ABC’s 20/20 program is featuring the thrice-tried Houston/Harris County murder case against Kincaid student AJ Armstrong. Who murdered his parents.
I keep waiting for a new, previously undiscovered archive of photos of the most beautiful ginger in the history of man to show up. None of the currently available photos do her justice.
I’ve almost given in several times… but am still…
Waiting, waiting, waiting….
Either you know whom I’m talking about or you don’t.
GJT, My condolences and prayers for you and your family. I’ve know some stepdads that were a lot more like a real dad and they really stepped up to the plate. Sounds like he was one of them.
Elmer Gantry is a satirical novel written by Sinclair Lewis in 1926 that presents aspects of the religious activity of the United States in fundamentalist and evangelistic circles and the attitudes of the 1920s public toward it. Reverend Dr. Elmer Gantry, the protagonist, is attracted by drinking, making easy money (but he eventually renounces tobacco and alcohol) and chasing women. After various forays into smaller, fringe churches, he becomes a major moral and political force in the Methodist Church despite his hypocrisy and serial sexual indiscretions.[1]
Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay two election workers $148 million.
Weapons of war waged by the totalitarian joined@thehipparties.
just another day at the corrupt kangarooed in penguin suits office.
the goopecon losers of the house of ill repute passed the 900 billion ndaa boondoggle because they know they’ll just stall and play rope a dope next year and won’t get anything done and they’ll throw the game and let the steal happen and get creamed n 2024.
Hey, Shannon FLASHBACK: A New Class problem. “A common thread among anti-semitism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Americanism is the fear of being outdone by people willing to work harder. It’s not surprising that such a fear exists among a disproportionate number of those who take state-supported jobs. It’s thus not surprising, then, that New Class sensibilities are so often anti-American and anti-capitalist, and increasingly (or perhaps I should say, once again) anti-Semitic, too.” Plus: “I can’t help but notice that anti-Americanism, and the various manifestations of what some have called Transnational Progressivism, are most common among people who, well, have state-supported managerial… Read more »
If Audrey Hepburn is the only brunette that you old dried up baby boomers care about, then I may start posting some of the hundreds of thousands of inferior blondes on Fridays.
If you make it in govt. to any position of note, I think it’s self-evident that you are a con-man. Just a question of which side of the uniparty you shill for.
There have now been 97 attacks on American military forces in the Red Sea, Mediterranean, Syria and Iraq. When will these spineless weasels in the Biden administration decide to defend our people before Americans rise up against them ? Yeah, I know… In this latest incident, ballistic missiles and a drone were fired from Houthi held territory in Yemen and struck a Liberian-flagged cargo ship near the Bab El-Mandeb Strait, according to a Pentagon official. A second vessel in the same area also came under attack close in time to the first. According to breaking details relayed in Reuters: Attacks from Houthi-controlled… Read more »
GJT – we join you in rejoicing that your Dad’s pain and suffering is ended, and send virtual hugs – we know only too well that no matter how ready you think you are, their departure leaves a hole that can’t be filled… May all of you who knew and loved him let go of the bad moments and cling to the good ones… and give each other a hug for him
Our dad finally gave in and left this world yesterday morning. He is pain and illness free now. He hung in there several days after placed on hospice care, or as Memorial Hermann calls it, Comfort Care. Their system kept him in the hospital through the process, we did not have to move him. God Bless those people. Seems disrespectful to refer to him as our step dad as he was a dad in every way. He took the three of us in after marrying our mom, took on the responsibility of raising us without a lot of say so.… Read more »
A pet pig has been loose and spotted over several days now in the hood, evidently dumped. Now he’s done attacked a dog causing neighborhood animal lovers to have to choose pro pig or pro dog, such a conundrum.
If you make it in govt. to any position of note, I think it’s self-evident that you are a con-man. Just a question of which side of the uniparty you shill for.
Mharper – yes “staanist” is what you think it is. Exorcist interviews have stated over and over not to use their real names; it just invites trouble. I dropped off some Christmas gifts to my lender friend’s new office digs, came home, ate lunch, made a rosary, then had to lay down for a bit. As y’all know, I’m not a good napper, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that I lost a half hour or so after I laid down. I almost fell asleep during Latin class last night, I was so tired. As per the rosary, my… Read more »
M Johnson hob knobbed with Paul Ryan right before he gave us a johnson up the backside.
Merry Christmas suckers says Johnson but we’ll get our principles in line after our 3 week end of the year vacation which should allow another 30k illegal aliens to cross over.
#26 Dr. phil: Do you think Charles McGonigal is the sacrificial lamb or has the worm finally turned and the FBI is going to start cleaning its self up?
Unless and until some big shots like Wray, and his lieutenants start doing the perp walk, I’m going with the former.
You can clearly see several large black students ganged up on a much smaller white boy and could have killed him. This should be a felony. We’ll see what happens. Even the New York Post decides not to mention that fact. when you live in a country where hating whites and anti-white-ism is the only ism that’s sanctioned by the government, spewed frequently by the wooden dummy, religion in most of academia and mandatory training in corporations then this is what you get. Animal Farm should be required reading everywhere but that will never happen and you probably know why.… Read more »
Tedtam – glad to hear they’ve gone to a good home, where they won’t languish in their box and feel useless 😉 I’ve gotta get back on the “treadmill” of FD’ing, because – well, because I CAN, and there may come of day when I can’t. My “big brother” at our now-closed church has a younger sister who has many doctor appointments in the Woodlands, and, having grown up in the bustling metropolis of Montgomery but now in their late 70’s/early 80’s, completely terrified at driving down there – so I generally take which-ever one is in need – and… Read more »
#19 TP: The left will not stop until they have absolute, total control over every life, human or otherwise, from the womb to the tomb. They have repeatedly demonstrated that they can not adequately manage their own lives, so why the eff should we allow them to manage anyone else’s?
The more salient question is how to stop them. . . . .
yup. I’ve been watching the reruns and I agree.
she had a nice bod.
ABC’s 20/20 program is featuring the thrice-tried Houston/Harris County murder case against Kincaid student AJ Armstrong. Who murdered his parents.
Brother Phil
She is easy on the eyes.
/Gotta mind my manners the Lovely BSue is lurking.
How about Vicki Lawerence squawka Bruddah?
A GINGER is a ginger unless it is Carol Burnett and she just makes me wanna puke,
parroting one of the comments I read.
aren’t the real savages the ones wearing suits in DC and facilitating the invasion?
Wagonburner 8:34
You’ll never catch me arguing against Hepburn as one of the premier brunettes of all time.
I started Brunette Fridays years ago as a small bulwark against the worldwide media’s fetish for blondes.
Let me tell you something, Mr. Squawk….
I keep waiting for a new, previously undiscovered archive of photos of the most beautiful ginger in the history of man to show up. None of the currently available photos do her justice.
I’ve almost given in several times… but am still…
Waiting, waiting, waiting….
Either you know whom I’m talking about or you don’t.
I don’t really care. Stay tuned.
GJT, My condolences and prayers for you and your family. I’ve know some stepdads that were a lot more like a real dad and they really stepped up to the plate. Sounds like he was one of them.
51 shannon
There’s a surplus of modern-day bimbos of all hair colors & complexions.
None have the poise, style, and beauty of Miss Hepburn and her contemporaries.
It’s not like America’s last great hope is Donald Trump or something.
Man, Bellville loses the state championship and Shannon decides to…
…beatdown step-fathers, step-children, fathers in general and Audrey Hepburn who is not even here to defend herself.
Weapons of war waged by the totalitarian joined@thehipparties.
just another day at the corrupt kangarooed in penguin suits office.
the goopecon losers of the house of ill repute passed the 900 billion ndaa boondoggle because they know they’ll just stall and play rope a dope next year and won’t get anything done and they’ll throw the game and let the steal happen and get creamed n 2024.
I’ll only vote for Trump.
0 down ballot.
Insert Jim Mora rant here.
Hey, Shannon FLASHBACK: A New Class problem. “A common thread among anti-semitism, anti-capitalism, and anti-Americanism is the fear of being outdone by people willing to work harder. It’s not surprising that such a fear exists among a disproportionate number of those who take state-supported jobs. It’s thus not surprising, then, that New Class sensibilities are so often anti-American and anti-capitalist, and increasingly (or perhaps I should say, once again) anti-Semitic, too.” Plus: “I can’t help but notice that anti-Americanism, and the various manifestations of what some have called Transnational Progressivism, are most common among people who, well, have state-supported managerial… Read more »
If Audrey Hepburn is the only brunette that you old dried up baby boomers care about, then I may start posting some of the hundreds of thousands of inferior blondes on Fridays.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Amen, Doood.
Shut down the Red Sea commercial shipping lanes and no telling what the Euros will do to survive.
They may make a deal with Putin.
It seems to me that at least a hundred people closely related to Trump have been destroyed financially and legally.
There have now been 97 attacks on American military forces in the Red Sea, Mediterranean, Syria and Iraq. When will these spineless weasels in the Biden administration decide to defend our people before Americans rise up against them ? Yeah, I know… In this latest incident, ballistic missiles and a drone were fired from Houthi held territory in Yemen and struck a Liberian-flagged cargo ship near the Bab El-Mandeb Strait, according to a Pentagon official. A second vessel in the same area also came under attack close in time to the first. According to breaking details relayed in Reuters: Attacks from Houthi-controlled… Read more »
Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay two election workers $148 million.
I’m convinced that fathers are never good enough for anybody anyway.
It seems to me that to have a resident father after 1950-something is something unusual.
my sincerest sympathy.
“Seems disrespectful to refer to him as our step dad as he was a dad in every way.”
I hope my two step children feel the same way.
I just saw GJT’s comment about 15 minutes ago.
What a heartbreaker.
May your father’s memory be a blessing.
I pray for peace and good health for you and your family.
GJT – we join you in rejoicing that your Dad’s pain and suffering is ended, and send virtual hugs – we know only too well that no matter how ready you think you are, their departure leaves a hole that can’t be filled… May all of you who knew and loved him let go of the bad moments and cling to the good ones… and give each other a hug for him
God bless you and yours GJT.
GJT: Please accept the condolences of the Bonecrusher clan for the loss of your bonus-dad.
23 Audrey Hepburn rare photosfrom the Conde’ Nast Collection (My Fair Lady)
You want Audrey Hepburn pictures? I got your Audrey Hepburn pictures.
It is Gilmer 28 to Bellville 26 with 6+ minutes left in the fourth quarter.
It’s heart attack city here.
Bellville is down 28 to 13 against Gilmer in the 2nd quarter at AT&T Stadium in Arlington.
I’m holding all of y’all responsible for not cheering loud enough.
¿Porqué no los dos?
I like both dogs and pigs, one beside me and the other on a plate.
Gjt, I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one is never easy. Many hugs and prayers for your comfort and for your family.
Our dad finally gave in and left this world yesterday morning. He is pain and illness free now. He hung in there several days after placed on hospice care, or as Memorial Hermann calls it, Comfort Care. Their system kept him in the hospital through the process, we did not have to move him. God Bless those people. Seems disrespectful to refer to him as our step dad as he was a dad in every way. He took the three of us in after marrying our mom, took on the responsibility of raising us without a lot of say so.… Read more »
A pet pig has been loose and spotted over several days now in the hood, evidently dumped. Now he’s done attacked a dog causing neighborhood animal lovers to have to choose pro pig or pro dog, such a conundrum.
If you make it in govt. to any position of note, I think it’s self-evident that you are a con-man. Just a question of which side of the uniparty you shill for.
is he just another Elmer Gantry?
I saw a billboard this morning: a picture of a face only, looks Hispanic-y, and the words “Elmer is coming”.
I don’t know if I’m supposed to be curious, frightened, angry, or what. But Elmer is coming. Whoever he is.
Mharper – yes “staanist” is what you think it is. Exorcist interviews have stated over and over not to use their real names; it just invites trouble. I dropped off some Christmas gifts to my lender friend’s new office digs, came home, ate lunch, made a rosary, then had to lay down for a bit. As y’all know, I’m not a good napper, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that I lost a half hour or so after I laid down. I almost fell asleep during Latin class last night, I was so tired. As per the rosary, my… Read more »
M Johnson hob knobbed with Paul Ryan right before he gave us a johnson up the backside.
Merry Christmas suckers says Johnson but we’ll get our principles in line after our 3 week end of the year vacation which should allow another 30k illegal aliens to cross over.
is he just another Elmer Gantry?
first question about McGonigal—nah just part of the kabuki prime time players theatre hour.
second question about fib cleaning up its act.—No
#26 Dr. phil: Do you think Charles McGonigal is the sacrificial lamb or has the worm finally turned and the FBI is going to start cleaning its self up?
Unless and until some big shots like Wray, and his lieutenants start doing the perp walk, I’m going with the former.
ferris mueller is beyond reproach.
He’s was the perfect one to get to the bottom of the Trump/Russia collusion scandal.
ferris mueller: “know what?”
Is “staanist” meant to be “satanist’?
re: Audrey
This looks like it’s from the same shoot and from Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
from yesternight:
We always dropped the peanuts into a bottle of RC.
#2 Bones
I remember you brought some yummy vegetable dish to the last Dome-a-rama, but I don’t recall now if it was sweet potatoes.
A book was also written about it by David Horowitz in 2013.
You can clearly see several large black students ganged up on a much smaller white boy and could have killed him. This should be a felony. We’ll see what happens. Even the New York Post decides not to mention that fact. when you live in a country where hating whites and anti-white-ism is the only ism that’s sanctioned by the government, spewed frequently by the wooden dummy, religion in most of academia and mandatory training in corporations then this is what you get. Animal Farm should be required reading everywhere but that will never happen and you probably know why.… Read more »
Tedtam – glad to hear they’ve gone to a good home, where they won’t languish in their box and feel useless 😉 I’ve gotta get back on the “treadmill” of FD’ing, because – well, because I CAN, and there may come of day when I can’t. My “big brother” at our now-closed church has a younger sister who has many doctor appointments in the Woodlands, and, having grown up in the bustling metropolis of Montgomery but now in their late 70’s/early 80’s, completely terrified at driving down there – so I generally take which-ever one is in need – and… Read more »
#19 TP: The left will not stop until they have absolute, total control over every life, human or otherwise, from the womb to the tomb. They have repeatedly demonstrated that they can not adequately manage their own lives, so why the eff should we allow them to manage anyone else’s?
The more salient question is how to stop them. . . . .