my neighborhood a week after the people set up Nextdoor here there was a mass amount of home break ins.  No thank you very much.

January 2, 2024 9:37 pm


I am not trying to be sarcastic, but I wouldn’t ask the freaks and lunatics on the Nextdoor site around here for the time of day and I wouldn’t want them to know my address.

I’m telling you, most of these people are scary.

Possibly your local Nextdoor is an emotionally and mentally healthy oasis.  Be grateful if it is.

January 2, 2024 9:32 pm

Tedtam @ 9:15 PM

We don’t leave the house without the 25,000 mAh battery power banks in each vehicle.  We never depend on the onboard phone charger ports because they are not consistently reliable.  The power banks have never failed and you can charge up to 3 or 4 phones from one of the banks.

One of these power banks will fully charge one laptop, two tablets or at least 3 phones.

January 2, 2024 9:21 pm


…because suddenly their quiet neighborhoods were becoming busy thoroughfares.

How would all these people suddenly know it was because of Waze ?  Seriously.  Maybe I’m dense.

January 2, 2024 9:10 pm

I often wonder if Adee flinches at all of my grammatical and usage errors.  She was, after all, an editor of medical journals down at the Texas Medical Center.


I’ll try to do better because every time I read one of my comments to Her Highness, an NYU trained English teacher, I get reprimanded.

January 2, 2024 9:03 pm

41 Super Dave

Claudine Gay will be a quiet anathema around the Harvard Yard and I strongly suspect she will silently slip out of Boston back to the West Coast this coming summer where they have even fewer standards and expectations than the Ivy League.  Remember, it was actually the students and their newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, who delivered the death blow, in my opinion.  How will she teach if even the students have no respect for her ?

January 2, 2024 8:49 pm

A few years ago, I was on a trip out of town on a tight schedule trying to find a new destination with Google Maps.  It got me so screwed up and lost I almost threw my phone out the window of the truck. I uninstalled Google Maps from my phone and installed Waze which promptly found and guided me to where I needed to be. Waze is unfortunately now owned also by Google, but was originally a small startup in Israel.  They did what Google and Mapquest had done, but also incorporated all the state and local alerts, gridlocks,… Read more »

Super Dave
January 2, 2024 8:26 pm

#23 Bones &  #24 Texpat I saw that the Gay got fired as Harvard’s President but she not be fired from Harvard or lose her tenure. She also didn’t apologize and blamed it all on us racist honkies.


Super Dave
January 2, 2024 8:10 pm

Keep Austin Weird, But Keep It Surrounded !


Super Dave
January 2, 2024 8:09 pm

Well, Tedtam is in Victoria, Shannon is in Boerne and Super Dave is probably already asleep resting up from being on vacation.

Naw, we got back from the beach about noon and just haven’t got around to popping in. Dawg was sure happy to see us and she’s not letting me out of her sight.

January 2, 2024 7:35 pm

Breaking News !!! AUSTIN, TX — In what has been talked about as a “last-ditch attempt” to avoid all-out war, Texas has announced it has agreed to a two-state solution with the city of Austin. Officials hope this distinction will help calm decades of growing hostilities in the region. The solution will divide the region into two states, Texas and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Austin. “This is the only way for us to live in peace,” said Texas Governor Greg Abbot. “The citizens of Austin have been at war with the people of Texas for many years now, and… Read more »

January 2, 2024 7:27 pm

36 wagon burner

…has come to the point where it has completely lost its will to fight and surrenders, especially with no terms.

See the following:

Sam Houston at San Jacinto

Sherman at Atlanta


Dresden, Germany

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan

I think you have credible evidence.

January 2, 2024 7:17 pm

So I’m not confused with some knuckleheaded antisemite somewhere, I believe the IDF should operate in Gaza, kicking a$$, taking names, and unaliving Hamas “militants” until they run out of pencils and paper and Hamas terrorists to whack.

Peace seldom comes from a truce, viz. the ROK/DPRK truce. Peace comes when one side in a conflict has come to the point where it has completely lost its will to fight and surrenders, especially with no terms.

January 2, 2024 7:12 pm

Curtis Loftis is my new best friend.  Walt Disney Studios marked its centennial anniversary this year. But instead of a celebration worthy of a century of bringing joy to children, the past 12 months have brought multiple box-office flops and disappointments. South Carolina State Treasurer Curtis Loftis believes the company is dealing with “structural rot,” which is causing it to turn away from its responsibilities to stockholders. “I think it’s clear to anybody paying attention that there’s a structural rot inside of Disney. It’s deep, it’s pervasive, and I suspect Bob Iger, since his return as the CEO, now realizes… Read more »

January 2, 2024 7:11 pm


sez the fair weather Slippery Rock fan.

January 2, 2024 6:55 pm

Good cold and gonna be wet evening, Hamsters. Not at all a lovely day to be out and about as we switch from shirtsleeves worn outside to sweaters and jackets today.  It is the season of winter, spring, or summer apparel in the closet ready for anything when needed.  Sometimes several outfits are needed in one day as cold fronts barge in.  Brrr going out to fetch the mail this afternoon. Our new electric engine SUV is at the dealership to repair the several items found to be not working properly.  We bought this thing in late September, and its… Read more »

January 2, 2024 6:13 pm

We get custody of the ADHD 5-1/2 year old grandson tomorrow who reminds me of that kid in Home Alone.  He is almost as tall as his grandmother at this age and skinny as a rail.

His mother is going in to the hospital for a Caesarean delivery at 6 AM Thursday morning and so far we have avoided all the preeclampsia problems of the previous birth experience.


January 2, 2024 6:05 pm

Nope. Headed out in the AM.

Looks like this rain is going to blow on through by morning.

January 2, 2024 5:08 pm

Howdy Texpat; I got busy after I stunned the blog earlier.  I had to cook supper for my son.  Wife just got home, so I’ll check in later.

January 2, 2024 5:05 pm

Looks like cold rain tonight in Houston. I hope Billy Cat sleeps in the gazebo where he can at least stay dry. I am noticing he eats quite a bit more when it’s cold.

January 2, 2024 4:09 pm

Well, Tedtam is in Victoria, Shannon is in Boerne and Super Dave is probably already asleep resting up from being on vacation.

Mighty quiet around here,

January 2, 2024 3:20 pm

This is an economic IED in the middle of the 2024 road.  I hope these financial geniuses have a plan. I’ve been warning about this for years now. Commercial mortgages, unlike home loans, are almost always paid interest-only, leaving the original price to be paid at the end, or refinanced to start the process again. At the same time, revenue from office space fell as many businesses downsized their premises as many of their staff were working from home since the pandemic. Economists last month found 40 per cent of office loans on bank balance sheets were underwater – owing more… Read more »

January 2, 2024 2:20 pm

. . . . . . .and kilt the blog at the same time.. . . . .

January 2, 2024 12:39 pm

Beat you by 2 whole minutes :>)

January 2, 2024 12:37 pm


Story broke 37 minutes ago.

I said she was gone the minute she showed up in Congress.

January 2, 2024 12:35 pm

Claudine Gay, anti-Semite plagiarist, is out at Haaaaaaaaaaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaard.

January 2, 2024 12:29 pm

20 Squawk I never used to watch Fox or any other TV news.  Back around late 2022, Her Highness started turning on Fox in the evening when we had supper and she got hooked on Watters and Carlson.  I watched because I was sitting there eating. Once the October 7th massacre occurred, HH turned on the television in the morning in the breakfast room and switched back and forth between Fox and Israel’s I-24 to keep up with the constantly breaking news.  Otherwise, I wouldn’t know about Harris Faulkner who I watched a few times. I am, unlike my brother… Read more »

January 2, 2024 12:02 pm

Hambone.net has adopted the USS Laboon as its mascot fighting ship.  She has been fighting like a heroic warrior in the Red Sea against the Houthis.

Her Facebook page is here.

If you are on FB, you can leave the crew a message.  Please do.

USS Laboon was named after Father (and Captain, USN) John F. Laboon.  His biography is here.

January 2, 2024 11:53 am

I gots nothing to say about Fox news.  They got put on my do not watch list a long time gone.  Most of their guest are there because they recently wrote a book.  Little known fact they do not get paid cash but they get to plug their book like crazy.


January 2, 2024 11:46 am

Fox News has some suspect, half-baked on-air people, but Harris Faulkner is sharp, very intelligent and has no tolerance for BS.  She is top shelf in my book.

January 2, 2024 11:42 am

October 7th in Israel served as a great worldwide lie detector test for all the sleazy haters who have been walking around concealing their Inner Nazi pretending to be civilized people.

January 2, 2024 11:26 am

Good morning, gang.

#14: That’s a great news story, Bones.

January 2, 2024 10:43 am


What burns my a#$ about Carlson is he really turned it up very shortly after October 7th.

January 2, 2024 10:33 am


I know.  I picked up on all that years ago.  When I finally said something about not trusting him I got really tired of all the fawning over him and his firing from Fox.  Back then he was subtle in his hatred of all things Jew.  I really am not surprised with all the Jew hatred that is in the world today that he is coming out.

January 2, 2024 10:32 am

This is a true hero.  May he never want for anything on account of his bravery.

January 2, 2024 10:20 am

12 Squawk

Not only does he despise Israel and the Jewish people, Carlson bluntly insulted every American of any religion who is a conservative.

January 2, 2024 10:04 am

Ahhhhh so that is what Carlson said.

There is no possible excuse for Carlson to say this.

The guy is an anti-Semite.

January 2, 2024 9:59 am

Hilarious. Illegal immigrants bound for New York City are now taking trains into the Big Apple after Democratic Mayor Eric Adams issued an executive order last week seeking to curb the busloads of migrants that enter the city. Adams’ executive order limits when migrant buses can come into the city and requires bus drivers who know they are transporting illegal immigrants to give the city a 32-hour notice of their arrival. According to New Jersey officials, however, bus drivers are working around Adams’ executive order by dropping migrants off at train stations throughout New Jersey, where the illegal immigrants then… Read more »

January 2, 2024 9:44 am

In addition to Squawk saying he was no fan of Tucker Carlson, I read at least two articles written in the months since Carlson was fired at Fox warning about his opaque hostility to Israel and the Jews.  It was pointed out in the wide range of subjects Carlson covered on his show, Israel, the Jewish people and the multitude of their enemies mysteriously never appeared in his lineup.


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