Nice night at the softball fields in Splendora. Only sweating a little bit.
September 29, 2023 9:28 pm
#51 & #52 You Johnson brothers are correct about turning off the fridge and the AC during a cock-eyed outage where you only have half the electricity you normally do. Nextdoor 80 Y.O. knew about that, but it was news to me. It was stone-dark 8 pm before the team of SIX Centerpoint workers had the new hootie hoisted into place. The work was done in my backyard where the pole is. Several other times that the thingamajig had to be removed and replaced, the work was done from the yard behind me, with a much larger backyard, a gate… Read more »
The rest may falter and stumble, but the only ones I know will rise up and kick ass are the Oilpatch.
Nobody except Jews have been kicked down and stomped on more than these folks. They just don’t quit and can come flying out of the woodwork in the middle of night all over Texas and start making holes.
Just like that and Texans started exporting oil, Lieutenant Dan.
The damage Bidenco is causing and will cause is down right scary. I try to look at things through a positive eye, I really do, but dang man it is going to be very difficult to recover form their————-
Back around 1998 or 1999 in Stafford, Texas, there was a large, strip shopping center built with a giant Randalls, Walmart and other stores. Right after everybody got open, they started having these quick, hard power glitches and it began to fry the huge refrigeration and HVAC compressors for cooling in the stores. Danged if that original, local HVAC contractor wasn’t “johnny-on-the-spot”, after every blackout, showing up with trucks loaded with exactly the proper replacement parts and equipment. The tenants began to pressure HL&P when the developer/landlord wasn’t so responsive. Houston Looting & Plunder finally became suspicious, set up surveillance and… Read more »
The leftist Univision moderator — Emmy award winner!!! Ilia Calderón — who had trouble speaking English clearly, kept asking questions about Dreamers and DACA, turning the questions into speeches to condemn GOP policies on immigration. That faux news debate wasn’t a debate. there is no border thanks to the Vampyre gee O pee. Just another kabuki theatre clown show featuring fake journalists and fake candidates pretending to ask fake questions to a bunch of fake bought and paid for WEF idiots who pretend they want to solve real problems which they really don’t because if they did we wouldn’t be… Read more »
As I’ve described in years past, our little town sits on a broad ridge between the Passaic and Hackensack Rivers. Topographically and geographically, we are safe from any serious flooding. We are up high from the flooding pathways.
Those are rivers, by the way, General George Washington and the American Revolutionary Army had to cross in order to retreat to Pennsylvania during the War. Passaic Road runs east/west about 5 blocks north of our home and is the route Washington and His army took fleeing from Fort Lee on the Hudson River and the British Army.
Those weak power deliveries and especially the on & off electrical glitches are not good for compressors – HVAC or Refrigeration. Just turn them off until everything is steady and normal.
Well, the power is semi-out on my block. Apparently it takes 2 transformers to provide enough juice to run central air, and one of the t.f. on a 6-home-section of the pole wiring fritzed out about noon today. They still don’t have it replaced, and I’ve noticed that more and more things in the house have stopped working as the afternoon wears on. I didn’t know about it when I got home from my grocery trip, and my plan was to warm up the bacon/egg kolache I had bought on my trip. The microwave was running, but pitifully slow and… Read more »
I meant to post this yesterday. It is the commentary of the very smart and wise editor of PJMedia, Paula Bolyard. The Fox Business GOP presidential debate was a total trainwreck — and that’s putting it mildly. If you watched, you were treated to nearly two hours of left-wing talking points from the moderators, who not only had no control of the debate but ignored their own rules and allowed candidates to attack one another without the opportunity for rebuttal. The leftist Univision moderator — Emmy award winner!!! Ilia Calderón — who had trouble speaking English clearly, kept asking questions… Read more »
They were essentially a tarted-up dump back then. The complexes had names that sounded like a “Gentlmen’s Club”/“Adult Entertainment” venue, as I recall
This is an image copy of final text from Stephen Green’s Drunkblogging the Debate on Wednesday night. (Remember to refresh the page for the image to appear)
Stephen Green, the Vodkapundit, at PJMedia: If the evil democracy-hating MAGA House Republicans don’t agree to Democats’ budget demands and avert a government shutdown, then the IRS will have to furlough an estimated 60,000 of its 90,000 employees just three days from now. I haven’t wept like this since holding my newborn sons for the first time. According to the Wall Street Journal, the mafioso in charge of the IRS believed the agency to be “shutdown-proof,” but federal officials at the Office of Management and Budget just ruled that the IRS may not “cover workers’ salaries during a shutdown with… Read more »
I just bought tickets for D’Souza’s latest film “Police State”. You have to buy tickets through the web site, they will not be available at the theater.
Also bought tickets for “After Death” movie from Angel Studios. Also need to pre-buy tickets.
I qualify for senior tickets now. /sigh
I guess if I’m going to suffer the aches and pains of old age, I should take advantage of whatever discounts I can find.
Spouse came home from proctoring ham radio license exams an hour ago and said there were some really dark clouds to the west of us but he couldn’t tell which way they were moving. Well, they certainly are not moving near us. We did however have a rather dense mist early this morning, so that will have to do for water today.
Hey Fred……………….. What? Ya know what Audrey and Di-fi have in common? They are both dead. ——————————————————- I dunno what all the fuss is about gov Gruesome picking Di-fi’s replacement. Since she is still a demorat even in death……… she can still vote. ——————————————————- Yanno what? Audrey and di-fi are no longer dead tired. they are just dead. ——————————————————— It is too late for Audrey but maybe Di-fi will be cremated. Then she can have that smoking hot body she always wanted, ———————————————————— Audrey and Di-fi were dying to get into the cemetery. So they did. ———————————————————— What does Audrey… Read more »
I have to say that with decades of aid and abetting from Vampyre rinos, who would rather serve in hell with their blood money than protect and serve this nation, that the creature from the Kenyan lagoon has successfully and fundamentally deranged and changed the country forever.
New SEC Rule Could Eliminate Environmental, Social, and Governance Funds The last time I reported on environmental, social, and corporate governance, BlackRock Chief Executive Officer Larry Fink, whose firm has attempted to foist these standards on the global business community, had stopped using the term, whining it has become too politicized. Now, the Securities and Exchange Commission has announced a rule that may pull the curtain back on the content of these funds, which may drive a stake through the heart of ESG inanity. The Securities and Exchange Commission recently announced a rule requiring environmental, social, and governance funds to… Read more »
Dianne Feinstein voted yesterday. She was marked as a “yes” vote on the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act.
the securing growth and robust leadership in American aviation act?
what the hell is that? Another money making scam bill for the Vampyres to get richer on?
what a bunch of psycho circus clowns.
With a bill name like that you just know it’s gotta be one cluster plhuckup of a bill.
I packed my stuff and drove to church, only to find that I’d timed it perfectly, and even the cleanup was completed. My Catholic Daughter friends laughed when I gave my fist pump when I realized this. I guess the cops got a real early lunch. So, I’m back home and gonna try to be productive. I called Hubby to let him know that I was on my way home, and he reported that a portion of Telephone Road near our house was completely blocked off, north- and south-bound. There’s been a big water line replacement project going on, which… Read more »
He must need another suitcase stuffed with laundered Ukrainian war blood money so he can trip over it in the middle of the night when he gets up to go take a leak and bang his head on the bedpost again.
On Tuesday, Insider reported that Hutchinson’s new memoir claimed that Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows, who is a devout Baptist, never drank alcohol in his life before downing multiple White Claws in the White House in November 2020, apparently unaware that they contained alcohol. In her new book “Enough” Hutchinson said that Meadows consumed the first beverage in front of White House budget director Russ Vought, who she claimed is a “faithful Mormon.” but wait a minute, Unfortunately for Hutchinson, the key witness in the story, Russ Vought, has taken to X, formerly called Twitter, to point out… Read more »
Birthplace of Silicon Valley (1939) David Packard and Bill Hewlett found their company Hewlett-Packard in a Palo Alto, California garage. Their first product, the HP 200A Audio Oscillator, rapidly became a popular piece of test equipment for engineers. Walt Disney Pictures ordered eight of the 200B model to test recording equipment and speaker systems for the 12 specially equipped theatres that showed the movie “Fantasia” in 1940. In 1939, Hewlett completed his EE masters thesis at Stanford. His thesis project was a variation of the Wien bridge oscillator, in which he used the negative differential resistance of an incandescent lamp… Read more »
Sit up and pay attention to Professor Jacobson. There were unclear news reports on the judge’s ruling so Jacobson paid for a transcript of the hearing itself. There are bombshells and then there are bombshells. Affirmative Action sure does make strange alliances. In this case, a desire to defend a grant program open only to black women may bring down the entire anti-discrimination legal infrastructure that has been in place for over 150 years, if a District Court ruling that racially discriminatory contracting is “speech and expression” protected by the First Amendment is not reversed. The American Alliance for Equal… Read more »
Sorry to be disrespectful, but the idea of senators now serving in office until they die at 90 only adds to the pile of insults and embarrassments heaped upon the US Senate in recent memory and those are by its own members.
Nice night at the softball fields in Splendora. Only sweating a little bit.
#51 & #52 You Johnson brothers are correct about turning off the fridge and the AC during a cock-eyed outage where you only have half the electricity you normally do. Nextdoor 80 Y.O. knew about that, but it was news to me. It was stone-dark 8 pm before the team of SIX Centerpoint workers had the new hootie hoisted into place. The work was done in my backyard where the pole is. Several other times that the thingamajig had to be removed and replaced, the work was done from the yard behind me, with a much larger backyard, a gate… Read more »
Halloween in Texas. 😀
On FoodTV they’re they’re talking about awesome grilled cheese sammiches.
Something must be wrong. I can’t see any toasters.
57 Squawk
The rest may falter and stumble, but the only ones I know will rise up and kick ass are the Oilpatch.
Nobody except Jews have been kicked down and stomped on more than these folks. They just don’t quit and can come flying out of the woodwork in the middle of night all over Texas and start making holes.
Just like that and Texans started exporting oil, Lieutenant Dan.
Texpat #54
The damage Bidenco is causing and will cause is down right scary. I try to look at things through a positive eye, I really do, but dang man it is going to be very difficult to recover form their————-
Back around 1998 or 1999 in Stafford, Texas, there was a large, strip shopping center built with a giant Randalls, Walmart and other stores. Right after everybody got open, they started having these quick, hard power glitches and it began to fry the huge refrigeration and HVAC compressors for cooling in the stores. Danged if that original, local HVAC contractor wasn’t “johnny-on-the-spot”, after every blackout, showing up with trucks loaded with exactly the proper replacement parts and equipment. The tenants began to pressure HL&P when the developer/landlord wasn’t so responsive. Houston Looting & Plunder finally became suspicious, set up surveillance and… Read more »
The leftist Univision moderator — Emmy award winner!!! Ilia Calderón — who had trouble speaking English clearly, kept asking questions about Dreamers and DACA, turning the questions into speeches to condemn GOP policies on immigration. That faux news debate wasn’t a debate. there is no border thanks to the Vampyre gee O pee. Just another kabuki theatre clown show featuring fake journalists and fake candidates pretending to ask fake questions to a bunch of fake bought and paid for WEF idiots who pretend they want to solve real problems which they really don’t because if they did we wouldn’t be… Read more »
49 Squawk
I cannot speak about this I am so furious.
God did not give me enough cuss words and profanity to describe Joe Biden and all the evil bastards who lead him around like a trained chimpanzee.
50 Shannon
As I’ve described in years past, our little town sits on a broad ridge between the Passaic and Hackensack Rivers. Topographically and geographically, we are safe from any serious flooding. We are up high from the flooding pathways.
Those are rivers, by the way, General George Washington and the American Revolutionary Army had to cross in order to retreat to Pennsylvania during the War. Passaic Road runs east/west about 5 blocks north of our home and is the route Washington and His army took fleeing from Fort Lee on the Hudson River and the British Army.
Those weak power deliveries and especially the on & off electrical glitches are not good for compressors – HVAC or Refrigeration. Just turn them off until everything is steady and normal.
I would turn off my AC system under those circumstances. And pray my refrigerator survives such an extended partial power situation.
Watching the FoxWeather Channel coverage of flooding in the tri-state area.
Rescues in North Bergen County.
I assume you are high and semi-dry.
Who cares about pubbie debates? What a joke. How bout we look at something really important
With Saudi’s cutting production, Biden plans to increase oil production at home.
Biden Administration Plans Zero Offshore Oil And Gas Lease Sales For 2024
and then there is this
Cushing (OKLAHOMA) oil hub’s low levels spur quality, operational, price worries
Well, the power is semi-out on my block. Apparently it takes 2 transformers to provide enough juice to run central air, and one of the t.f. on a 6-home-section of the pole wiring fritzed out about noon today. They still don’t have it replaced, and I’ve noticed that more and more things in the house have stopped working as the afternoon wears on. I didn’t know about it when I got home from my grocery trip, and my plan was to warm up the bacon/egg kolache I had bought on my trip. The microwave was running, but pitifully slow and… Read more »
I meant to post this yesterday. It is the commentary of the very smart and wise editor of PJMedia, Paula Bolyard. The Fox Business GOP presidential debate was a total trainwreck — and that’s putting it mildly. If you watched, you were treated to nearly two hours of left-wing talking points from the moderators, who not only had no control of the debate but ignored their own rules and allowed candidates to attack one another without the opportunity for rebuttal. The leftist Univision moderator — Emmy award winner!!! Ilia Calderón — who had trouble speaking English clearly, kept asking questions… Read more »
EXCLUSIVE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Planning to Announce Independent Run
If the Dems had given his a fair chance, he’d be their way out of their rock v hard place election issues as per Biden v Kamala.
43 shannon
They were essentially a tarted-up dump back then. The complexes had names that sounded like a “Gentlmen’s Club”/“Adult Entertainment” venue, as I recall
Now they’re just a dump.
This is an image copy of final text from Stephen Green’s Drunkblogging the Debate on Wednesday night. (Remember to refresh the page for the image to appear)
Future potential Angel Video Studio projects. “Live Not By Lies” looks frighteningly interesting.
Pollock’s most famous party properties were on Gulfton.
Which is now a ghetto barrio.
Stephen Green, the Vodkapundit, at PJMedia: If the evil democracy-hating MAGA House Republicans don’t agree to Democats’ budget demands and avert a government shutdown, then the IRS will have to furlough an estimated 60,000 of its 90,000 employees just three days from now. I haven’t wept like this since holding my newborn sons for the first time. According to the Wall Street Journal, the mafioso in charge of the IRS believed the agency to be “shutdown-proof,” but federal officials at the Office of Management and Budget just ruled that the IRS may not “cover workers’ salaries during a shutdown with… Read more »
I just bought tickets for D’Souza’s latest film “Police State”. You have to buy tickets through the web site, they will not be available at the theater.
Also bought tickets for “After Death” movie from Angel Studios. Also need to pre-buy tickets.
I qualify for senior tickets now. /sigh
I guess if I’m going to suffer the aches and pains of old age, I should take advantage of whatever discounts I can find.
Here’s humor for our generation:
My wife of 60 years told me, “Let’s go upstairs and make love.” I just sighed and said, “Choose one, I can’t do both.”
Squawk – I’m reminded of the “Johnny Jokes” that went around when I was a kid:
“Mommy, Mommy! Why do I keep walking in circles?”
“Shut up or I’ll nail your other foot to the floor.”
[Put one hand on each cheek and squeeze inward]
“Bus driver, please open the door!”
I wish I could remember more of them.
Morning, gang.
Woops. I went to the store, and after I got back and put everything away, I saw that I had punched in the elaborate 2-word greeting aboce.
Spouse came home from proctoring ham radio license exams an hour ago and said there were some really dark clouds to the west of us but he couldn’t tell which way they were moving. Well, they certainly are not moving near us. We did however have a rather dense mist early this morning, so that will have to do for water today.
How did you hear Princess Diana died?
I heard on the radio.
… and the dashboard and the windshield and the car hood …
Hey Fred……………….. What? Ya know what Audrey and Di-fi have in common? They are both dead. ——————————————————- I dunno what all the fuss is about gov Gruesome picking Di-fi’s replacement. Since she is still a demorat even in death……… she can still vote. ——————————————————- Yanno what? Audrey and di-fi are no longer dead tired. they are just dead. ——————————————————— It is too late for Audrey but maybe Di-fi will be cremated. Then she can have that smoking hot body she always wanted, ———————————————————— Audrey and Di-fi were dying to get into the cemetery. So they did. ———————————————————— What does Audrey… Read more »
I wanted to put this in my post #33 but there’s a two link rule that’ll trash bin the post.
Dan Bongino on the ‘lack of evidence’ concerning Joey FullPants Biden.
I have to say that with decades of aid and abetting from Vampyre rinos, who would rather serve in hell with their blood money than protect and serve this nation, that the creature from the Kenyan lagoon has successfully and fundamentally deranged and changed the country forever.
New SEC Rule Could Eliminate Environmental, Social, and Governance Funds The last time I reported on environmental, social, and corporate governance, BlackRock Chief Executive Officer Larry Fink, whose firm has attempted to foist these standards on the global business community, had stopped using the term, whining it has become too politicized. Now, the Securities and Exchange Commission has announced a rule that may pull the curtain back on the content of these funds, which may drive a stake through the heart of ESG inanity. The Securities and Exchange Commission recently announced a rule requiring environmental, social, and governance funds to… Read more »
Katie Britt. Awesome.
the securing growth and robust leadership in American aviation act?
what the hell is that? Another money making scam bill for the Vampyres to get richer on?
what a bunch of psycho circus clowns.
With a bill name like that you just know it’s gotta be one cluster plhuckup of a bill.
I packed my stuff and drove to church, only to find that I’d timed it perfectly, and even the cleanup was completed. My Catholic Daughter friends laughed when I gave my fist pump when I realized this. I guess the cops got a real early lunch. So, I’m back home and gonna try to be productive. I called Hubby to let him know that I was on my way home, and he reported that a portion of Telephone Road near our house was completely blocked off, north- and south-bound. There’s been a big water line replacement project going on, which… Read more »
20 dave
Answering if it’s the volts or the amps.
He must need another suitcase stuffed with laundered Ukrainian war blood money so he can trip over it in the middle of the night when he gets up to go take a leak and bang his head on the bedpost again.
Is the propagandist corporate media running stories about how China spy Dianne was the lioness of the senate?
On Tuesday, Insider reported that Hutchinson’s new memoir claimed that Trump’s former chief of staff Mark Meadows, who is a devout Baptist, never drank alcohol in his life before downing multiple White Claws in the White House in November 2020, apparently unaware that they contained alcohol. In her new book “Enough” Hutchinson said that Meadows consumed the first beverage in front of White House budget director Russ Vought, who she claimed is a “faithful Mormon.” but wait a minute, Unfortunately for Hutchinson, the key witness in the story, Russ Vought, has taken to X, formerly called Twitter, to point out… Read more »
Birthplace of Silicon Valley (1939) David Packard and Bill Hewlett found their company Hewlett-Packard in a Palo Alto, California garage. Their first product, the HP 200A Audio Oscillator, rapidly became a popular piece of test equipment for engineers. Walt Disney Pictures ordered eight of the 200B model to test recording equipment and speaker systems for the 12 specially equipped theatres that showed the movie “Fantasia” in 1940. In 1939, Hewlett completed his EE masters thesis at Stanford. His thesis project was a variation of the Wien bridge oscillator, in which he used the negative differential resistance of an incandescent lamp… Read more »
From yesterday
no but I saw that it closed at 33,666.
Sit up and pay attention to Professor Jacobson. There were unclear news reports on the judge’s ruling so Jacobson paid for a transcript of the hearing itself. There are bombshells and then there are bombshells. Affirmative Action sure does make strange alliances. In this case, a desire to defend a grant program open only to black women may bring down the entire anti-discrimination legal infrastructure that has been in place for over 150 years, if a District Court ruling that racially discriminatory contracting is “speech and expression” protected by the First Amendment is not reversed. The American Alliance for Equal… Read more »
Adam Schiff-Hole is a lying, treasonous, miscreant. A pox on his house.
He is a Nancy-boy.
Isn’t Jimmah’ and Rosalynn Carter both still alive and aren’t they about 100?
Good Georgia genes I guess.
Breaker Finder 5000 😀
Oh and the 5000 is in Amps. 😉
Not until the funeral.
Sorry to be disrespectful, but the idea of senators now serving in office until they die at 90 only adds to the pile of insults and embarrassments heaped upon the US Senate in recent memory and those are by its own members.
I am glad that at least one contaminant of the US Senate is now gone. Only about 70 mre to go. Good riddance to bad policy!