Friday Open Comments

My contribution to 20th Century American Arts & Crafts

In 1969, I was Freshman at Munich American High School (Germany). I took a wood shop elective and this San Francisco Cable Car project was my “final” in the course and a gift to my mother.

Several years prior, my mother and I had taken a vacation to the California coastline with her sister and her husband, which included a couple days in San Francisco – a stunning jewel of a city at that point in history. We also saw the Great Redwoods and other spectacular and uniquely California destinations. It was a very special trip for us both.

I found the piece recently while rummaging around the mini warehouse.





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December 29, 2023 8:21 pm

45 Squawk

I know, I know, believe me.

December 29, 2023 8:03 pm



Dude you do not even want that lovely lady to see even sanitized videos of what those bastiges did.    Horrific.

December 29, 2023 8:01 pm

Texpat CDR Salamander is real close to nailing why, but there is much more that comes into play when you consider what Biden wants to do with Iran.  Plumb treasonous.  Biden is picking up or rather has picked up from where Obama left off.  Obama believed it was time for us to turn our backs on our traditional friends (Israel)… Read more »

Super Dave
December 29, 2023 7:42 pm

They think Biden, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and Jake Sullivan are unserious, weak weasels and they don’t want to be in the same foxhole or trench with them.

As much contempt I have for all of them, I can hardly blame them either.



December 29, 2023 7:29 pm

I cannot even attempt to describe to Her Highness or show her any video or testimony from Israel about all of the victims and hostages.

What little she has seen and heard has already sent her into depression and high anxiety.

December 29, 2023 6:58 pm

This just came into my mailbox.  If you know of anyone who wants to work with a “young feeling” office environment in the mortgage and lending field, let me know.  These are the folks that we’ve invested our money with. *** We’re excited to announce a paid internship opportunity at Blink Lending and Investments, located at 615 Heights Blvd in… Read more »

December 29, 2023 5:32 pm

35 Squawk If I were worth billions, or just one or two, I would buy Reuters, AP and Agence France Press and fire about 87% of the employees.  Anyway, I’ll let CDR Salamander explain my analysis because why should I rewrite when he already did the work ? The closing of his post, yes, we’re going backwards, We are only… Read more »

December 29, 2023 5:29 pm

You can see on the map in the NY Post article, Plum Grove is right at the tip off Colony Ridge. My wife has shown houses in there not knowing the situation, third world in there. Bad.

December 29, 2023 5:26 pm


The Biden clown car could not have cared less about Colony Ridge’s illegal immigrants until LULAC and probably others started raising hell about the poor illegals getting ripped off by the Harris brothers.

Well… I guess whatever it takes. Go LULAC!

December 29, 2023 5:21 pm

You do not even want to see the videos I have seen of the Hamas atrocities and no I am not going to point anyone towards them.  They live streamed the acts as they were doing them.  There is not a hell hot enough for those animals.

December 29, 2023 4:59 pm

#25 Texpat

I don’t have to read the details of what Hamas or any other gang of muslims have done in order to understand how sub-human those creeps are. The summary of their atrocities that has gone public is quite enough for me. But thanks for the warning.


December 29, 2023 4:22 pm

Texpat You asked why Biden is allowing Yemen to bully us…… I have an answer but you may find this a big part why we are holding our guns quiet. (Including against Iran) US allies reluctant on Red Sea task force The story says Biden remains a staunch ally of Israel.  Nothoing can be further from the truth.  And it… Read more »

December 29, 2023 3:42 pm

Published about 90 minutes ago in the New York Post: The walls may be closing in on Colony Ridge, the controversial “colonia” north of Houston, Texas, that’s been labeled a “magnet” for crime and illegal immigration. Now two federal agencies — the Justice Department and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — have filed a lawsuit against the companies behind the 40-square-mile… Read more »

December 29, 2023 3:21 pm

I saw in the NY Post today the Houston River Oaks story about two old white women in a high-rise trying to beat up a 25 year old black girl delivering an Amazon package.  They linked to Channel 11 so I figured you folks have already seen it. These two old biddies should be thrown out of the building and… Read more »

December 29, 2023 3:04 pm

#31 – Tedtam – and it has MANY rooms!!!!!

December 29, 2023 2:35 pm

Either way, there’s an annex being built in that hot place.

December 29, 2023 2:34 pm

I guess that as a mother the anguish of listening to my baby die such a tortuous death while being violently violated by giggling demonic individuals is worse than having my face burned off.

To not be able to save my baby is unfathomable.

December 29, 2023 2:33 pm

I was standing in my neighbor’s driveway when the Amazon truck pulled up.  I told the driver the delivery was for me…but his tablet device wouldn’t allow him to deliver to me across the street.  So I walked into my driveway as he sat in his truck, but still couldn’t deliver there.  We walked up the driveway towards my house… Read more »

December 29, 2023 2:31 pm

27 Tedtam There are worse stories from October 7th. Raping women while stabbing them at the same time.  Raping women and then burning their faces off with propane torches while they are still alive.  Raping women and then decapitating them and kicking their heads around on the ground like soccer balls. Repeatedly shooting a rape victim in the genitals and… Read more »

December 29, 2023 1:48 pm

The most horrific story I heard – and they were all horrific, don’t get me wrong – was the one of a mother being repeatedly raped on her kitchen floor while her baby screamed from inside the oven where it was being roasted alive.  Then she was shot.

S-tan rejoiced in Hell.

December 29, 2023 1:10 pm

#25 TP:  THanks for posting.  I’m glad I didn’t click on any of the links because I’m trying to eat lunch.  The descriptions were bad enough.

ELOHIM:  Please give Israel the strength to finish the job and eradicate the scourge of hamas from the Earth.  Please also punish those who defend hamas and their savagery.

December 29, 2023 12:50 pm

I usually choose to do a front page story here about subjects I think are important or sometimes I try to be humorous to give people a break from the miseries of politics and the vile wickedness of the world. Professor Bill Jacobson has a comprehensive roundup of reports on the Hamas savagery and features the new New York Times… Read more »

December 29, 2023 11:59 am

Did not know there was such a thing as a Waffle House hater, yet here I am living amongst them. Love me some Waffle House – yes, large please. I’ll have to keep an eye out, but I’m not sure Cracker Barrel does much advertising. Not a huge fan but they do have very good chicken-n-dumplings and fried chicken is… Read more »

December 29, 2023 11:49 am

Sorry guys, I’ve been keeping up but didn’t realize I had not checked in. Sick ward over here since Monday, five of us came down with a stomach bug from our quick family Christmas Saturday night, rough going required carrying around a trash can and terlet for two days. Wife was feeling flu-ish Sunday and Monday and got Tamiflu from… Read more »

December 29, 2023 11:31 am

#18 Squawk:  That must be because here, we radiate people and in Japan they radiate worms and such. . . .

December 29, 2023 10:56 am

It is 54º here in balmy Bergen County, New Jersey with blue skies and sunshine.

If this global warming keeps up, everything is going to start blooming again.

December 29, 2023 10:53 am

I emailed Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit a few minutes ago pleading with him to post the Michelle Haas/Texas Monthly story at Daily Wire.

We’ll see.  It would give the story even more massive exposure.

December 29, 2023 10:48 am

Morning, chicks and chickadees. I’m ready for some Spring weather.

December 29, 2023 10:32 am

In Japan, radiation makes giant monsters like Godzilla but in America, radiation creates superheroes.

December 29, 2023 10:32 am


I would have to win an all expenses paid vacay to New York city to eat at the Empire.

December 29, 2023 10:22 am

Childers closes out with the news that lines at the Disney parks are so long that the lines are getting San Francisco’d.  The park workers now have special alerts for human feces cleanup needed. Another reason not to go.  Can you imagine standing in line and the person in front of you drops trou and takes a dump in front… Read more »

December 29, 2023 10:19 am

Now, on to Argentina and the pulling of the swamp’s drain plug:

It’s been 18 days since “Argentina’s Trump”, economist Javier Milei, was inaugurated. It is difficult to find reliable information in corporate media, but it looks like he’s been working overtime to drain his swamp.

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From social media and local media reports, so far President Melei has:
  • Eliminated 12 out of 21 cabinet posts, including the much-hated Ministry for Women, Gender, and Diversity.
  • Fired 5,000 government employees.
  • Ended 380,000 government regulations.
  • Banned woke language in the military.
  • Submitted a bill to affirm the right to self-defense.
  • Submitted a bill to legalize homeschooling.
  • Proposed punishment for riot organizers.
  • Proposed welfare cuts for road-blockers.
  • Legalized paying contracts in Bitcoin.
  • Privatized several state-run companies.
  • Opened Argentina’s oil industry to the second largest oil deposit in the world.

Maybe the best evidence of how things are going down there is that leftists are losing their ever-lovin’ minds….

Watching the media head-spinning is such a popcorn worthy event.  Here’s hoping this motivates some right leaning folks here in the States.  /not holding breath
December 29, 2023 10:17 am

Finally checking in. I had another one of “those” nights which I think ended around 4:00 a.m.  I’ve been busy getting some trash gathered up and out to the street before the truck comes by.  It’s gonna be a long day, but I have my coffee in hand, though it might be better injected… DEEP DIVES ☙ Friday, December 29,… Read more »

December 29, 2023 10:00 am

10 Squawk I’ve driven by the Empire Diner on 22nd Street at 10th Avenue.  I have never gone in to eat.  Parking in that area is very difficult.  If you have to use a parking garage, you’ll end up spending more parking than eating.  It’s a foot traffic local joint. The geniuses who run NYC have decided, against almost total… Read more »

December 29, 2023 9:45 am

The Americans, British and French responded with the Berlin Airlift, a months-long air campaign to drop food and fuel into West Berlin that ultimately broke the Soviet blockade in 1949. Later that same year, France officially merged its occupied territory with Bizonia, creating the Federal Republic of Germany, or what became known as West Germany. In October of 1949, the… Read more »

December 29, 2023 9:31 am

Super Dave When the Potsdam Conference in the waning days of WWII agreed to divide Germany into four quadrants, the American, British and French sectors comprised what became West Germany.  The Soviets were already occupying East Germany.  After the Nazi surrender, the Russians cut off East Germany and allowed only a single narrow highway and aviation corridor to West Berlin.… Read more »

December 29, 2023 9:21 am

Today’s Coffee and Chrome

The world famous Empire Diner

Super Dave
December 29, 2023 9:14 am

Seems like it has been awhile since GJT checked in.

You know, I was thinking that as I posted my #4, I hope he’s OK.


December 29, 2023 9:14 am

Michelle Haas is one hell of a Texas hero.

One incredible woman.

Everyone must read the Daily Wire story about the defamation of her by Texas Monthly.  It is criminal.

Super Dave’s #3 Link.

Super Dave
December 29, 2023 8:38 am
Super Dave
December 29, 2023 8:37 am

Those were short hops in and out of Berlin.

Yup and flying all over Europe is like flying within the state of Texas.

Also, Shannon what a great experience that was. You were really lucky to have that chance.

Super Dave
December 29, 2023 8:20 am

It’s 8:20 and the blog is Graveyard Dead. My work here is done. 😉
Oh at least Dooood tried.

Super Dave
December 29, 2023 7:27 am

GJT on Christmas morning.  😀  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>SCRAAAM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>