Wednesday “The Education Scam” Open Comments

The late William A. Niskanen, a member of President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers, began a 1997 book chapter titled “R&D and Economic Growth: Cautionary Thoughts” with this quote from President Bill Clinton about his proposed federal budget.

American history clearly demonstrates the importance of American leadership in science and technology to the future of our nation. Investments in science and technology drive economic growth, generate new knowledge, create new jobs, build new industries, ensure sustained national security, and improve our quality of life.

Niskanen then commented, “I wonder to which American history President Clinton was referring.” His point was that Clinton’s claim had no connection to what really happened in America and what really accounted for economic growth. Possibly the reason this chapter has received so little attention is that it was in a book rather than an economic journal. That’s too bad, because Niskanen made some devastating points.

The reason William Niskanen questioned the Clinton quote is because it is not true and has been used to fleece American taxpayers out hundreds of billions (trillions ?) of dollars ever since WWII.  The mind-boggling amounts of wealth spent by American families to send their children to colleges and universities each year can probably never be accurately calculated.

Don’t get me wrong.  Most Americans of all ages, including politicians and economists, would innocently and ignorantly agree with Bill Clinton’s assertion and they have for generations now.  I am sure Bill believes it.  Every university president and administrator cannot countenance any doubt in it.  The bizarre thing is no one ever asked it it was true.  Was it provable ?  It seems nice and solid and unassailable, doesn’t it ?  Who would object ?

Bacon’s chain, according to Niskanen, goes as follows (I’ve edited his statement a little):

Government financing is necessary to provide the adequate level of basic research. Basic research is necessary to provide the scientific foundation for advanced technology. Finally, advanced technology accounts for a large part of economic growth.

By sifting through the evidence, Niskanen throws strong doubt on each of these three links in Bacon’s chain.


What about the middle link in the Bacon chain: the dependence of advanced technology on basic research? It turns out that there’s almost no dependence. Niskanen pointed to multiple studies that made that point. I’ll highlight two. In 1969, the Department of Defense produced “Project Hindsight.” Thirteen teams of scientists and engineers were tasked with identifying “the key research events that contributed to twenty weapon systems.” They found seven hundred such events. How many came from basic research? Two.

and this study,

In a 1991 study, University of Pennsylvania economist Edwin Mansfield, whose specialty was studying technology, reported the results of a survey he conducted on seventy-six firms in seven manufacturing industries. His goal, wrote Niskanen, was to “determine the share of the firms’ new products and processes that could not have been developed without academic research conducted within the prior fifteen years.” Only 11 percent of new products and 9 percent of new processes, Mansfield found, “could not have been developed, without substantial delay, in the absence of recent academic research.” Moreover, the products and processes that depended on academic research, pointed out Niskanen, “accounted for only 3 percent of sales and 1 percent of the industry savings attributable to technological innovation.”

Everyone everywhere had been lied to by their government.  Many of the lies are deliberate, but some of them are simply myths handed down from generation to generation.


President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on this day, November 22nd, sixty years ago in 1963.

America has never been the same.






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November 22, 2023 11:35 pm

Good night all. See you all in the morning when it is really Thanksgiving Day and efforts for wonderful dinners appropriate (or not) for the day grace dining rooms that otherwise sit unused these days other than for special occasions, like ours does.  We’ve had all the furniture for it for 40 years or so, and used it with all… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 22, 2023 10:11 pm

This song must’ve clinched it.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 22, 2023 10:05 pm

The borders are completely secured.
Do feds like to rock?

Kiss made em do it.

Super Dave
November 22, 2023 9:44 pm

FWIW; My daddy served in WWII and he explained to me the difference between the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army would give out free coffee and donuts while the Red Cross charged you for them.

Super Dave
November 22, 2023 9:41 pm

Screw the Red Cross


I have never given a f***ing dime to the Red Cross and never will.

I have donated to the Salvation Army.


Super Dave
November 22, 2023 9:40 pm

#38 Shannon I posted that in my #30 but now they are saying it wasn’t terrorists just idiots. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow.

Super Dave
November 22, 2023 9:38 pm

My wife has banana bread and pumpkin dump cake in the oven and it sure smells nice in here. And yes, my wife ventures into the kitchen, once maybe twice a year. I got out my fancy Kitchenaid  mixer for her but she decided it wasn’t necessary for this job.

November 22, 2023 8:20 pm


If there is a catastrophe, we will be using the facility without the Red frikkin Cross, anyway.

November 22, 2023 8:11 pm

When my church built a large multipurpose building we made sure it had showers and other features and accommodations so it could be used in catastrophic disasters. I don’t remember why, but the bureaucrats at Red Cross have repeatedly refused to certify or use the facility. The large, gym size room could hold a couple hundred cots. There are meeting… Read more »

November 22, 2023 8:01 pm

Texpat My hate for the Red Cross is much the same as yours.  911 the entrainment industry collected nearly a Billion dollars for those affected by the attack.  The Red Cross was chosen to handle it.  I was led to believe by the entertainment folks that money was to be collected and dispersed to the victims of 911.  The Red… Read more »

November 22, 2023 7:51 pm

Yummmmm McRibs are back.  2 McRibs and bowl of Chili w/beans.  Good eatin there I tell you whut.

November 22, 2023 7:40 pm

Aspercream with maximum Lidocaine became her go-to in the last year.

Yep, that’s the stuff.

Hubby came home in a great mood for a change.  Between the pain relief and the paint job now done on his car, he had a good day.

November 22, 2023 7:23 pm


Fay used everything including Blue Stuff.
CBD didn’t do Jack for her.

Aspercream with maximum Lidocaine became her go-to in the last year. And prescription Lidocaine patches.

November 22, 2023 7:17 pm

Oops, sorry. The game is Friday night.

This isn’t Friday? Damn.

November 22, 2023 7:14 pm

12-0 Bellville Brahmas vs. 12-0 Silsbee Tigers coming up at 7:30pm from Planet Ford Stadium in Spring, TX.

These two have never met.

Silsbee is just north of Beaumont.

November 22, 2023 7:02 pm

Hubby is very excited.  It seems that after all these years of unending back pain, we’ve discovered that AsperCreme gives him relief.  Like, hours of relief.  “I wish we’d thought of this a long time ago,” he said.  He’s been relying on prescriptions and such.  Previous creams didn’t seem to help.  This one, though, is like magic, at least for… Read more »

November 22, 2023 6:53 pm

Car bomb on the U.S. side of the Canadian border at Niagara Falls.

Bound to be MAGA white supremacist Catholic school board protesters.

November 22, 2023 3:41 pm

Caroline Glick tears into “The Deal”.  How in the world she keeps from totally melt down temper wise is beyond me.  I got so much respect for her.  Can Jews be Sainted cause she is one?

November 22, 2023 3:39 pm

I’ve finished today’s ghee, and I think I have enough to make a canning cycle worth it.  I’ve packaged my FD ice cream into jars and vacuum sealed them.  Except for the ones I’m keeping in the kitchen.  Having FD ice cream dollops is so much safer for me instead of having a spoon in one hand with an open… Read more »

November 22, 2023 3:26 pm

I also like Building 429 music, too.

IIRC, they got their band name from Ephesians 4:29

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

November 22, 2023 2:45 pm

Part of Bart’s story is hearing from a bunch of record producers that he wasn’t good enough to cut it, that he should just give up and go home. I bet they’re all kicking themselves now.  MercyMe has over 20 #1 hits in the Christian song industry, and “Imagine” cut across Christian, Pop, and Country charts as well.  Their first… Read more »

November 22, 2023 2:43 pm

Michael Balboni – former Homeland Security advisor just said on Fox News (in reference to the bridge ‘splosion’) something to the effect of “well – ever since ‘THEY’ sent all those migrants up here to NY, we’ve been concerned that something like this would happen…”  Guess we’re just suppose to keep letting them IN to Texas but then we gotta… Read more »

November 22, 2023 2:41 pm

I keep replaying the last 15 minutes or so of the movie “I Can Only Imagine”.  It’s still available for free on Tubi. Gads, what a story Bart Millard has!  Understanding what went into that song makes me tear up every time I see the movie.  The song itself touches my heart, but knowing how he came to the point… Read more »

November 22, 2023 2:31 pm

I have been to the bakery to select a dessert for tomorrow’s meal next door. 80-y.o. told me they had pies already, so I looked at all the cakes and picked one that was very fancy. Looking forward to the event.

Super Dave
November 22, 2023 1:45 pm

So it begins; NY vehicle explosion at Rainbow Bridge border crossing is attempted terror attack: sources. The FBI is investigating a vehicle explosion Wednesday at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing between the U.S. and Canada in what sources tell Fox News was an attempted terrorist attack. Explosives were in the vehicle at the time and two people who were in… Read more »

November 22, 2023 1:22 pm

It takes a lot of nuts to surf the waves at Nazaré, Portugal in the winter.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of nuts.

November 22, 2023 12:53 pm

Are we going to have to ban women altogether from flying…?

Rumor has it they’re actually letting them pilot those airliners, too.


November 22, 2023 12:41 pm

11:08 texpat

You can also use a small cooler.  That way you can keep it cold easier, unless the air temp is cold outside or something. Using this method, you can also put a roasting rack in to allow better circulation…

November 22, 2023 12:02 pm

I don’t feed the wild animals and birds.

If I have to “root hog or die”, they do too.

November 22, 2023 11:59 am

The lady next door who operated a feral cat farm for the last seven years moved away. She and her dad took that ancient mobile home with them, too. She spent a month coming back in the evenings trying to capture the last seven cats. She got all but one, which I think is living in my ancient greenhouse. Now,… Read more »

November 22, 2023 11:26 am

Texpat @11:22

And that’s after I agreed with you.  Sheesh.

LOL. my job is done here.

November 22, 2023 11:22 am

Y’all didn’t know I played Santa Claus for all the bad little politicos.

November 22, 2023 11:05 am

I just got passed on Texas 36 by a one-ton crew cab pulling an empty 40 foot float.

Well, the trailer wasn’t completely empty. He had a toy John Deere tractor strapped down right in the middle. 🙂

Must be somebody’s gift.

Super Dave
November 22, 2023 10:55 am

I’ll be San Marcos bound at daybreak tomorrow.

Good idea, no traffic Thanksgiving morning.

November 22, 2023 10:55 am

RE: From  M Y  comments about Childers yesterday. Childers is just one more voice in a world of a million voices and OPINIONS.  I read his screed in the same vein As I read Texpat’s.  Both do due diligence in researching and presenting factual information.  I appreciate that.  Due to the nature of the beast that is blogging opinion is… Read more »

November 22, 2023 10:50 am

Safe travels, Shannon.

November 22, 2023 10:48 am

I-10 westbound isn’t too bad this morning. Inbound towards HOU is a bit more crowded.

I’ll be San Marcos bound at daybreak tomorrow.