Wednesday American History Open Comments

United States Army 2nd Lieutenant Jack Roosevelt Robinson

After the attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States’ entry into World War II, the nation required an unprecedented level of contribution from its citizens for its defense. President Roosevelt ordered that black men should register for the draft, but conceding to certain prevailing social norms, decided that the military would remain racially segregated.* On April 3, 1942, Robinson was drafted into the Army. He reported for military duty at an induction center in Los Angeles and was assigned to Fort Riley, Kansas. Thus, Jackie Robinson became one of the 1.2 million African American men who served in World War II.

Initially, Robinson was assigned to a cavalry unit at Fort Riley. Soon after, he applied to Officer Candidate School (OCS), having all of the necessary qualifications to enroll. Official Army policy allowed for black officers to be trained in integrated facilities, but few had yet gained access. Robinson’s application was rejected and he was told, off the record, that blacks lacked the leadership ability to become officers. Undaunted, Robinson appealed to a higher power—heavyweight boxing champion of the world Joe Louis, also stationed at Fort Riley at the time. Louis arranged a meeting with Truman Gibson, the assistant civilian aide to the Secretary of Defense, and within a few days Robinson was enrolled in OCS. Upon completion of training, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant and was appointed acting morale officer for a company at Fort Riley.

and eventually…

On July 6, 1944, Robinson traveled from McCloskey to Camp Hood’s colored officers’ club to socialize with friends. Some hours later, he hopped on an Army shuttle bus near the club to return to the hospital. He recognized Virginia Jones, the wife of a fellow African American lieutenant from the battalion, sitting in a middle row. He sat down next to her and the two chatted. After a few blocks, the bus driver peered back at them and, seeing a black officer sitting in the middle of the bus next to a woman he presumed to be white, yelled “Get to the back of the bus.”

events then twisted in the ugly fashion only raw racism can wrought…

The climactic moment of Robinson’s defense came during the cross-examination of Pfc. Mucklerath, however. During the prosecution’s questioning, Mucklerath testified that he had never used a racial epithet referring to Robinson. Now defense counsel asked him if he remembered Robinson saying that if he “ever called him a n—– again he would break [Mucklerath] in two?” He responded that he did remember this. Counsel then asked him why Robinson would make such a statement if Mucklerath had not used this slur as he had earlier testified. He had no answer.


After four and a half hours of testimony, the court-martial tribunal composed of nine Army officers acquitted 2nd Lt. Robinson on all charges. Three years later, Robinson became one of the most famous athletes in history when he signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers, racially integrating Major League Baseball for the first time. Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. notes of this accomplishment: “It is so easy for us to underestimate the enormous significance, both symbolically and politically, of Jackie Robinson’s integration of Major League Baseball. . . .

It is all here for you to read.

* The anti-racist Democrats, of course.  After the racist Yankee FDR died, it took Harry Truman to integrate the Armed Services of America.






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November 9, 2023 12:10 am


Long live Cultural Appropriation!!

November 8, 2023 11:38 pm

It’s no wonder I’m hungry.

I found my 8:30 pm cold supper in the microwave….at 11:30 pm.

November 8, 2023 10:08 pm

Never saw this song before.

Only a stepfather could really understand it.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 8, 2023 9:19 pm

J Hindermoonfaker demonstrates how he’s completely out of touch.

November 8, 2023 7:24 pm

I figure the rear tire will cost more than the two new front ones did earlier this year.

November 8, 2023 7:22 pm

I got the mowing done today. Before the cold and wet moves in for a week.

The highlight of my week.

Thankful that the rear tire aired up one more time on the rider.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 8, 2023 6:05 pm

I just heard that in the Virginia 57th district race they found a huge stash of votes and several hostess ding dongs in Susanna Gibson’s trunk.

it could change the outcome.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 8, 2023 6:00 pm

The eCan’t party is so smart they chose nbc and one of the moderators is Lester Dolt to host their 3rd so called debate among the sans a belt slacks Vampyre gang and one skirt rino brigade.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 8, 2023 4:58 pm

spy-Duck and Cover.

Super Dave
November 8, 2023 3:55 pm

My #23 is in the Spit Bucket, 2 links.

Super Dave
November 8, 2023 3:49 pm

I got my trusty Kubota and the big Wallenstein wood chipper out this morning and chopped up a brush pile of Privet Hedge. My wife helped me by dragging the limbs to the chipper so I could run them through. She is a lot of help, works as hard as I do but isn’t as strong. So it only took… Read more »

November 8, 2023 2:45 pm

It appears that Israel is putting the big hurt on hamas.  u-tube has lots of recent videos on the subject.  Gaza city is surrounded and the IDF is closing the circle ever tighter.  Attacks from Lebanon and Syria are being met with a very strong response, killing many of the enemy scum.

November 8, 2023 2:09 pm

Well, I got SOME of the boxwood hedges that needed vigorous trimming at the front of the house worked on. Had been 2-3 years since last time I had done any trimming in the front yard.  The boxwood was so overgrown where it lines the sidewalk for about 12 feet on both sides up to the front door that a… Read more »

November 8, 2023 1:15 pm

SCOTUS Abortion decision timing


November 8, 2023 1:13 pm

Texpat It exposed the deep hidden hypocrisy of the Left Let me be succinct in my next comment: AND THE RIGHT Frankly the unspoken rules of sex etc were broken, shattered and replaced with the sexual revolutions of the 60’s.  The so called Hippie movement sparked the removal of many moral codes. Forced censorship in our entertainment slowly eroded, radio… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 8, 2023 1:04 pm

I do not believe for a moment the Justices who voted to overturn Roe vs Wade were in some kind of conspiracy to embolden and strengthen the Democratic Party. when the three branches of government and the alphabet agencies have been completely rotted out by termites I believe anything within their realm of nefariousness is possible. I trust them about… Read more »

November 8, 2023 12:53 pm

What he said.

The call for the abortion issue to be a states’ issue has been long in coming.  The left is just wicked smart (and pun intended) in taking advantage whenever possible.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 8, 2023 12:23 pm

I still find it hard to believe nearly 17,000 people went out of their way to endorse a woman for public office in an “open marriage” who brags about having sex with three different men in one day and then performs raw sex online of the whole world to see. the status quo sans-a-belt slacks eCan’t party of the last… Read more »

November 8, 2023 12:11 pm

Kristallnacht 2.0 is upon us.  If you have not noticed the stuff has got really real. For the first time in 23 years, we can draw parallels between 1938 and 2023! WATCH IT, ALL OF IT.  You may not be Jewish, you may not be a Christian and think this matters not to me.  Oh but it does. Olivier Melnick… Read more »

November 8, 2023 11:38 am

Morning, chickadees! Nice day according to the forecast for my area of Houston. I think I’ll see if my hand-held trimmer still works well enough for me to shape the boxwood hedge that borders the walkway to my front door. There is more of that boxwood running along the front of the house, but it isn’t obstructing anything there.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
November 8, 2023 10:51 am

When SCOTUS sent abortion back to the states i believe it was a move to bolster the Democrat vote and candidates for the near term

And that’s why the kangarooed penguins did it right before the 2022 midterms.

and when you factor in the voter fraud their decision turned the red tsunami into a drippy faucet.

November 8, 2023 10:51 am

History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.
Douglas MacArthur

November 8, 2023 10:44 am


I still find it hard to believe nearly 17,000 people went out of their way to endorse a woman for public office in an “open marriage” who brags about having sex with three different men in one day and then performs raw sex online of the whole world to see.

Two Words


November 8, 2023 10:35 am

Texapt From yesterday 59 Shannon                  Kentucky Gov. race already called. The Democrat incumbent won reelection. All about      abortion. I don’t believe it. I think it is about more than that.  Few elections, if any, are driven by fewer than three or four issues. I believe it.  Virginia was all about… Read more »

November 8, 2023 9:34 am

From the C&C comments:

“Republicans failed to take advantage of voter’s frustrations”

That’s true of pretty much every election. In fact, I think it’s the unofficial motto of the Republican Party.

This is why we need a president with all of his male anatomy intact, and who seems to thrive on resistance.

November 8, 2023 9:33 am

And Speaker Johnson has led a charge against the (supposedly) Hamas detractor Tlaib [snuffle! snort!] : Censure is a form of Congressional discipline that is just short of expulsion. The practical effect of censure is that, if passed by a majority vote, the Speaker then reads the censure resolution to the offending member, who must stand in the well of… Read more »

November 8, 2023 9:31 am

One pantyfa protestor is actually being prosecuted for property destruction, etc., in Atlanta: James ‘Jamie’ Marsicano, 29 — a dancing advertisement for the nation’s mental health crisis — was charged along with 21 others in court yesterday for domestic terrorism, after he and other rioters burned construction vehicles and launched commercial-grade fireworks and  Molotov cocktails at police at the site… Read more »

November 8, 2023 9:28 am

More SADS reports from the S&U Department: An actor dies “mysteriously” while performing onstage.  Truly a last curtain call.  And a drummer from a heavy metal band succumbs to a mysterious and rapid infection: But Steve’s untimely death from a bacterial infection that doesn’t usually arise by itself wasn’t the most interesting part of the story; not even close, as… Read more »

November 8, 2023 9:21 am

My morning routine is being run out of normal order this morning, so now’s the time: GIVE US A CREDIT ☙ Wednesday, November 8, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Good morning, C&C, it’s Wednesday! And it’s another short week for some of us, with Veteran’s Day coming up on Friday. So we’re almost there. Your roundup today includes: Tuesday elections show… Read more »

November 8, 2023 8:30 am

 I thought there was something off about them back then.

Concentrations of fluoride & heavy metals in their water is way too high.

November 8, 2023 7:48 am

Wait. . . .that was a parody?!?  It looked so real.