The Highly Sought After Covid + Anti-Mosquito Mask Available Only in Cut & Shoot
(Disposable Gloves Come Free of Charge)
Christopher Rufo contributes one article and Jeffrey H. Anderson has two. Please read and save all three of these link-rich articles full of solid, incontestable evidence against wearing masks unless, of course, you are performing open heart surgery today.
City Journal contributing editor John Tierney called Cochrane “the world’s largest and most respected organization for evaluating health interventions.” A recent Cochrane review found that “[w]earing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza-like illness (ILI)/COVID-19 like illness”—or “to the outcome of laboratory-confirmed influenza/SARS-CoV-2”—“compared to not wearing masks.” The review also found that “use of a N95/P2 respirators compared to medical/surgical masks probably makes little or no difference” for the “outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza infection.”
and this which is insulting to any conscious, thinking man or woman,
In response, Oreskes claimed that “[t]he Cochrane finding was not that masking didn’t work but that scientists lacked sufficient evidence of sufficient quality to conclude that they worked.” She continues, “Jefferson erased that distinction, in effect arguing that because the authors couldn’t prove that masks did work, one could say that they didn’t work. That’s just wrong.”
You got that ? If your Chevrolet pickup truck dies on the side of the road and you say it won’t run this Harvard professor of the history of science will publicly call you a liar and maintain your truck not moving down the road is insufficient evidence to claim it doesn’t run. She will demand more proof.
Remember thousands of parents each year cough up a minimum of $80,000 in tuition, meals and lodging for a single child to attend a school with bombastic imbeciles like this Oreskes woman lecturing them.
Moreover, “The use of a N95/P2 respirators compared to medical/surgical masks probably makes little or no difference.” Stating things even more plainly, the review’s lead author, Oxford’s Tom Jefferson, said of masks in a subsequent interview with Australian investigative journalist Maryanne Demasi, “There is just no evidence that they make any difference. Full stop.”
and furthermore,
Surgical masks were designed to protect patients’ open wounds from being infected by medical personnel, not to prevent the spread of viruses. N95s were designed to protect workers from breathing in dust, fumes, or smoke. On the occasions that N95s were worn in hospitals pre-Covid, it was usually to protect against the spread of tuberculosis bacteria, not to protect against the spread of viruses. As an article on the National Institutes of Health website, published in the less politicized pre-Covid days, puts it, “Viruses are tiny. . . . Billions can fit on the head of a pin.” Bacteria are comparatively huge: “Bacteria are 10 to 100 times larger than viruses.”
The author of this second article is Jeffrey H. Anderson, founder of the American Main Street Initiative, a think tank for everyday Americans.
One major difference between then and now is the increased role of public health officials. Long before their ascension, Socrates made clear in Plato’s Republic that he did not want doctors to rule. Philosophers or even poets would be better governors of society, because they at least attempt to understand political and social life in its entirety and minister to the human soul. Doctors, by contrast, tend to disregard the soul: it is the nature of their art to focus on the body in lieu of higher concerns. Moreover, Greek philosophers and poets alike celebrated courage in the face of death—Plato’s Socrates and Homer’s Achilles were undeterred from their noble missions by fear of the grave. But rule by public health officials, under which we increasingly live today, encourages excessive risk-aversion and almost transforms cowardice into a virtue.
plus this one,
The day after the CDC endorsed nationwide mask-wearing, President Trump announced, “I won’t be doing it personally.”* From that instant, the mask quickly became a symbol of civic virtue—a sort of Black Lives Matter flag that could be hung from one’s face. For many it conveyed a trio of virtues: I’m unselfish; I’m pro-science; I’m anti-Trump. What it also conveyed, incidentally, was rejection of longstanding Western norms, unhealthy risk-aversion, credulous willingness to embrace unsupported health claims, and a pallid view of human interaction.
American Main Street Initiative
* I had forgotten about this, but it was in the back of my memory.
Well, if the S&U department has to claim another victim, a top Chinese official isn’t a bad choice.
It may not have been the jab, though. I believe China had their own jab juice and heck if I know what the results of that was. He could’ve just wissed off the wrong person.
It *is* China, after all. Mysterious deaths and disappearances are all the rage.
Where do you think the Clintons learned it?
The Maine shooter story has disappeared.
was he not white- Hispanic enough?
no maga hat?
No manifesto produced?
was he in Vegas a while back?
stay tuned.
And as always
Sponsered by Spyczar.
i tried 26 when 25 went poof just see if 26 would go poof too.
I’m in competition with the fella that brags about all the rain he gets to see who gets banished the most.
We survived the much needed rain (thank You, Lord) -and so did Shorty, although she wasn’t too sure about it… or the drying off afterwards LOL Not too sure how much we got, as the rain gauge is kinda buried under some plants on the table it shared with them… but each drop is much appreciated!
Sorry, Dr Phil
Your #25 and #26 are freed up now.
Tedtam – prayers up, as usual – for pain control and for peace.
About to start Latin class. I have to mute my microphone so Hubby’s sleep opera doesn’t interfere with class.
#25 Shannon – just got here – and (blessedly) so far just some rain… We’ve been watching – but thanx for the warning
I’ve been waiting for the Maine shooter to show himself.
All you rocking’ chair lazy folks need to get some fire in the belly and put some comments on the board here tomorrow.
31 comments at 7 o’clock on Thursday night is embarrassing.
You are right.
Colonia Ridge.
An old friend of mine and business associate in the Oilpatch, an outstanding man, was also a life long friend of Roy Harris, the boxing legend and father of these two brothers running Colony Ridge. My late friend was a sparring and gym boxing partner of Harris many moons ago and always spoke very highly of Roy Harris.
I’ve been kinda shocked by all this news and don’t have enough information to sort it all out. There is a back story none of us know at this point.
Batten down the hatches, SQK & BSue. Pretty Bad cell headed your way.
Simple solution eCan’ts.
shut the border down and strongly worded letters and chest beating.
A government comprised of child traffickers.
simple solution eCan’ts.
Beat your chests less and shut the border down.
I just found out that Green Cousin has been moved to ICU. She has some internal bleeding from an unidentified source, and has been put on a ventilator.
Prayers gratefully accepted.
Oops. Colony Ridge.
I bet the fajitas are the real thing and really good in
Plum GroveRidge de Colonia.Texpat @ 12:43
My wife was telling me about showing properties in Plum Grove, I guess an earlier version of Clooney Ridge. Horrible conditions, as in like Mexico.
Why did this take so long and when did the Harris brothers become billionaires ? Billionaires ? Really ? It has made national news though. Texas’ top elected officials are demanding investigations into a sprawling housing development near Houston alleged to be causing “chaos” by attracting “illegal immigrants.” Colony Ridge, 35 miles north of Houston, is home to as many as 75,000 people in an area at least 50 percent bigger than Manhattan. The Post revealed the scale of concerns in September as neighbors claimed it is a “no-go area,” a home to criminals and drug cartels, and a magnet… Read more »
is time magazine a “verified news source” in the eyes of the totalitariancrats?
Brought to you by Spyczar
totalitariancrats are demanding that Amazon take totalitarian measures to ensure that its voice assistant, Alexa, doesn’t provide any room for wrongthink about the stolen 2020 election.
I fixed it.
A good question for Alexa would be who ordered the 6 states that were stolen to simultaneously stop counting in the middle of the night?
Brought to you by Spyczar.
Lawmakers demand that Amazon censor Alexa after WaPo complains that its responses referenced Rumble, Substack Lawmakers are demanding that Amazon take “proactive measures” to ensure that its voice assistant, Alexa, doesn’t provide “false claims about the outcome of the 2020 elections” after a Washington Post article complained that Alexa was citing responses from Rumble and Substack. The Washington Post’s original October 7 article took issue with Amazon using what it deemed to be “unvetted sources” and the potential for voice assistants to spread “misinformation.” It included examples of Alexa responses that alleged election fraud and referenced Rumble and Substack. and,… Read more »
There are times when I want to bitch-slap Rand Paul and other occasions when I want to buy the Senator a nice steak dinner. This time it’s a ribeye au poivre at the Capital Grille in Tyson’s Corner. Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul has launched a lone crusade against increased powers for cybersecurity, refusing to advance legislation until certain governmental entities abandon attempts to hamper free speech. This action comes amidst an extensive debate about censorship, the First Amendment rights, and the role of government in regulating speech. Senator Paul’s has expressed his adamant opposition to legislation that bolsters the… Read more »
Right now, senior leaders of Hamas, the perpetrators of the worst atrocity against Jews since the Holocaust, are huddled in Qatar. They’ve been there for years. But American foreign policy has turned a blind eye. Why? One reason might be that for the last 25 years, this small, energy-rich state has pumped billions into America to purchase influence and good favor. The Qataris have spent their lavish fortune at American law firms, on lobbying contracts with former senior officials, and on junkets and partnerships with big media companies. The biggest recipients of Qatari largesse, though, have been major universities and… Read more »
My patio was wet when I went out with Billy Cat’s breakfast, so I had already gotten a little bit of rain.
Good Morning Hamsters,
Spouse checked the weather prognostication for rain today and found out the guess that south of I-10 there would not be much rain if any. Sniff, we are definitely far south of 10 where today the sun shines bright and our only moisture is morning mist.
October is fast disappearing and much warmer than usual this late. That was much the same in the Midwest this fall, but now the cold has arrived from Canada and is pushing southward.
Among several jab stories, including the upcoming pressure to take a triple-fecta risk, there’s this news from India, as reported by the Suddenly & Unexpectedly Department, International Division: The Gujarat province of India…enjoys an annual holiday called “Garba” featuring colorful costumes and carefree dancing. The popular festival has always been a much loved and anticipated celebration when Indians can… generally enjoy themselves. Until a menacing threat obscured this year’s dancing joys. According to the Times, over 500 ambulances were called in the first 24 hours during Garba this year. Five hundred. There were so many emergency calls that the government even… Read more »
Good 2A news! Last week, a Federal Court in the Southern District of California, applying a new 2022 Supreme Court decision, threw out a 1989 California law that banned so-called “assault weapons.” Behold how the marvelous opinion begins. Sometimes, like this time, you can tell judges are about to hand you a massive win right from their very first sentence: Like the Bowie Knife which was commonly carried by citizens and soldiers in the 1800s, “assault weapons” are dangerous, but useful. But unlike the Bowie Knife, the United States Supreme Court has said, “here is a long tradition of widespread lawful gun… Read more »
More Israel: My stomach has been turned by some of the positive Biden news from Israel. Do these overseas journalists not realize who/what they are dealing with? Biden is not their friend, despite what dribbles out of his mouth. Childers has some discussion of “The Restrainer” that is holding back the Gazan retribution. Then this: But there were signs yesterday the Israelis may be catching on that their allies could be trying to frustrate their Gazan invasion plans. I’ve been following influencer Amir Tsarfati, an Israeli messianic Jew (a Christian) who has kept his telegram updated with hour-by-hour news. Until… Read more »
More Israel threats: In a second story shedding light on the horrifying failures of Israel’s intelligence services, the Wall Street Journal ran an article yesterday headlined, “Weapons Flood West Bank, Fueling Fears of New War Front With Israel.” You may or may not know that the West Bank is a gigantic, Palestine-occupied territory in the middle-west of Israel. The West Bank is much bigger than the tiny Gaza Strip in Israel’s south: Since weapons from Iran were flooding the West Bank, that’s where IDF turned it’s attention and why Gaza got away with all of its preparations. Kinda like how Frodo was… Read more »
RE: Hamas Information is starting to trickle out about how Hamas outsmarted Israel’s crackerjack intelligence agencies. On Tuesday, the New York Post ran a story headlined, “Hamas used landline phones in Gaza tunnels to evade Israeli intelligence for 2 years while plotting attack: report.” /snip It made me think of the (friendly) anonymous letter I received this week that had been typed on a typewriter. A real typewriter. With a ribbon and stuff. I had a brief thought that it might be handy to have a typewriter around these days. You know. I’m not saying why. Sometimes low tech is… Read more »
Chalk one up for the internet over MSM info streams: Earlier this month, Reuters published a massive media status report clocking in over 158 pages, titled Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2023. It’s a stinker. Reuters is wringing its withered, bloodstained hands over the fact that traditional media — aka corporate media — is getting its butt kicked by random loudmouths on social media. In other words, the largest block of people would now rather get their news from Coffee & Covid than from The New York Times: In this day and age, we can seek out better sources of info instead of… Read more »
Regarding the shootings: Social media is already going berserk with everyone trying to leverage the shooting politically and to shape the narrative. We are in the “hot takes phase” and having alerted you to the basics, I will now sit back for a day or two, pray for the victims and their families, and wait for some reliable facts to bubble up out of the noisy information swamp before I comment any further. I suggest you do the same. There will be the usual knee-jerk “we need more gun control” laws and not the reasonable “how did the system fail… Read more »
LOW TECH ☙ Thursday, October 26, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! Your roundup today includes: House finally elects a new Speaker, and it is terrific news; shooter loose in Maine—what we know; WEF strangely silent on Middle East War; Reuters alarmed at plummeting trust in media; Middle East mini-updates; Hamas used a low tech way of evading Israel’s high-tech surveillance; Israel’s focus on the West Bank’s weapons problems; media narrative splinters over Gaza invasion as Biden dithers; federal court tosses long-standing California assault weapons ban; NYT admits “slight” problem with jabs causing strokes and seizures; meet… Read more »
But the thread on a nurse’s site about their freaky experiences did kinda creep me out. What I learned from them is that it’s not uncommon for the DP to see little kids in their rooms before they die. Not kids they know, just random kids. That’s a head scratcher. Some of the nurses took it all in stride, others quit. I think I’d be the quitting type. When a machine that’s not plugged in keeps beeping… And when the bad-guy biker type is resuscitated and sits up screaming in terror “DON’T LET ME DIE!! DON’T LET THEM TAKE ME!”… Read more »
But I will be going to see “After Death” tomorrow afternoon. I’ve always been fascinated by the death/near death/glimpses of the afterlife genre. There’s a book that gave me a lot of comfort when Mom was dying: “One Last Hug”. It was written by a woman from Galveston who specializes in helping families with death and dying, and she matter of factly tells of stories of the afterlife messages and experiences of her friends and clients. She’s a little new-agey, so I focus on her stories, for example: What must have been the dying person’s (DP) soul floating above the… Read more »
I did not sleep well last night. Even with the knee brace on, every time I changed position I hurt.
The sideways stress is just killing my ability to get rest. I may have to do like Hubby, and sleep in a recliner later. With a pillow under the knee.
RE: OC pic Darwin Award, anyone? I had listened to a doctor discuss the masking issue a long time ago. The “N” in N-95 stands for “non-oil” particle, and the “95” refers to stopping 95% of contaminants. The only problem – well, not the ONLY problem – is that the WLR wraps itself in lipids. Lipids are fats. Oils. N-95 masks do absolutely nothing to stop oily particles from penetrating. Doc: “It’s like peeing in a pool, it goes right through!” I visited my old parish for a funeral some time after that, and there was a couple there proudly… Read more »
Maine has a mass shooting incident and he used a scary black gun. Over 20 people kilt. He was in a psych facility for 2 weeks this summer and yet was allowed to roam free after hearing voices. . . . .
8:19 AM and the Blog is Graveyard Dead! My work is done here. 😀
Something about J Edgar Hoover popper up I found this particularity amusing; J. Edgar Hoover Was a Self-Serving Man It could be argued that J. Edgar Hoover was just doing what was best for his country, but unfortunately, this was not the case. We know this because he would do everything in his power to discredit those he didn’t like – especially political parties. But he didn’t do this in a clean manner. Instead, he planted false evidence so that he could receive the outcome he was hoping for. This is considered to be foul play – something no… Read more »
And to all y’all who think over yonder is cultural wasteland,…..well maybe so;
Deer in the Headlights. 😀
BAWHAHAHA!!! I like it. Oh and I think I missed yesterday altogether,,,,,,missed yesterday, think Airplane. 😉
Mornin’ Gang