Via Dan Zimmerman @ The Truth About Guns
The best part about the gun debate is that it’s increasingly just academic.
Our victory is assured.
Put aside Bruen, or Heller, or McDonald, or any of the other gun rights victories in courts. Put aside the massive increases in gun ownership, in every demographic.
Right now, there are more guns than people in the US. Tomorrow, that gun/people ratio will grow, as it has for years, and shows no sign of stopping.Every day, 3D manufacturing technology continues to improve.
You’re already able to make a functioning gun at home, using free, publicly-available printing files. As that technology improves, we will reach the gun singularity, wherein you can make a gun at home of the same or better quality than you’d get from a manufacturer.
Soon after, you’ll be able to print better weapons at home than the meandering bureaucracy at the Pentagon can procure.
We won’t need to be terrorist groups or cartels to get machine guns from the CIA and ATF. We’ll just make our own, and our stuff will be better than theirs.
And thanks to Tor nodes, VPNs and other privacy tech, they won’t even be able to know who’s making them, or where they are.
It’s all good, son. All good.
Damnable Time and Miles.
Sometimes it’s really hard.
Wish I could see the angels’ faces when they hear your sweet voice sing
Yes, ma’am. I have been told repeatedly the same thing. My preference is always the Gulf Brown Shrimp….. but the Gulf white will do. 🙂
I have eaten many of the others. I will never forget finally getting to eat the much-ballyhooed Asian Tiger Shrimp.
Needless to say, I wasn’t impressed that tasteless offering.
When Hubby and I vacationed on the coast of Georgia, we went to a huge seafood place that was packed. I assumed the food was good. We ordered shrimp, and we shared “WTH IS THIS CRAP?!” looks as tasted something akin to cardboard.
On the way home, we connected with another couple who lived on the Keys. They said the iodine in the Gulf Coast waters was what gave our shrimp so much flavor. They could tell a difference in their seafood flavor just on different sides of their island.
Texpat so sorry to hear, prayers to you and family. I don’t know a lot about this type of cancer but I think it’s very often fatal so I’ll not judge the young man. I knew two guys at NASA that both died of cancer of the esophagus. Both were 60+ though.
Bless you.
When Congressman Greg Casar was a mere member of the Austin City Council:
30 Shannon In all the years before I quit eating shellfish, I ate shrimp in many places in the world and nothing anywhere compared to fresh Gulf Coast shrimp. There is simply nothing else like it. So now it will become a delicacy priced out of most people’s budget by some entrepreneur smart enough to market it the right way to all these millennials. The imported stuff is garbage, but I guess the younger generations don’t know the difference and therefore do not care. The worst thing I ever tried to eat was one of those Vietnamese tiger shrimp. Awful,… Read more »
An Austin, Texas Democrat politician is demanding police step up their patrols in his neighborhood despite previously voting to defund them. Yes, in the latest example of ‘Do as I say not as I do,’ Representative Greg Casar now says that he wants more police for at least the next week. It’s unclear why the Congressman wanted the extra police. The Austin Police Retired Officers Association however did not hold back and called out the Congressman’s sudden change of tone. “We want everyone in Austin to feel safe, but this seems to us as the height of hypocrisy from the… Read more »
31 Tedtam
It’s not something I ever expected to to endure watching my daughter go through something like this.
Texpat, my heart breaks for you and your family.
Prayers for peace and comfort to all of you.
Hard times for Gulf shrimpers.
Texpat, sad for your daughter. Losing your spouse is sad at any age.
My #15
I went back to bed, 3 separate times today. No errands were attended to…
I have not mentioned this and I have been hesitant to do so. My daughter, Tyler, in Oregon, a new registered nurse, is going through something I am at pain to describe. Her husband of 10 years is suffering from laryngeal cancer and has decided to refuse treatment. He doesn’t want to go through the removal of his larynx and the installation of a prosthetic replacement with the permanent trachea. He has decided to die and the tumor is now blocking not only his ability to swallow but also his ability to breathe. It is only a matter of days… Read more »
Super Dave – I think they have different guest hosts lined up each day. Today was Pags, but I don’t know who sat in yesterday.
Best letter to Santa from this week’s Bellville Times:
Ever wonder what happened to those two creepy girls in the Shinning? 😀
‘Bout got the old GMC loaded up and Dawg is getting nervous, she doesn’t know that she’s ridding shotgun in the morning. 😉
Really? I passed by there today and since Hannity wasn’t on I listened for a little bit and I’d have bet good money that the guest host was Lars Larson. Apparently Joe Pags sounds just like Him.
Get your nerd on.
I spent a little time outside doing some way overdue grooming in my container garden.
The thai basil has jumped ship and is now growing in the lawn. When we cut the grass, my yard will smell FABULOUS!
Unless the wild onions overcome the basil. Hubby cries when he cuts during onion season. I smell it in the house. But I like to go out there and harvest the wild stuff in the yard.
Joe Pags sitting in for Hannity. I like Joe.
Via CFP:
Republicans float booting Biden off state ballots after Trump ruling
Libs never seem to get the goose/gander thing, nor the Law of Unintended (or totally ignored) Consequences
There’s already been a lawsuit filed over Murphy Abbott’s law that allows illegals to be arrested.
but he knew that would happen.
it’s all part of the smoke and mirrors pretending.
The destruction of the country has been assured by the joined@thehipVampyreparties.
pResident Kenyan wanted to fundamentally deform Amerika and he’s succeed by getting by with a little help from his joined@thehipparty friends.
Just my commentary on…….
I am so far ahead of the curve I am lapping everyone. Over a year ago I said that there would be states that move to keep Trump off the ballot. I’d bet that Colorado will not be the last.
Good morning, everyone.
I’d like to go back to bed, in spite of, or maybe because of, some errands that I need to run…
OK let’s lighten things up a bit; Presenting the Hallmark Christmas Movie Plot Generator. 😀
More on/from Kevin McKernan: I’ll wrap up today’s post with a little more evidence of the risks posed by the “nonsense DNA” made by the jabs. This short clip is part of an extended Rumble interview between heterodox gene scientists Kevin McKernan and Jessica Rose (2 hrs). In the clip, the two scientists discuss the latest mRNA design defect described in the peer-reviewed Nature study, the creation of “nonsense DNA,” or in technical terms, the “ribosomal frameshifting.” …in the clip Kevin identified maybe the biggest problem with the nonsense DNA. When the pharma companies substituted n-methyl pseudouridine for natural uridine in… Read more »
4 Squawk
I sincerely appreciate the support, but it would have meant more if you were wearing a shemagh, a keffiyeh and your name was Bobby Abdullah.
I should have been more specific in my request.
And now – unexplained vehicle accidents – what’s causing the uptick? I’m just guessing – sudden cardiac events? Unexpected strokes? The increasing number of these events has caught the eye of Australian news. The Australian “experts” are reported to be concerned about the numbers of these S&U vehicle accidents and deaths. Experts! Presumably these newly-worried experts are the same ones who constantly fretted about covid overwhelming hospitals during the pandemic. According to the story, pre-pandemic Australia enjoyed a long, steady reduction in car crash deaths. But that’s all history now, mate; there’s a whole new epidemic going on, an epidemic… Read more »
Jabs and cancer: The well-regarded Journal Cureus published a remarkable new peer-reviewed study this week titled, “SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis”.[You gotta see the chart in Childers’ column] /snip It’s a pretty technical list, and non-med/sci folks don’t need to try understanding them all. The point is, a major journal just published a peer-reviewed paper listing eight different ways the vaccines can cause new cancers or make regressed cancers flare up again…. Specifically, the researchers have grown concerned about something called the “multi-hit hypothesis” of cancer. It’s a theory that cancer develops not by a single event but in a gradual process caused by… Read more »
Next up: more jab news. Specifically, contaminants in the jab news. And the cover-up. Kevin McKernan reported plasmid DNA contaminants along with the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter gene, and was promptly labeled a quack. (Remember that the SV40, which was NOT supposed to exist in the jab, makes the infestation and damage from the spikes more likely.) After other labs confirmed McKernan’s findings, that bullying was shut down. Since the quackery argument had fizzled and the evidence was obvious, the argument went to “well, there’s no evidence that anyone was hurt!” Until someone found a 2010 study in the… Read more »
John Solomon strikes again, God bless ‘im. Day before yesterday, I covered the “lost top-secret binder” story. An alert commenter directed me to a supplemental motion filed in a little-reported lawsuit by reporter John Solomon of Just The News. In January 2021, President Trump tasked John with publishing the declassified Crossfire Hurricane binder to the American people. This year John has been suing the Biden Administration as Trump’s “designated representative” trying to get a copy of the binder. I quickly reviewed his supplemental motion during a spare hour. It was extremely informative. While DC operatives were scrambling to recover and hide/burn all copies… Read more »
MULTI-DIMENSIONAL ☙ Wednesday, December 19, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Good morning, C&C family, it’s Wednesday! The Childers family will be traveling home today after a delightful and festive holiday getaway. Today’s roundup includes a couple breaking stories that were obligatory as well as the scheduled news: Iceland volcano finally gets around to erupting; WaPo tells two tales of Ukraine; Colorado supremes cancel Trump primary because insurrection; John Solomon’s Crossfire Hurricane lawsuit might explain Monday’s CNN exposé; old jab study rebuts “no evidence” claims about harms from plasmid contaminants in jabs; new peer-reviewed study rounds up cancer effects from jabs, disproving… Read more »
I heard an interesting point being made on Chris Salcedo this morning: all the Jew haters claim there is a Palestinian genocide being conducted at the hands of the Jews. No one ever points out the genocide against Jews that has already happened in many MidEast countries, like Syria. The number of Jews went from the tens of thousands to zero or close to. One country touted a whole 7 Jews. At least at the time of counting.
I’d be surprised if that family is still alive.
Finally popping in. I fell asleep on an ice pack last night. Once again, I eschewed the “20 minutes on, 20 minutes off” recommendation for the ice, since I usually have some sort of fabric between the pack and my skin. I kept ice on right jaw almost continuously from the time I came home to when I fell asleep. I think that has made me functional today, even though I feel like I’ve had a ping-pong ball inserted into my jaw. My dentist got quite a workout yesterday. I never thought about the upper body and arm strength that… Read more »
Disclaimer I am not an SOB in the way you meant rather I am a Sweet Old Bore.
Your wish is my command.
I demand Hamas agree to an immediate cease-fire ! Right NOW !
I can tell you why all these things are happening but you won’t believe me.
I dare anybody to read the excerpt below and not go on to read the whole thing by Michael Walsh. The Column: A Model Immigrant And a very happy 132nd birthday (yesterday, Dec. 18) to the greatest Irish gangster of them all, Owen Vincent Madden! Leader of the Gopher Gang, inmate at Sing Sing, NYC’s leading beer brewer during Prohibition, Mae West’s lover (hardly an exclusive category), Broadway producer, founder of the Cotton Club, the man who hired Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, Lena Horne, and Harold Arlen and made them all stars, owner of five heavyweight champs, including Primo Carnera… Read more »
Stephen Green quoting the WSJ from behind the paywall. Link at the bottom if you’re a subscriber. Record youth unemployment that topped 21% this year has further dented confidence in traditional paths to achievement in China. Some, like Li, are also frustrated about other issues, such as violence against women in China or government efforts to prevent people from accessing foreign apps such as Twitter or Instagram. Many are quitting their jobs and turning to meditation and other forms of spirituality. Some are moving far from China’s megacities to start lives anew in places like Dali, a southwestern city famous… Read more »
2 Super Dave.
Have a safe trip, Dave.
How about that? Bones snuck in while I was pecking away but no matter I was real late anyways. Maybe his showing up will save the dang blog. 😀
“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” ― Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto It’s Wednesday! Hump Day and I don’t know if I mentioned it or not but I’m heading to Midland in the morning and to show you just how tough I am, I’m taking Lil’ Dawg with me, that should be fun. She’s not been on a Road Trip since we moved here in the spring of 2019 but she made lots of trips prior to that so I’m hopping she’ll settle in OK. Normally she rides shotgun in… Read more »
Now to read the content.