Monday Open Comments

On my last visit, Aggie Beau introduced me to the libertarian oasis in Honduras:





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December 18, 2023 9:25 pm

#26 Shannon

That’s a smart & happy dog!


December 18, 2023 9:12 pm

I guess I got all of them. At this point I don’t really care.

December 18, 2023 9:05 pm

Dropping a full, open bottle of 90 pills on the kitchen floor is really hard on the knees and back.

December 18, 2023 8:42 pm

I still haven’t put up the little tree.

It just isn’t time yet.

Might be as late as Christmas Eve. Who knows.

December 18, 2023 8:18 pm

Christmas-related things covered up today and will also do so tomorrow, but I will check in on tomorrow’s posts as a welcome relief from the day’s chores.  Christmas Eve is always a relief, as all the stuff to be done has been done. 🙂

December 18, 2023 7:41 pm

The Lame Stream Media are so busy trying to soft-peddle bad financial news and other concerns that so many normal people all over the country have about the USA being run away with by the socialist wanna-bees. However, they don’t have complete control over the news….  We The People shall not forget this come 2024.  Those Lame Streamers are so self-absorbed looking in the mirror they don’t even think twice about what the rest of the population thinks.  Nor do they care much about it.  They believe their own propaganda, a dangerous thing to do.

December 18, 2023 7:39 pm
December 18, 2023 7:22 pm

What a real war hero is all about, as told by the Fat Electrician.

Warning: Language.


December 18, 2023 7:15 pm

Real Clear Politics (which averages the most recent polls)

New Hampshire, here.

Iowa, here.

December 18, 2023 6:58 pm


Super Dave

So! I keep hearing all the liars saying that Nikki Haley is coming on strong and is in second place. WTH is that coming from?

Haley has definitely pulled ahead of the pack (2nd tier) in New Hampshire and is nipping at DeSantis’ heels in Iowa.

This is what the MoronMedia is talking about.

We’re getting close to primaries, now. National polls mean nothing.


December 18, 2023 6:35 pm

#21 Shannon:  We should simply ship them to Gaza as special ‘war brides’ for the poor hamas warriors.

December 18, 2023 6:29 pm

Talk about a special place in hell…

Two middle-aged white women – serving probation for the same crime in 2020 – have been charged with burglarizing a dead woman’s home in Memorial Villages during the funeral.

December 18, 2023 6:19 pm




December 18, 2023 4:14 pm



December 18, 2023 2:44 pm


 girlfriend on the side.

I don’t think so. Neutered and has a clipped ear-point.


December 18, 2023 1:39 pm

The notion that Jews should not be allowed to live in JUDEA, is absurd beyond the pale.

December 18, 2023 1:32 pm

One of the brightest, most intelligent judicial minds alive today, Eugene Kontovorich, writes: Secretary of State Antony Blinken has announced visa restrictions on Israelis in response to “settler violence.” Britain and Belgium plan to follow suit, and other European Union countries will likely jump on the blacklist bandwagon. The United States frequently uses such visa restrictions to block those guilty of gross human-rights abuses, tyrannical foreign despots and nationals of state sponsors of terrorism. But this is a far cry from that — it’s simply a big step in the Obama-Biden administrations’ deep delegitimization of those who oppose a “two-state… Read more »

December 18, 2023 11:53 am

Morning, gang. I was worried about Billy Cat last night. He was in the backyard gazebo yesterday around 4 o’clock so I gave him some chow. But then later on after dark, around the time I put out food for the raccoons and the possums, Billy didn’t show up as he normally would, even if he had lucked out with an extra meal during the day.

But he was asleep in a grassy, sunny spot when I looked for him this morning.

Super Dave
December 18, 2023 11:49 am

I think that was a cruel and tasteless ad even if it was the archaic era of the 1960s.

I agree.

December 18, 2023 11:03 am

8 Super Dave

I think that was a cruel and tasteless ad even if it was the archaic era of the 1960s.

It doesn’t speak well for the reputation of Eastern or Frank Borman.

December 18, 2023 10:47 am

It was revealed recently Chris Krispy Kreme Christie wouldn’t be listed on the Republican primary ballot in the state of Maine. Maine has a population of 1,362,359 people.  Of those folks, 295,122 are registered Republicans. Krispy Christie could not get 2,000 Republicans to sign a petition to get him on the ballot. And yet, every news network including Fox thinks Americans give a damn about anything he has to say. Corporate media in America are a bunch of propaganda clowns. Also, don’t forget I have stepped out to the ledge and made a prediction.  CBS News will not exist in… Read more »

Super Dave
December 18, 2023 10:38 am

Graveyard Dead! Am I good or what?  😀

Super Dave
December 18, 2023 10:20 am

I just saw a national Fox news poll about Republicans that I found interesting;

Candidate                            Now        November

Donald Trump                    69%              62%

Ron Desantis                       12%              13%

Nikki Haley                           9%              10%

Vivek Ramaswamy               5%               7%

Jersey Yell Roll                     2%               3%

So! I keep hearing all the liars saying that Nikki Haley is coming on strong and is in second place. WTH is that coming from?

Super Dave
December 18, 2023 9:43 am

Texpat @ 7:50 AM that is just neat, a great find.

Super Dave
December 18, 2023 9:41 am

Now that was a different time; Presenting the losers.

Company: Eastern
Year Released: 1967

In 1967, Eastern Airlines gathered a bunch of job applicant rejects in a room and made them take a sad photo together because they didn’t get the stewardess job for which they applied. These women, according to the ad, didn’t have the “weight,” “maturity,” “speech,” “intelligence,” and “enthusiasm” to work for the airline.

BTW; Can you imagine the wailing and wringing of hands by the Woke crowd if that was published today? 😉

December 18, 2023 8:23 am

Islam is fundamentally sick. IT is also fundamentally: Evil in how it treats non-muzzies, in addition to those not deemed pious enough. Destructive in that every culture or society in which it invades, that distinct culture dies.  Illiterate the females are not allowed to go to school in the more ‘religious’ countries, the only thing the masses are taught is the Koran, Hadith and how to assemble an AK47 Backwards thinking the only thing Islam is good at is spreading misery.  They do not innovate, they do not create.  Algebra was created by the Persians prior to the islamic invasion and conquer. … Read more »

December 18, 2023 8:07 am

We Were Taught to Hate Jews ‘It’s like asking me how often I drink water. Antisemitism was everywhere.’ Apostates, former Islamists, and an almost-terrorist on how they changed their minds. The following five ex-Muslims grew up in Canada, Europe, and the Middle East, but they were all indoctrinated, they say, with the same views on Jews and Israel. They remember a childhood shot through with antisemitic moments ranging from the mundane (one woman recalls her aunt claiming Jews put cancer in her vegetables at the market) to the deadly (a former extremist went as far as to pick a location… Read more »

December 18, 2023 7:56 am
December 18, 2023 7:50 am

We need to have thousands of schools like this in America. What’s the Opposite of Harvard? A Year of Honest Work At Deep Springs College, I received a copy of the student body bylaws and instructions for treating snakebites. This was my orientation. Deep Springs is one of the most selective colleges in the world and the smallest in the country, admitting only twelve from a pool of several hundred applicants. Students live on a ranch in the White Mountains for two years, earning credits that are accepted by almost every school in America. It has never charged tuition. This… Read more »

December 18, 2023 6:57 am

Super Dave, HA – we’ve got ya beat… It’s 41 out here in the woods… ShortieDawg was not at all amused when I insisted we needed to “go walkies”

Super Dave
December 18, 2023 6:40 am

This popped up over yonder; Teri Garr in Young Frankenstein. As to not offend Granny Hammy I’ll not repeat the quote.  😉 

Super Dave
December 18, 2023 6:11 am

40 degrees here this morning and we may dip down to 29 on Wednesday morning, just too dang cold for me. We’re supposed to hit 60 by 3 PM today so that’ll help. Lil’ Dawg got up about 5:30 and after going outside she headed straight for the heater in the den. There is a hearth there were the old wood stove used to be and she has her donut there

Mornin’ Gang

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